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Text -- Proverbs 28:2-28 (NET)

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28:2 When a country is rebellious it has many princes, but by someone who is discerning and knowledgeable order is maintained. 28:3 A poor person who oppresses the weak is like a driving rain without food. 28:4 Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but those who keep the law contend with them. 28:5 Evil people do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand it all. 28:6 A poor person who walks in his integrity is better than one who is perverse in his ways even though he is rich. 28:7 The one who keeps the law is a discerning child, but a companion of gluttons brings shame to his parents. 28:8 The one who increases his wealth by increasing interest gathers it for someone who is gracious to the needy. 28:9 The one who turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination. 28:10 The one who leads the upright astray in an evil way will himself fall into his own pit, but the blameless will inherit what is good. 28:11 A rich person is wise in his own eyes, but a discerning poor person can evaluate him properly. 28:12 When the righteous rejoice, great is the glory, but when the wicked rise to power, people are sought out. 28:13 The one who covers his transgressions will not prosper, but whoever confesses them and forsakes them will find mercy. 28:14 Blessed is the one who is always cautious, but whoever hardens his heart will fall into evil. 28:15 Like a roaring lion or a roving bear, so is a wicked ruler over a poor people. 28:16 The prince who is a great oppressor lacks wisdom, but the one who hates unjust gain will prolong his days. 28:17 The one who is tormented by the murder of another will flee to the pit; let no one support him. 28:18 The one who walks blamelessly will be delivered, but whoever is perverse in his ways will fall at once. 28:19 The one who works his land will be satisfied with food, but whoever chases daydreams will have his fill of poverty. 28:20 A faithful person will have an abundance of blessings, but the one who hastens to gain riches will not go unpunished. 28:21 To show partiality is terrible, for a person will transgress over the smallest piece of bread. 28:22 The stingy person hastens after riches and does not know that poverty will overtake him. 28:23 The one who reproves another will in the end find more favor than the one who flatters with the tongue. 28:24 The one who robs his father and mother and says, “There is no transgression,” is a companion to the one who destroys. 28:25 The greedy person stirs up dissension, but the one who trusts in the Lord will prosper. 28:26 The one who trusts in his own heart is a fool, but the one who walks in wisdom will escape. 28:27 The one who gives to the poor will not lack, but whoever shuts his eyes to them will receive many curses. 28:28 When the wicked gain control, people hide themselves, but when they perish, the righteous increase.
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Pro 28:2 For a study of the verses in chapters 28 and 29 concerning kings and governments, see B. V. Malchow, “A Manual for Future Monarchs,” CBQ 4...

NET Notes: Pro 28:3 “Food” is a metonymy of effect here. The picture is of the driving rain that should cause crops to grow so that food can be produced ̵...

NET Notes: Pro 28:4 The verb is the Hitpael imperfect of גָּרָה (garah), which means “to stir up strife” but in this stem ...

NET Notes: Pro 28:5 The contrast (and the difference) is between the wicked and those who seek the Lord. Originally the idea of seeking the Lord meant to obtain an oracle...

NET Notes: Pro 28:6 This is another “better” saying, contrasting a poor person who has integrity with a rich person who is perverse. Of course there are rich ...

NET Notes: Pro 28:7 Heb “father,” but the immediate context does not suggest limiting this only to the male parent.

NET Notes: Pro 28:8 The verse is saying that in God’s justice wealth amassed unjustly will eventually go to the poor. God will take the wealth away from them and gi...

NET Notes: Pro 28:9 C. H. Toy says, “If a man, on his part, is deaf to instruction, then God, on his part, is deaf to prayer” (Proverbs [ICC], 499). And W. Mc...

NET Notes: Pro 28:10 This proverb is teaching that those who corrupt others will be destroyed, usually by their own devices, but those who manage to avoid being corrupted ...

NET Notes: Pro 28:11 The form יַחְקְרֶנּוּ (yakhqÿrennu) means “he searches him” (...

NET Notes: Pro 28:12 The meaning of “sought out” (יְחֻפַּשׂ, yÿkhuppas) indicates that people have g...

NET Notes: Pro 28:13 This verse is unique in the book of Proverbs; it captures the theology of forgiveness (e.g., Pss 32 and 51). Every part of the passage is essential to...

NET Notes: Pro 28:14 The one who “hardens his heart” in this context is the person who refuses to fear sin and its consequences. The image of the “hard h...

NET Notes: Pro 28:15 A poor nation under the control of political tyrants who are dangerous and destructive is helpless. The people of that nation will crumble under them ...

NET Notes: Pro 28:16 This follows the Qere reading of the participle which is singular (as opposed to the plural). The implication is that this one is also a ruler, parall...

NET Notes: Pro 28:17 The verse is cryptic; it simply says that he will “flee to the pit.” Some have taken the “pit” to refer to the place of detent...

NET Notes: Pro 28:18 The last word in the verse, בְּאֶחָת (bÿ’ekhat), means “in one [= at once (?)].”...

NET Notes: Pro 28:19 The repetition of the verb strengthens the contrast. Both halves of the verse use the verb יִשְׂבַּ...

NET Notes: Pro 28:20 The proverb is not rebuking diligent labor. One who is eager to get rich quickly is the opposite of the faithful person. The first person is faithful ...

NET Notes: Pro 28:21 The meaning and connection of the line is not readily clear. It could be taken in one of two ways: (1) a person can steal even a small piece of bread ...

NET Notes: Pro 28:22 The one who is hasty to gain wealth is involved in sin in some way, for which he will be punished by poverty. The idea of “hastening” afte...

NET Notes: Pro 28:23 The construction uses the Hiphil participle מַחֲלִיק (makhaliq, “makes smooth”) followed b...

NET Notes: Pro 28:24 Heb “man who destroys” (so NASB); TEV “no better than a common thief.”

NET Notes: Pro 28:25 The verb דָּשֵׁן (dashen) means “to be fat,” and in the Piel/Pual stems “to make fat/to be...

NET Notes: Pro 28:26 The verb form יִמָּלֵט (yimmalet) is the Niphal imperfect; the form means “to escape.” In ...

NET Notes: Pro 28:27 The text does not specify the nature or the source of the curses. It is natural to think that they would be given by the poor who are being mistreated...

NET Notes: Pro 28:28 The two clauses have parallel constructions: They both begin with infinitives construct with prepositions functioning as temporal clauses, followed by...

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