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Text -- Psalms 107:25-43 (NET)

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107:25 He gave the order for a windstorm, and it stirred up the waves of the sea. 107:26 They reached up to the sky, then dropped into the depths. The sailors’ strength left them because the danger was so great. 107:27 They swayed and staggered like a drunk, and all their skill proved ineffective. 107:28 They cried out to the Lord in their distress; he delivered them from their troubles. 107:29 He calmed the storm, and the waves grew silent. 107:30 The sailors rejoiced because the waves grew quiet, and he led them to the harbor they desired. 107:31 Let them give thanks to the Lord for his loyal love, and for the amazing things he has done for people! 107:32 Let them exalt him in the assembly of the people! Let them praise him in the place where the leaders preside! 107:33 He turned streams into a desert, springs of water into arid land, 107:34 and a fruitful land into a barren place, because of the sin of its inhabitants. 107:35 As for his people, he turned a desert into a pool of water, and a dry land into springs of water. 107:36 He allowed the hungry to settle there, and they established a city in which to live. 107:37 They cultivated fields, and planted vineyards, which yielded a harvest of fruit. 107:38 He blessed them so that they became very numerous. He would not allow their cattle to decrease in number. 107:39 As for their enemies, they decreased in number and were beaten down, because of painful distress and suffering. 107:40 He would pour contempt upon princes, and he made them wander in a wasteland with no road. 107:41 Yet he protected the needy from oppression, and cared for his families like a flock of sheep. 107:42 When the godly see this, they rejoice, and every sinner shuts his mouth. 107:43 Whoever is wise, let him take note of these things! Let them consider the Lord’s acts of loyal love!
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Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Psa 107:32 - -- In public assemblies, and before all persons, as they have opportunity.

In public assemblies, and before all persons, as they have opportunity.

Wesley: Psa 107:32 - -- The magistrates or rulers; let them not be ashamed nor afraid to speak of God's wonderful works, before the greatest of men.

The magistrates or rulers; let them not be ashamed nor afraid to speak of God's wonderful works, before the greatest of men.

Wesley: Psa 107:33 - -- Those grounds which are well watered, and therefore fruitful.

Those grounds which are well watered, and therefore fruitful.

Wesley: Psa 107:33 - -- springs, here, and the standing water, Psa 107:35 are taken.

springs, here, and the standing water, Psa 107:35 are taken.

Wesley: Psa 107:33 - -- Into a dry ground, which is like a parched and barren wilderness.

Into a dry ground, which is like a parched and barren wilderness.

Wesley: Psa 107:34 - -- He doth not inflict these judgments without cause, but for the punishment of sin in some, and the prevention of it in others.

He doth not inflict these judgments without cause, but for the punishment of sin in some, and the prevention of it in others.

Wesley: Psa 107:35 - -- Into a well - watered and fruitful land.

Into a well - watered and fruitful land.

Wesley: Psa 107:36 - -- Poor people who could not provide for themselves.

Poor people who could not provide for themselves.

Wesley: Psa 107:39 - -- These men, who when they are exalted by God, grow insolent and secure.

These men, who when they are exalted by God, grow insolent and secure.

Wesley: Psa 107:39 - -- By God's just judgment.

By God's just judgment.

Wesley: Psa 107:40 - -- Renders them despicable.

Renders them despicable.

Wesley: Psa 107:40 - -- Banishes them from their own courts and kingdoms, and forces them to flee into desolate wildernesses for shelter.

Banishes them from their own courts and kingdoms, and forces them to flee into desolate wildernesses for shelter.

JFB: Psa 107:25 - -- Literally, "His waves" (God's, Psa 42:7).

Literally, "His waves" (God's, Psa 42:7).

JFB: Psa 107:27 - -- Literally, "all their wisdom swallows up itself," destroys itself by vain and contradictory devices, such as despair induces.

Literally, "all their wisdom swallows up itself," destroys itself by vain and contradictory devices, such as despair induces.

JFB: Psa 107:29-32 - -- Or, "to stand to stillness," or "in quiet." Instead of acts of temple-worship, those of the synagogue are here described, where the people with the

Or, "to stand to stillness," or "in quiet." Instead of acts of temple-worship, those of the synagogue are here described, where the people with the

JFB: Psa 107:29-32 - -- Or session of elders, convened for reading, singing, prayer, and teaching.

Or session of elders, convened for reading, singing, prayer, and teaching.

JFB: Psa 107:33-41 - -- God's providence is illustriously displayed in His influence on two great elements of human prosperity, the earth's productiveness and the powers of g...

God's providence is illustriously displayed in His influence on two great elements of human prosperity, the earth's productiveness and the powers of government. He punishes the wicked by destroying the sources of fertility, or, in mercy, gives fruitfulness to deserts, which become the homes of a busy and successful agricultural population. By a permitted misrule and tyranny, this scene of prosperity is changed to one of adversity. He rules rulers, setting up one and putting down another.

JFB: Psa 107:40 - -- Reduced to misery (Job 12:24).

Reduced to misery (Job 12:24).

JFB: Psa 107:42-43 - -- In this providential government, good men will rejoice, and the cavils of the wicked will be stopped (Job 5:16; Isa 52:15), and all who take right vie...

In this providential government, good men will rejoice, and the cavils of the wicked will be stopped (Job 5:16; Isa 52:15), and all who take right views will appreciate God's unfailing mercy and unbounded love.

Clarke: Psa 107:25 - -- For he commandeth - And what less than the command of God can raise up such winds as seem to heave old Ocean from his bed?

For he commandeth - And what less than the command of God can raise up such winds as seem to heave old Ocean from his bed?

Clarke: Psa 107:26 - -- They mount up to the heaven - This is a most natural and striking description of the state of a ship at sea in a storm: when the sea appears to run ...

They mount up to the heaven - This is a most natural and striking description of the state of a ship at sea in a storm: when the sea appears to run mountains high, and the vessel seems for a moment to stand on the sharp ridge of one most stupendous, with a valley of a frightful depth between it and a similar mountain, which appears to be flying in the midst of heaven, that it may submerge the hapless bark, when she descends into the valley of death below. This is a sight the most terrific that can be imagined: nor can any man conceive or form an adequate idea of it, who has not himself been at sea in such a storm

Clarke: Psa 107:26 - -- Their soul is melted because of trouble - This is not less expressive than it is descriptive. The action of raising the vessel to the clouds, and pr...

Their soul is melted because of trouble - This is not less expressive than it is descriptive. The action of raising the vessel to the clouds, and precipitating her into the abyss, seems to dissolve the very soul: the whole mind seems to melt away, so that neither feeling, reflection, nor impression remains, nothing but the apprehension of inevitable destruction! When the ship is buffeted between conflicting waves, which threaten either to tear her asunder or crush her together; when she reels to and fro, and staggers like a drunken man, not being able to hold any certain course; when sails and masts are an incumbrance, and the helm of no use; when all hope of safety is taken away; and when the experienced captain, the skillful pilot, and the hardy sailors, cry out, with a voice more terrible than the cry of fire at midnight, We are All lost! we are all Lost! then, indeed, are they at their wit’ s end; or, as the inimitable original expresses it, וחל חכמתם תתבלע vechol chochmatham tithballa , "and all their skill is swallowed up,"- seems to be gulped down by the frightful abyss into which the ship is about to be precipitated. Then, indeed, can the hand of God alone "bring them out of their distresses."Then, a cry to the Almighty (and in such circumstances it is few that can lift up such a cry) is the only means that can be used to save the perishing wreck! Reader, dost thou ask why I paint thus, and from whose authority I describe? I answer: Not from any books describing storms, tempests, and shipwrecks; not from the relations of shipwrecked marines; not from viewing from the shore a tempest at sea, and seeing a vessel beat to pieces, and all its crew, one excepted, perish. Descriptions of this kind I have read, with the shipwrecked mariner I have conversed, the last scene mentioned above I have witnessed: but none of these could give the fearful impressions, the tremendous and soul-melting apprehensions, described above. "Where then have you had them?"I answer, From the great deep. I have been at sea in the storm, and in the circumstances I describe; and, having cried to the Lord in my trouble, I am spared to describe the storm, and recount the tale of his mercy. None but either a man inspired by God, who, in describing, will show things as they are, or one who has been actually in these circumstances, can tell you with what propriety the psalmist speaks, or utter the thousandth part of the dangers and fearful apprehensions of those concerned in a tempest at sea, where all the winds of heaven seem collected to urge an already crazy vessel among the most tremendous rocks upon a lee shore! God save the reader from such circumstances

When, in the visitation of the winds, He takes the ruffian billows by the top, Curling their monstrous heads, and hanging them, With deafening clamours,on the slippery clouds, That with the hurly death itself awakes! Henry IV

Clarke: Psa 107:26 - -- A storm at sea - the lifting the vessel to the clouds - her sinking into the vast marine valleys - the melting of the soul - and being at their wit&...

A storm at sea - the lifting the vessel to the clouds - her sinking into the vast marine valleys - the melting of the soul - and being at their wit’ s end, are well touched by several of the ancient poets. See particularly Virgil’ s description of the storm that dispersed the fleet of Aeneas, who was himself not unacquainted with the dangers of the sea: -

Tollimur in coelum curvato gurgite, et ide

Subducta ad manes imos descendimus unda

Aen. iii., 364

Now on a towering arch of waves we rise

Heaved on the bounding billows to the skies

Then, as the roaring surge retreating fell

We shoot down headlong to the gates of hell


Rector in incerto est, nec quid fugiatve, petatve,

Invenit: ambiguis ars stupet ipsa malis

"The pilot himself is in doubt what danger to shun; or whither to steer for safety he knows not: his skill is nonplussed by the choice of the difficulties before him.

See more in the analysis.

Clarke: Psa 107:29 - -- He maketh the storm a calm - He causes the storm to stand dumb, and hushes the waves. See the original, where sense and sound emphatically meet: - ...

He maketh the storm a calm - He causes the storm to stand dumb, and hushes the waves. See the original, where sense and sound emphatically meet: -

גליהם ויחשו לדממה סארה יקם
galleyhem vaiyecheshu lidemamah searah yakem
He shall cause the whirlwind to stand dumb, and he shall hush their billows.

Clarke: Psa 107:30 - -- Then are they glad because they be quiet - The turbulence of the sea being hushed, and the waves still, they rejoice to see an end to the tempest; a...

Then are they glad because they be quiet - The turbulence of the sea being hushed, and the waves still, they rejoice to see an end to the tempest; and thus, having fine weather, a smooth sea, and fair wind, they are speedily brought to the desired haven.

Clarke: Psa 107:31 - -- O that men - The intercalary verse, or burden, as before. See Psa 107:8.

O that men - The intercalary verse, or burden, as before. See Psa 107:8.

Clarke: Psa 107:32 - -- Let them exalt him also in the congregation - Their deliverance from such imminent danger, and in a way which clearly showed the Divine interpositio...

