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Text -- Numbers 9:1 (NET)

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9:1 The Lord spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the first month of the second year after they had come out of the land of Egypt:
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Egypt descendants of Mizraim
 · Moses a son of Amram; the Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them The Law of Moses,a Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them the law
 · Sinai a mountain located either between the gulfs of Suez and Akaba or in Arabia, east of Akaba,a mountain; the place where the law was given to Moses

Dictionary Themes and Topics: WANDERINGS OF ISRAEL | Sinai | PASSOVER | NUMBERS, BOOK OF | MOSES | Israel | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Num 9:1 - -- And therefore before the numbering of the people, which was not till the second month, Num 1:1-2. But it is placed after it, because of a special case...

And therefore before the numbering of the people, which was not till the second month, Num 1:1-2. But it is placed after it, because of a special case relating to the passover, which happened after it, upon occasion whereof he mentions the command of God for keeping the passover in the wilderness, which was done but once, and without this command they had not been obliged to keep it at all, till they came to the land of Canaan.

Clarke: Num 9:1 - -- The Lord spake unto Moses - The fourteen first verses of this chapter certainly refer to transactions that took place at the time of those mentioned...

The Lord spake unto Moses - The fourteen first verses of this chapter certainly refer to transactions that took place at the time of those mentioned in the commencement of this book, before the numbering of the people, and several learned men are of opinion that these fourteen verses should be referred back to that place. We have already met with instances where transpositions have very probably taken place, and it is not difficult to account for them. As in very early times writing was generally on leaves of the Egyptian flag papyrus, or on thin laminae of different substances, facts and transactions thus entered were very liable to be deranged; so that when afterwards a series was made up into a book, many transactions might be inserted in wrong places, and thus the exact chronology of the facts be greatly disturbed. MSS. written on leaves of trees, having a hole in each, through which a cord is passed to keep them all in their places, are frequently to be met with in the cabinets of the curious, and many such are now before me, especially in Singalese, Pali, and Burman. Should the cord break, or be accidentally unloosed, it would be exceedingly difficult to string them all in their proper places; accidents of this kind I have often met with to my very great perplexity, and in some cases found it almost impossible to restore each individual leaf to its own place; for it should be observed that these separate pieces of oriental writing are not always paged like the leaves of our printed books; nor are there frequently any catch-words or signatures at the bottom to connect the series. This one consideration will account for several transpositions, especially in the Pentateuch, where they occur more frequently than in any other part of the sacred writings. Houbigant, who grants the existence of such transpositions, thinks that this is no sufficient reason why the present order of narration should be changed: "It is enough,"says he, non ignorare libros eos Mosis esse acta rerum suo tempore gestarum, non historiam filo perpetuo elaboratam, ""to know that these books contain an account of things transacted in the days of Moses, though not in their regular or chronological order.’

Calvin: Num 9:1 - -- 1.And the Lord spake unto Moses We may infer how great was the carelessness, nay, even the ingratitude of the people, from the fact that God recalls ...

1.And the Lord spake unto Moses We may infer how great was the carelessness, nay, even the ingratitude of the people, from the fact that God recalls to their recollection the celebration of the passover, before a year had elapsed. For what would they do fifty years hence, if there was any danger of their falling into forgetfulness of it in so short a time? If they had been voluntarily assiduous in their duty, it would have been unnecessary to repeat what had been so severely enjoined even with threats. But now God, as the year came to a close, reminds them that the day approaches on which He had fixed the passover to be held; that the Israelites might more surely learn that this solemn sacrifice is of yearly recurrence, and thus that it was sinful to omit it. He then commands that all the ceremonies should be diligently observed, and that they should not corrupt the pure institution with any strange leaven. Finally, their obedience is praised, because they had neither added anything to, nor diminished anything from, God’s command.

TSK: Num 9:1 - -- am 2514, bc 1490, An, Ex, Is, 2, Abib in the first month : The first fourteen verses of this chapter evidently refer to a time previous to the commenc...

am 2514, bc 1490, An, Ex, Is, 2, Abib

in the first month : The first fourteen verses of this chapter evidently refer to a time previous to the commencement of this book; but as there is no evidence of a transposition, it is better to conclude with Houbigant, that ""it is enough to know, that these books contain an account of things transacted in the days of Moses, though not in their regular or chronological order.""Num 1:1; Exo 40:2

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Num 9:1-5 - -- Passover at Sinai. This, as being kept in the first month, was prior in time to the numbering of Num 1:1 ff, and to the other events narrated in thi...

Passover at Sinai. This, as being kept in the first month, was prior in time to the numbering of Num 1:1 ff, and to the other events narrated in this book. It is, however, recorded here as introductory to the ordinance of Num 9:6-14 in this chapter respecting the supplementary Passover; the observance of which was one of the last occurrences during the halt at Sinai.

Num 9:5

In some details, the present Passover differed both from that kept at the Exodus itself and from all subsequent Passovers. For example, the direction of Exo 12:22 could not be carried out in the letter while the people were dwelling in tents; and may be regarded as superseded by Lev 17:3-6 (compare Deu 16:5 ff).

In other points, such as how many lambs would be wanted, how the blood of the Paschal victims could be sprinkled upon the altar in the time specified, etc., the administrators of the Law of Moses would here, as elsewhere, have, from the nature of the case, power to order what might be requisite to carry the law into effect.

Poole: Num 9:1 - -- In the first month and therefore before the numbering of the people, which was not till the second month, Num 1:1,2 . But it is placed after it, bec...

