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Text -- Proverbs 28:13 (NET)

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28:13 The one who covers his transgressions will not prosper, but whoever confesses them and forsakes them will find mercy.
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
JFB , Clarke , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

Critics Ask , Evidence

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

JFB: Pro 28:13 - -- (Compare Psa 32:3-5). Concealment of sin delivers none from God's wrath, but He shows mercy to the humble penitent (Psa 51:4).

(Compare Psa 32:3-5). Concealment of sin delivers none from God's wrath, but He shows mercy to the humble penitent (Psa 51:4).

Clarke: Pro 28:13 - -- He that covereth his sins - Here is a general direction relative to conversion 1.    If the sinner do not acknowledge his sins; if he...

He that covereth his sins - Here is a general direction relative to conversion

1.    If the sinner do not acknowledge his sins; if he cover and excuse them, and refuse to come to the light of God’ s word and Spirit, lest his deeds should be reproved, he shall find no salvation. God will never admit a sinful, unhumbled soul, into his kingdom

2.    But if he confess his sin, with a penitent and broken heart, and, by forsaking every evil way, give this proof that he feels his own sore, and the plague of his heart, then he shall have mercy. Here is a doctrine of vital importance to the salvation of the soul, which the weakest may understand.

Defender: Pro 28:13 - -- That is, rationalizing his sin in order to avoid confessing it, where confession involves naming the particular sin.

That is, rationalizing his sin in order to avoid confessing it, where confession involves naming the particular sin.

Defender: Pro 28:13 - -- "Forsaking" a sin includes not only giving it up but also actually "forgetting" it, so there is no longer desire for it."

"Forsaking" a sin includes not only giving it up but also actually "forgetting" it, so there is no longer desire for it."

TSK: Pro 28:13 - -- that : Pro 10:12, Pro 17:9; Gen 3:12, Gen 3:13, Gen 4:9; 1Sa 15:13, 1Sa 15:24; Job 31:33; Psa 32:3-5; Jer 2:22, Jer 2:23; Mat 23:25-28 whoso : Lev 26:...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Pro 28:13 - -- The conditions of freedom are confession and amendment, confession to God of sins against Him, to men of sins against them. The teaching of ethical ...

The conditions of freedom are confession and amendment, confession to God of sins against Him, to men of sins against them. The teaching of ethical wisdom on this point is identical with that of psalmist, prophet, apostles, and our Lord Himself.

Poole: Pro 28:13 - -- That covereth his sins that doth not confess them (as appears by the opposite clause) to God, and to men too, when occasion requires it; that being c...

That covereth his sins that doth not confess them (as appears by the opposite clause) to God, and to men too, when occasion requires it; that being convinced or admonished of his sins, either justifieth, or denieth, or excuseth them.

Shall not prosper shall not succeed in his design of avoiding punishment by the concealment of his sins; shall not find mercy, as is implied from the next clause. Whoso confesseth and forsaketh them, by hearty dislike and hatred of all his sins, and by a resolved cessation from a sinful course of life. This is added, to show, that although the dissembling or hiding one’ s sins is sufficient for his damnation, yet mere confession without forsaking of sin is not sufficient for salvation.

Shall have mercy both from God, who hath promised, and from men, who are ready to grant pardon and favour to such persons.

Haydock: Pro 28:13 - -- Mercy. This is true repentance, which enjoins, "not only to bewail past sins, but also to amend." (St. Ambrose, ii. Pen. v.) --- Sacramental confe...

Mercy. This is true repentance, which enjoins, "not only to bewail past sins, but also to amend." (St. Ambrose, ii. Pen. v.) ---

Sacramental confession was not required of the Jews, but they confessed their sins, when they laid their hands on the victim, &c., Leviticus iv., and v. (Calmet)

Gill: Pro 28:13 - -- He that covereth his sins shall not prosper,.... God may cover a man's sins, and it is an instance of his grace, and it is the glory of it to do it, b...

He that covereth his sins shall not prosper,.... God may cover a man's sins, and it is an instance of his grace, and it is the glory of it to do it, but a man may not cover his own: it is right in one good man to cover the sins of another, reproving him secretly, and freely forgiving him; but it is wrong in a man to cover his own: not that any man is bound to accuse himself before a court of judicature, or ought to expose his sins to the public, which would be to the hurt of his credit, and to the scandal of religion; but whenever he is charged with sin, and reproved for it by his fellow Christian, be should not cover it, that is, he should own it; for not to own and acknowledge it is to cover it; he should not deny it, which is to cover it with a lie, and is adding sin to sin; nor should he justify it, as if he had done a right thing; nor extenuate or excuse it, or impute it to others that drew him into it, as Adam, which is called a covering transgression, as Adam, Job 31:33; for such a man "shall not prosper"; in soul or body, in things temporal or spiritual; he shall not have peace of mind and conscience; but, sooner or later, shall feel the stings it; he shall not succeed even in those things he has in view by covering his sins; he shall not be able to cover them long, for there is nothing covered but what shall be revealed; if not in this life, which yet often is, however at the day of judgment, when every secret thing shall be made manifest; nor shall he escape the shame and punishment he thought to avoid by covering it, as may be observed in the case of Achan, Jos 7:11; in short, he shall have no mercy shown him by God or man, as appears by the antithesis in the next clause;