Let them exalt him also in the congregation - Their deliverance from such imminent danger, and in a way which clearly showed the Divine interposition, demands, not only gratitude of heart and the song of praise at the end of the storm, but when they come to shore that they publicly acknowledge it in the congregation of God’ s people. I have been often pleased, when in sea-port towns, to see and hear notes sent to the minister from pious sailors, returning thanks to the Almighty for preservation from shipwreck, and, in general, from the dangers of the sea; and for bringing them back in safety to their own port. Thus "they exalt the Lord in the congregation, and praise him in the assembly of the elders."And is it not something of this kind that the psalmist requires?

Clarke: Psa 107:33 - -- He turneth rivers into a wilderness - After having, as above, illustrated the state of the Jews in their captivity, and the deliverance which God wr...

He turneth rivers into a wilderness - After having, as above, illustrated the state of the Jews in their captivity, and the deliverance which God wrought for them, he now turns to the general conduct of God in reference to the poor and needy; and his gracious Interpositions in their behalf, the providential supply of their wants, and his opposition to their oppressors. On account of the wickedness of men, he sometimes changes a fruitful land into a desert. See the general state of Egypt in the present time: once a fertile land; now an arid, sandy wilderness. Again, by his blessing on honest industry, he has changed deserts into highly fertile ground. And, as for the wickedness of their inhabitants, many lands are cursed and rendered barren; so, when a people acknowledge him in all their ways, he blesses their toil, gives them rain and fruitful seasons, and fills their hearts with joy and gladness.

Clarke: Psa 107:36 - -- And there he maketh the hungry to dwell - All this seems to apply admirably to the first colonists of any place. They flee from a land of want, an i...

And there he maketh the hungry to dwell - All this seems to apply admirably to the first colonists of any place. They flee from a land of want, an ingrata terra that did not repay their toil, and they seek the wilderness where the land wants only cultivation to make it produce all the necessaries of life. He, by his providence, so guides their steps as to lead them to rivers which they can navigate, and from which they can procure plenty of fish, and shows them wells or springs which they have not digged. The hungry dwell there; and jointly agree, for convenience and defense, to build them a city for habitation. They sow the fields which they have cleared; and plant vineyards, and orchards which yield them in creasing fruits, Psa 107:37, and he multiplies their cattle greatly, and does not suffer them to decrease, Psa 107:38. What a fine picture is this of the first peopling and planting of America, and of the multiplication and extension of that people; of the Divine blessing on their industry, and the general and astonishing prosperity of their country! May they never again know what is spoken in the following verse:

Clarke: Psa 107:39 - -- Again, they are minished - Sometimes by war, or pestilence, or famine. How minished and brought low was the country already spoken of, by the long a...

Again, they are minished - Sometimes by war, or pestilence, or famine. How minished and brought low was the country already spoken of, by the long and destructive war which began in 1775, and was not ended till 1783! And what desolations, minishings, and ruin have been brought on the fertile empires of Europe by the war which commenced in 1792, and did not end till 1814! And how many millions of lives have been sacrificed in it, and souls sent unprepared into the eternal world! When God makes inquisition for blood, on whose heads will he find the blood of these slaughtered millions? Alas! O, alas!

Clarke: Psa 107:40 - -- He poureth contempt upon princes - How many have lately been raised from nothing, and set upon thrones! And how many have been cast down from throne...

He poureth contempt upon princes - How many have lately been raised from nothing, and set upon thrones! And how many have been cast down from thrones, and reduced to nothing! And where are now those mighty troublers of the earth? On both sides they are in general gone to give an account of themselves to God. And what an account

Clarke: Psa 107:40 - -- Where there is no way - Who can consider the fate of the late emperor of the French, Napoleon, without seeing the hand of God in his downfall! All t...

Where there is no way - Who can consider the fate of the late emperor of the French, Napoleon, without seeing the hand of God in his downfall! All the powers of Europe were leagued against him in vain, they were as stubble to his bow. "He came, He saw, and He conquered"almost every where, till God, by a Russian Frost, destroyed his tens of thousands of veteran troops. And afterwards his armies of raw conscripts would have over-matched the world had not a particular providence intervened at Waterloo, when all the skill and valor of his opponents had been nearly reduced to nothing. How terrible art thou, O Lord, in thy judgments! Thou art fearful in praises, doing wonders

The dreary rock of St. Helena, where there was no way, saw a period to the mighty conqueror, who had strode over all the countries of Europe!

Clarke: Psa 107:41 - -- Yet setteth he the poor on high - This probably refers to the case of the Israelites and their restoration from captivity. But these are incidents w...

Yet setteth he the poor on high - This probably refers to the case of the Israelites and their restoration from captivity. But these are incidents which frequently occur, and mark the superintendence of a benign Providence, and the hand of a just God; and are applicable to a multitude of cases.

Clarke: Psa 107:42 - -- The righteous shall see it - The wicked are as inconsiderate as they are obstinate and headstrong

The righteous shall see it - The wicked are as inconsiderate as they are obstinate and headstrong

Clarke: Psa 107:42 - -- And rejoice - To have such ample proofs that God ruleth in the earth, and that none that trust in him shall be desolate

And rejoice - To have such ample proofs that God ruleth in the earth, and that none that trust in him shall be desolate

Clarke: Psa 107:42 - -- All iniquity shall stop her mouth - God’ s judgments and mercies are so evident, and so distinctly marked, that atheism, infidelity, and irreli...

All iniquity shall stop her mouth - God’ s judgments and mercies are so evident, and so distinctly marked, that atheism, infidelity, and irreligion are confounded, and the cause of error and falsehood has become hopeless. It was only the mouth that could do any thing; and that only by lies, calumnies, and blasphemies: but God closes this mouth, pours contempt upon the head and judgment upon the heart. This may also be applied to the case of the Israelttes and the Babylonians. The former, when they turned to God, became righteous; the latter were a personification of all iniquity.

Clarke: Psa 107:43 - -- Whoso is wise - That is, He that is wise, he that fears God, and regards the operation of his hand will observe - lay up and keep, these things. He ...

Whoso is wise - That is, He that is wise, he that fears God, and regards the operation of his hand will observe - lay up and keep, these things. He will hide them in his heart, that he sin not against Jehovah. He will encourage himself in the Lord, because he finds that he is a never-failing spring of goodness to the righteous

Clarke: Psa 107:43 - -- They shall understand the lovinq-kindness of the Lord - חסדי יהוה chasdey Yehovah , the exuberant goodness of Jehovah. This is his peculiar...

They shall understand the lovinq-kindness of the Lord - חסדי יהוה chasdey Yehovah , the exuberant goodness of Jehovah. This is his peculiar and most prominent characteristic among men; for "judgment is his strange work."What a wonderful discourse on Divine Providence, and God’ s management of the world, does this inimitable Psalm contain! The ignorant cannot read it without profit; and by the study of it, the wise man will become yet wiser

Calvin: Psa 107:29 - -- 29.He maketh the storm a calm A profane author, in narrating the history of such an event, would have said, that the winds were hushed, and the ragin...

29.He maketh the storm a calm A profane author, in narrating the history of such an event, would have said, that the winds were hushed, and the raging billows were calmed; but the Spirit of God, by this change of the storm into a calm, places the providence of God as presiding over all; thereby meaning, that it was not by human agency that this violent commotion of the sea and wind, which threatened to subvert the frame of the world, was so suddenly stilled. When, therefore, the sea is agitated, and boils up in terrific fury, as if wave were contending with wave, whence is it that instantly it is calm and peaceful, but that God restrains the raging of the billows, the contention of which was so awful, and makes the bosom of the deep as smooth as a mirror? 286 Having spoken of their great terror, he proceeds next to mention their joy, so that their ingratitude may appear the more striking, if they forget their remarkable deliverance. For they are not in want of a monitor, having been abundantly instructed by the storm itself, and by the calm which ensued, that their lives were in the hand and under the protection of God. Moreover, he informs them that this is a species of gratitude which deserves not only to be acknowledged privately, or to be mentioned in the family, but that it should be praised and magnified in all places, even in the great assemblies. He makes specific mention of the elders, intimating that the more wisdom and experience a person has, the more capable is he of listening to, and being a witness of, these praises.

Calvin: Psa 107:33 - -- 33.He turneth rivers into a wilderness Here then is an account of changes which it would be the height of folly to attribute to chance. Fruitful land...

33.He turneth rivers into a wilderness Here then is an account of changes which it would be the height of folly to attribute to chance. Fruitful lands become unfruitful, and barren lands assume the new aspect of freshness and fruitfulness. And how happens it that one district becomes sterile, and another becomes fat and fertile, contrary to what they were wont to be, but because that God pours out his wrath upon the inhabitants of the one, by taking his blessing from them, and renders the other fruitful to feed the hungry? It may be ascribed to the thinness of the population, that many parts of Asia and Greece, once exceedingly fruitful, now lie uncultivated and unproductive; but we must ascribe to the providence of God, which the prophet praises, the well authenticated fact, that in some places the earth that was fruitful has now become barren and parched, while others are beginning to be fertile.

It is, however, not sufficient merely to observe, that these wonderful revolutions of the surface of the earth are the result of God’s overruling purpose, unless we also observe, in the second place, what the prophet does not omit, that the earth is cursed by him on account of the iniquity of its inhabitants, who prove themselves to be undeserving of being so amply sustained by his bountiful hand. He has put pools and springs of water for fields or countries where there is an abundance of water; because moisture is required to nourish the plants by which fruit is produced. The term saltness is employed metaphorically, inasmuch as there is nothing more sterile than salt; hence that saying of Christ’s,

“If the salt have lost its saltness, what further purpose will it serve?”
Mar 9:50

not even indeed for barrenness. And, consequently, when men designed to doom any place to remain unproductive, they usually sowed it with salt. And probably it is in allusion to this ancient custom, that the prophet says that the land was covered with salt.

Calvin: Psa 107:35 - -- 35.He turneth the desert into a pool of water This change, in contrast with the former, places the miraculous power of God in a more luminous positio...

