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Text -- Psalms 104:1-6 (NET)

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Psalm 104
104:1 Praise the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, you are magnificent. You are robed in splendor and majesty. 104:2 He covers himself with light as if it were a garment. He stretches out the skies like a tent curtain, 104:3 and lays the beams of the upper rooms of his palace on the rain clouds. He makes the clouds his chariot, and travels along on the wings of the wind. 104:4 He makes the winds his messengers, and the flaming fire his attendant. 104:5 He established the earth on its foundations; it will never be upended. 104:6 The watery deep covered it like a garment; the waters reached above the mountains.
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Dictionary Themes and Topics: Zaretan | WISDOM | SHIPS AND BOATS | Praise | PSALMS, BOOK OF | PROVIDENCE, 1 | PHILOSOPHY | LAY; LAYING | INSPIRATION, 1-7 | HALLELUJAH | God | GOD, 2 | FLAME | Dress | CURTAIN | CHERUBIM (1) | Blessing | BEAM | Animals | ADORATION | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

Critics Ask , Evidence

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Psa 104:2 - -- With that first created light, which the psalmist fitly puts in the first place, as being the first of God's visible works.

With that first created light, which the psalmist fitly puts in the first place, as being the first of God's visible works.

Wesley: Psa 104:3 - -- In the waters above the heavens, as they are called, Gen 1:7.

In the waters above the heavens, as they are called, Gen 1:7.

Wesley: Psa 104:4 - -- Of a spiritual or incorporeal nature, that they might be fitter for their employments.

Of a spiritual or incorporeal nature, that they might be fitter for their employments.

Wesley: Psa 104:4 - -- So called for their irresistible force and agility, and fervency in the execution of God's commands.

So called for their irresistible force and agility, and fervency in the execution of God's commands.

Wesley: Psa 104:5 - -- Heb. he hath established the earth upon its own basis, whereby it stands as fast and unmoveable, as if it were built upon the strongest foundations.

Heb. he hath established the earth upon its own basis, whereby it stands as fast and unmoveable, as if it were built upon the strongest foundations.

Wesley: Psa 104:5 - -- As long as the world continues. God has fixt so strange a place for the earth, that being an heavy body, one would think it should fall every moment. ...

As long as the world continues. God has fixt so strange a place for the earth, that being an heavy body, one would think it should fall every moment. And yet which way so ever we would imagine it to stir, it must, contrary to the nature of such a body, fall upwards, and so can have no possible ruin, but by tumbling into heaven.

Wesley: Psa 104:6 - -- In the first creation, Gen 1:2, Gen 1:9.

In the first creation, Gen 1:2, Gen 1:9.

JFB: Psa 104:1 - -- The Psalmist celebrates God's glory in His works of creation and providence, teaching the dependence of all living creatures; and contrasting the happ...

The Psalmist celebrates God's glory in His works of creation and providence, teaching the dependence of all living creatures; and contrasting the happiness of those who praise Him with the awful end of the wicked. (Psa. 104:1-35)

God's essential glory, and also that displayed by His mighty works, afford ground for praise.

JFB: Psa 104:2 - -- Is a figurative representation of the glory of the invisible God (Mat 17:2; 1Ti 6:16). Its use in this connection may refer to the first work of creat...

Is a figurative representation of the glory of the invisible God (Mat 17:2; 1Ti 6:16). Its use in this connection may refer to the first work of creation (Gen 1:3).

JFB: Psa 104:2 - -- The visible heavens or sky which cover the earth as a curtain (Isa 40:12).

The visible heavens or sky which cover the earth as a curtain (Isa 40:12).

JFB: Psa 104:3 - -- Or, it may be "with"; using this fluid for the beams, or frames, of His residence accords with the figure of clouds for chariots, and wind as a means ...

Or, it may be "with"; using this fluid for the beams, or frames, of His residence accords with the figure of clouds for chariots, and wind as a means of conveyance.

JFB: Psa 104:3 - -- Or, "moveth" (compare Psa 18:10-11; Amo 9:6).

Or, "moveth" (compare Psa 18:10-11; Amo 9:6).

JFB: Psa 104:4 - -- This is quoted by Paul (Heb 1:7) to denote the subordinate position of angels; that is, they are only messengers as other and material agencies.

This is quoted by Paul (Heb 1:7) to denote the subordinate position of angels; that is, they are only messengers as other and material agencies.

JFB: Psa 104:4 - -- Literally, "winds."

Literally, "winds."

JFB: Psa 104:4 - -- (Psa 105:32) being here so called.

(Psa 105:32) being here so called.

JFB: Psa 104:5 - -- The earth is firmly fixed by His power.

The earth is firmly fixed by His power.

JFB: Psa 104:6-9 - -- These verses rather describe the wonders of the flood than the creation (Gen 7:19-20; 2Pe 3:5-6). God's method of arresting the flood and making its w...

These verses rather describe the wonders of the flood than the creation (Gen 7:19-20; 2Pe 3:5-6). God's method of arresting the flood and making its waters subside is poetically called a "rebuke" (Psa 76:6; Isa 50:2), and the process of the flood's subsiding by undulations among the hills and valleys is vividly described.

Clarke: Psa 104:1 - -- O Lord my God, thou art very great - The works of God, which are the subject of this Psalm, particularly show the grandeur and majesty of God. The s...

O Lord my God, thou art very great - The works of God, which are the subject of this Psalm, particularly show the grandeur and majesty of God. The strongest proofs of the being of God, for common understandings, are derived from the works of creation, their magnitude, variety, number, economy, and use. And a proper consideration of those works presents a greater number of the attributes of the Divine nature than we can learn from any other source. Revelation alone is superior.

Clarke: Psa 104:2 - -- Who coverest thyself with light - Light, insufferable splendor, is the robe of the Divine Majesty. Light and fire are generally the accompaniments o...

Who coverest thyself with light - Light, insufferable splendor, is the robe of the Divine Majesty. Light and fire are generally the accompaniments of the Supreme Being, when he manifests his presence to his creatures. He appeared thus to Abraham when he made a covenant with him, Gen 15:17; and to Moses when he appointed him to bring the people out of Egypt, Exo 3:2; and when he gave him his law on Sinai, Exo 19:18. Moses calls God a consuming fire, Deu 4:24. When Christ was transfigured on the mount, his face shone like the sun, and his garment was white as the light, Mat 17:2. And when the Lord manifests himself to the prophets, he is always surrounded with fire, and the most brilliant light

Bishop Lowth has some fine remarks on the imagery and metaphors of this Psalm. The exordium, says he, is peculiarly magnificent, wherein the majesty of God is described, so far as we can investigate and comprehend it, from the admirable construction of nature; in which passage, as it was for the most part necessary to use translatitious images, the sacred poet has principally applied those which would be esteemed by the Hebrews the most elevated, and worthy such an argument; for they all, as it seems to me, are taken from the tabernacle. We will give these passages verbally, with a short illustration: -

הוד והדר לבשת hod vehadar labashta

"Thou hast put on honor and majesty.

