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Text -- Numbers 25:12 (NET)

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25:12 Therefore, announce: ‘I am going to give to him my covenant of peace.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Zimri | Zeal | TEXT OF THE OLD TESTAMENT | Phinehas | PRIEST, HIGH | PENTATEUCH, 2A | MOSES | MOAB; MOABITES | MIDIANITISH, WOMAN | Israel | Fear of God | Decision | Covenant | COZBI | COVENANT, IN THE OLD TESTAMENT | Balaam | BAAL | ABEL-SHITTIM | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Num 25:12 - -- That is, the covenant of an everlasting priesthood, as it is expounded, Num 25:13, which is called a covenant of peace, partly with respect to the hap...

That is, the covenant of an everlasting priesthood, as it is expounded, Num 25:13, which is called a covenant of peace, partly with respect to the happy effect of this heroical action of his, whereby he made peace between God and his people; and partly with regard to the principal end of the priestly office, which was constantly to do that which Phinehas now did, even to meditate between God and men, to obtain and preserve his own and Israel's peace and reconciliation with God, by offering up sacrifices and incense, and prayers, to God on their behalf, as also by turning them away from iniquity, which is the only peace - breaker, and by teaching and pressing the observation of that law, which is the only bond of their peace.

JFB: Num 25:11-13 - -- This assurance was a signal mark of honor that the stain of blood, instead of defiling, confirmed him in office and that his posterity should continue...

This assurance was a signal mark of honor that the stain of blood, instead of defiling, confirmed him in office and that his posterity should continue as long as the national existence of Israel.

Clarke: Num 25:12-13 - -- My covenant of peace - of an everlasting priesthood - As the word peace implied all kinds of blessings, both spiritual and temporal, it may mean no ...

My covenant of peace - of an everlasting priesthood - As the word peace implied all kinds of blessings, both spiritual and temporal, it may mean no more here than the promise of God, to grant him and his family the utmost prosperity in reference to both worlds. The everlasting priesthood refers properly to the priesthood of Christ which was shadowed out by the priesthood under the law; no matter in what family it was continued. Therefore the כהנת עולם kehunnath olam , or eternal priesthood, does not merely refer to any sacerdotal ministrations which should be continued in the family of Phinehas, during the Mosaic dispensation, but to that priesthood of Christ typified by that of Aaron and his successors. The priesthood alone is everlasting, and a covenant or grant of that was made to Phinehas, and his descendants. The Jews reckon twelve high priests of the race of Phinehas, from this time to the days of Solomon, nine more from that time to the captivity, (see 1Ch 6:4, 1Ch 6:15), and fifteen from their return to the time of Antiochus Eupator, the last of whom was Onias, slain by Lysias. Ezra, the great priest and scribe, was of this line, Ezr 7:1, Ezr 7:5. The family of Ithamar, uncle of Phinehas, had the priesthood for about 150 years; but it was restored to the family of Phinehas in the person of Zadok the priest, 1Ch 6:50, in which it continued in the whole about 950 years. Probably the Maccabees were of the same family; but though this is not certain, there is no evidence against it. See Calmet. God therefore sufficiently fulfilled his promise; he gave to him and his descendants almost the utmost temporal length that could be given of that priesthood which is, in its own nature, eternal. Here then the word עולם olam means, not a limited time, but what is eternal in its duration. See the note on Gen 21:33.

TSK: Num 25:12 - -- Num 13:29; Mal 2:4, Mal 2:5, Mal 3:1

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Num 25:12 - -- My covenant of peace - Equivalent to "the covenant of My peace."God established with Phinehas in particular that covenant which He had made gen...

My covenant of peace - Equivalent to "the covenant of My peace."God established with Phinehas in particular that covenant which He had made generally with all his people; and among its blessings peace is especially mentioned, because of the peace between God and the congregation which Phinehas had brought about. As an additional gift there is assigned to him and his seed forever the office of peace-making, the legitimate function of the priesthood (compare Eph 2:14); and the covenant was thus to him a covenant not only of peace but of life (compare the marginal reference). Phinehas became highpriest after the death of his father Eleazar, and the office, with a short interruption from the days of Eli to those of David, when for unknown reasons it was filled by the descendants of his uncle Ithamar, was perpetuated in his line; nor indeed is it known to have departed from that line again until the typical priesthood of the sons of Aaron was merged in the actual priesthood of the Saviour of mankind.

Poole: Num 25:12 - -- i.e. The covenant of an everlasting priesthood , as it is expounded, Num 25:13 , which is called a covenant of peace, partly with respect to the ha...

i.e. The covenant of an everlasting priesthood , as it is expounded, Num 25:13 , which is called a covenant of peace, partly with respect to the happy effect of this heroical action of his, whereby he made peace between God and his people; and partly with regard to the principal end and use of the priestly office, which was constantly to do that which Phinehas now did, even to mediate between God and men, to obtain and preserve his own and Israel’ s peace and reconciliation with God, by offering up sacrifices, and incense, and prayers to God on their behalf, Num 16:47,48 , as also by turning them away from iniquity, which is the only peace-breaker, and by teaching and pressing the observation of that law, which is the only bond of their peace, Mal 2:5-7 .

Haydock: Num 25:12 - -- Peace. He has the honour of restoring the people to peace and to my favour, so that my covenant shall still subsist with them. He shall surely be hi...