35.He turneth the desert into a pool of water This change, in contrast with the former, places the miraculous power of God in a more luminous position. Because, were the fields ceasing to be so productive as in former times, men of the world, as was common of old, would attribute this to the frequent crops which exhausted their productive power. But whence is it that parched grounds become so fruitful, that one would almost say that the atmosphere, as well as the nature of the soil, had undergone a change, unless it be that God hath there put forth a wonderful display of his power and goodness? Wherefore, the prophet very justly says, that the deserts were turned into pools of water, so that populous cities may rise up in waste and uncultivated places, where once there was not a single cottage. For it is as improbable that the nature of the soil is changed, as that the course of the sun and stars is changed. The clause, the hungry are filled, may mean, either that they themselves, after considerable privations, have got what may supply their need, or that those poor persons, living in a country where they cannot longer find daily bread, being constrained to leave it, and to seek a new place of abode, are there bountifully supplied by God. I am rather disposed to think, that this clause refers to what frequently occurs, namely, that the famishing, whose wants the world refuses to supply, and who are expatriated, are comfortably accommodated in these desert places, where God blesses them with abundance. The passage which I have translated, fruit of the increase, is, by not a few Hebrew expositors, considered as a repetition of two synonymous terms, and are for supplying a copulative conjunction, making it, fruit and increase But it was rather the intention of the prophet to refer to fruit yielded annually; as if he said, the fertility of these regions is not temporary, or only for a few years, it is perennial. For תבואות , tebuaoth, is the term which, in the Hebrew, denotes full-grown fruit annually produced by the earth. And when he says, that the new settlers sow and plant, he gives us to understand, that, prior to their arrival, cultivation was unknown in these places, and, consequently, in becoming so unusually fertile, they assumed a totally different aspect. And, in fine, he adds, that it was entirely owing to the Divine blessing that those who were once oppressed with poverty and want are now daily increasing in the good things of this life.

Calvin: Psa 107:39 - -- 39.Afterwards they are lessened Ere I enter upon the consideration of the truths contained in this verse, I must make some brief verbal observations....

39.Afterwards they are lessened Ere I enter upon the consideration of the truths contained in this verse, I must make some brief verbal observations. Some make the word עוצר , otser, to signify tyranny, and certainly עצר , atsar, does signify to bear rule. But since it is used metaphorically for anguish, it appears to me that this is the meaning which is most accordant with the tenor of the passage. The last two words of the verse may be read as in the nominative case, as I have rendered them, or in the genitive, the anguish of misery and sorrow This lection appears to me preferable, through the anguish of misery, 289 and through sorrow.

We come now to notice shortly the main things in the passage. And as we had formerly a description of the changes which these districts underwent in relation to the nature of the soil, so now we are informed that mankind do not for ever continue in the same condition; because they both decrease in number, and lose their place and property by being reduced by wars or by civil commotions, or by other casualties. Therefore, whether they are wasted by the pestilence, or are defeated in battle, or are cut off by intestine broils, it is manifest that both their rank and condition undergo alteration. And what is the occasion of this change, but that God withdraws his grace, which hitherto formed the hidden spring from which all their prosperity issued? And as there are a thousand casualties by which cities may be ruined, the prophet brings forward one species of change of all others the most palpable and remarkable. And since God’s hand is not observed in that which relates to persons living in comparative obscurity, he brings into view princes themselves, whose name and fame will not permit any memorable event which befalls them to remain in obscurity. For it seems that the world is made on their account. When God, therefore, hurls them from their lofty estate, then men, aroused as it were from their slumber, are prepared to regard his judgments. Here, too, the mode of address which is employed must be attended to; in saying, that God poured contempt upon princes, it is as if it was his pleasure, so long as they retained their dignity, that honor and respect should be paid to them. The words of Daniel are well known,

“O king, God hath put the fear of thee in the very fowls of the heaven and the beasts of the earth,” (Dan 2:8)

And assuredly, though princes may clothe themselves with power, yet that inward honor and majesty which God has conferred upon them, is a greater safeguard than any human arm. Nor even would a single village hold out for the space of three days, did not God, by his invisible and invincible agency, put a restraint upon the hearts of men. Hence, whenever God renders princes contemptible, their magnificent power must of necessity be subverted. This is a fact corroborated by history, that mighty potentates, who have been the terror and dread of the whole world, when once denuded of their dignity and power, have become the sport even of their own dependants. And inasmuch as such a striking revolution as this should be regarded as a wonderful display of God’s power, yet such is the obtuseness of our minds, that we will not acknowledge his overruling providence. As a contrast to these reverses, the prophet afterwards shows, that the poor and ignoble are exalted, and their houses increased, and that those who were held in no estimation, suddenly increase in wealth and power. In these things men would assuredly recognize the providence of God, were it not that the perversity of their minds rendered them insensate.

Calvin: Psa 107:42 - -- 42.The righteous shall see that, and shall rejoice The prophet now draws the conclusion, that so many evident tokens of God’s superintending and ov...

42.The righteous shall see that, and shall rejoice The prophet now draws the conclusion, that so many evident tokens of God’s superintending and overruling providence could not transpire before the righteous without attracting their notice, and that their vision being illuminated by faith, these scenes are contemplated by them with unfeigned delight; while the wicked remain perplexed and mute. For he very judiciously makes a distinction between these two classes of persons. In whatever manner the wicked may be constrained to recognize God as the supreme ruler of the universe, nevertheless, in seeing they see not, and derive nothing from the sight, except that their conduct is rendered the more inexcusable. But the righteous are not only able to form a good and sound judgment of these events, they also spontaneously open their eyes to contemplate the equity, goodness, and wisdom of God, the sight and knowledge of which are refreshing to them. For the joy which they experience in this exercise is a pledge that their thus observing these things was the spontaneous effusion of their hearts. With regard to the despisers of God, it is not meant that they are so deeply impressed as truly to acknowledge that the world is under his superintending care, but that they are merely so far kept in check as not to presume to deny the existence of that providence as their natural inclination would lead them to do; or, at least, that they meet with a vigorous repulse whenever they attempt to speak in opposition to it. Although the judgments of God are before their eyes, yet is their understanding so darkened, that they cannot perceive the clear light. And this manner of speaking is more energetic than if it had been said, that the wicked themselves are become mute. In fact, they do not cease from murmuring against God’s dispensations of providence; for we see with what arrogance and contempt they set themselves in opposition to our faith, and have the hardihood to pour forth horrid blasphemies against God. This does not impeach the veracity of the prophet’s statement, that the mouth of wickedness is stopped, because, in fact, the more proudly and violently they assail God, the more notorious does their impiety appear. Besides, the joy here mentioned arises from this, that there is nothing more calculated to increase our faith, than the knowledge of the providence of God; because, without it, we would be harassed with doubts and fears, being uncertain whether or not the world was governed by chance. For this reason, it follows that those who aim at the subversion of this doctrine, depriving the children of God of true comfort, and vexing their minds by unsettling their faith, forge for themselves a hell upon earth. For what can be more awfully tormenting than to be constantly racked with doubt and anxiety? And we will never be able to arrive at a calm state of mind until we are taught to repose with implicit confidence in the providence of God. Moreover, it is declared in this verse, that God manifests his goodness to all men without exception, and yet there are comparatively few of them who benefit by it. Wherefore, when he formerly called upon all to celebrate the goodness of God, it was in order that the ingratitude of the majority of them might the more plainly appear.

Calvin: Psa 107:43 - -- 43.Whosoever is wise, so as to observe these things We are now informed that men begin to be wise when they turn their whole attention to the contemp...

43.Whosoever is wise, so as to observe these things We are now informed that men begin to be wise when they turn their whole attention to the contemplation of the works of God, and that all others besides are fools. For however much they may pique themselves upon their superior acuteness and subtilty, all this is of no avail so long as they shut their eyes against the light which is presented to them. In employing this interrogatory form of address, he indirectly adverts to that false persuasion which prevails in the world, at the very time when the most daring heaven-despiser esteems himself to be the wisest of men; as if he should say, that all those who do not properly observe the providence of God, will be found to be nothing but fools. This caution is the more necessary, since we find that some of the greatest of philosophers were so mischievous as to devote their talents to obscure and conceal the providence of God, and, entirely overlooking his agency, ascribed all to secondary causes. At the head of these was Aristotle, a man of genius and learning; but being a heathen, whose heart was perverse and depraved, it was his constant aim to entangle and perplex God’s overruling providence by a variety of wild speculations; so much so, that it may with too much truth be said, that he employed his naturally acute powers of mind to extinguish all light. Besides, the prophet not only condemns the insensate Epicureans, whose insensibility was of the basest character, but he also informs us that a blindness, still greater and more detestable, was to be found among these great philosophers themselves. By the term, observe, he informs us, that the bare apprehension of the works of God is not enough, — they must be carefully considered in order that the knowledge of them may be deliberately and maturely digested. And, therefore, that it may be engraven upon our hearts, we must make these works the theme of our attentive and constant meditation. When the prophet says, Whosoever is wise, even they shall understand, the change of the singular into the plural number is beautifully appropriate. By the one he tacitly complains of the fewness of those who observe the judgments of God; as if he should say, How seldom do we meet with a person who truly and attentively considers the works of God! Then he adverts to the fact of their being so visibly before all, that it is impossible that men could overlook them, were it not that their minds are perverted by their own wickedness. And if any person be disposed to inquire how it comes to pass that the prophet, after treating of the judgments and severity of God, now makes mention of his loving-kindness, I answer, that his loving-kindness shines most conspicuously, and occupies a very prominent place in all that he does; for he is naturally prone to loving-kindness, by which also he draws us to himself.

TSK: Psa 107:25 - -- he commandeth : Psa 135:7, Psa 148:8; Jon 1:4 raiseth : Heb. maketh to stand lifteth : Psa 93:3; Mat 8:24; Joh 6:18

he commandeth : Psa 135:7, Psa 148:8; Jon 1:4

raiseth : Heb. maketh to stand

lifteth : Psa 93:3; Mat 8:24; Joh 6:18

TSK: Psa 107:26 - -- their soul : Psa 22:14, Psa 119:28; 2Sa 17:10; Isa 13:7; Nah 2:10

TSK: Psa 107:27 - -- stagger : Job 12:25; Isa 19:14, Isa 29:9 are at their wit’ s end : Heb. all their wisdom is swallowed up, Job 37:20; Isa 19:3 *marg. Act 27:15-20

stagger : Job 12:25; Isa 19:14, Isa 29:9

are at their wit’ s end : Heb. all their wisdom is swallowed up, Job 37:20; Isa 19:3 *marg. Act 27:15-20

TSK: Psa 107:28 - -- Psa 107:6, Psa 107:13, Psa 107:19; Jon 1:5, Jon 1:6, Jon 1:14; Mat 8:25; Act 27:23-25

TSK: Psa 107:29 - -- Psa 65:7, Psa 89:9; Jon 1:15; Mat 8:26; Mar 4:39-41; Luk 8:23-25

TSK: Psa 107:30 - -- he bringeth : Joh 6:21

he bringeth : Joh 6:21

TSK: Psa 107:31 - -- Oh that men : Psa 107:8, Psa 107:15, Psa 107:21, Psa 103:2, Psa 105:1; Hos 2:8; Jon 1:16, Jon 2:9; Mic 6:4, Mic 6:5; Rom 1:20, Rom 1:21; 2Ti 3:2; Heb ...

TSK: Psa 107:32 - -- exalt : Psa 18:46, Psa 46:10, Psa 99:5, Psa 99:9; Exo 15:2; Isa 12:4, Isa 25:1 in the congregation : Psa 22:22, Psa 22:25, Psa 40:9, Psa 40:10, Psa 66...