but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy; who confesses them to men privately and publicly, according to the nature of the offences, from whom they find mercy; but not to a priest, in order for absolution, which no man can give; sin is only in this sense to be confessed to God, against it is committed, and who only can pardon it; and though it is known unto him, yet he requires an acknowledgment of it, which should be done from the heart, with an abhorrence of the sin, and in the faith of Christ, as a sacrifice for it; and it is not enough to confess, there must be a forsaking likewise, a parting with sin, a denying of sinful self, a leaving the former course of sin, and a quitting the company of wicked men before used to, and an abstaining from all appearance of evil; as is and will be the case, where there is a true sight and sense of sin, and the grace of God takes place: and such find "mercy", pardoning grace and mercy, or pardon in a way of mercy, and not merit; for though the sinner confesses and forsakes it, it is not that which merits pardon and mercy in God, who is rich in it, delights in showing it, and from whom it may be hoped for and expected by all such persons; see Psa 32:5. So the Targum and Syriac version, God will have mercy on him.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Pro 28:13 This verse is unique in the book of Proverbs; it captures the theology of forgiveness (e.g., Pss 32 and 51). Every part of the passage is essential to...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Pro 28:1-28 - --1 General observations of impiety and religious integrity.

MHCC: Pro 28:13 - --It is folly to indulge sin, and excuse it. He who covers his sins, shall not have any true peace. He who humbly confesses his sins, with true repentan...

Matthew Henry: Pro 28:13 - -- Here is, 1. The folly of indulging sin, of palliating and excusing it, denying or extenuating it, diminishing it, dissembling it, or throwing the bl...

Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 28:13 - -- 13 He that denieth his sin shall not prosper; But he that acknowledgeth and forsaketh it shall obtain mercy. Thus is this proverb translated by Lu...

Constable: Pro 25:1--29:27 - --IV. MAXIMS EXPRESSING WISDOM chs. 25--29 We return now to the proverbs of Solomon (cf. 1:1-22:16). Chapters 25-2...

Constable: Pro 28:1--29:27 - --C. Instructive Contrasts chs. 28-29 Most of the proverbs in this section are couplets, and most of them set forth a truth by means of a contrast. 28:2...

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Commentary -- Other

Critics Ask: Pro 28:13 PROVERBS 28:13 —Is it right to cover sins or not? PROBLEM: God warns here that “He who covers his sins will not prosper.” However, elsewher...

Evidence: Pro 28:13 Sin cannot be covered from the eyes of a holy Creator . Biblical conversion not only comes from confessing sin to God, but also from forsaking sin. Th...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Proverbs (Book Introduction) THE NATURE AND USE OF PROVERBS.--A proverb is a pithy sentence, concisely expressing some well-established truth susceptible of various illustrations ...

TSK: Proverbs (Book Introduction) The wisdom of all ages, from the highest antiquity, has chosen to compress and communicate its lessons in short, compendious sentences, and in poetic ...

TSK: Proverbs 28 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Pro 28:1, General observations of impiety and religious integrity.

Poole: Proverbs 28 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 28 The character of the righteous and of the wicked, with the blessed fruits of integrity, and evil effects of sin, Pro 28:11-12 . The evil...

MHCC: Proverbs (Book Introduction) The subject of this book may be thus stated by an enlargement on the opening verses. 1. The Proverbs of Solomon, the son of David, king of Israel. 2. ...

Matthew Henry: Proverbs (Book Introduction) An Exposition, With Practical Observations, of The Proverbs We have now before us, I. A new author, or penman rather, or pen (if you will) made use o...

Constable: Proverbs (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book in the Hebrew Bible is "The Proverbs of Solo...

Constable: Proverbs (Outline) Outline I. Discourses on wisdom chs. 1-9 A. Introduction to the book 1:1-7 ...

Constable: Proverbs Proverbs Bibliography Aitken, Kenneth T. Proverbs. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1986. Alden...

Haydock: Proverbs (Book Introduction) THE BOOK OF PROVERBS. INTRODUCTION. This book is so called, because it consists of wise and weighty sentences, regulating the morals of men; and...

Gill: Proverbs (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PROVERBS This book is called, in some printed Hebrew copies, "Sepher Mishle", the Book of Proverbs; the title of it in the Vulgate ...

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