Text -- Proverbs 3:6 (NET)

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Clarke -> Pro 3:6
Clarke: Pro 3:6 - -- In all thy ways acknowledge him - Begin, continue, and end every work, purpose, and device, with God. Earnestly pray for his direction at the commen...
In all thy ways acknowledge him - Begin, continue, and end every work, purpose, and device, with God. Earnestly pray for his direction at the commencement; look for his continual support in the progress; and so begin and continue that all may terminate in his glory: and then it will certainly be to thy good; for we never honor God, without serving ourselves. This passage is well rendered in my old MS. Bible: Have trost in the Lord of all thin herte and ne lene thou to thi prudence: in all thi weys think hym, and he shal right rulen thi goyuges; ne be thou wiis anentis thiself. Self-suf ficiency and self-dependence have been the ruin of mankind ever since the fall of Adam. The grand sin of the human race is their continual endeavor to live independently of God, i.e., to be without God in the world. True religion consists in considering God the fountain of all good, and expecting all good from him.
TSK -> Pro 3:6
TSK: Pro 3:6 - -- In : Pro 16:3, Pro 23:17; 1Sa 4:11, 1Sa 4:12, 1Sa 30:8; 1Ch 28:9; Ezr 7:27, Ezr 8:22, Ezr 8:23; Neh 1:11, Neh 2:4; 1Co 10:31; 2Co 8:16; Phi 4:6; Col 3...

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Barnes -> Pro 3:6
Barnes: Pro 3:6 - -- Not in acts of solemn worship or great crises only, but "in all thy ways;"and then God will make the "path"straight and even.
Not in acts of solemn worship or great crises only, but "in all thy ways;"and then God will make the "path"straight and even.
Poole -> Pro 3:6
Poole: Pro 3:6 - -- Ways designs and undertakings for the things of this life or of the next.
Acknowledge him Heb. know him , to wit, practically; or, own him ; his ...
Ways designs and undertakings for the things of this life or of the next.
Acknowledge him Heb. know him , to wit, practically; or, own him ; his wisdom, in following his counsels; his power and goodness, in expecting success from him; his sovereignty, in managing all thy affairs so as to please and glorify him.
Direct thy paths assist and bless all thine endeavours, and keep thee from the paths of sin and destruction.
PBC -> Pro 3:6
PBC: Pro 3:6 - -- "In all thy ways acknowledge him"
We are instructed elsewhere in the Bible to "... seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness..." and thi...
"In all thy ways acknowledge him"
We are instructed elsewhere in the Bible to "... seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness..." and this is followed with a promise: "... and all these things shall be added unto you..."{ Mt 6:33} God should indeed be first in the lives of every one of His children. We should reverence Him above and beyond anything and everything else in this world, even above our very lives.
When we put God first in our lives we find that life is far better, more enjoyable, and much happier than when we relegate Him to a dark and dusty corner of our lives. God deserves first place in our lives. We are indebted to Him for every breath we breathe, for the water we drink, for each heartbeat. These things are our lifeline, our means of living. Without them we die: without God we die.
"he shall direct thy paths"
With God directing our path we have no need to fear, for Satan cannot destroy that which God controls. With God directing our paths we are able to resist the devil. When we resist him he will flee from us.
Gill -> Pro 3:6
Gill: Pro 3:6 - -- In all thy ways acknowledge him,.... Or "know him" l; the Lord: set him before thee; have him always in view; consider him as ever present with thee, ...
In all thy ways acknowledge him,.... Or "know him" l; the Lord: set him before thee; have him always in view; consider him as ever present with thee, observing every step thou takest; and take not one step without his leave, and without his advice; ask wisdom of him who gives liberally; consult his word, and make the Scriptures thy counsellors, or the men of thy counsel, as in Psa 119:24; take him as your guide; observe the footsteps of his providence; follow the Lamb wheresoever he goes; walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit; when things go cross and adverse, and not to your mind, submit to his sovereignty; and be still and know that he is God, that does all things right, for his own glory and his people's good, Psa 46:10; and when things succeed, give him the glory of all; own his hand in it, and the bounty of it; acknowledge that all you have, in providence and grace, come from him;
and he shall direct thy paths; man cannot direct his own; no, not a man: this is a blessing from the Lord; who steps of his people, keeps the feet of his saints, and directs them aright in things temporal and spiritual, Jer 10:23.

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expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Pro 3:1-35
TSK Synopsis: Pro 3:1-35 - --1 Sundry exhortations.13 The gain of wisdom.27 Exhortation to beneficence, etc.33 The different state of the wicked and upright.
Maclaren -> Pro 3:1-10
Maclaren: Pro 3:1-10 - --The Secret Of Well-Being
My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: 2. For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall ...
MHCC -> Pro 3:1-6
MHCC: Pro 3:1-6 - --In the way of believing obedience to God's commandments health and peace may commonly be enjoyed; and though our days may not be long upon earth, we s...
Matthew Henry -> Pro 3:1-6
Matthew Henry: Pro 3:1-6 - -- We are here taught to live a life of communion with God; and without controversy great is this mystery of godliness, and of great consequence to us,...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Pro 3:5-8
Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 3:5-8 - --
Were "kindness and truth"(Pro 3:3) understood only in relation to men, then the following admonition would not be interposed, since it proceeds from...
Constable: Pro 1:1--9:18 - --I. DISCOURSES ON WISDOM chs. 1--9
Verse one introduces both the book as a whole and chapters 1-9 in particular. ...

Constable: Pro 1:8--8:1 - --B. Instruction for Young People 1:8-7:27
The two ways (paths) introduced in 1:7 stretch out before the r...