TSK: Psa 107:33 - -- turneth : 1Ki 17:1-7; Isa 13:19-21, Isa 19:5-10, Isa 34:9, Isa 34:10, Isa 42:15, Isa 44:27, Isa 50:2; Eze 30:12; Joe 1:20; Nah 1:4; Zep 2:9, Zep 2:13 ...

TSK: Psa 107:34 - -- a fruitful : Gen 13:10, Gen 13:13, Gen 19:25; Deu 29:23-28; Isa 32:13-15 barrenness : Heb. saltness, Gen 14:3; Eze 47:11

a fruitful : Gen 13:10, Gen 13:13, Gen 19:25; Deu 29:23-28; Isa 32:13-15

barrenness : Heb. saltness, Gen 14:3; Eze 47:11

TSK: Psa 107:35 - -- turneth : Psa 114:8; Num 21:16-18; 2Ki 3:16-20; Isa 35:6, Isa 35:7, Isa 41:17-19, Isa 44:3-5; Eze 47:6-12

TSK: Psa 107:36 - -- there he : Psa 146:7; Luk 1:53 a city : Psa 107:7; Act 17:26

there he : Psa 146:7; Luk 1:53

a city : Psa 107:7; Act 17:26

TSK: Psa 107:37 - -- sow : Isa 37:30; Jer 29:5, Jer 31:5; Eze 28:26; Amo 9:13-15 which may : Psa 65:9-13; Gen 26:12; Joe 1:10-12; Hag 1:5, Hag 1:6, Hag 1:10, Hag 1:11, Hag...

TSK: Psa 107:38 - -- He blesseth : Psa 128:1-6; Gen 1:28, Gen 9:1, Gen 12:2, Gen 17:16, Gen 17:20; Exo 1:7; Deu 28:4, Deu 28:11, Deu 30:9; Jer 30:19; Eze 37:26 suffereth :...

TSK: Psa 107:39 - -- Again : The incidents detailed in these verses, which frequently occur, and mark the superintendence of a benign Providence, and the hand of a just Go...

Again : The incidents detailed in these verses, which frequently occur, and mark the superintendence of a benign Providence, and the hand of a just God, appear to be brought forward to illustrate the return of the Israelites from captivity, and the punishment of their oppressors the Babylonians. Wherefore, at last, as in a common chorus, they conclude with exhorting each other to a serious consideration of these things, and to make a proper return to the Almighty.

they are : Psa 30:6, Psa 30:7; Gen 45:11; Rth 1:20, Rth 1:21; 1Sa 2:5-7; 2Ki 4:8, 2Ki 8:3; Job 1:10-17

oppression : Exo 1:13, Exo 1:14, Exo 2:23, Exo 2:24; Jdg 6:3-6; 2Ki 10:32, 2Ki 13:7, 2Ki 13:22, 2Ki 14:26; 2Ch 15:5, 2Ch 15:6; Jer 51:33, Jer 51:34

TSK: Psa 107:40 - -- poureth : Job 12:21, Job 12:24; Isa 23:8, Isa 23:9 contempt : Psa 78:66; Exo 8:3, Exo 8:17, Exo 8:24; Jos 10:24-26; Jdg 1:6, Jdg 1:7, Jdg 4:21; 1Sa 5:...

TSK: Psa 107:41 - -- setteth : Psa 113:7, Psa 113:8; Rth 4:14-17; 1Sa 2:8; Est 8:15-17; Job 5:11, Job 8:7, Job 11:15-19; Job 42:10-12; Jer 52:31-34; Jam 5:11 from : or, af...

TSK: Psa 107:42 - -- righteous : Psa 52:6, Psa 58:10, Psa 58:11; Job 22:19; Isa 66:10, Isa 66:11, Isa 66:14 iniquity : Psa 63:11, Psa 112:10; Exo 11:7; Job 5:15, Job 5:16;...

TSK: Psa 107:43 - -- is wise : Psa 28:5, Psa 64:9; Isa 5:12; Jer 9:12; Dan 10:12; Hos 14:9 they shall understand : Psa 50:23; Jer 9:24; Eph 3:18, Eph 3:19

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Psa 107:25 - -- For he commandeth - Hebrew, "he says;"that is, He speaks the word, and it is done. The mere expression of his will raises up the storm, and thr...

For he commandeth - Hebrew, "he says;"that is, He speaks the word, and it is done. The mere expression of his will raises up the storm, and throws the sea into commotion.

And raiseth the stormy wind - Margin, as in Hebrew, "Maketh to stand."The "stormy wind"is literally, the wind of the tempest.

Which lifteth up the waves thereof - The waves of the ocean. The wind seems to take them up, and lift them on high.

Barnes: Psa 107:26 - -- They mount up to the heaven - The mariners. That it refers to the seamen, and not to the waves, is apparent from the close of the verse: "their...

They mount up to the heaven - The mariners. That it refers to the seamen, and not to the waves, is apparent from the close of the verse: "their soul is melted."

They go down again to the depths - The word here is different from that used in Psa 107:24, and rendered "deep,"but the idea is essentially the same. It is the sea or ocean considered as "deep;"as bottomless. The idea here is, that they seem to descend into the very depths of the ocean.

Their soul is melted because of trouble - It seems to dissolve; it loses all its vigor; it faints. The word used - מוג mûg - means to melt; to flow down; to soften; and is then applied to the heart or mind that loses its courage or vigor by fear or terror. Exo 15:15; Jos 2:9, Jos 2:24; Nah 1:5. The "trouble"here referred to is that which arises from fear and danger.

Barnes: Psa 107:27 - -- They reel to and fro - The word used here - חגג châgag - means to dance as in a circle; then, to reel, or be giddy as drunkards are...

They reel to and fro - The word used here - חגג châgag - means to dance as in a circle; then, to reel, or be giddy as drunkards are.

And stagger ... - This word means to move to and fro; to waver; to vacillate; and it is then applied to a man who cannot walk steadily - a drunkard. So the vessel, with the mariners on board, seems to stagger and reel in the storm.

And are at their wit’ s end - Margin, as in Hebrew, "All their wisdom is swallowed up."That is, They have no skill to guide the vessel. All that has been done by the wisdom of naval architecture in constructing it, and all that has been derived from experience in navigating the ocean, seems now to be useless. They are at the mercy of the winds and waves; they are dependent wholly on God; they can now only cry to him to save them. Often this occurs in a storm at sea, when the most skillful and experienced seaman feels that he can do no more.

Barnes: Psa 107:28 - -- Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble ... - See Psa 107:6, Psa 107:13, Psa 107:19. Sailors pray. If they do not pray elsewhere, they oft...

Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble ... - See Psa 107:6, Psa 107:13, Psa 107:19. Sailors pray. If they do not pray elsewhere, they often do in a storm, when in danger of being wrecked and lost. A storm at sea brings hundreds on their knees who never prayed before - for they feel that their only help is in God, and that it is a fearful thing to die. Then they do "right."They do what "ought"to be done. But they do then only what people ought always to do, for it is as plain a duty to pray when we are in safety as when we are in danger; when sailing on a smooth sea as in a storm; when on the land as on the ocean. People anywhere, and at any time may die; and people everywhere and at all times "should,"therefore, call upon God. Storms, tempests, fire, disease, and danger, only impel people to do what they should do always from higher motives, and when their motives will be likely to be more disinterested and pure.

Barnes: Psa 107:29 - -- He maketh the storm a calm - God does this, and God only can do it. The fact, therefore, that Jesus did it Mat 8:26, proves that he was divine....

He maketh the storm a calm - God does this, and God only can do it. The fact, therefore, that Jesus did it Mat 8:26, proves that he was divine. There can be no more striking proof of divine power than the ability to calm the raging waves of the ocean by a word. This is literally, "He places the tempest to silence."

So that the waves thereof are still - Are lulled. The ocean ceases to be agitated, and the surface becomes smooth. Nothing is more still than the ocean in a calm. Not a breath of air seems to stir; not a ripple agitates the surface of the sea; the sails of the vessel hang loose, and even the vessel seems to be perfectly at rest: "As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean."So God can calm down the tempest of the soul. He can make the mind which was heaving and tossed, like the ocean, with anguish on account of guilt, and which trembled in view of the coming judgment, as calm as the ocean is when in its state of perfect repose. God can do "this,"and none "but"God can do it; and as Jesus thus stills the agitation of the guilty soul, as he did the waves of the sea, "this"proves also that he is divine.

Barnes: Psa 107:30 - -- Then are they glad because they be quiet - Because the storm subsides, and they have the feeling of safety from danger. So he bringeth the...

Then are they glad because they be quiet - Because the storm subsides, and they have the feeling of safety from danger.

So he bringeth them - Rather, "And he guides them."

Unto their desired haven - The word translated "haven"occurs nowhere else. By some it is rendered "shore,"but the word "haven"or "port"seems best to express the sense of the passage: "the haven of their desire."No one can appreciate this fully who has not been long at sea, and who has not experienced the intense desire once more to see "land."Even then no one experiences it fully who has not some object there which he desires to see, or to accomplish. If his business is there, if it is his native land, if his father, mother, wife, or children are there, if it is the place of his father’ s sepulchre, and the place where he was born and reared, how intense becomes the desire to see that land once more. So God brings his people to rest in heaven - their haven, their home. After being tossed by the tempests of life, after encountering its storms and dangers, after the fear and agitation experienced, he stills the storms; the way becomes smooth and calm; the end of the voyage is serene; and death is like the ship smoothly gliding into port with its sails all set. The soul enters heaven - the desired haven - the port that was longed for; a safe haven, beyond all storms or tempests; an eternal home!

Barnes: Psa 107:31 - -- Oh that men... - See Psa 107:8, note; Psa 107:15, note; Psa 107:21, note. Assuredly they who are thus delivered from the dangers of the sea sho...

Oh that men... - See Psa 107:8, note; Psa 107:15, note; Psa 107:21, note. Assuredly they who are thus delivered from the dangers of the sea should praise the Lord; they who have seen the wonders of God on the great ocean should "never"forget God.

Barnes: Psa 107:32 - -- Let them exalt him also - Let them lift up his name on high; let them make it conspicuous. The word means "to lift up,"and is applied to praise...

Let them exalt him also - Let them lift up his name on high; let them make it conspicuous. The word means "to lift up,"and is applied to praise because we thus, as it were, "lift up"God, or make him conspicuous.

In the congregation of the people - Not merely in private, but in public. As his doings are public and conspicuous - as they pertain to all - people should acknowledge him in their public capacity, or when assembled together.

And praise him in the assembly of the elders - The old men; the men eminent for experience and wisdom. Perhaps this refers to those who occupied some official position in public worship, as appointed to preside over that worship, and to conduct it. We know that the arrangement was early made to appoint a body of aged men to preside over the assemblies for worship, and to direct the devotions of the people. In the presence of such venerable and venerated men, they are here exhorted to give due praise to God. The "reason"for this seems to be partly drawn from what had been referred to in the previous verses - the power of God as seen in stilling the tempests of the ocean; and partly from what is immediately referred to - the blessing of God on the labors of man in cultivating the earth.