The original, לבשת, is frequently used when speaking of the clothing or dress of the priests

Psa 104:2

עטה אור כשלמה oteh or cassalmah

"Covering thyself with light as with a garment.

A manifest symbol of the Divine Presence; the light conspicuous in the holiest is pointed out under the same idea; and from this single example a simile is educed to express the ineffable glory of God generally and universally

נוטה שמים כיריעה noteh shamayim kayeriah

"Stretching out the heavens like a curtain.

The word יריעה, rendered here curtain, is that which denotes the curtains or uncovering of the whole tabernacle. This may also be an allusion to those curtains or awnings, stretched over an area, under which companies sit at weddings, feasts, religious festivals, curiously painted under, to give them the appearance of the visible heavens in the night-season.

Clarke: Psa 104:3 - -- המקרה במים עליותיו hamekareh bammayim aliyothaiv "Laying the beams of his chambers in the waters. The sacred writer expresses the w...

המקרה במים עליותיו hamekareh bammayim aliyothaiv

"Laying the beams of his chambers in the waters.

The sacred writer expresses the wonderful nature of the air aptly, and regularly constructed, from various and flux elements, into one continued and stable series, by a metaphor drawn from the singular formation of the tabernacle, which, consisting of many and different parts, and easily reparable when there was need, was kept together by a perpetual juncture and contignation of them all together. The poet goes on: -

השם עבים רכובו hassem abim rechubo

המהלך על כנפי רוה hamehallech al canphey ruach .

"Making the clouds his chariot

Walking upon the wings of the wind.

He had first expressed an image of the Divine Majesty, such as it resided in the holy of holies, discernible by a certain investiture of the most splendid light; he now denotes the same from that light of itself which the Divine Majesty exhibited, when it moved together with the ark, sitting on a circumambient cloud, and carried on high through the air. That seat of the Divine Presence is even called by the sacred historians, as its proper name, המרכבה hammercabah , The Chariot.

Clarke: Psa 104:4 - -- עשה מלאכיו רחות oseh rnalachaiv ruchoth משרתיו אש להט mesharethaiv esh lohet The elements are described as prompt and ex...

עשה מלאכיו רחות oseh rnalachaiv ruchoth

משרתיו אש להט mesharethaiv esh lohet

The elements are described as prompt and expedite to perform the Divine commands, like angels or ministers serving in the tabernacle; the Hebrew word משרתיו mesharethaiv being a word most common in the sacred ministrations.

Clarke: Psa 104:5 - -- יסד ארץ על מכוניה yasad erets al mechonepha בל תמוט עולם ועד bal tammot olam vaed "Laying the earth upon its foundati...

יסד ארץ על מכוניה yasad erets al mechonepha

בל תמוט עולם ועד bal tammot olam vaed

"Laying the earth upon its foundations

That it should not be shaken for evermore.

This image Bishop Lowth thinks evidently taken from the tabernacle, which was so laid upon its foundations that nothing could move it, and the dispensation to which it was attached, till the end purposed by the secret counsel of God was accomplished: and thus the earth is established, till the end of its creation shall be fully answered; and then it and its works shall be burnt up. On the above ground, the stability of the sanctuary and the stability of the earth are sometimes mentioned in the same words.

Clarke: Psa 104:6 - -- Thou coveredst it with the deep - This seems to be spoken in allusion to the creation of the earth, when it was without form and void, and darkness ...

Thou coveredst it with the deep - This seems to be spoken in allusion to the creation of the earth, when it was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the waters invested the whole, till God separated the dry land from them; thus forming the seas and the terraqueous globe

The poet Ovid has nearly the same idea: -

Densior his tellus, elementaque grandia traxit

Et pressa est gravitate sua; circumfluus humo

Ultima possedit, solidumque coercuit orbem

Met. lib. i., ver. 29

Earth sinks beneath, and draws a numerous thron

Of ponderous, thick, unwieldy seeds along

About her coasts unruly waters roar

And, rising on a ridge, insult the shore



Calvin: Psa 104:1 - -- 1.Bless Jehovah, O my soul! After having exhorted himself to praise God, the Psalmist adds, that there is abundant matter for such an exercise; thus ...

1.Bless Jehovah, O my soul! After having exhorted himself to praise God, the Psalmist adds, that there is abundant matter for such an exercise; thus indirectly condemning himself and others of ingratitude, if the praises of God, than which nothing ought to be better known, or more celebrated, are buried by silence. In comparing the light with which he represents God as arrayed to a garment, he intimates, that although God is invisible, yet his glory is conspicuous enough. In respect of his essence, God undoubtedly dwells in light that is inaccessible; but as he irradiates the whole world by his splendor, this is the garment in which He, who is hidden in himself, appears in a manner visible to us. The knowledge of this truth is of the greatest importance. If men attempt to reach the infinite height to which God is exalted, although they fly above the clouds, they must fail in the midst of their course. Those who seek to see him in his naked majesty are certainly very foolish. That we may enjoy the light of him, he must come forth to view with his clothing; that is to say, we must cast our eyes upon the very beautiful fabric of the world in which he wishes to be seen by us, and not be too curious and rash in searching into his secret essence. Now, since God presents himself to us clothed with light, those who are seeking pretexts for their living without the knowledge of him, cannot allege in excuse of their slothfulness, that he is hidden in profound darkness. When it is said that the heavens are a curtain, it is not meant that under them God hides himself, but that by them his majesty and glory are displayed; being, as it were, his royal pavilion.

Calvin: Psa 104:3 - -- 3.Laying the beams of his chambers in the waters David now proceeds to explain at greater length what he had briefly stated under the figure of God...

3.Laying the beams of his chambers in the waters David now proceeds to explain at greater length what he had briefly stated under the figure of God’s raiment. The scope of the passage is shortly this, that we need not pierce our way above the clouds for the purpose of finding God, since he meets us in the fabric of the world, and is everywhere exhibiting to our view scenes of the most vivid description. That we may not imagine that there is any thing in Him derived, as if, by the creation of the world, he received any addition to his essential perfection and glory, we must remember that he clothes himself with this robe for our sake. The metaphorical representation of God, as laying the beams of his chambers in the waters, seems somewhat difficult to understand; but it was the design of the prophet, from a thing incomprehensible to us, to ravish us with the greater admiration. Unless beams be substantial and strong, they will not be able to sustain even the weight of an ordinary house. When, therefore, God makes the waters the foundation of his heavenly palace, who can fail to be astonished at a miracle so wonderful? When we take into account our slowness of apprehension, such hyperbolical expressions are by no means superfluous; for it is with difficulty that they awaken and enable us to attain even a slight knowledge of God.

