Text -- Proverbs 12:4 (NET)

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In the wide sense of well-disposed to all moral duties (Pro 31:10).
Clarke: Pro 12:4 - -- A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband - אשת חיל esheth chayil , a strong woman. Our word virtue (virtus) is derived from vir, a man; and...
A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband -

Clarke: Pro 12:4 - -- Is as rottenness in his bones - Does not this refer to a woman irregular in her manners, who by her incontinence not only maketh her husband ashamed...
Is as rottenness in his bones - Does not this refer to a woman irregular in her manners, who by her incontinence not only maketh her husband ashamed, but contracts and communicates such diseases as bring rottenness into the bones? I think so. And I think this was the view taken of the text by Coverdale, who translates thus: "A stedfast woman is a crowne unto her hussbonde: but she that behaveth herself unhonestly is a corruption in his bones."
TSK -> Pro 12:4
TSK: Pro 12:4 - -- virtuous : Pro 14:1, Pro 19:13, Pro 19:14, 31:10-25; 1Co 11:7, 1Co 11:11
she : Pro 21:9, Pro 21:19, Pro 27:15, Pro 27:16
as : Pro 14:30; Hab 3:16

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Barnes -> Pro 12:4
Barnes: Pro 12:4 - -- Virtuous - The word implies the virtue of earnestness, or strength of character, rather than of simple chastity. A crown - With the Jews ...
Virtuous - The word implies the virtue of earnestness, or strength of character, rather than of simple chastity.
A crown - With the Jews the sign, not of kingly power only, but also of joy and gladness. Compare Son 3:11.
Poole -> Pro 12:4
Poole: Pro 12:4 - -- A crown a singular ornament and matter of his glorying and joy.
That maketh ashamed that by her folly or wickedness bringeth shame to herself and t...
A crown a singular ornament and matter of his glorying and joy.
That maketh ashamed that by her folly or wickedness bringeth shame to herself and to her husband. As rottenness in his bones; loathsome, and vexatious, and pernicious.
Haydock -> Pro 12:4
Haydock: Pro 12:4 - -- Diligent. Hebrew, "strong or virtuous," (Haydock) including all the perfections of the sex, and in particular those of economy and chastity, chap. x...
Diligent. Hebrew, "strong or virtuous," (Haydock) including all the perfections of the sex, and in particular those of economy and chastity, chap. xiv. 1., and xxxi. 10.
Gill -> Pro 12:4
Gill: Pro 12:4 - -- A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband,.... One that is loving and chaste, constant and faithful, obsequious and submissive to him; that is dilig...
A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband,.... One that is loving and chaste, constant and faithful, obsequious and submissive to him; that is diligent in the affairs of her house, takes care of her family, brings up her children, and keeps up a good order and decorum among her servants, is an honour and credit to her husband. Such is the true church of Christ, who is compared to a woman, Rev 12:1; to a woman of purity and chastity, whose members are virgins, not defiled with the corruptions, errors, and superstition of the apostate church; to a woman of fortitude and courage, as the word m signifies, who resists sin, temptation, error, heresy, and idolatry, even unto blood; and whose true members love not their lives unto death, but freely lay them down in the cause of truth; such an one is an honour to Christ her husband;
but she that maketh ashamed; makes her husband ashamed, by her levity and wantonness, her negligence and slothfulness, so that he is ashamed to be seen with her, or to be known that he stands in such a relation to her; she
is as rottenness in his bones; a constant grief to his mind, a pressure upon his spirits, a wasting of his body, and a consumption of his estate; she is, as the Targum has it, "as a worm in wood", which rots and consumes it n; so the Septuagint, Syriac, and Arabic versions. Thus the apostate church of Rome, that professes to be the spouse of Christ, has made him ashamed of her; as being the Jezebel, that seduces his servants to fornication or idolatry; and whose doctrine and superstition eat, like a canker, the vitals of religion.

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Maclaren -> Pro 12:1-15
Maclaren: Pro 12:1-15 - --The Many-Sided Contrast Of Wisdom And Folly
Whose loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish. 2. A good man obtaineth...
MHCC -> Pro 12:4
MHCC: Pro 12:4 - --A wife who is pious, prudent, and looks well to the ways of her household, who makes conscience of her duty, and can bear crosses; such a one is an ho...
Matthew Henry -> Pro 12:4
Matthew Henry: Pro 12:4 - -- Note, 1. He that is blessed with a good wife is as happy as if he were upon the throne, for she is no less than a crown to him. A virtuous woman,...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Pro 12:4
Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 12:4 - --
We now place together Pro 12:4-12. One proverb concerning the house-wife forms the beginning of this group, and four regarding the management of the...
Constable -> Pro 10:1--22:17; Pro 12:1-12
Constable: Pro 10:1--22:17 - --II. COUPLETS EXPRESSING WISDOM 10:1--22:16
Chapters 1-9, as we have seen, contain discourses that Solomon eviden...