Barnes: Psa 107:33 - -- He turneth rivers into a wilderness - He makes great changes in the earth; he shows that he has absolute dominion over it. See the notes at Isa...

He turneth rivers into a wilderness - He makes great changes in the earth; he shows that he has absolute dominion over it. See the notes at Isa 44:26-27. On the word "wilderness,"see the notes at Psa 107:4. The point here is, that God had such control over nature that he could make the bed of a river dry and barren as the rocky or sandy desert. He could effectually dry up the stream, and make it so dry and parched that nothing would grow but the most stunted shrubs, such as were found in the waste and sandy desert.

And the water-springs into dry ground - The very fountains of the rivers: not only drying up the river itself by leading it off into burning wastes where it would be evaporated by the heat, or lost in the sand - but so directly affecting the "sources"of the streams as to make them dry.

Barnes: Psa 107:34 - -- A fruitful land - Hebrew, A land of fruit. That is, a land that would produce abundance. The word "fruit"here is not used in the limited sense ...

A fruitful land - Hebrew, A land of fruit. That is, a land that would produce abundance. The word "fruit"here is not used in the limited sense in which we now employ it, but means any productions of the earth.

Into barrenness - Margin, as in Hebrew, "saltness."The word is used to denote a barren soil, because where salt "abounds"the soil "is"barren. Thus it is around the Dead Sea. Compare Job 39:6; Jer 17:6. See also Virg. Geor. II. 238, "Salsa ... tellus - frugibus infelix;"Pliny, Hist. Nat. 31. 7; Bochart, Hieroz. t. i., p. 872.

For the wickedness of them that dwell therein - As he overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah; probably alluding to that.

Barnes: Psa 107:35 - -- He turneth the wilderness into a standing water - A pool; a lake. See the notes at Isa 35:6-7. And dry ground into water-springs - Not me...

He turneth the wilderness into a standing water - A pool; a lake. See the notes at Isa 35:6-7.

And dry ground into water-springs - Not merely watering it with rain from heaven, but causing gushing fountains to break forth, and to flow continually, diffusing fertility and beauty everywhere.

Barnes: Psa 107:36 - -- And there he maketh the hungry to dwell - Those who were in want; those who would have perished. It is not necessary to refer this to any parti...

And there he maketh the hungry to dwell - Those who were in want; those who would have perished. It is not necessary to refer this to any particular case. It is a general statement, pertaining to changes which God makes upon the earth, as great as if he "should"thus convert a desert into a fruitful field - a barren waste into a land abounding in springs of water; as if he should conduct there a company of famished men, and provide for them food in abundance.

That they may prepare a city for habitation - A permanent dwelling-place for man.

Barnes: Psa 107:37 - -- And sow the fields, and plant vineyards - Cultivate the earth. The culture of the vine was an important feature in agriculture in Palestine, an...

And sow the fields, and plant vineyards - Cultivate the earth. The culture of the vine was an important feature in agriculture in Palestine, and hence, it is made so prominent here.

Which may yield fruits of increase - The fruits which the earth produces.

Barnes: Psa 107:38 - -- He blesseth them also - In the manner immediately specified. So that they are multiplied greatly - This was regarded as one of the highes...

He blesseth them also - In the manner immediately specified.

So that they are multiplied greatly - This was regarded as one of the highest blessings which God could confer, and hence, it was so often promised by him to the patriarchs, as a proof of his favor, that their seed should be as the stars of heaven, and as the sand upon the sea-shore. Gen 13:16; Gen 22:17; Gen 26:4; Gen 32:12.

And suffereth not their cattle to decrease - The keeping of herds of cattle was also an important point in husbandry, and hence, it was a blessing that they were made to increase, and that they were kept from the diseases to which cattle are subject.

Barnes: Psa 107:39 - -- Again, they are minished ... - literally, "And they are made to decrease."That is - all is in the hand of God. He rules and directs all things....

Again, they are minished ... - literally, "And they are made to decrease."That is - all is in the hand of God. He rules and directs all things. If there is prosperity, it comes from him; if there are reverses, they occur under his hand. People are not always prosperous. There are changes, misfortunes, disappointments, sorrows. God so deals with the race as in the bests manner to secure the recognition of himself: not always sending prosperity, lest people should regard it as a thing of course, and forget that it comes from him; and not making the course of life uniformly that of disappointment and sorrow, lest they should feel that there is no God presiding over human affairs. He visits now with prosperity, and now with adversity; now with success, and now with reverses, showing that his agency is constant, and that people are wholly dependent on him. In existing circumstances - since man is what he is - it is better that there should be alternations, reverses, and changes, than that there should be a uniform course.

Through oppression - Anything that "presses"or "straitens."

Affliction - Evil; here, in the sense of calamity.

And sorrow - Anguish, pain: of body or mind.

Barnes: Psa 107:40 - -- He poureth contempt upon princes - He treats them as if they were common people; he pays no regard in his providence to their station and rank....

He poureth contempt upon princes - He treats them as if they were common people; he pays no regard in his providence to their station and rank. They are subjected to the same needs as others; they meet with reverses like others; they become captives like others; they sicken and die like others; they are laid in the grave like others; and, with the same offensiveness, they turn back to dust. Between monarchs and their subjects, masters and their slaves, mistresses and their handmaidens, rich men and poor men, beauty and deformity, there is no distinction in the pains of sickness, in the pangs of dying, in the loathsomeness of the grave. The process of corruption goes on in the most splendid coffin, and beneath the most costly monument which art and wealth can rear, as well as in the plainest coffin, and in the grave marked by no stone or memorial. What can more strikingly show "contempt"for the trappings of royalty, for the adornings of wealth, for the stars and garters of nobility, for coronets and crowns, for the diamonds, the pearls, and the gold that decorate beauty, than that which occurs "in a grave!"The very language used here, alike in the Hebrew and in our translation, is found in Job 12:21. The word rendered "princes"properly means "willing, voluntary, prompt;"and is then applied to the generous, to the noble-minded, to those who give liberally. It then denotes one of noble rank, as the idea of rank in the mind of the Orientals was closely connected with the notion of liberality in giving. Thus it comes to demote one of noble birth, and might be applied to any of exalted rank.

And causeth them to wander in the wilderness - Margin, "void place."The Hebrew word - תהו tôhû - means properly wasteness, desolateness; emptiness, vanity. See Gen 1:2; Job 26:7; Isa 41:29; Isa 44:9; Isa 49:4. Here it means an empty, uninhabited place; a place where there is no path to guide; a land of desolation. The reference seems to be to the world beyond the grave; the land of shadows and night. Compare the notes at Job 10:21-22.

Where there is no way - literally, "no way."That is, no well-trodden path. All must soon go to that pathless world.

Barnes: Psa 107:41 - -- Yet setteth he the poor on high from affliction - Margin, "after."The sense is not materially different. The idea is, that while he thus humble...

Yet setteth he the poor on high from affliction - Margin, "after."The sense is not materially different. The idea is, that while he thus humbles princes, bringing them down from their lofty position, he has respect to the poor in their condition of suffering and trial, and raises them from that depressed state, and gives them prosperity. Thus he orders the circumstances of people, and shows his sovereignty.

And maketh him families like flock - Numerous as a flock. Large families were accounted a blessing among the Hebrews. See the notes at Psa 107:38.

Barnes: Psa 107:42 - -- The righteous shall see it, and rejoice - Shall see all these changes; shall see in their own case the proofs of the divine favor. They shall t...

The righteous shall see it, and rejoice - Shall see all these changes; shall see in their own case the proofs of the divine favor. They shall thus have occasion for praise.

And all iniquity shall stop her mouth - The wicked shall be silenced; they shall be dumb. The righteous shall find, in these varied scenes, occasion for praise and joy; the wicked shall be able to find no occasion for complaining or murmuring. The divine dealings shall be manifestly so just, and so worthy of universal approval, that, even though the wicked are disposed to complain against God, they will be able to find nothing which will justify them in such complaints.

Barnes: Psa 107:43 - -- Whoso is wise - All who are truly wise. That is, all who have a proper understanding of things, or who are disposed to look at them aright. ...

Whoso is wise - All who are truly wise. That is, all who have a proper understanding of things, or who are disposed to look at them aright.

And will observe these things - Will attentively consider them; will reason upon them correctly; will draw just conclusions from them; will allow them to produce their "proper"impression on the mind. The meaning is, that these things would not be understood at a glance, or by a hasty and cursory observation, but that all who would take time to study them would see in them such proofs of wisdom and goodness that they could not fail to come to the conclusion that God is worthy of confidence and love.

Even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the Lord - They will perceive that God is a merciful Being; that he seeks the welfare of the universe; that he desires the good of all; that the whole system is so arranged as to be adapted to secure the greatest good in the universe. No one can study the works of God, or mark the events of his providence, without perceiving that there are "innumerable"arrangements which have no other end than to produce happiness; which can be explained only on the supposition that God is a benevolent Being; which would not exist under the government of a malevolent being. And, although there are things which seem to be arrangements to cause suffering, and although sin and misery have been allowed to come into the world, yet we are not in circumstances to enable us to show that, in some way, these may not be consistent with a desire to promote the happiness of the universe, or that there may not be some explanation, at prosent too high for us, which will show that the principle of benevolence is applicable to all the works of God. Meantime, where we can - as we can in numberless cases - see the proofs of benevolence, let us praise God; where we cannot, let us silently trust him, and believe that there will yet be some way in which we may see this as the angels now see it, and, like them, praise him for what now seems to us to be dark and incomprehensible. There is an "eternity"before us in which to study the works of God, and it would not be strange if in that eternity we may learn things about God which we cannot understand now, or if in that eternity things now to us as dark as midnight may be made clear as noonday. How many things incomprehensible to us in childhood, become clear in riper years!

Poole: Psa 107:25 - -- The winds and storms come not by chance, but by the disposition of Divine Providence.

The winds and storms come not by chance, but by the disposition of Divine Providence.

Poole: Psa 107:26 - -- To the depths towards the bottom of the sea. Because of trouble through the perplexity of their minds, and fear of sudden and violent death.

To the depths towards the bottom of the sea.

Because of trouble through the perplexity of their minds, and fear of sudden and violent death.

Poole: Psa 107:27 - -- Stagger like a drunken man not so much from the giddiness of their heads, which is not usual in persons accustomed to the sea, as through the violent...

Stagger like a drunken man not so much from the giddiness of their heads, which is not usual in persons accustomed to the sea, as through the violent and various motions of the sea and the ship.

Poole: Psa 107:32 - -- In the congregation of the people not only in their own hearts and families, but even in public assemblies, and before all persons, as they have oppo...

