Text -- Psalms 115:11-18 (NET)

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Wesley: Psa 115:11 - -- All of you who worship the true God, not only Israelites, but even Gentile proselytes.
All of you who worship the true God, not only Israelites, but even Gentile proselytes.

In our former straits, and therefore we trust he will still bless us.

Of whatsoever quality, high and low, rich and poor.

Wesley: Psa 115:16 - -- In a peculiar manner, where he dwelleth in that light and glory, to which no man can approach.
In a peculiar manner, where he dwelleth in that light and glory, to which no man can approach.

Wesley: Psa 115:16 - -- As the foregoing verse declares, that God was the creator of heaven and earth, so this asserts that he is also their Lord and governor to dispose of a...
As the foregoing verse declares, that God was the creator of heaven and earth, so this asserts that he is also their Lord and governor to dispose of all men and things as he pleases.
The repetitions imply earnestness.

Opposed to the decrease pending and during the captivity.

JFB: Psa 115:15-17 - -- They were not only God's peculiar people, but as living inhabitants of earth, assigned the work of His praise as monuments of divine power, wisdom, an...
They were not only God's peculiar people, but as living inhabitants of earth, assigned the work of His praise as monuments of divine power, wisdom, and goodness.

JFB: Psa 115:18 - -- Hence let us fulfil the purpose of our creation, and evermore show forth His praise.
Hence let us fulfil the purpose of our creation, and evermore show forth His praise.
Clarke: Psa 115:11 - -- Ye that fear the Lord - All real penitents, and sincere believers, trust to the Lord, in the almighty, omniscient, and infinitely good Jehovah
Ye that fear the Lord - All real penitents, and sincere believers, trust to the Lord, in the almighty, omniscient, and infinitely good Jehovah

Clarke: Psa 115:11 - -- He is their help and shield - He is the succor, support, guardian, and defense of all who put their confidence in him.
He is their help and shield - He is the succor, support, guardian, and defense of all who put their confidence in him.

Clarke: Psa 115:12 - -- The Lord hath been mindful - He has never yet wholly abandoned us to our enemies
The Lord hath been mindful - He has never yet wholly abandoned us to our enemies

Clarke: Psa 115:12 - -- He will bless the house of Israel - He will bless the people as a nation; he will bless the priesthood and Levites; he will bless all of them who fe...
He will bless the house of Israel - He will bless the people as a nation; he will bless the priesthood and Levites; he will bless all of them who fear him, great and small, in whatsoever station or circumstances found. There is a great deal of emphasis in this verse: several words are redoubled to make the subject the more affecting. I give a literal translation: -
Psa 115:12 "The Lord has been mindful of us he will bless the house of Israel; she will bless the house of Aaron
Psa 115:13 He will bless them that fear Jehovah, the small with the great
Psa 115:14 Jehovah will add upon you, upon you and upon all your children
Psa 115:15 Blessed are ye of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth
Psa 115:16 The heavens of heavens are the Lord’ s: but the earth he hath given to the sons of Adam.
Jehovah is absolute Master of the universe. He has made the heavens of heavens, and also the earth; and this he gives to the children of Adam. When he exiled him from paradise, he turned him out into the earth, and gave it to him and his sons for ever, that they might dress, till, and eat of its produce all their days.

Clarke: Psa 115:17 - -- The dead praise not the Lord - המתים hammethim , those dead men who worshipped as gods dumb idols, dying in their sins, worship not Jehovah; n...
The dead praise not the Lord -