What is meant by his walking upon the wings of the wind, is rendered more obvious from the following verse, where it is said, that the winds are his messengers God rides on the clouds, and is carried upon the wings of the wind, inasmuch as he drives about the winds and clouds at his pleasure, and by sending them hither and thither as swiftly as he pleases, shows thereby the signs of his presence. By these words we are taught that the winds do not blow by chance, nor the lightnings flash by a fortuitous impulse, but that God, in the exercise of his sovereign power, rules and controls all the agitations and disturbances of the atmosphere. From this doctrine a twofold advantage may be reaped. In the first place, if at any time noxious winds arise, if the south wind corrupt the air, or if the north wind scorch the corn, and not only tear up trees by the root, but overthrow houses, and if other winds destroy the fruits of the earth, we ought to tremble under these scourges of Providence. In the second place, if, on the other hand, God moderate the excessive heat by a gentle cooling breeze, if he purify the polluted atmosphere by the north wind, or if he moisten the parched ground by south winds; in this we ought to contemplate his goodness.

As the apostle, who writes to the Hebrews, (Heb 1:7) quotes this passage, and applies it to the angels, both the Greek and Latin expositors have almost unanimously considered David as here speaking allegorically. In like manner, because Paul, in quoting Psa 19:4, in his Epistle to the Romans, (Rom 10:18) seems to apply to the apostles what is there stated concerning the heavens, the whole psalm has been injudiciously expounded as if it were an allegory. 179 The design of the apostle, in that part of the Epistle to the Hebrews referred to, was not simply to explain the mind of the prophet in this place; but since God is exhibited to us, as it were, visibly in a mirror, the apostle very properly lays down the analogy between the obedience which the winds manifestly and perceptibly yield to God, and that obedience which he receives from the angels. In short, the meaning is, that as God makes use of the winds as his messengers, turns them hither and thither, calms and raises them whenever he pleases, that by their ministry he may declare his power, so the angels were created to execute his commands. And certainly we profit little in the contemplation of universal nature, if we do not behold with the eyes of faith that spiritual glory of which an image is presented to us in the world.

Calvin: Psa 104:5 - -- 5.He hath founded the earth upon its foundations Here the prophet celebrates the glory of God, as manifested in the stability of the earth. Since it ...

5.He hath founded the earth upon its foundations Here the prophet celebrates the glory of God, as manifested in the stability of the earth. Since it is suspended in the midst of the air, and is supported only by pillars of water, how does it keep its place so steadfastly that it cannot be moved? This I indeed grant may be explained on natural principles; for the earth, as it occupies the lowest place, being the center of the world, naturally settles down there. But even in this contrivance there shines forth the wonderful power of God. Again, if the waters are higher than the earth, because they are lighter, why do they not cover the whole earth round about? Certainly the only answer which philosophers can give to this is, that the tendency of the waters to do so is counteracted by the providence of God, that a dwelling-place might be provided for man. If they do not admit that the waters are restrained by the determinate appointment of God, they betray not only their depravity and unthankfulness, but also their ignorance, and are altogether barbarous. The prophet, therefore, not without reason, recounts among the miracles of God, that which would be to us wholly incredible, did not even experience show its truth. We are very base indeed if, taught by such undoubted a proof, we do not learn that nothing in the world is stable except in as far as it is sustained by the hand of God. The world did not originate from itself, consequently, the whole order of nature depends on nothing else than his appointment, by which each element has its own peculiar property. Nor is the language of the prophet to be viewed merely as an exhortation to give thanks to God; it is also intended to strengthen our confidence in regard to the future, that we may not live in the world in a state of constant fear and anxiety, as we must have done had not God testified that he has given the earth for a habitation to men. It is a singular blessing, which he bestows upon us, in his causing us to dwell upon the earth with undisturbed minds, by giving us the assurance that he has established it upon everlasting pillars. Although cities often perish by earthquakes, yet the body of the earth itself remains. Yea, all the agitations which befall it more fully confirm to us the truth, that the earth would be swallowed up every moment were it not preserved by the secret power of God.

Calvin: Psa 104:6 - -- 6.He hath covered it with the deep as with a garment, This may be understood in two ways, either as implying that now the sea covers the earth as a g...

6.He hath covered it with the deep as with a garment, This may be understood in two ways, either as implying that now the sea covers the earth as a garment, or that at the beginning, before God by his omnipotent word held gathered the waters together into one place, the earth was covered with the deep. But the more suitable sense appears to be, that the sea is now the covering of the earth. At the first creation the deep was not so much a garment as a grave, inasmuch as nothing bears less resemblance to the adorning of apparel than the state of confused desolation and shapeless chaos in which the earth then was. Accordingly, in my judgment, there is here celebrated that wonderful arrangement by which the deep, although without form, is yet the garment of the earth. But as the context seems to lead to a different view, interpreters are rather inclined to explain the language as denoting, That the earth was covered with the deep before the waters had been collected into a separate place. This difficulty is however easily solved, if the words of the prophet, The waters shall stand above the mountains, are resolved into the potential mood thus, The waters would stand above the mountains; which is sufficiently vindicated from the usage of the Hebrew language. I have indeed no doubt that the prophet, after having said that God had clothed the earth with waters, adds, by way of exposition, that the waters would stand above the mountains, were it not that they flee away at God’s rebuke. Whence is it that the mountains are elevated, and that the valleys sink down, but because bounds are set to the waters, that they may not return to overwhelm the earth? The passage then, it is obvious, may very properly be understood thus, — that the sea, although a mighty deep, which strikes terror by its vastness, is yet as a beautiful garment to the earth. The reason of the metaphor is, because the surface of the earth stands uncovered. The prophet affirms that this does not happen by chance; for, if the providence of God did not restrain the waters, would they not immediately rush forth to overwhelm the whole earth? He, therefore, speaks advisedly when he maintains that the appearance of any part of the earth’s surface is not the effect of nature, but is an evident miracle. Were God to give loose reins to the sea, the waters would suddenly cover the mountains. But now, fleeing at God’s rebuke, they retire to a different quarter. By the rebuke of God, and the voice of his thunder, is meant the awful command of God, by which he restrains the violent raging of the sea. Although at the beginning, by his word alone, he confined the sea within determinate bounds, and continues to this day to keep it within them, yet if we consider how tumultuously its billows cast up their foam when it is agitated, it is not without reason that the prophet speaks of it, as kept in check by the powerful command of God; just as, both in Jeremiah, (Jer 5:22) and in Job, (Job 28:25) God, with much sublimity, commends his power, as displayed in the ocean. The ascending of the mountains, and the descending of the valleys, are poetical figures, implying, that unless God confined the deep within bounds, the distinction between mountains and valleys, which contributes to the beauty of the earth, would cease to exist, for it would engulf the whole earth. It is said that God has founded a place for the valleys; for there would be no dry land at the foot of the mountains, but the deep would bear sway, did not God command the space there to be unoccupied by the sea, as it were contrary to nature.