In the congregation of the people not only in their own hearts and families, but even in public assemblies, and before all persons, as they have opportunity.

In the assembly of the elders the magistrates or rulers; who are here opposed to the people. The sense is, Let them not be ashamed nor afraid to speak of God’ s wonderful works and praises before the greatest of men, as mean persons commonly are. Compare Psa 119:46 . Or he mentions the elders particularly, because they were most apt to neglect and forget God, and to exalt themselves above and against him; and therefore it was meet and necessary that they should be acquainted with the almighty power and universal providence and dominion of God, that they themselves might learn subjection and reverence to God, and might promote it among their people.

Poole: Psa 107:33 - -- Rivers either, 1. Properly so called; which he can divert or dry up when he pleaseth, as sometimes he hath done. Or rather, 2. Those grounds which ...

Rivers either,

1. Properly so called; which he can divert or dry up when he pleaseth, as sometimes he hath done. Or rather,

2. Those grounds which are well watered, and therefore very fruitful, as the next verse explains this. And so

the water-springs here and Psa 107:35 , and the standing water , Ps 107 35 , are taken.

Into a wilderness into a dry ground, as it follows, which is like a parched and barren wilderness.

Poole: Psa 107:34 - -- Into barrenness Heb. into saltness , which procures barrenness. See Deu 29:23 Jud 9:45 . For the wickedness of them that dwell therein he doth not...

Into barrenness Heb. into saltness , which procures barrenness. See Deu 29:23 Jud 9:45 .

For the wickedness of them that dwell therein he doth not inflict these judgments by choice, or without cause, but for the punishment of sin in some, and the prevention of it in others.

Poole: Psa 107:35 - -- Into a standing water into a well-watered and fruitful land.

Into a standing water into a well-watered and fruitful land.

Poole: Psa 107:36 - -- The hungry poor people; who could not provide for themselves, or were banished from their own land by potent oppressors, and were driven into wildern...

The hungry poor people; who could not provide for themselves, or were banished from their own land by potent oppressors, and were driven into wildernesses, like them Job 30:3 , which God in pity to them made fruitful.

Poole: Psa 107:37 - -- May yield Heb. and they shall make or procure from their fields and vineyards. Fruits of increase such fruits as they use to produce.

May yield Heb. and they shall make or procure from their fields and vineyards.

Fruits of increase such fruits as they use to produce.

Poole: Psa 107:38 - -- Preserves them from abortion and deadly diseases, and on the contrary causeth them to increase, as he said in the former branch, which is here repea...

Preserves them from abortion and deadly diseases, and on the contrary causeth them to increase, as he said in the former branch, which is here repeated in other words, after the sane manner.

Poole: Psa 107:39 - -- They these poor men, who, when they are exalted and blessed by God, kick at him, and grow insolent and secure, as the returner of men is, are minish...

They these poor men, who, when they are exalted and blessed by God, kick at him, and grow insolent and secure, as the returner of men is,

are minished and brought low are by God’ s just judgment diminished in their numbers and in their blessings.

Through oppression, affliction, and sorrow or, through wicked oppression , (by the tyranny of others, whom God sends to spoil them of their abused riches,) and by other griefs or grievous calamities which God inflicts.

Poole: Psa 107:40 - -- He poureth contempt upon princes those who were honourable and adored like gods by their people, and terrible to all their enemies, he renders them d...

He poureth contempt upon princes those who were honourable and adored like gods by their people, and terrible to all their enemies, he renders them despicable to their own subjects, and to other nations; and this he doth suddenly, abundantly, and unavoidably, as this phrase of pouring it out upon them seems to imply. To wander in the wilderness, where there is no way ; either,

1. He giveth them up to foolish and pernicious counsels, by which they are exposed to contempt, and brought to their wit’ s end, not knowing what course to take. Or,

2. He banished them from their own courts and kingdoms, and forced them to flee into desolate wildernesses for shelter and subsistence.

Poole: Psa 107:41 - -- Yet setteth he the poor on high: and whilst he bringeth down great potentates, at the same time he advanceth those who were obscure and contemptible....

Yet setteth he the poor on high: and whilst he bringeth down great potentates, at the same time he advanceth those who were obscure and contemptible. Like a flock, which increase very much in a little time.

Poole: Psa 107:42 - -- Shall see it or rather, these things , as it is expressed in the next verse. They shall diligently observe these wonderful works of God’ s merc...

Shall see it or rather, these things , as it is expressed in the next verse. They shall diligently observe these wonderful works of God’ s mercy and justice.

Rejoice not only in the mercies of God vouchsafed to them and to other persons in want and misery, but also in God’ s judgments upon his implacable enemies, which afford matter of rejoicing to good men, as hath been once and again declared in this book, both for the honour which God hath by them, and for the sins and calamities of others, which by this means are prevented. Iniquity , i.e. unrighteous or ungodly men, the abstract being put for the concrete, as faithfulnesses for the faithful , Psa 12:1 , and pride for the proud, Psa 36:11 . Shall stop her mouth ; shall be put to silence. So this or the like phrase is used, Jud 18:19 Job 5:16 21:5 29:9 . They who used to speak loftily and wickedly , and to set their mouth against the heavens, as they did, Psa 73:8,9 , to reproach God and his providence, as either negligent or unrighteous in the management of the world, shall now be forced to acknowledge his power and justice in those judgments which he hath brought upon them.

Poole: Psa 107:43 - -- Whoso is wise, and will observe these things or, who (for the Hebrew particle mi is interrogative) is wise ? for (as the conjunctive particle ...

Whoso is wise, and will observe these things or, who (for the Hebrew particle mi is interrogative) is wise ? for (as the conjunctive particle is frequently used) he will observe these things . All who are truly wise will consider all these events, and lay them to heart, as being very useful for their own instruction.

Even they or each of them , all such wise and considering persons,

shall understand the lovingkindness of the Lord will see and acknowledge that God is kind or good to all , and that his tender mercies are over all his works , as it is said, Psa 145:9 , and singularly kind and gracious to all wise and godly men.

Gill: Psa 107:25 - -- For he commandeth, and raiseth the stormy wind,.... Winds are not raised by men, nor by devils, nor by angels, but by the Lord himself; who has create...

For he commandeth, and raiseth the stormy wind,.... Winds are not raised by men, nor by devils, nor by angels, but by the Lord himself; who has created them, holds them in his fist, brings them out of his treasures, and sends them forth to do his will; if he speaks the word, gives but the order, a storm arises at once, and executes what he pleases, Psa 148:8.

Which lifteth up the waves thereof; that is, the waves of the sea; it comes down into it, and causes surges; which rise above the ship, and sometimes cover it, and ready to sink it; yea, even they are lifted up to the heavens, as it follows.

Gill: Psa 107:26 - -- They mount up to the heaven,.... The waves which are lifted up by the stormy wind, and the ships which are upon them, and the men in them. They go ...

They mount up to the heaven,.... The waves which are lifted up by the stormy wind, and the ships which are upon them, and the men in them.

They go down again to the depths: one while they seem to reach the skies, and presently they are down, as it were, in the bottom of the sea, and are threatened to be buried in the midst of it; distress at sea is described in much the same language by Virgil and Ovid m.

Their soul is melted because of trouble; because of the danger of being cast away; so it was with Jonah's mariner's, and with the disciples in the storm; sea roaring, and men's hearts failing for fear, are joined together in Luk 21:25.

Gill: Psa 107:27 - -- They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man,.... Through the agitation of the water, and motion of the ship, not being able to stand upon dec...

They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man,.... Through the agitation of the water, and motion of the ship, not being able to stand upon deck.

And are at their wit's end; or, "all their wisdom is swallowed up" n; their wisdom in naval affairs, their art of navigation, their skill in managing ships, all nonplussed and baffled; they know not what method to take to save the vessel and themselves; their knowledge fails them, they are quite confounded and almost distracted. So Apollinarius paraphrases it,

"they forget navigation, and their wise art does not appear;''

so Ovid, describing a storm, uses the same phrase, "deficit ars",

"art fails.''

Gill: Psa 107:28 - -- Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble,.... As in a storm seafaring persons are used to do; so did Jonah's mariners, though Heathens, everyone c...

Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble,.... As in a storm seafaring persons are used to do; so did Jonah's mariners, though Heathens, everyone cried to his god. With the Romans o tempests were reckoned deities, and had temples erected, and sacrifices offered to them; but these persons were such as knew and owned the true Jehovah, and called upon him in their distress: so did the apostles of Christ.

And he bringeth them out of their distresses; by stilling the winds and the waves, causing them to proceed on their voyage with pleasure, and landing them safe on shore, as follows.

Gill: Psa 107:29 - -- He maketh the storm a calm,.... As Christ did by a word speaking, Mar 4:39. So that the waves thereof are still; and roar and toss no more, but sub...

He maketh the storm a calm,.... As Christ did by a word speaking, Mar 4:39.

So that the waves thereof are still; and roar and toss no more, but subside; and the sea becomes smooth and quiet, its raging ceases: the angry sea, as Horace p calls it, becomes calm and peaceable; see Psa 89:9.

Gill: Psa 107:30 - -- Then are they glad because they be quiet,.... The mariners are glad that the waves are quiet, and they free from danger, and at ease and in repose the...

Then are they glad because they be quiet,.... The mariners are glad that the waves are quiet, and they free from danger, and at ease and in repose themselves.

So he bringeth them unto their desired haven; the port, city, border or tract of land q, they are bound to; which they desire to be at, and eagerly look out for, and rejoice when arrived at it. This is all the Lord's work in providence: mariners too often take it to themselves, as if it was owing to their own skill and management that they have brought home the ship safe to the appointed port; but it is owing to the secret guidance and protection of divine Providence, which should be acknowledged. The late Mr. Hussey r thinks, that all this is not to be understood of seamen and naval affairs in common, but is a prophecy of what should befall the disciples of Christ, when on shipboard with him; who are the persons that went "down to the sea of Galilee" in a ship;

whose business in the great waters was fishing; when, by the will of God, there came down a "stormy wind", which "lifted up the waves" of the sea, so that the ship in which they were was filled with them, and in danger of being sunk; when they went up and down, as here described, and reeled as they went along on the deck, to awake their Master their hearts melting, and they at their wit's end through fear, when they saw such wonders, what no common mariner ever did; the Godman and Mediator rising and in a majestic manner rebuked the winds and waves, and caused a calm, and so brought them to the country of the Gadarenes, whither they were bound; see Luk 8:23. But it may be applied, in a more spiritual manner, to the people of God in common who are embarked in the cause of Christ, and in a church state, comparable to a ship, of which Christ is the master, governor, and pilot; and who are sailing through the tempestuous sea of this world, and are tossed with tempests in it; and have business to do here, not only of a civil, but of a spiritual nature and who not only see the wondrous works of creation and providence, but of grace and redemption; the deep things of God, the mysteries of his grace and love: and who sometimes are covered with the billows and waves of affliction, and in the utmost distress; which are all under the direction and at the command of God, to whom they apply for relief; and he commands a calm in their breasts, and causes their afflictions to cease, which produce joy and gladness in them; and at last they are brought safe to heaven, their desired haven, which they are bound unto, are seeking after, and desirous of; and where they are at entire rest, brought hither by the Lord himself.