Clarke: Psa 115:18 - -- But we will bless the Lord - Our fathers, who received so much from thy bounty, are dead, their tongues are silent in the grave; we are in their pla...
But we will bless the Lord - Our fathers, who received so much from thy bounty, are dead, their tongues are silent in the grave; we are in their place, and wish to magnify thy name, for thou hast dealt bountifully with us. But grant us those farther blessings before we die which we so much need; and we will praise thee as living monuments of thy mercy, and the praise we begin now shall continue for ever and ever
The Targum, for "neither any that go down into silence,"has "nor any that descend into the house of earthly sepulture,"that is, the tomb. The Anglo-Saxon: neither all they that go down into hell. Nogh the dede sal loue the Lorde, ne al that lyghtes in hell. Old Psalter. The word hell among our ancestors meant originally the covered, or hidden obscure place, from helan, to cover or conceal: it now expresses only the place of endless torment
Calvin: Psa 115:11 - -- 11.Ye who fear Jehovah! He does not speak of strangers, as some erroneously suppose, as if this were a prediction respecting the calling of the Genti...
11.Ye who fear Jehovah! He does not speak of strangers, as some erroneously suppose, as if this were a prediction respecting the calling of the Gentiles. Connecting them with the children of Israel and with the sons of Aaron, they are of opinion that he refers to the heathens and to the uncircumcised who were not yet gathered into the sheepfold. By parity of reason one might infer, that the priests are not of the seed of Abraham, because they are separately mentioned. It is more probable that there is in these words a tacit correction of what he had said before, by which he makes a distinction between the genuine worshippers of God and those hypocrites who were the degenerate sons of Abraham. Not a few of the seed of Abraham according to the flesh having departed from the faith of their father, the prophet here restricts the promise to those who, having received it by faith, were worshipping God in purity. We now perceive the reason for his first addressing the Israelites, next the house of Aaron, and then the fearers of Jehovah It is as if a person in our times were to point his exhortation first to the whole body of the Church, and then come more particularly to the ministers and teachers, who ought to be ensamples to others. And as many falsely pique themselves upon the mere name of being connected with the Church, and hence deserve not to be classed with God’s true followers, he expressly mentions the genuine and not the counterfeit worshippers of God.

Calvin: Psa 115:12 - -- 12.Jehovah hath remembered us Many render the term bless in the past tense, he has blessed, it being the design of the prophet, according to them...
12.Jehovah hath remembered us Many render the term bless in the past tense, he has blessed, it being the design of the prophet, according to them, to propose the past experience of God’s kindness as an encouragement to cherish good hope for the future: “We have already, from long experience, been taught how valuable the favor of our God is, because from this source alone have flowed our prosperity, our abundance, and our stability.” He assumes the principle, the truth of which ought to be admitted by all, that we neither enjoy prosperity nor happiness further than it pleases God to bless us. As often as the Israelites were rescued from manifold dangers, or succored in time of need, or treated in a friendly manner, so many palpable proofs had they of the loving-kindness of God towards them. As, however, there is no just cause to urge us to change the verb from the future into the past tense, it is quite in unison with the scope of the passage, if we say that the same blessing is here promised to the faithful which they have formerly realized. Thus the meaning will be, that God, mindful of his covenant, has hitherto been attentive to us; therefore, as he has begun to favor us, he will continue to do so for ever. In pronouncing these blessings, he observes the same order as above, assigning to the children of Aaron a superior place in God’s benediction, excluding from it those among the Israelites who were hypocrites.

Calvin: Psa 115:13 - -- He says, both the small with the great, by which circumstance he magnifies God’s paternal regard the more, showing that he does not overlook even...
He says, both the small with the great, by which circumstance he magnifies God’s paternal regard the more, showing that he does not overlook even the meanest and most despised, provided they cordially invoke his aid. Now, as there is no acceptance of persons before God, our low and abject condition ought to be no obstruction to our drawing near to him, since he so kindly invites to approach him those who appear to be held in no reputation. Moreover, the repetition of the word bless is intended to mark the uninterrupted stream of his loving-kindness. Should any prefer the past tense, he has blessed, the meaning will be, that the favor of God towards his people has continued for a long period, which ought to be a sure evidence of the perpetuity of his fatherly regard. This interpretation is strengthened by the subsequent verse, in which he says, that God would multiply the benefits which he had up to that time conferred upon them. For God’s liberality is an inexhaustible fountain, which will never cease to flow so long as its progress is not impeded by the ingratitude of men. And hence it will be continued to their posterity, because God manifests the grace and the fruit of his adoption even to a thousand generations.

Calvin: Psa 115:15 - -- 15.Ye are blessed of Jehovah In the preceding verse the prophet had given them the hope of uninterrupted happiness, arising from God’s infinite res...
15.Ye are blessed of Jehovah In the preceding verse the prophet had given them the hope of uninterrupted happiness, arising from God’s infinite resources never failing, however liberally and largely he bestows, and from his never ceasing to enrich those whom he hath admitted as sharers of his bounty. In confirmation of this doctrine, he declares that the children of Abraham were separated from other nations; so that, relying upon this privilege, they might unhesitatingly and unreservedly surrender themselves to a father so benignant and bountiful. And as the flesh, in consequence of its stupidity, cannot perceive the power of God, the understanding of which preserves us in a state of peace and security under his protection, the prophet, in designating him the maker of heaven and earth, reminds us that there is no ground to fear that he is unable to defend us; for, having created the heaven and the earth, he does not now remain unconcerned in heaven, but all creation is under his sovereign control.