Defender: Psa 104:2 - -- This 104th psalm gives unique insight into the mysteries of God's creation from its first beginnings, to the great Flood, to the providential care of ...

This 104th psalm gives unique insight into the mysteries of God's creation from its first beginnings, to the great Flood, to the providential care of His creation in the present world and to the consummation. "God is light" (1Jo 1:5) so light did not have to be created as did darkness (Isa 45:7). It needed merely to be "formed" in such fashion as to provide divine apparel for the Creator as He entered into His physical universe when He created it.

Defender: Psa 104:2 - -- The "heavens" are the infinite reaches of created "space" in His space/mass/time universe. The "stretching out" may refer either to their limitless ex...

The "heavens" are the infinite reaches of created "space" in His space/mass/time universe. The "stretching out" may refer either to their limitless extent or to their expansion or both."

Defender: Psa 104:3 - -- The "waters" seem to provide the initial matrix within which all "matter" was contained (Gen 1:2; 2Pe 3:5). Somewhere in the physical universe God est...

The "waters" seem to provide the initial matrix within which all "matter" was contained (Gen 1:2; 2Pe 3:5). Somewhere in the physical universe God established His "chambers" where He is "dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto" (1Ti 6:16).

Defender: Psa 104:3 - -- The Hebrew for "wind" is the same as for "spirit." Symbolically God "rides" on the waters and "walks" by His Spirit. This implies the energizing, acti...

The Hebrew for "wind" is the same as for "spirit." Symbolically God "rides" on the waters and "walks" by His Spirit. This implies the energizing, activating movement of the Spirit (Gen 1:2) as God began to prepare His vast cosmos, the earth in particular, for the men and women He would create in His own image."

Defender: Psa 104:4 - -- Prior to man's creation God made the angels, evidently on the first day of creation week, after He Himself had entered His universe and began to move ...

Prior to man's creation God made the angels, evidently on the first day of creation week, after He Himself had entered His universe and began to move therein by the Spirit. Some translators have read this statement as: "God made the winds His messengers, and the fires His servants." The inspired New Testament writer of Hebrews, however, quoted it properly: "And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire" (Heb 1:7). The angels are spiritual (rather than physical) beings though they can assume quasi-physical bodies on occasion. Angels are commonly associated in Scripture with the stars (which are, of course, "flaming fires"). (Compare Jdg 5:20; Job 38:7; Isa 14:12, Isa 14:14; Rev 1:20; Rev 12:3-9.)"

Defender: Psa 104:5 - -- The earth's "matter," the "dust of the earth" or its physical elements, was created on the first day of the creation week, evidently suspended in the ...

The earth's "matter," the "dust of the earth" or its physical elements, was created on the first day of the creation week, evidently suspended in the pervasive waters. The earth's foundation, solid, continental blocks of material, were not laid until the third day, rising out of the waters. Once formed, this planet earth was destined to continue forever."

Defender: Psa 104:6 - -- The completed earth was later covered with water again by the great Flood and the waters rose above all the mountains (Gen 7:19, Gen 7:20) of the ante...

The completed earth was later covered with water again by the great Flood and the waters rose above all the mountains (Gen 7:19, Gen 7:20) of the antediluvian world."

TSK: Psa 104:1 - -- Bless : This sublime poem on the works of God in creation and providence, is ascribed to David in the LXX, Vulgate, Ethiopic, Syriac, and Arabic; and ...

Bless : This sublime poem on the works of God in creation and providence, is ascribed to David in the LXX, Vulgate, Ethiopic, Syriac, and Arabic; and as it opens and closes with the same words as the preceding psalm, it is probable that it was composed on the same occasion; and it is written as part of it in nine manuscripts Psa 104:35, Psa 103:1, Psa 103:2, Psa 103:22

O Lord : Psa 7:1; Dan 9:4; Hab 1:12

art very great : Psa 145:3; Jer 23:24, Jer 32:17-19; Rev 1:13-20

clothed : Psa 93:1; Isa 59:17; Dan 7:9

honour : Psa 29:1-4, Psa 96:6

TSK: Psa 104:2 - -- with light : Dan 7:9; Mat 17:2; 1Ti 6:16; 1Jo 1:5 stretchest : Isa 40:22, Isa 45:12; Zec 12:1; Heb 1:10-12

TSK: Psa 104:3 - -- Who layeth : Psa 18:10, Psa 18:11; Amo 9:6 maketh : Isa 19:1; Mat 26:64; Rev 1:7 walketh : Psa 18:10, Psa 139:9; 2Sa 22:11; Nah 1:3

TSK: Psa 104:4 - -- Who maketh : Act 23:8; Heb 1:7, Heb 1:14 ministers : 2Ki 2:11, 2Ki 6:17; Eze 1:13

Who maketh : Act 23:8; Heb 1:7, Heb 1:14

ministers : 2Ki 2:11, 2Ki 6:17; Eze 1:13

TSK: Psa 104:5 - -- Who laid the foundations of the earth : Heb. He hath founded the earth upon her bases, Psa 24:2, Psa 33:9, Psa 136:6; Job 26:7, Job 38:4-7 that it : P...

Who laid the foundations of the earth : Heb. He hath founded the earth upon her bases, Psa 24:2, Psa 33:9, Psa 136:6; Job 26:7, Job 38:4-7

that it : Psa 93:1, Psa 96:10; Ecc 1:4; 2Pe 3:10; Rev 6:14, Rev 20:11

TSK: Psa 104:6 - -- Gen 1:2-10, Gen 7:19; 2Pe 3:5

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Psa 104:1 - -- Bless the Lord, O my soul - See Psa 103:1. O Lord my God, thou art very great - This is a reason why the psalmist calls on his soul to bl...

Bless the Lord, O my soul - See Psa 103:1.