Gill: Psa 107:31 - -- Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness,.... Seafaring men particularly, before mentioned, as Jonah's mariners did, Jon 1:16, or all the fo...

Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness,.... Seafaring men particularly, before mentioned, as Jonah's mariners did, Jon 1:16, or all the four sorts of persons instanced in, as Kimchi thinks: and even all men whatsoever should do this, high and low, rich and poor, of every age, sex, and condition; since they all receive favours from the Lord, and should return thanks to him; and especially good men, who are blessed with spiritual blessings by him: these should all

confess to the Lord his goodness; as it may be rendered; see Gill on Psa 107:15, they should own the mercy received as the Lord's doing, and acknowledge their unworthiness of it, and give him the glory of it.

And for his wonderful works to the children of men! or, "confess and declare his wonderful works to the children of men": the wonderful works of creation and providence, which those that go to sea, see in the deeps, and everything of the same kind which others observe; and especially the wonderful works of grace, or what God has done in a wonderful manner for the souls of his people; see Psa 66:16.

Gill: Psa 107:32 - -- Let them exalt him also in the congregation of the people,.... Of the people of God, who are gathered out of the world into a church state; and who ga...

Let them exalt him also in the congregation of the people,.... Of the people of God, who are gathered out of the world into a church state; and who gather themselves together to attend the worship and service of God in some one place; and here the Lord should be praised, and his name exalted, by those who have received favours from him; see Psa 111:1, the Targum explains it,

"in the congregation of the people of the house of Israel.''

And praise him in the assembly of the elders; or, "in the seat", or "chair of the elders s": not of the Scribes and Pharisees, and elders of the people, that sat in Moses's chair; but rather of the four and twenty elders, who are said to have four and twenty seats round the throne, where they worship and praise God; and which are emblems of Gospel churches; the members of which, for their grace, gravity, and prudence, are called elders; and over which elders in office preside, and who rule well, and labour in the word and doctrine; see Rev 4:4. The Targum renders it,

"the sanhedrim of the wise men.''

Gill: Psa 107:33 - -- He turneth rivers into a wilderness,.... A country abounding with rivers, as the country round about Sodom and the land of Canaan were, Gen 13:10. Suc...

He turneth rivers into a wilderness,.... A country abounding with rivers, as the country round about Sodom and the land of Canaan were, Gen 13:10. Such an one is sometimes, by the just judgment of God, turned into a desert.

And the water springs into dry ground: what was like a well watered garden becomes like dry and barren earth, on which nothing grows.

Gill: Psa 107:34 - -- A fruitful land into barrenness,.... Or, "into saltness" t; as Sodom and the land adjacent became a salt sea; and the land of Canaan was threatened to...

A fruitful land into barrenness,.... Or, "into saltness" t; as Sodom and the land adjacent became a salt sea; and the land of Canaan was threatened to become brimstone, salt and burning, like Sodom; in which nothing was sown, and which bore no grass; see Gen 14:3 and so the Targum,

"the land of Israel, which brought forth fruit, he hath destroyed, as Sodom was overthrown.''

For the wickedness of them that dwell therein; this was the cause of the overthrow of Sodom, and of the destruction of that fine country, as also of Canaan afterwards; see Gen 13:13. The very Heathens had a notion that barrenness and unfruitfulness in countries were owing to the sins of men; hence the sterility and famine at Mycenas were attributed to the wickedness of Atreus u. This may figuratively be understood of the present state and condition of the Jews; who were once a people well watered with the word and ordinances, and had the first preaching of the Gospel among them; but, rejecting and despising it, are now become like a desert, barren and unfruitful in the knowledge of divine things: and it might be illustrated by the case of several Christian churches; the seven churches of Asia, and others, once as well watered gardens, but now are no more; and the places where they stood are destitute of spiritual knowledge, and the means of it.

Gill: Psa 107:35 - -- He turneth the wilderness into a standing water,.... On the other hand, when it is the pleasure of God, a country uncultivated and like a desert, he m...

He turneth the wilderness into a standing water,.... On the other hand, when it is the pleasure of God, a country uncultivated and like a desert, he makes it fruitful as one that is well watered and tilled; as this country of ours, and the land in America, once waste places, now fruitful ones.

And dry ground into water springs: which is expressive of the same thing, and may he figuratively understood of the Gentile world; which, before the coming of Christ, and the preaching of the Gospel, and the pouring down of the Spirit, was like a wilderness and dry ground; but now watered with the word and ordinances, and the grace of God, and in many places has become fruitful in grace and good works. The Targum prefaces this verse thus,

"when they return unto the law, he turneth, &c.''

Gill: Psa 107:36 - -- And there he maketh the hungry to dwell,.... In those fruitful places which they find agreeable to them, and so fix upon them as the places of their a...

And there he maketh the hungry to dwell,.... In those fruitful places which they find agreeable to them, and so fix upon them as the places of their abode, and build houses, and dwell there; having all the conveniences of life, which they wanted elsewhere: so such as hunger and thirst after righteousness make to such places where the waters are, the word is preached, and ordinances administered; and here they take up their dwelling, their bread being given them, and their waters sure unto them.

That they may prepare a city for habitation; those poor necessitous persons, as they were when they first came; building houses, and others continually coming to them, by degrees form a well regulated city, which are a large number of inhabitants: which may be considered as an emblem of the church of God, often compared to a city; and is an habitation for God, and where saints desire and delight to dwell.

Gill: Psa 107:37 - -- And sow the fields, and plant vineyards,.... And so raise a sufficient supply of corn and wine for the support of themselves and families. In a spirit...

And sow the fields, and plant vineyards,.... And so raise a sufficient supply of corn and wine for the support of themselves and families. In a spiritual sense the "fields" are the world, and the seed which is sown is the word; the persons that sow it are the ministers of the Gospel, which, by a divine blessing, brings forth fruit, in some thirty, some sixty, and some an hundred fold: the "vineyards" are the churches, planted by Christ and by his ministers, as his instruments; believers are the pleasant plants in them, and young converts are the tender grapes

Which may yield fruits of increase; or "fruit" and "increase"; the fields yield all sorts of grain for food, and the vineyards wine for drink. So the seed of the word being sown, and churches planted, they increase with the increase of God, and bring forth fruits of righteousness to the glory of his name.

Gill: Psa 107:38 - -- He blesseth them also, so that they are multiplied greatly,.... Not only their fields and vineyards are blessed with an increase, but these husbandmen...

He blesseth them also, so that they are multiplied greatly,.... Not only their fields and vineyards are blessed with an increase, but these husbandmen themselves; as man at his first creation was bid to do, being blessed of God; and as the Israelites were in Egypt, Gen 1:28 and which may spiritually denote the great number of converts to Christian churches, especially in the latter day, Jer 30:19.

And suffereth not their cattle to decrease; their sheep and oxen, which is reckoned a great temporal happiness, Psa 144:13, and may signify that God does and will give a sufficient number of Gospel ministers, comparable to oxen for their laboriousness, that shall in all ages minister to his churches; see 1Co 9:9.

Gill: Psa 107:39 - -- Again they are minished,.... Or "lessened", in their families, cattle, and substance; either the same persons as before, or others. The Targum paraphr...

Again they are minished,.... Or "lessened", in their families, cattle, and substance; either the same persons as before, or others. The Targum paraphrases it,

"but when they sin, they are lessened:''

for sin is the cause of it, as follows:

and brought low through oppression, affliction and sorrow; either because of their oppression of the poor, the evil they do to them, and the sorrow they bring upon them; or they are brought into a low estate through the tyranny and oppression of others, and by the afflictions and sorrows they are brought into by them. This may be applied to the Jews, at their destruction by the Romans, when they were greatly lessened and brought low by their oppression of them: or rather to the Christians; not under the Heathen persecutions, for then they increased more and more; but under antichristian tyranny, when the beast had power over them, and overcame and slew them; and their numbers were so reduced, that the whole world is said to wonder after the beast, Rev 13:3, and which will be the case again, when the witnesses will be slain: the number of Christians is greatly lessening now; there are but a few names in Sardis; Jacob is small, but will be smaller and fewer still.

Gill: Psa 107:40 - -- He poureth contempt upon princes,.... That is, the Lord does, who is above them; he laughs at them, and has them in derision, when they are raging aga...

He poureth contempt upon princes,.... That is, the Lord does, who is above them; he laughs at them, and has them in derision, when they are raging against his people, cause, and interest; he sets them up and pulls them down at his pleasure; he hurls them from their seats and thrones, and makes them contemptible to their subjects; he sometimes brings them to a shameful end, as Herod, who was eaten with worms; and wicked princes, if they are not brought to disgrace in this world, they will rise to shame and everlasting contempt in the other; and will stand with the meanest and lowest before the Judge of the whole earth; and seek to the rocks and mountains to cover them from his wrath. This particularly will be true of the antichristian princes, when the vials of God's wrath will be poured out upon them, Rev 16:1.

And causeth them to wander in the wilderness; where there is no way; no beaten track or path; whither being driven out of their kingdoms, they flee for shelter, and wander about in untrodden paths; as Nebuchadnezzar, when he was driven from men, and had his dwelling with the beasts of the field: or this may be interpreted, as it is by Aben Ezra and Kimchi, the infatuation of their wisdom, and of their being left without counsel, and erring through it; being at their wits' end, not knowing what step to take, or measures to concert; being in a maze, in a wilderness, at an entire loss what they should do; see Job 12:17.

Gill: Psa 107:41 - -- Yet setteth he the poor on high from affliction,.... On the other hand, the Lord sometimes exalteth men of low degree, raiseth men of mean extract and...

Yet setteth he the poor on high from affliction,.... On the other hand, the Lord sometimes exalteth men of low degree, raiseth men of mean extract and parentage, who have made a poor figure in life, to high places of honour, free from adversity and distress; as David from the sheepfold, and from following the ewes great with young, to be king of Israel. This may be applied to the saints and people of God, who for the most part are poor in purse, the poor of this world, whom he chooses, calls, and saves; poor knowledge, capacity, and gifts; poor as to their spiritual circumstances, having neither food nor clothing, nor money to buy either; poor in spirit, and sensible of it; and poor by reason of afflictions: these the Lord sets on high, sets them among the princes of his people, makes them kings and priests; sets them on Christ the Rock, who is higher than they, higher than the angels and than the heavens; sets them above the angels, their nature being advanced above theirs in Christ, and they being represented by him in heavenly places; and standing in the relation of sons to God, and of spouse and bride to Christ, and angels being their ministering servants; and ere long they will be set on thrones, and have a crown of glory, life, and righteousness, put upon them, and be possessed of an everlasting kingdom, and be out of the reach of affliction. They are not clear of it in this world; it is needful for them, they are appointed to it, and through it they must enter the kingdom; but then they will come out of all tribulation, and there will be no more pain, sorrow, and death: it may be rendered, "after affliction", after their time of affliction is over, then God will exalt and glorify them; see 1Pe 5:10, this may respect the prosperity of the church in the latter day; see Dan 7:27.