Calvin: Psa 115:16 - -- 16.The heavens, the heavens are Jehovah’s In this passage the prophet extols the bounty of God, and his paternal regard for the human race, in that...
16.The heavens, the heavens are Jehovah’s In this passage the prophet extols the bounty of God, and his paternal regard for the human race, in that, though he stood in need of nothing himself, he yet created the world, with all its fullness, for their use. How comes it to pass that the earth is every where covered with such a great variety of good things, meeting our eye in all directions, unless that God, as a provident father of a family, had designed to make provision for our wants? In proportion, therefore, to the comforts which we here enjoy, are the tokens of his fatherly care. This is the prophet’s meaning, which I am astonished is so little attended to by the most of interpreters. The amount is, that God, satisfied with his own glory, has enriched the earth with abundance of good things, that mankind may not lack any thing. At the same time he demonstrates, that, as God has his dwelling-place in the heavens, he must be independent of all worldly riches; for, assuredly, neither wine, nor corn, nor any thing requisite for the support of the present life is produced there. Consequently, God has every resource in himself. To this circumstance the repetition of the, term heavens refers, The heavens, the heavens are enough for God; and as he is superior to all aid, he is to himself instead of a hundred worlds. It remains, therefore, as another consequence from this, that all the riches with which the world abounds proclaim aloud what a beneficent father God is to mankind. It is indeed surprising that there should be no relish for this doctrine, considering that the Holy Spirit spoke of the inestimable goodness of God. Under the papacy, they chanted this psalm in their churches, and they continue the practice still; but is there one among a hundred of them who reflects that God, in bestowing all good things upon us, reserves nothing for himself, except a grateful acknowledgment of them? And not only in this matter does the ingratitude of the world appear, but the wicked wretches have conducted themselves most vilely, in open and infamous blasphemy; perverting this verse, and making a jest of it, saying that God remains unconcerned in heaven, and pays no regard to the affairs of men. The prophet here expressly declares that the world is employed by God, for the sole purpose of testifying his paternal solicitude towards mankind; and yet these swine and dogs have made these words a laughing-stock, as if God, by reason of his vast distance from men, totally disregarded them. And here I am induced to relate a memorable story. While we were supping in a certain inn, and speaking of the hope of the heavenly life, a profane despiser of God happening to be present, treated our discourse with derision, and now and then mockingly exclaimed, “The heaven of heavens is the Lord’s.” Instantly afterwards he was seized with dreadful pain, and began to vociferate, “O God! O God!” and, having a powerful voice, he filled the whole apartment with his cries. Then I, who had felt indignant at his conduct, proceeded, in my own way, to tell him warmly, that now at least he perceived that they who mocked God were not permitted to escape with impunity. One of the guests, an honest and pious man, yet alive, but withal facetious, employed the occasion thus, “Do you invoke God? Have you forgotten your philosophy? Why do you not permit him to remain at ease in his own heaven?” And as often as the one bawled out, “O God!” the other, mocking him, retorted, “Where is now thy Coelum coeli Domino? ” At that time his pain indeed was mitigated; nevertheless, the remainder of his life was spent in impunity.