In the first month and therefore before the numbering of the people, which was not till the second month, Num 1:1,2 . But it is placed after it, because of a special case relating to the passover, which happened after it, and which is here related, upon occasion whereof he mentions the command of God for the keeping of the passover in the wilderness, which was done but once, and without this command they had not been obliged to keep it at all till they came to the land of Canaan. See Exo 12:25 .

Haydock: Num 9:1 - -- The Lord. The 15 first verses might be placed at the head of this book. God gave orders to celebrate the first passover in the desert, about the 14...

The Lord. The 15 first verses might be placed at the head of this book. God gave orders to celebrate the first passover in the desert, about the 14th of the first month, in the second year of liberty, soon after the consecration of the tabernacle. (Calmet) ---

This is the only passover which the Jews are recorded to have celebrated during the 40 years' sojournment; as they were not allowed to celebrate it, without having circumcised all the males of their family, (Exodus xii. 43,) which they could not do in the wilderness (His cuni, &c.) being uncertain how soon they would have to remove by the direction of God. (Haydock) ---

First month. Hence, Moses does not always observe the order of time, as he spoke (chap. i.) of what happened in the second month. (Du Hamel)

Gill: Num 9:1 - -- And the Lord spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai,.... While the people of Israel were encamped there, before they took their journey from then...

And the Lord spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai,.... While the people of Israel were encamped there, before they took their journey from thence:

in the first month of the second year, after they were come out of the land of Egypt: the following order was given some time in the first month of the second year of Israel's departure out of Egypt; the precise day is not mentioned, it must be in the beginning of the month before the fourteenth day of it, in which the passover is ordered to be kept, according to the first institution of it; very probably immediately after the setting up of the tabernacle, and the consecration of Aaron and his sons; and it must be before the numbering of the people the fixing of their standards, the appointment of the Levites, and the dedication of them; since the order for the numbering of the people was on the first day of the second month, Num 1:1, but the account of them was postponed to this time, in order to give a relation of an affair which was not finished until the second month, and therefore the whole is laid together here:

saying, as follows.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Num 9:1 The temporal clause is formed with the infinitive construct of יָצָא (yatsa’, “to go out; to leave”). ...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Num 9:1-23 - --1 The passover is again commanded.6 A second passover for the unclean or absent.15 The cloud directs the removals and encampments of the Israelites.

MHCC: Num 9:1-14 - --God gave particular orders for the keeping of this passover, and, for aught that appears, after this, they kept no passover till they came to Canaan, ...

Matthew Henry: Num 9:1-14 - -- Here we have, I. An order given for the solemnization of the passover, the day twelvemonth after they came out of Egypt, on the fourteenth day of th...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 9:1-5 - -- The Passover at Sinai, and Instructions for a Supplementary Passover. - Num 9:1-5. On the first institution of the Passover, before the exodus from ...

Constable: Num 1:1--10:36 - --A. Preparations for entering the Promised Land from the south chs. 1-10 The first 10 chapters in Numbers...

Constable: Num 5:1--9:23 - --2. Commands and rituals to observe in preparation for entering the land chs. 5-9 God gave the fo...

Constable: Num 7:1--9:23 - --The dedication of the tabernacle chs. 7-9 The revelation of ordinances and instructions ...

Constable: Num 9:1-14 - --The Passover at Sinai and instructions for a supplementary Passover 9:1-14 On th...

Guzik: Num 9:1-23 - --Numbers 9 - Keeping the Passover; the Cloud by Day and Fire by Night A. Keeping the Passover. 1. (1-5) The first Passover in the wilderness. Now t...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Numbers (Book Introduction) NUMBERS. This book is so called because it contains an account of the enumeration and arrangement of the Israelites. The early part of it, from the fi...


TSK: Numbers (Book Introduction) The book of Numbers is a book containing a series of the most astonishing providences and events. Every where and in every circumstance God appears; ...

TSK: Numbers 9 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Num 9:1, The passover is again commanded; Num 9:6, A second passover for the unclean or absent; Num 9:15, The cloud directs the removals ...

Poole: Numbers (Book Introduction) FOURTH BOOK OF MOSES, CALLED NUMBERS THE ARGUMENT This Book giveth us a history of almost forty years travel of the children of Israel through th...

Poole: Numbers 9 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 9 The passover kept in the wilderness on the fourteenth day of the first month, Num 9:1-5 . By those who were then unclean or journeying, t...

MHCC: Numbers (Book Introduction) This book is called NUMBERS from the several numberings of the people contained in it. It extends from the giving of the law at Sinai, till their arri...

MHCC: Numbers 9 (Chapter Introduction) (Num 9:1-14) Of the Passover. (Num 9:15-23) The removals of the Israelites.

Matthew Henry: Numbers (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Fourth Book of Moses, Called Numbers The titles of the five books of Moses, which we use in our Bib...

Matthew Henry: Numbers 9 (Chapter Introduction) This chapter is, I. Concerning the great ordinance of the passover; 1. Orders given for the observance of it, at the return of the year (Num 9:1-...

Constable: Numbers (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title the Jews used in their Hebrew Old Testament for this book...

Constable: Numbers (Outline) Outline I. Experiences of the older generation in the wilderness chs. 1-25 A. Preparations f...

Constable: Numbers Numbers Bibliography Aharoni, Yohanan. The Land of the Bible. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1979. ...

Haydock: Numbers (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION. This fourth Book of Moses is called Numbers , because it begins with the numbering of the people. The Hebrews, from its first words...

Gill: Numbers (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO NUMBERS This book has its name from the account it gives of the "numbers" of the children of Israel, twice taken particularly; whic...

Gill: Numbers 9 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO NUMBERS 9 In this chapter the command for keeping the passover is repeated, and it was accordingly kept, Num 9:1; but some persons ...

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