And maketh him families like a flock; that is, the Lord makes the poor families like a flock of sheep, so greatly does he increase them; this is a very apt figure that is here used, since the people of God are often compared to sheep, and to a flock of them; and these are creatures that greatly increase; and here it denotes the large number of the saints, as in the first times of the Gospel, both in Judea and in the Gentile world; and as it will be in the latter day, when they shall be multiplied and not be few, glorified and not be small; and that they should be branched out into families, or particular churches, which, like families, consist of children, young men, and fathers, of which Christ is master, and ministers stewards; so it has been from the beginning of the Gospel dispensation and will be much more so in the latter day, when the earth will be full of these families every where. The Targum introduces this verse thus,

"when they turn to the law he setteth, &c.''

Gill: Psa 107:42 - -- The righteous shall see it, and rejoice,.... Shall see the increase and prosperity of the saints, the glory of the church in the latter day, and rejoi...

The righteous shall see it, and rejoice,.... Shall see the increase and prosperity of the saints, the glory of the church in the latter day, and rejoice at it; the judgments of God upon the wicked, upon antichristian princes and states, and rejoice on that account; see Rev 18:20 and the several deliverances of persons in distress before mentioned, and rejoice with them that rejoice; which is what good men ought to do, Rom 12:15.

And all iniquity shall stop her mouth; men of iniquity, very bad men, the man of sin and his followers, and all profane and atheistical persons, who will be silenced and have nothing to say against the providence of God; will be confounded, and through shame lay their hand on their mouths and be struck with admiration at the wonderful things done by the Lord for his people; nor will they have anything to say against their own condemnation.

Gill: Psa 107:43 - -- Whoso is wise,.... Or as it may be read interrogatively, "who is wise?" as in Jer 9:12, that is, spiritually wise, wise unto salvation; who is made to...

Whoso is wise,.... Or as it may be read interrogatively, "who is wise?" as in Jer 9:12, that is, spiritually wise, wise unto salvation; who is made to know wisdom in the hidden part; for not such as are possessed of natural wisdom, or worldly wise men, much less who are wise to do evil, are here meant.

And will observe these things; the remarkable appearances of divine Providence to persons in distress; the various changes and vicissitudes in the world; the several afflictions of God's people, and their deliverances out of them; the wonderful works of God in nature, providence, and grace; these will be observed, taken notice of, laid up in the mind, and kept by such who are truly wise, who know how to make a right use and proper improvement of them.

Even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the Lord; everyone of the wise men; they will perceive the kindness of God unto all men, in the several dispensations of his providence towards them, and his special love and kindness towards his own people, even in all their afflictions; they will perceive this to be at the bottom of every mercy and blessing; they will understand more of the nature and excellency of it, and know more of the love of God and Christ, which passeth knowledge. Or "the kindnesses of the Lord shall be understood": that is, by wise men; so R. Moses in Aben Ezra renders the words.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Psa 107:25 Heb “and it stirred up its [i.e., the sea’s, see v. 23] waves.”

NET Notes: Psa 107:26 Heb “from danger.”

NET Notes: Psa 107:27 The Hitpael of בָלַע (vala’) occurs only here in the OT. Traditionally the form is derived from the verbal root &#...

NET Notes: Psa 107:29 Heb “their waves.” The antecedent of the third masculine plural pronominal suffix is not readily apparent, unless it refers back to “...

NET Notes: Psa 107:30 The Hebrew noun occurs only here in the OT.

NET Notes: Psa 107:31 Heb “and [for] his amazing deeds for the sons of man.” See v. 8.

NET Notes: Psa 107:32 Heb “in the seat of the elders.”

NET Notes: Psa 107:33 The verbal form appears to be a preterite, which is most naturally taken as narrational. (The use of prefixed forms with vav [ו] consecutive in ...

NET Notes: Psa 107:34 Heb “a salty land.”

NET Notes: Psa 107:35 The verbal form appears to be a preterite, which is most naturally taken as narrational. See the note on the word “turned” in v. 33.

NET Notes: Psa 107:37 Heb “fruit [as] produce.”

NET Notes: Psa 107:38 The verbal form in this line appears to be an imperfect, which may be taken as customary (drawing attention to typical action in a past time frame) or...

NET Notes: Psa 107:39 Heb “from the oppression of calamity.”

NET Notes: Psa 107:40 The active participle is understood as past durative here, drawing attention to typical action in a past time frame. However, it could be taken as gen...

NET Notes: Psa 107:41 Heb “set on high.”

NET Notes: Psa 107:42 Heb “all evil,” which stands metonymically for those who do evil.

Geneva Bible: Psa 107:26 They mount up to the heaven, they go down again to the depths: their soul is ( m ) melted because of trouble. ( m ) Their fear and danger is so great...

Geneva Bible: Psa 107:27 They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and ( n ) are at their wits' end. ( n ) When their art and means fail them, they are compelled ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 107:30 Then are they glad because they be ( o ) quiet; so he bringeth them unto their desired haven. ( o ) Though before every drop seemed to fight one agai...

Geneva Bible: Psa 107:32 Let them exalt him also in the ( p ) congregation of the people, and praise him in the assembly of the elders. ( p ) This great benefit should not on...

Geneva Bible: Psa 107:35 He ( q ) turneth the wilderness into a standing water, and dry ground into watersprings. ( q ) For the love that he bears to his Church, he changes t...

Geneva Bible: Psa 107:37 And sow the fields, and plant vineyards, which may yield fruits of ( r ) increase. ( r ) Continual increase and yearly.

Geneva Bible: Psa 107:39 ( s ) Again, they are minished and brought low through oppression, affliction, and sorrow. ( s ) As God by his providence exalts man, so he also humb...

Geneva Bible: Psa 107:40 He poureth ( t ) contempt upon princes, and causeth them to wander in the wilderness, [where there is] no way. ( t ) For their wickedness and tyranny...

Geneva Bible: Psa 107:42 The ( u ) righteous shall see [it], and rejoice: and all iniquity shall stop her mouth. ( u ) They whose faith is lightened by God's spirit, will rej...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Psa 107:1-43 - --1 The psalmist exhorts the redeemed, in praising God, to observe his manifold providence,4 over travellers;10 over captives;17 over sick men;23 over s...

MHCC: Psa 107:23-32 - --Let those who go to sea, consider and adore the Lord. Mariners have their business upon the tempestuous ocean, and there witness deliverances of which...

MHCC: Psa 107:33-43 - --What surprising changes are often made in the affairs of men! Let the present desolate state of Judea, and of other countries, explain this. If we loo...

Matthew Henry: Psa 107:23-32 - -- The psalmist here calls upon those to give glory to God who are delivered from dangers at sea. Though the Israelites dealt not much in merchandise, ...

Matthew Henry: Psa 107:33-43 - -- The psalmist, having given God the glory of the providential reliefs granted to persons in distress, here gives him the glory of the revolutions of ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 107:23-32 - -- Others have returned to tell of the perils of the sea. Without any allegory (Hengstenberg) it speaks of those who by reason of their calling travers...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 107:33-38 - -- Since in Psa 107:36 the historical narration is still continued, a meaning relating to the contemporaneous past is also retrospectively given to the...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 107:39-43 - -- But is also came to pass that it went ill with them, inasmuch as their flourishing prosperous condition drew down upon them the envy of the powerful...

Constable: Psa 107:1--150:6 - --V. Book 5: chs. 107--150 There are 44 psalms in this section of the Psalter. David composed 15 of these (108-110...

Constable: Psa 107:1-43 - --Psalm 107 An unknown writer sought to motivate the Lord's redeemed people to praise Him by reviewing som...

Constable: Psa 107:4-32 - --2. Specific instances of deliverance 107:4-32 The writer cited four times when the Israelites cried out to God for deliverance and He saved them (vv. ...

Constable: Psa 107:33-43 - --3. The providence of God 107:33-43 The following verses contain a second major reason for praising God, namely His providential governing of the world...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Hebrew title of this book is Tehilim ("praises" or "hymns"), for a leading feature in its contents is praise, though the word occurs in the title ...

JFB: Psalms (Outline) ALEPH. (Psa 119:1-8). This celebrated Psalm has several peculiarities. It is divided into twenty-two parts or stanzas, denoted by the twenty-two let...

TSK: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Psalms have been the general song of the universal Church; and in their praise, all the Fathers have been unanimously eloquent. Men of all nation...

TSK: Psalms 107 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Psa 107:1, The psalmist exhorts the redeemed, in praising God, to observe his manifold providence, Psa 107:4, over travellers; Psa 107:10...

Poole: Psalms (Book Introduction) OF PSALMS THE ARGUMENT The divine authority of this Book of PSALMS is so certain and evident, that it was never questioned in the church; which b...

Poole: Psalms 107 (Chapter Introduction) THE ARGUMENT The most of the Psalms have a peculiar respect unto the church or people of God, or to some eminent members thereof; but there are som...

MHCC: Psalms (Book Introduction) David was the penman of most of the psalms, but some evidently were composed by other writers, and the writers of some are doubtful. But all were writ...

MHCC: Psalms 107 (Chapter Introduction) (Psa 107:1-9) God's providential care of the children of men in distresses, in banishment, and dispersion. (Psa 107:10-16) In captivity. (Psa 107:17...

Matthew Henry: Psalms (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of Psalms We have now before us one of the choicest and most excellent parts of all the Old Te...

Matthew Henry: Psalms 107 (Chapter Introduction) The psalmist, having in the two foregoing psalms celebrated the wisdom, power, and goodness of God, in his dealings with his church in particular, ...

Constable: Psalms (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book in the Hebrew Bible is Tehillim, which means...

Constable: Psalms (Outline) Outline I. Book 1: chs. 1-41 II. Book 2: chs. 42-72 III. Book 3: chs. 73...

Constable: Psalms Psalms Bibliography Allen, Ronald B. "Evidence from Psalm 89." In A Case for Premillennialism: A New Consensus,...

Haydock: Psalms (Book Introduction) THE BOOK OF PSALMS. INTRODUCTION. The Psalms are called by the Hebrew, Tehillim; that is, hymns of praise. The author, of a great part of ...

Gill: Psalms (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALMS The title of this book may be rendered "the Book of Praises", or "Hymns"; the psalm which our Lord sung at the passover is c...

Gill: Psalms 107 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALM 107 This psalm, from its style, and from its connection with the preceding psalms, seems to have been written by David. The t...

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