Calvin: Psa 115:17 - -- 17.O God! the dead shall not praise thee In these words the prophet goes on to beseech God to show himself propitious towards his Church, were there ...
17.O God! the dead shall not praise thee In these words the prophet goes on to beseech God to show himself propitious towards his Church, were there no other object to be gained than the preventing mankind from being utterly cut off, and the preserving a people, not only to enjoy his kindness, but also to invoke and praise his name. After celebrating God’s peculiar favor towards the Israelites, and the beneficence which he displayed towards mankind at large, he has recourse to the mercy of God for the pardoning of the sins of his people. And he proceeds on this footing, that though the heathen nations revel amidst the profuseness of God’s bounty, yet the seed of Abraham alone are set apart to celebrate his praises. “Lord, if thou shouldst allow us to perish, what would be the result, but that thy name would become extinct, and would be entombed with us?” From his appearing to deprive the dead of all sensibility, a question occurs: If souls, after they have departed from their corporeal prison, still survive? It is certain that they are then more vigorous and active, and; therefore, it must inevitably follow that God is also praised by the dead. Moreover, in appointing mankind their abode upon earth, he so disconnects them with God, that he leaves them a life such as they enjoy in common with the brutal tribes. For the earth was not given exclusively to men, but also to oxen, swine, dogs, lions, and bears, and what is more, to every sort of reptile and insect. For there is not a fly, nor a creeping thing, however mean, which the earth does not supply with an abode. 372 The solution of the first question is easy. Men were so situated on the earth that they might, as it were, with one voice celebrate the praises of God. And it was to this concord that the prophet in this place referred, as does also the Scripture in many other passages.
“I shall not die, but live, and declare the words of the Lord,”
(Psa 118:0 : 17).
The good king Hezekiah also, said,
“The living, the living, he shall praise thee,” (Isa 38:19).
Jonah, too, when cast out of the belly of the fish, said,
“I will offer sacrifices, and I will pay my vows unto the Lord,” (Jon 2:10.) 373
In short, the prophet very justly excludes the dead from taking any part in the celebration of God’s praises; for among them there is no communion and fellowship qualifying them for mutually sounding forth his praises: the proclaiming of his glory on the earth being the very end of our existence. The reply to the second inquiry is this: The prophet says that the earth was given to mankind, that they might employ themselves in God’s service, until they be put in possession of everlasting felicity. True, indeed, the abundance of the earth belongs also to the brutal tribes; but the Holy Spirit declares that all things were created principally for the use of men, that they might thereby recognize God as their father. In fine, the prophet concludes that the whole course of nature would be subverted, unless God saved his Church. The creation of the world would serve no good purpose, if there were no people to call upon God. Hence he infers that there will always be some left alive upon the earth. And he not only promises that the Church shall be preserved, but also calls upon all who are thus preserved to offer a tribute of gratitude to their deliverer; and, moreover, he engages in their name to set forth the praises of God. He does not speak merely of the persons who belong to one age, but of the whole body of the Church which God upholds from one generation after another, that he may never leave himself without some to testify and declare his justice, goodness, and mercy.
Defender -> Psa 115:16
Defender: Psa 115:16 - -- For this present age the earth (including, possibly, the solar system, though this is very doubtful) has been placed under man's dominion. There is no...
For this present age the earth (including, possibly, the solar system, though this is very doubtful) has been placed under man's dominion. There is no evidence in either science or Scripture that intelligent beings (other than angels) exist in other worlds. It is expensive foolishness to attempt to reach such worlds in space ships or to communicate with them via radio astronomy. Such projects make man vulnerable to demonic deception by the Satanic "principalities ... powers ... rulers of the darkness of this world" and "spiritual wickedness in (the heavenly realms)" (Eph 6:12) that the "prince of the power of the air" (Eph 2:2) is using today."
TSK -> Psa 115:11; Psa 115:12; Psa 115:13; Psa 115:14; Psa 115:15; Psa 115:16; Psa 115:17; Psa 115:18

TSK: Psa 115:12 - -- hath : Psa 25:7, Psa 136:23; Gen 8:1; Exo 2:24, Exo 2:25; Isa 44:21, Isa 49:14-16; Act 10:4
the house of Israel : Psa 67:7; Gen 12:2, Gen 12:3, Gen 2:...

TSK: Psa 115:13 - -- He will bless : Psa 29:11, Psa 112:1, Psa 128:1, Psa 128:4, Psa 128:5; Mal 3:16, Mal 3:17, Mal 4:2; Luk 1:50; Act 13:26; Col 3:11
both small : Act 26:...

TSK: Psa 115:14 - -- Lord : Gen 13:16; 2Sa 24:3; Isa 2:2, Isa 2:3, Isa 27:6, Isa 19:20, Isa 19:21, Isa 56:8, 60:4-22; Jer 30:19, Jer 33:22; Hos 1:10; Zec 8:20-23, Zec 10:8...

TSK: Psa 115:15 - -- blessed : Psa 3:8; Gen 14:19, Gen 32:26-29; Eph 1:3, Eph 1:4; 1Pe 3:9
made : Psa 96:5, Psa 146:5, Psa 146:6; Gen 1:1

TSK: Psa 115:16 - -- heaven : Psa 89:11, Psa 144:5, Psa 148:4; Isa 66:1; Lam 3:66; Joh 14:2
but the earth : Gen 1:28-30, Gen 9:1-3; Deu 32:8; Jer 27:5, Jer 27:6

TSK: Psa 115:17 - -- dead : Psa 6:5, Psa 30:9, Psa 88:10-12; Isa 38:18, Isa 38:19
go down : Psa 31:17; 1Sa 2:9

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes -> Psa 115:11; Psa 115:12; Psa 115:13; Psa 115:14; Psa 115:15; Psa 115:16; Psa 115:17; Psa 115:18
Barnes: Psa 115:11 - -- Ye that fear the Lord ... - All the people that reverence God; all his true worshippers.
Ye that fear the Lord ... - All the people that reverence God; all his true worshippers.