Peace. He has the honour of restoring the people to peace and to my favour, so that my covenant shall still subsist with them. He shall surely be his father's successor in the high priesthood, and shall not be prevented by death.

Gill: Num 25:12 - -- Wherefore say,.... Moses is bid to tell what follows to Phinehas himself, for his comfort and encouragement, and to the people of Israel, that they mi...

Wherefore say,.... Moses is bid to tell what follows to Phinehas himself, for his comfort and encouragement, and to the people of Israel, that they might take notice of it, and give him honour and respect, as one highly esteemed by the Lord:

behold, I give unto him my covenant of peace; not only hereby assuring him that he had nothing to fear from the brethren and relations of the person he had slain, as Aben Ezra; but that he should enjoy all peace and happiness, external, internal, and eternal: Baal Hatfurira on the place says, that "Shalom", peace, is by geometry, or numerically, the Messiah; who is the peace, the peace maker, and peace giver, and in whom all the blessings of grace and peace are: and if this covenant is the same with the covenant of the priesthood in the next verse, it may be so called, because the priests had a peculiar nearness to God, and enjoyed his friendship, favour, and peace with him, and because the right administration of their office was the means of peace between God and his people; in this also Phinehas was a type of Christ; the covenant of grace made with him is called the covenant of peace, Isa 54:10 for in this covenant the scheme of peace and reconciliation was formed, agreed to, and settled; Christ was appointed the peace maker, which he agreed to be; and in consequence of it was sent and obtained peace by the blood of his cross, which is published in the everlasting Gospel, called therefore the Gospel of peace.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Num 25:12 Or “my pledge of friendship” (NAB), or “my pact of friendship” (NJPS). This is the designation of the leadership of the priest...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Num 25:1-18 - --1 Israel at Shittim commit whoredom and idolatry.6 Phinehas kills Zimri and Cozbi.10 God therefore gives him an everlasting priesthood.16 The Midianit...

MHCC: Num 25:6-15 - --Phinehas, in the courage of zeal and faith, executed vengeance on Zimri and Cozbi. This act can never be an example for private revenge, or religious ...

Matthew Henry: Num 25:6-15 - -- Here is a remarkable contest between wickedness and righteousness, which shall be most bold and resolute; and righteousness carries the day, as no d...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 25:10-15 - -- For this act of divine zeal the eternal possession of the priesthood was promised to Phinehas and his posterity as Jehovah's covenant of peace. בּ...

Constable: Num 25:1-18 - --Israel's final rebellion and the termination of the older generation ch. 25 This chapter contains one of the great failures of Israel that followed on...

Guzik: Num 25:1-18 - --Numbers 25 - Israel's Sin with Moab A. Sexual immorality, idolatry, and the aftermath. 1. (1-3) Israel's harlotry with the women of Moab. Now Isra...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Numbers (Book Introduction) NUMBERS. This book is so called because it contains an account of the enumeration and arrangement of the Israelites. The early part of it, from the fi...


TSK: Numbers (Book Introduction) The book of Numbers is a book containing a series of the most astonishing providences and events. Every where and in every circumstance God appears; ...

TSK: Numbers 25 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Num 25:1, Israel at Shittim commit whoredom and idolatry; Num 25:6, Phinehas kills Zimri and Cozbi; Num 25:10, God therefore gives him an...

Poole: Numbers (Book Introduction) FOURTH BOOK OF MOSES, CALLED NUMBERS THE ARGUMENT This Book giveth us a history of almost forty years travel of the children of Israel through th...

Poole: Numbers 25 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 25 The Israelites’ whoredom and idolatry: God commands the guilty to be put to death, Num 25:1-5 . A plague: Phinehas’ s zeal; f...

MHCC: Numbers (Book Introduction) This book is called NUMBERS from the several numberings of the people contained in it. It extends from the giving of the law at Sinai, till their arri...

MHCC: Numbers 25 (Chapter Introduction) (Num 25:1-5) The Israelites enticed by the daughters of Moab and Midian. (Num 25:6-15) Phinehas puts Zimri and Cozbi to death. (Num 25:16-18) The Mi...

Matthew Henry: Numbers (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Fourth Book of Moses, Called Numbers The titles of the five books of Moses, which we use in our Bib...

Matthew Henry: Numbers 25 (Chapter Introduction) Israel, having escaped the curse of Balaam, here sustains a great deal of damage and reproach by the counsel of Balaam, who, it seems, before he le...

Constable: Numbers (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title the Jews used in their Hebrew Old Testament for this book...

Constable: Numbers (Outline) Outline I. Experiences of the older generation in the wilderness chs. 1-25 A. Preparations f...

Constable: Numbers Numbers Bibliography Aharoni, Yohanan. The Land of the Bible. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1979. ...

Haydock: Numbers (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION. This fourth Book of Moses is called Numbers , because it begins with the numbering of the people. The Hebrews, from its first words...

Gill: Numbers (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO NUMBERS This book has its name from the account it gives of the "numbers" of the children of Israel, twice taken particularly; whic...

Gill: Numbers 25 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO NUMBERS 25 The contents of this chapter are, the sin of the people of Israel, their whoredom and idolatry, Num 25:1, their punishme...

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