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Text -- Proverbs 15:16 (NET)

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15:16 Better is little with the fear of the Lord than great wealth and turmoil with it.
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , PBC , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Pro 15:16 - -- Tumultuous lusts and passions, vexatious cares, and horrors of conscience.

Tumultuous lusts and passions, vexatious cares, and horrors of conscience.

JFB: Pro 15:16 - -- Agitation, implying the anxieties and perplexities attending wealth held by worldlings (Pro 16:18; 1Ti 6:6).

Agitation, implying the anxieties and perplexities attending wealth held by worldlings (Pro 16:18; 1Ti 6:6).

Clarke: Pro 15:16 - -- Better is little with the fear of the Lord - Because where the fear of God is, there are moderation and contentment of spirit.

Better is little with the fear of the Lord - Because where the fear of God is, there are moderation and contentment of spirit.

TSK: Pro 15:16 - -- little : Pro 16:8, Pro 28:6; Psa 37:16; 1Ti 6:6 great : Pro 10:22; Ecc 2:10, Ecc 2:11, Ecc 2:18-23, Ecc 5:10-12

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Pro 15:16 - -- This proverb has its completion in the teaching of Mat 6:33.

This proverb has its completion in the teaching of Mat 6:33.

Poole: Pro 15:16 - -- The fear of the Lord which gives a man tranquillity and comfort in what he hath. Trouble tumultuous lusts and passions, vexatious cares and fears, ...

The fear of the Lord which gives a man tranquillity and comfort in what he hath.

Trouble tumultuous lusts and passions, vexatious cares and fears, horrors of conscience, and expectation of God’ s curse and judgment, which riches gotten without God’ s fear do commonly produce.

PBC: Pro 15:16 - -- See GILL: Pr 15:16

See GILL: Pr 15:16

Haydock: Pro 15:16 - -- Content. Septuagint, "fear." Hebrew, "with trouble," which is preferable, 1 Timothy vi. 6.

Content. Septuagint, "fear." Hebrew, "with trouble," which is preferable, 1 Timothy vi. 6.

Gill: Pro 15:16 - -- Better is little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble therewith. Not that a "little" is better than "much" of that which is good...

Better is little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble therewith. Not that a "little" is better than "much" of that which is good, as the things of this world are in themselves; poverty is not better than riches, simply considered; but as these are attended with different circumstances: if a man has but little of worldly substance, yet if he has "the fear of God" in his heart, and before his eyes; that fear which has God for its author and for its object, and which is itself a treasure; and may be here put for all grace, for the riches of grace saints are partakers of; such a man's little is better than another man's abundance without the fear of the Lord, as the Septuagint and Arabic versions render it: for such a man, though he has but little, which is the common portion of good men, yet he does not lack; be has enough, and is content; what he has he has with a blessing, and he enjoys it, and God in it, and has communion with him; and has also other bread to eat, the world knows nothing of: and particularly having the fear of God, the eve of God is upon him with pleasure; his heart is towards him, and sympathizes with him in all his troubles; his hand communicates unto him both temporal and spiritual meat, which is given to them that fear the Lord; his angels encamp about him, his power protects him; his secrets are with him, and inconceivable and inexpressible goodness is laid up for him: wherefore he is better off with his little, having the fear of God, than another with his great abundance and affluence, being destitute of it: and besides, having a great deal of "trouble" along with his treasure; trouble in amassing and getting it together; trouble in keeping it from being lost, or taken away by thieves and, robbers, for fear of which he cannot sleep; trouble through an insatiable desire of having more; he has no rest nor peace because he has not so much as he would have, or others have. Besides, he has what he has with curse; God sends upon him cursing, vexation, and rebuke, in all he sets his hand to, Deu 28:2; where the same word is used as here: and he has it also with the cry of the poor; so some render the word, "a noise" or "tumult" g; and interpret it of the cries and tears of those that are oppressed and injured; so Jarchi and Gersom; or, "with terror" h, as some render it; with the terrors of a guilty conscience, with the fear of hell and everlasting damnation. Better have a little with a good conscience, than ever so much attended with such circumstances; it is not any man's little, but the good man's little, that is preferable to the wicked man's much; see Psa 37:16.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Pro 15:16 Not all wealth has turmoil with it. But the proverb is focusing on the comparison of two things – fear of the Lord with little and wealth with t...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

MHCC: Pro 15:16-17 - --Believers often have enough when worldly eyes see little; the Lord is with them, without the cares, troubles, and temptations which are with the wealt...

Matthew Henry: Pro 15:16-17 - -- Solomon had said in the foregoing verse that he who has not a large estate, or a great income, but a cheerful spirit, has a continual feast; Chris...

Keil-Delitzsch: Pro 15:7-17 - -- A second series which begins with a proverb of the power of human speech, and closes with proverbs of the advantages and disadvantages of wealth. ...

Constable: Pro 10:1--22:17 - --II. COUPLETS EXPRESSING WISDOM 10:1--22:16 Chapters 1-9, as we have seen, contain discourses that Solomon eviden...

Constable: Pro 14:1--15:33 - --8. Further advice for wise living chs. 14-15 These proverbs are more difficult to group together under a general heading because there are fewer commo...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Proverbs (Book Introduction) THE NATURE AND USE OF PROVERBS.--A proverb is a pithy sentence, concisely expressing some well-established truth susceptible of various illustrations ...

TSK: Proverbs (Book Introduction) The wisdom of all ages, from the highest antiquity, has chosen to compress and communicate its lessons in short, compendious sentences, and in poetic ...

TSK: Proverbs 15 (Chapter Introduction) Overview

Poole: Proverbs 15 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 15

MHCC: Proverbs (Book Introduction) The subject of this book may be thus stated by an enlargement on the opening verses. 1. The Proverbs of Solomon, the son of David, king of Israel. 2. ...

Matthew Henry: Proverbs (Book Introduction) An Exposition, With Practical Observations, of The Proverbs We have now before us, I. A new author, or penman rather, or pen (if you will) made use o...

Constable: Proverbs (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book in the Hebrew Bible is "The Proverbs of Solo...

Constable: Proverbs (Outline) Outline I. Discourses on wisdom chs. 1-9 A. Introduction to the book 1:1-7 ...

Constable: Proverbs Proverbs Bibliography Aitken, Kenneth T. Proverbs. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1986. Alden...

Haydock: Proverbs (Book Introduction) THE BOOK OF PROVERBS. INTRODUCTION. This book is so called, because it consists of wise and weighty sentences, regulating the morals of men; and...

Gill: Proverbs (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PROVERBS This book is called, in some printed Hebrew copies, "Sepher Mishle", the Book of Proverbs; the title of it in the Vulgate ...

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