Barnes: Psa 115:12 - -- The Lord hath been mindful of us - This would be especially appropriate if the psalm was written, as is commonly supposed, after the return fro...
The Lord hath been mindful of us - This would be especially appropriate if the psalm was written, as is commonly supposed, after the return from the captivity of Babylon. In such circumstances it would be every way proper to bring before the mind of the people the fact that God had remembered them and had delivered them.
He will bless us - Our past experience furnishes the fullest evidence that he will continue to bless us. He who has delivered us from so great calamities, and who has restored us to our native land after so long and so painful a captivity, will not forsake us now. There can be now no circumstances in which he cannot bestow on us all the blessings which we need; there will be none when we may not hope that he will bless us. If he could save us from such troubles, be can save us from all; if he did thus interpose, we may argue that he will always grant us his help when we need it.
He will bless the house of Israel; he will bless the house of Aaron - Compare Psa 115:9-10.

Barnes: Psa 115:13 - -- He will bless them that fear the Lord - Compare Psa 115:11. Both small and great - Margin, as in Hebrew, with. The little with the great;...
He will bless them that fear the Lord - Compare Psa 115:11.
Both small and great - Margin, as in Hebrew, with. The little with the great; children and grown persons; the poor and the rich; the ignorant and the learned; those of humble rank, and those of most exalted birth and condition.

Barnes: Psa 115:14 - -- The Lord shall increase you more and more - He will increase your numbers and your power. We may suppose that the people were greatly diminishe...
The Lord shall increase you more and more - He will increase your numbers and your power. We may suppose that the people were greatly diminished by the captivity, and that on their return to their country their number was comparatively small. This promise of a great increase was in accordance with the cherished wishes of the Hebrew people, and with the repeated promises which God had made to their fathers. Compare Gen 15:5; Gen 22:17; Gen 32:12.
You and your children - The blessing shall be not only on you, but it shall go down to future generations,

Barnes: Psa 115:15 - -- Ye are blessed of the Lord - Blessed in your present comforts and mercies; blessed in his promises in regard to the time to come; blessed in th...
Ye are blessed of the Lord - Blessed in your present comforts and mercies; blessed in his promises in regard to the time to come; blessed in the prospects which are before you.
Which made heaven and earth - The true God; the great Creator of all things. It was not the blessing of a creature - man or angel - it was the blessing of the living God.

Barnes: Psa 115:16 - -- The heaven - Hebrew, "The heavens." Even the heavens are the Lord’ s - A more literal and correct rendering of this would be, "The h...
The heaven - Hebrew, "The heavens."
Even the heavens are the Lord’ s - A more literal and correct rendering of this would be, "The heavens are heavens for Jehovah."That is, he has reserved the heavens as a home for himself, or as his special possession and home. Compare Isa 66:1; Mat 5:34; Act 7:49.
But the earth ... - He propared earth for the abode of man; he has placed man upon it to cultivate it; he has given its fruits and productions to man, to be held and enjoyed by man; he has made all on earth subject to man - the dwellers in the air, the land, and the waters. All this he has given to man; not to the angels. Earth is the home of man, the birth-place of man; the place where he lives, where he shows the result of his toil, his skill, and his ingenuity; the place where he builds houses, bridges, monuments, works of art; the place where he prepares for another state of existence; the place where he dies, and is buried. It is, as formed by the Creator, a beautiful home outfitted for mankind; how much more beautiful would it be, if man never defiled or desolated it by sin! how happy an abode would it have been if sin had never entered it!

Barnes: Psa 115:17 - -- The dead praise not the Lord - The meaning of this is, that as those who are dead cannot praise God, or cannot worship him, this should be done...
The dead praise not the Lord - The meaning of this is, that as those who are dead cannot praise God, or cannot worship him, this should be done while we are in the land of the living. This opportunity, like all other opportunities, will be cut off in the grave, and hence, we should be faithful in this duty, and should avail ourselves of this privilege, while life lasts. In regard to the sentiment here expressed, and the grounds on which that sentiment was entertained, see the notes at Isa 38:18-19; notes at Psa 6:5.
Neither any that go down into silence - Into the grave - the land of silence. Psa 94:17. Nothing is more impressive in regard to the grave than its utter silence. Not a voice, not a sound, is heard there - of birds or human beings - of song or conversation - of the roaring of the sea, the sighing of the breeze, the fury of the storm, the tumult of battle. Perfect stillness reigns there; and the first sound that shall be heard there will be the archangel’ s trump.