O Lord my God, thou art very great - This is a reason why the psalmist calls on his soul to bless God; namely, for the fact that he is so exalted; so vast in his perfections; so powerful, so wise, so great.

Thou art clothed with honor and majesty - That is, with the emblems of honor and majesty, as a king is arrayed in royal robes. Creation is the garment with which God has invested himself. Compare the notes at Psa 93:1.

Barnes: Psa 104:2 - -- Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment - Referring to the first work of creation Gen 1:3, "And God said, Let there be light, and the...

Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment - Referring to the first work of creation Gen 1:3, "And God said, Let there be light, and there was light."He seemed to put on light as a garment; he himself appeared as if invested with light. It was the first "manifestation"of God. He seemed at once to have put on light as his robe.

Who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain - As an expanse spread over us. The word used here means a curtain or hanging, so called from its tremulous motion, from a word meaning to tremble. Thus it is applied to a curtain before a door; to a tent, etc. It is applied here to the heavens, as they seem to be "spread out"like the curtains of a tent, as if God had spread them out for a tent for himself to dwell in. See the notes at Isa 40:22.

Barnes: Psa 104:3 - -- Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters - The word here rendered "layeth"- from קרה qârâh - means properly to meet; th...

Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters - The word here rendered "layeth"- from קרה qârâh - means properly to meet; then, in Hiphil, to cause to meet, or to fit into each other, as beams or joists do in a dwelling. It is a word which would be properly applied to the construction of a house, and to the right adjustment of the different materials employed in building it. The word rendered "beams"- עליה ‛ălı̂yâh - means "an upper chamber, a loft,"such as rises, in Oriental houses, above the flat roof; in the New Testament, the ὑπερῷον huperōon , rendered "upper room,"Act 1:13; Act 9:37, Act 9:39; Act 20:8. It refers here to the chamber - the exalted abode of God - as if raised above all other edifices, or above the world. The word "waters"here refers to the description of the creation in Gen 1:6-7 - the waters "above the firmament,"and the waters "below the firmament."The allusion here is to the waters above the firmament; and the meaning is, that God had constructed the place of his own abode - the room where he dwelt - in those waters; that is, in the most exalted place in the universe. It does not mean that he made it of the waters, but that his home - his dwelling-place - was in or above those waters, as if he had built his dwelling not on solid earth or rock, but in the waters, giving stability to that which seems to have no stability, and making the very waters a foundation for the structure of his abode.

Who maketh the clouds his chariot - Who rides on the clouds as in a chariot. See the notes at Isa 19:1. Compare the notes at Psa 18:11.

Who walketh upon the wings of the wind - See the notes at Psa 18:10.

Barnes: Psa 104:4 - -- Who maketh his angels spirits - The meaning here literally would be, "Who makes the winds his messengers,"or "his angels;"that is, who employs ...

Who maketh his angels spirits - The meaning here literally would be, "Who makes the winds his messengers,"or "his angels;"that is, who employs them to execute his purpose; who sends them out as messengers or angels to do his will.

His ministers a flaming fire - That is, Fire is employed by him - in lightnings - to accomplish his purpose as his ministers or his servants. They are entirely under his command. They are sent by him to do his will; to carry out his designs. This is intended to describe the majesty and the power of God - that he can employ wind and lightning - tempest and storm - to go on errands such as he commands; to fulfill his plans; to do his bidding. For the application of this to the angels, and as employed by the apostle Paul to prove the inferiority of the angels to the Messiah, see the notes at Heb 1:7.

Barnes: Psa 104:5 - -- Who laid the foundations of the earth - Referring still to the creation of the earth. The margin is, "He hath founded the earth upon her bases....

Who laid the foundations of the earth - Referring still to the creation of the earth. The margin is, "He hath founded the earth upon her bases."The Hebrew word rendered in the margin "her bases"means properly a place; then a basis or foundation. The idea is, that there wes something, as it were, placed under the earth to support it. The idea is not uncommon in the Scriptures. Compare the notes at Job 38:4.

That it should not be removed for ever - So that it cannot be shaken out of its place. That is, It is fixed, permanent, solid. Its foundations do not give way, as edifices reared by man. but it abides the same from age to age - the most fixed and stable object of which we have any knowledge. Compare the notes at Psa 78:69.

Barnes: Psa 104:6 - -- Thou coveredst it with the deep as with a garment - Compare the notes at Job 38:9. The meaning is, that God covered the earth with the sea - th...

Thou coveredst it with the deep as with a garment - Compare the notes at Job 38:9. The meaning is, that God covered the earth with the sea - the waters - the abyss - as if a garment had been spread over it. The reference is to Gen 1:2; where, in the account of the work of creation, what is there called "the deep"- the abyss - (the same Hebrew word as here - תהום te hôm - covered the earth, or was what "appeared,"or was manifest, before the waters were collected into seas, and the dry land was seen.

The waters stood above the mountains - Above what are now the mountains. As yet no dry land appeared. It seemed to be one wide waste of waters. This does not refer to the Deluge, but to the appearance of the earth at the time of the creation, before the gathering of the waters into seas and oceans, Gen 1:9. At that stage in the work, all that appeared was a wide waste of waters.

Poole: Psa 104:2 - -- Coverest or adornest , or clothest. With light ; either, 1. With that light which no man can approach unto, as it is called 1Ti 6:16 , wherewith t...

Coverest or adornest , or clothest. With light ; either,

1. With that light which no man can approach unto, as it is called 1Ti 6:16 , wherewith therefore he may well be said to be covered or hid from the eyes of mortal men. Or rather,

2. With that first-created light, Gen 1:3 , which the psalmist fitly puts in the first place, as being the first of God’ s visible works.

Like a curtain the use whereof it hath, partly in reference to that glorious mansion of the blessed God and his holy angels, which these visible heavens (far above which it is, Eph 4:10 ) do veil and cover; and partly in reference to the earth, which they enclose and protect.

Poole: Psa 104:3 - -- In the waters in the waters above the heavens, as they are called, Gen 1:7 ; or, in the clouds, as it is explained in the next clause, in which he ma...

In the waters in the waters above the heavens, as they are called, Gen 1:7 ; or, in the clouds, as it is explained in the next clause, in which he many times resides and rides, and manifests his presence. Who manageth and employeth the clouds and winds in his service.

Poole: Psa 104:4 - -- Who maketh his angels spirits i.e. of a spiritual or incorporeal nature, that they might be fitter for their employments. Or, who maketh his angels ...