Barnes: Psa 115:18 - -- But we will bless the Lord ... - While life lasts; now and ever onward. Our lives are spared; and while those lives shall be continued they sha...
But we will bless the Lord ... - While life lasts; now and ever onward. Our lives are spared; and while those lives shall be continued they shall be spent in praise. We will transmit the praise to future times; and when we are dead, the voice of praise shall be prolonged by those who come after us. It may be added here that we have now higher and clearer views of the grave and of the future world than the psalmist had, and that though it is certain that our voices of praise must be stilled by death, yet in another world we shall continue the work of praise in strains more lofty than here, and in a continuance of service that shall never end. The grave is, indeed, before us all; but so is also heaven, if we belong to those who truly fear the Lord, and who sincerely worship him through Christ Jesus.
Poole -> Psa 115:11; Psa 115:12; Psa 115:13; Psa 115:14; Psa 115:15; Psa 115:16; Psa 115:17; Psa 115:18
Poole: Psa 115:11 - -- All and every one of you who worship the true God, not only Aaronites and Israelites, but even Gentile proselytes, who are said to come to trust un...
All and every one of you who worship the true God, not only Aaronites and Israelites, but even Gentile proselytes, who are said to come to trust under the wings of the God of Israel , Rth 2:12 . And such there were many at this time in the church of Israel, whom therefore he fitly invites to trust God, because he is no less their than the Israelites’ help and shield, as it follows.

Poole: Psa 115:12 - -- Hath been mindful of us in our former straits and calamities, and therefore we trust he will still
bless us & c. as it follows. Or, is or will be m...
Hath been mindful of us in our former straits and calamities, and therefore we trust he will still
bless us & c. as it follows. Or, is or will be mindful of us . Though he hath chastened us sore, yet he hath not yet cast us out of the care of his providence.

Poole: Psa 115:13 - -- Either in age or condition, of whatsoever quality, high and low, rich and poor; for he is no respecter of persons.
Either in age or condition, of whatsoever quality, high and low, rich and poor; for he is no respecter of persons.

Poole: Psa 115:14 - -- Shall increase you in number, notwithstanding all the attempts of your enemies to diminish and destroy you. Or, shall add to you , to wit, further a...
Shall increase you in number, notwithstanding all the attempts of your enemies to diminish and destroy you. Or, shall add to you , to wit, further and greater blessings.

Poole: Psa 115:15 - -- Who therefore can bless you indeed in spite of all your enemies curses and oppositions; and not of an impotent idol, that can do you neither good no...
Who therefore can bless you indeed in spite of all your enemies curses and oppositions; and not of an impotent idol, that can do you neither good nor hurt.

Poole: Psa 115:16 - -- Are the Lord’ s to wit, in a peculiar manner, where he dwelleth in that light and glory to which no man can approach, and whence he beholdeth an...
Are the Lord’ s to wit, in a peculiar manner, where he dwelleth in that light and glory to which no man can approach, and whence he beholdeth and disposeth all persons and things upon earth.
But the earth hath he given to the children of men for their habitation, possession, and use. But these words may be and are thus rendered by others, and the earth which (which particle is very oft understood) he hath given , &c. And then as the foregoing verse declared that God was the Creator of heaven and earth, Psa 115:15 , so this asserts that he is also their Lord and Governor, to dispose of all men and things as he pleaseth.

Poole: Psa 115:17 - -- The dead such as we shall suddenly be, if thou dost not succour us.
Into silence into the place of silence, the grave.
The dead such as we shall suddenly be, if thou dost not succour us.
Into silence into the place of silence, the grave.

Poole: Psa 115:18 - -- But we will bless the Lord but we hope for better things, that notwithstanding our present and urgent danger, yet thou wilt deliver us, and so give u...
But we will bless the Lord but we hope for better things, that notwithstanding our present and urgent danger, yet thou wilt deliver us, and so give us occasion to bless thy name; whereby thou wilt have the praise and glory of our deliverance.
Gill -> Psa 115:11; Psa 115:12; Psa 115:13; Psa 115:14; Psa 115:15; Psa 115:16; Psa 115:17; Psa 115:18
Gill: Psa 115:11 - -- Ye that fear the Lord, trust in the Lord,.... Which is said not to distinguish true saints from hypocrites, in Israel or in Aaron's house; rather to d...
Ye that fear the Lord, trust in the Lord,.... Which is said not to distinguish true saints from hypocrites, in Israel or in Aaron's house; rather to describe such who belonged to neither: but, as Aben Ezra interprets it, who feared the Lord, of every people and nation; or proselytes, as Jarchi explains it: the distinction between the people of the Jews, and the proselytes among them, under the character of those that feared the Lord, may be observed in Act 13:26. It takes in all true worshippers of the Lord; and who are exhorted to trust in him, for faith and fear are consistent; and where there is the one, there is the other; where there is the true fear of God, not a slavish nor an hypocritical fear, but a holy reverence and a godly fear, there will be faith and confidence in him. Job was a man that feared the Lord, and yet trusted in him; these characters meet in the same persons, see Psa 31:19.
He is their help and their shield; the help and shield of all those that fear the Lord, their protector and defender, and therefore should trust in him. The word "ezer", translated help, in this and the two preceding verses, is applied to God, and often in this book of Psalms, as a title and epithet belonging to him; and it may be observed that "Aesar", in the Etruscan language, signifies God z.

Gill: Psa 115:12 - -- The Lord hath been mindful of us,.... The Targum is,
"the Word of the Lord hath remembered us for good.''
And is another reason why his people s...
The Lord hath been mindful of us,.... The Targum is,
"the Word of the Lord hath remembered us for good.''
And is another reason why his people should trust in him: he has been mindful of his covenant with them and promises to them, and has kept them; he remembered them in their low estate, and sent redemption to them; goodness and mercy have followed them all their days. Past experiences of divine favour should encourage trust in the Lord, as well as promises of future blessings, as follow:
he will bless us; with all kind of blessings, temporal and spiritual; with blessings indeed, solid and substantial: it is certain and may be depended upon; he has promised it, and swore to it, that in blessing he will bless. Kimchi interprets it as a wish, "let him bless": the Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, and all the Oriental versions, render it in the past tense, "he hath blessed"; but the Targum as we: and as it follows,
he will bless the house of Israel; with whom he has made his new covenant; the household of faith, the family named of Christ, the whole Israel of God.
He will bless the house of Aaron; his priests, his ministers, all that offer up spiritual sacrifices to him; he will bless them with an increase of gifts and grace, and with his presence and Spirit, and therefore they should trust in him.

Gill: Psa 115:13 - -- He will bless them that fear the Lord,.... They shall want no good thing now, and have much goodness laid up for them to be enjoyed hereafter; the sun...
He will bless them that fear the Lord,.... They shall want no good thing now, and have much goodness laid up for them to be enjoyed hereafter; the sun of righteousness rises upon them, and a book of remembrance is written on their account; the Lord delights in them, his eye is upon them; and they are blessed with more grace now, and will be blessed with glory hereafter.
Both small and great; young and old, rich and poor, high and low, lesser or greater believers; be they children, young men, or fathers; see Rev 11:18.

Gill: Psa 115:14 - -- The Lord shall increase you more and more,.... The Word of the Lord, as the Targum, shall do it; in a temporal sense, with a numerous posterity, with ...
The Lord shall increase you more and more,.... The Word of the Lord, as the Targum, shall do it; in a temporal sense, with a numerous posterity, with riches, wealth, and honour; and in a spiritual sense, with an addition of spiritual blessings; with renewed instances of divine layout: with an increase of the gifts and graces of the Spirit of God, as faith, hope, love, joy, patience, humility, and other graces; and with more knowledge of God and Christ, and of divine and spiritual things.
You and your children; not only they that feared the Lord of the present generation, but those that should succeed them, and be as they were, a seed to serve the Lord, and who should be accounted to him for a generation.

Gill: Psa 115:15 - -- You are blessed of the Lord,.... The Arabic version reads it, "we are blessed"; with temporal and with spiritual blessings; being the beloved of the L...
You are blessed of the Lord,.... The Arabic version reads it, "we are blessed"; with temporal and with spiritual blessings; being the beloved of the Lord, chosen of him; whose sins are pardoned, whose persons are justified by the righteousness of Christ; who are put among the children of God, and are heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ; regenerated by his Spirit, favoured with communion with God, and wrought up to some degree of conformity to Christ, and shall ever be with him.
Which made heaven and earth; and so able to bless with all kind of blessings, both heavenly and earthly; and from whom all help and assistance may be hoped for, and who may be trusted and confided in: and this, it may be, is observed to distinguish him from the idols of the Gentiles, who made not the heavens and the earth; and who are not able to bless, nor give the least relief to any of their votaries.