Who maketh his angels spirits i.e. of a spiritual or incorporeal nature, that they might be fitter for their employments. Or, who maketh his angels winds , as this last word most commonly signifies, i.e. who made them like the winds, powerful, and active, and nimble in executing God’ s pleasure. Or, who useth and governeth those glorious creatures at his pleasure, even as he commands the senseless winds. A

flaming fire or, like a flaming fire ; the note of similitude being here understood, as it is Gen 49:9 Deu 32:22 Psa 11:1 , and oft elsewhere; to which he compares the angels for their irresistible force, and great agility and fervency in the execution of God’ s commands. Or the sense is, Who sometimes clotheth his angels with subtile bodies of wind, or air, or of fire, as he sees fit. And the angels may not unfitly be mentioned in this place amongst and in the close of those works of God which were done in the heavens, of which he hath hitherto spoken, Psa 104:2,3 because they were made at the same time when the heavens were made, and for the same uses and purposes, and because they are commonly employed by God in managing the clouds, and winds, and meteors, to accomplish God’ s designs by them. But this verse is otherwise rendered, both by Jewish and some Christian interpreters, and that very agreeably to the Hebrew text, He maketh the winds his angels, and the flame or flames of fire (i.e. the lightning and thunder, and other fiery meteors in the air)

his ministers he maketh use of them no less than of the holy angels, and ofttimes for the same purposes, and they do as certainly and readily obey all his commands as the blessed angels themselves do. This interpretation may seem most agreeable to the scope of the Psalm, and to the context, wherein he is speaking of the evil works of God. The only difficulty is, that this seems to invalidate the allegation and argument of the apostle, who expounds it of the angels, Heb 1:7 . But indeed it doth not; for (to say nothing of other solutions given by other men) when the psalmist saith that God maketh or useth the winds as his angels , &c., he plainly signifies that the angels are God’ s ministers or servants, no less than the winds; and that is sufficient to justify the apostle’ s argument, and to prove the pre-eminency of Christ above the angels; which is the apostle’ s design in that place.

Poole: Psa 104:5 - -- He hath founded or established the earth upon its own basis or foundations , i.e. upon itself, or its own weight, whereby it stands as fast and unm...

He hath founded or established the earth upon its own basis or foundations , i.e. upon itself, or its own weight, whereby it stands as fast and unmovable, as if it were built upon the strongest foundations imaginable; which is a stupendous work of Divine power and wisdom. That it should not be removed out of its proper place , which is the lowest part of the world.

For ever as long as the world continues.

Poole: Psa 104:6 - -- Thou coveredst it with the deep either, 1. In the general deluge. Or rather, 2. In the first creation, as we read, Gen 1:2,9 ; of which the psalmis...

Thou coveredst it with the deep either,

1. In the general deluge. Or rather,

2. In the first creation, as we read, Gen 1:2,9 ; of which the psalmist is here speaking.

The waters stood above the mountains the mountains were not made by the deluge, as some have thought, who for that reason understand this verse of the said deluge, for it is apparent they were before it, Gen 7:19 , and most probably were in the first creation, because this variety of mountains and valleys is both ornamental and useful to the world.

Haydock: Psa 104:1 - -- A thanksgiving to God, for his benefits to his people Israel.

A thanksgiving to God, for his benefits to his people Israel.

Haydock: Psa 104:1 - -- Alleluia. This word occurs at the end of the preceding psalm in Hebrew, and means, "Praise ye the Lord," though it is also used as an exclamation of ...

Alleluia. This word occurs at the end of the preceding psalm in Hebrew, and means, "Praise ye the Lord," though it is also used as an exclamation of joy; for which reason it is left untranslated. See Apocalypse xx. (St. Augustine, ep. ad Casulan.) (Calmet) ---

It implies that we must praise God with all our power; and Catholic writers retain this (Worthington) and similar words in the original. (Haydock) ---

The first 15 verses of this psalm nearly agree with that which was composed by David, when the ark was to be removed from the house of Obededon, 1 Paralipomenon xvi. 8, 22. (Haydock) ---

But the last part seems to have been added by him, or by another afterwards, with some small alterations. (Berthier) ---

It was perhaps adapted to the dedication of the second temple, with the two following psalms. (Calmet) ---

Gentiles. Their conversion is thus insinuated. (Calmet) ---

The apostles preached to all. (Eusebius) ---

How much more ought we not to celebrate the mysteries of Christ? (Worthington)

Haydock: Psa 104:3 - -- Glory. 2 Corinthians x. 17. (Eusebius) --- Literally, "be praised," (Haydock) knowing to what an honor you have been raised, (Deuteronomy xxx. 7.,...

Glory. 2 Corinthians x. 17. (Eusebius) ---

Literally, "be praised," (Haydock) knowing to what an honor you have been raised, (Deuteronomy xxx. 7., and Jeremias ix. 23.) and live accordingly.

Haydock: Psa 104:4 - -- Evermore. Be assiduous to obtain is favour, and present yourselves in his holy temple as often as you are able. (Calmet)

Evermore. Be assiduous to obtain is favour, and present yourselves in his holy temple as often as you are able. (Calmet)

Haydock: Psa 104:6 - -- His servant. Or "servants." (Septuagint) Vulgate is ambiguous. Hebrew declared for servant here; but, his chosen, is certainly plural, and ref...

His servant. Or "servants." (Septuagint) Vulgate is ambiguous. Hebrew declared for servant here; but, his chosen, is certainly plural, and refers to all the people, and [in] 1 Paralipomenon xvi. 13., we read, seed of Israel, his servants. (Haydock)

Gill: Psa 104:1 - -- Bless the Lord, O my soul,.... As for the blessings of grace and mercy expressed in the preceding psalm, so on account of the works of creation and pr...

Bless the Lord, O my soul,.... As for the blessings of grace and mercy expressed in the preceding psalm, so on account of the works of creation and providence, enumerated in this; in which Christ has an equal concern, as in the former.

O Lord my God, thou art very great; the Messiah, who is Jehovah our righteousness, Lord of all, truly God, and the God of his people; see Joh 20:28 and who is great, and very great, in his divine Person, being the great God, and our Saviour; great in all his works of creation, providence, and redemption; great in all his offices of Prophet, Priest, and King; a Saviour, and a great one; the great Shepherd of the Sheep; the Man, Jehovah's Fellow.

Thou art clothed with honour and majesty; being the brightness of his Father's glory, and having on him the glory of the only begotten of the Father, and a natural majesty in him as the Son of God and King of the whole universe; and, as Mediator, he has honour and majesty laid upon him by his Father, Psa 21:5, he has all the regalia and ensigns of royal majesty; he is on a throne, high and lifted up, even the same with his divine Father; he has a crown of glory on his head, he is crowned with glory and honour; he has a sceptre of righteousness in his hand, and is arrayed in robes of majesty; and, as thus situated, is to look upon like a jasper and sardine stone; or as if he was covered with sparkling gems and precious stones, Rev 4:2 and, having all power in heaven and earth, over angels and men, honour and glory given him by both.

Gill: Psa 104:2 - -- Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment,.... Referring, as Aben Ezra and Kimchi think, to the light, which was first created; and indeed thi...

Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment,.... Referring, as Aben Ezra and Kimchi think, to the light, which was first created; and indeed this was commanded out of darkness by God the Word, or by the essential Word of God. Light is expressive of the nature of God himself, who is light, and in him is no darkness at all, and who dwells in light h inaccessible, and so may be said to be clothed with it; which is applicable to Christ as a divine Person, 1Jo 1:5. and to whom this term "light" well agrees; Light being one of the names of the Messiah in the Old Testament, Psa 43:3, and is often given him in the New Testament, as the author of the light of nature, grace, and glory, Joh 1:9. He is now possessed of the light and glory of the heavenly state, of which his transfiguration on the mount was an emblem, when his face shone like the sun, and his raiment was as the light, Mat 17:2.

Who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain; alluding to the firmament or expanse, which, being spread out like a curtain, divided between the waters and the waters, Gen 1:6. Heaven is represented as a tent stretched out, with curtains drawn around it, to hide the dazzling and unapproachable light in which the Lord dwells, Isa 40:22 and it is as a curtain or canopy stretched out and encompassing this earth; the stretching of it out belongs to God alone, and is a proof of the deity of Christ, to whom it is here and elsewhere ascribed, Job 9:8. Here Christ dwells invisible to us at present; he is received up into heaven, retained there, and from thence will descend at the last day; and in the mean while is within the curtains of heaven, unseen by us.

Gill: Psa 104:3 - -- Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters,.... Or "his upper rooms" i; one story over another being built by him in the heavens, Amo 9:6, the...

Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters,.... Or "his upper rooms" i; one story over another being built by him in the heavens, Amo 9:6, the chambers where he resides; his courts, as the Targum; his palace and apartments, his presence chamber particularly, the floor and beams of them are the waters bound up in the thick clouds; or the region of the air, from whence the rain descends to water the hills, as in Psa 104:13.

Who maketh the clouds his chariot; to ride in; in these sometimes Jehovah rides to execute judgment on his enemies, Isa 19:1 and in these sometimes he appears in a way of grace and mercy to his people, Exo 13:21, in these, as in chariots, Christ went up to heaven; and in these will he come a second time; and into these will the saints be caught up to meet the Lord in the air at his coming, Act 1:9.

Who walketh upon the wings of the wind; see Psa 18:10 which is expressive of his swiftness in coming to help and assist his people in time of need; who helps, and that right early; and may very well be applied both to the first and second coming of Christ, who came leaping upon the mountains, and skipping upon the hills, when he first came; and, when he comes a second time, will be as a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of spices, Son 2:8. The Targum is,

"upon the swift clouds, like the wings of an eagle;''

hence, perhaps, it is, the Heathens have a notion of Jupiter's being carried in a chariot through the air, when it thunders and lightens k.

Gill: Psa 104:4 - -- Who maketh his angels spirits,.... The angels are spirits, or spiritual substances, yet created ones; and so differ from God, who is a spirit, and fro...

Who maketh his angels spirits,.... The angels are spirits, or spiritual substances, yet created ones; and so differ from God, who is a spirit, and from the Holy Spirit of God, who are Creators and not creatures; angels are spirits without bodies, and so differ from the souls or spirits of men, and are immaterial, and so die not; these are made by Christ, by whom all things are made, Col 1:16 and so he must be greater and more excellent than they; for which purpose the passage is quoted in Heb 1:7. Some render it, "who maketh his angels as the winds"; to which they may be compared for their invisibility, they being not to be seen, no more than the wind, unless when they assume an external form; and for their penetration through bodies in a very surprising manner; see Act 12:6, and for their great force and power, being mighty angels, and said to excel in strength, Psa 103:20, and for their swiftness in obeying the divine commands; so the Targum,

"he maketh his messengers, or angels, swift as the wind.''

His ministers a flaming fire; angels are ministers to God, stand before him, behold his face, wait for and listen to his orders, and execute them; they are ministers to Christ, they were so at his incarnation, in his infancy, when in the wilderness and in the garden, at his resurrection and ascension, and will attend him at his second coming; and these are ministers to his people, take the care of them, encamp about them, do many good offices to them in life, and at death carry their souls to Abraham's bosom: these are made a flaming fire, or "as" flaming fire, for their force and power; so the Targum,

"his ministers strong as flaming fire;''

and for their swiftness as before; and because of their burning love to God, Christ, and his people, and their flaming zeal for his cause and interest; hence thought by some to be called "seraphim": and because they are sometimes the executioners of God's wrath; and have sometimes appeared in fiery forms, as in forms of horses of fire and chariots of fire, and will descend with Christ in flaming fire at the last day; see 2Ki 2:11. Some invert the words, both reading and sense, thus, "who maketh the winds his angels, or messengers, and flaming fire his ministers"; so Jarchi, Aben Ezra, and Kimchi; we read of stormy wind fulfilling his word, Psa 148:8, he sends out his winds at his pleasure to do his errands; as to dry up the waters of the flood, to drive back the waters of the Red sea, and make dry land, to bring quails from thence, and scatter them about the camp of Israel, and in many other instances. So flaming fire was used as his ministers in burning Sodom and Gomorrah; and multitudes of the murmuring Israelites, and the captains with their fifties; but this sense is contrary to the order of the words, and the design of them, and to the apostle's sense of them, Heb 1:7 which is confirmed by the Targum, Septuagint, and all the Oriental versions.

Gill: Psa 104:5 - -- Who laid the foundations of the earth,.... Or "founded the earth upon its bases" l; which some take to be the waters, according to Psa 24:2, others th...

Who laid the foundations of the earth,.... Or "founded the earth upon its bases" l; which some take to be the waters, according to Psa 24:2, others the centre of gravity in it; others the mountains; others the circumambient air, by which it is poised; rather the almighty power of God, by which it subsists; this is the work of Christ the Almighty; see Heb 1:3.

That it should not be removed for ever: for though it may be shaken by earthquakes, yet not removed; nor will it be until the dissolution of all things, when it shall flee away before the face of the Judge, and a new earth shall succeed, Rev 20:11.

Gill: Psa 104:6 - -- Thou coverest it with the deep as with a garment,.... This refers not to the waters of the flood, when the earth was covered with them, even the tops ...

Thou coverest it with the deep as with a garment,.... This refers not to the waters of the flood, when the earth was covered with them, even the tops of the highest mountains; but to the huge mass of waters, the abyss and depth of them, which lay upon the earth and covered it as a garment, at its first creation, as the context and the scope of it show; and which deep was covered with darkness, at which time the earth was without form, and void, Gen 1:2 an emblem of the corrupt state of man by nature, destitute of the image of God, void and empty of all that is good, having an huge mass of sin and corruption on him, and being darkness itself; though this depth does not separate the elect of God, in this state, from his love; nor these aboundings of sin hinder the superaboundings of the grace of God; nor the operations of his Spirit; nor the communication of light unto them; nor the forming and renewing them, so as to become a curious piece of workmanship; even as the state of the original earth did not hinder the moving of the Spirit upon the waters that covered it, to the bringing of it into a beautiful form and order.

The waters stood above the mountains; from whence we learn the mountains were from the beginning of the creation; since they were when the depths of water covered the unformed chaos; and which depths were so very great as to reach above the highest mountains; an emblem of the universal corruption of human nature; the highest, the greatest men that ever were, comparable to mountains, have been involved in it, as David, Paul, and others.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Psa 104:1 Heb “very great.”

NET Notes: Psa 104:3 Verse 3 may depict the Lord riding a cherub, which is in turn propelled by the wind current. Another option is that the wind is personified as a cheru...

NET Notes: Psa 104:4 In Ugaritic mythology Yam’s messengers appear as flaming fire before the assembly of the gods. See G. R. Driver, Canaanite Myths and Legends, 42...

NET Notes: Psa 104:6 Verse 6 refers to the condition described in Gen 1:2 (note the use of the Hebrew term תְּהוֹם [tÿhom, &...

Geneva Bible: Psa 104:1 Bless the LORD, O my soul. O LORD my God, thou art very great; thou art ( a ) clothed with honour and majesty. ( a ) The prophet shows that we do not...

Geneva Bible: Psa 104:4 Who ( b ) maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire: ( b ) As the prophet here shows that all visible powers are ready to serve God: so...

Geneva Bible: Psa 104:6 Thou coveredst it with the ( c ) deep as [with] a garment: the ( d ) waters stood above the mountains. ( c ) You make the sea to be an ornament to th...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Psa 104:1-35 - --1 A meditation upon the mighty power,7 and wonderful providence of God.31 God's glory is eternal.33 The prophet vows perpetually to praise God.

MHCC: Psa 104:1-9 - --Every object we behold calls on us to bless and praise the Lord, who is great. His eternal power and Godhead are clearly shown by the things which he ...

Matthew Henry: Psa 104:1-9 - -- When we are addressing ourselves to any religious service we must stir up ourselves to take hold on God in it (Isa 64:7); so David does here. "Com...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 104:1-4 - -- The first decastich begins the celebration with work of the first and second days. הוד והדר here is not the doxa belonging to God πρὸ ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 104:5-9 - -- In a second decastich the poet speaks of the restraining of the lower waters and the establishing of the land standing out of the water. The suffix,...

Constable: Psa 90:1--106:48 - --IV. Book 4: chs. 90--106 Moses composed one of the psalms in this section of the Psalter (Ps. 90). David wrote t...

Constable: Psa 104:1-35 - --Psalm 104 This psalm is quite similar to Psalm 103. Both begin and end with similar calls to bless God. ...

Constable: Psa 104:1 - --1. Prologue 104:1a The unnamed psalmist called on himself to bless God. The reasons he should do...

Constable: Psa 104:1-23 - --2. Praise for the creation 104:1b-23 104:1b-4 The writer pictured God creating the heavens. Splendor and majesty clothe God in the sense that they man...

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Commentary -- Other

Critics Ask: Psa 104:5 PSALM 104:5 —Will the earth abide forever or will it be destroyed? PROBLEM: This verse, and several others (cf. Ps. 78:69 ; Ecc. 1:4 ), speak o...

Evidence: Psa 104:2 Scientific facts in the Bible . It is interesting to note that scientists are beginning to understand that the universe is expanding or stretching out...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Hebrew title of this book is Tehilim ("praises" or "hymns"), for a leading feature in its contents is praise, though the word occurs in the title ...

JFB: Psalms (Outline) ALEPH. (Psa 119:1-8). This celebrated Psalm has several peculiarities. It is divided into twenty-two parts or stanzas, denoted by the twenty-two let...

TSK: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Psalms have been the general song of the universal Church; and in their praise, all the Fathers have been unanimously eloquent. Men of all nation...

TSK: Psalms 104 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Psa 104:1, A meditation upon the mighty power, Psa 104:7, and wonderful providence of God; Psa 104:31, God’s glory is eternal; Psa 104:...

Poole: Psalms (Book Introduction) OF PSALMS THE ARGUMENT The divine authority of this Book of PSALMS is so certain and evident, that it was never questioned in the church; which b...

Poole: Psalms 104 (Chapter Introduction) THE ARGUMENT . As the next foregoing Psalm treats of the special favours of God to his church and people, so this declares and celebrates the wonder...

MHCC: Psalms (Book Introduction) David was the penman of most of the psalms, but some evidently were composed by other writers, and the writers of some are doubtful. But all were writ...

MHCC: Psalms 104 (Chapter Introduction) (Psa 104:1-9) God's majesty in the heavens, The creation of the sea, and the dry land. (Psa 104:10-18) His provision for all creatures. (Psa 104:19-...

Matthew Henry: Psalms (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of Psalms We have now before us one of the choicest and most excellent parts of all the Old Te...

Matthew Henry: Psalms 104 (Chapter Introduction) It is very probable that this psalm was penned by the same hand, and at the same time, as the former; for as that ended this begins, with " Bless t...

Constable: Psalms (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book in the Hebrew Bible is Tehillim, which means...

Constable: Psalms (Outline) Outline I. Book 1: chs. 1-41 II. Book 2: chs. 42-72 III. Book 3: chs. 73...

Constable: Psalms Psalms Bibliography Allen, Ronald B. "Evidence from Psalm 89." In A Case for Premillennialism: A New Consensus,...

Haydock: Psalms (Book Introduction) THE BOOK OF PSALMS. INTRODUCTION. The Psalms are called by the Hebrew, Tehillim; that is, hymns of praise. The author, of a great part of ...

Gill: Psalms (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALMS The title of this book may be rendered "the Book of Praises", or "Hymns"; the psalm which our Lord sung at the passover is c...

Gill: Psalms 104 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALM 104 This psalm, though without a title, was probably written by David, since it begins and ends as the former does, as Aben E...

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