Gill: Psa 115:16 - -- The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord's,.... Not only the visible heavens, the airy and starry regions, which are within our sight; but the heave...
The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord's,.... Not only the visible heavens, the airy and starry regions, which are within our sight; but the heaven of heavens, the third heaven, into which the Apostle Paul was caught, and heard and saw things not to be uttered; and which is, as the Targum expresses it,
"for the majesty of the glory of the Lord:''
he is the maker, owner, proprietor, and possessor of them all: but the third heaven is more especially the seat of his majesty; where he has prepared the throne of his glory, where he keeps court; where his ministers, his angels, wait upon him, observe his orders, and execute his will; and which he has prepared for his saints to dwell with him in to all eternity.
But the earth hath he given to the children of men; to Adam and his posterity, to dwell in it, to till it, and enjoy the fruits of it; yet so as not to leave it entirely to the care of men, and have no concern in it, and the affairs of it, as some licentious persons would from hence conclude; as if God had took the heavens to himself, and only minded the persons and things in that, and never concerned himself about the earth, and persons and things there; having disposed of it to the children of men, and left it to their conduct: for though he has given it to them for their use, yet he has still a claim upon it, and can and does dispose of it, and order all things in it, according to his pleasure; and men, from the highest to the lowest, are accountable to him, being but stewards, and at most but deputies and viceroys, under him: besides the words may be rendered, "and the earth which he hath given to the children of men" a; that is his also, as well as the heavens. This the Lord gives to the children of men as their portion; and sad is the case of such, when this is their all; but to his own children he gives heaven, the kingdom of heaven, eternal glory and happiness. Maimonides b gives the sense of the whole passage thus;
"God only perfectly knows the truth, nature, substance, form, motion, and causes of the heavens: and to man he has given, that he may understand what are under the heavens; because they are the world, and as it were his house, in which he dwells, and of which he is a part.''

Gill: Psa 115:17 - -- The dead praise not the Lord,.... Not the dead in sin; such as the makers of idols, and those that trust in them, who are like unto them; men must be ...
The dead praise not the Lord,.... Not the dead in sin; such as the makers of idols, and those that trust in them, who are like unto them; men must be made spiritually alive, ere they can show forth the praises of God: nor the dead corporeally. The souls of departed saints can and do praise the Lord: these die not with their bodies, nor sleep in the grave; they go immediately to God and Christ, and are employed in the service of God continually; particularly in praising him, as do the angels with whom they join; they sing the song of Moses and of the Lamb, of providence and grace; especially the song of redeeming love, with which they always praise the Lord: but they cannot praise him with their bodily organs until the resurrection, which by death are rendered useless; they can praise him no more among men on earth, as they have before done; there is no work of this kind in the grave.
Neither any that go down in silence; the grave, so called, because everything is mute and silent there c; the instruments of speech are no more used on any account; no noise and clamour there from wicked men; there the wicked cease from troubling; and no songs of praise from good men, all still and quiet there. So the Targum,
"not any that go down to the house of the grave of the earth;''
or the earthly grave. And therefore save us, O Lord, suffer not the enemy to destroy us; for, should he, we shall no more be capable of praising thee, as we have done and desire to do; for no such service is to be done in the grave, see Psa 6:4.

Gill: Psa 115:18 - -- But we will bless the Lord from this time forth and for evermore,.... The Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, Ethiopic, and Arabic versions, render it, "we who...
But we will bless the Lord from this time forth and for evermore,.... The Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, Ethiopic, and Arabic versions, render it, "we who are alive"; both in a corporeal and in a spiritual sense who, as long as we live, and while we have a being, will bless the Lord; being made spiritually alive, quickened by the Spirit and grace of God, and so capable of ascribing blessing, praise, and glory to him, for all the great and good things he has done; and especially when in lively frames, or in the lively exercise of grace: and that from this time; under a sense of present favours, and outward mercies being renewed every day; yea, throughout the whole of life, and so to all eternity in the world above; see Isa 38:19.
Praise the Lord; let others do the same as we; let us join together in this work, now and hereafter.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes -> Psa 115:11; Psa 115:11; Psa 115:11; Psa 115:12; Psa 115:12; Psa 115:12; Psa 115:13; Psa 115:13; Psa 115:14; Psa 115:15; Psa 115:16; Psa 115:16; Psa 115:17

NET Notes: Psa 115:13 Heb “the small along with the great.” The translation assumes that “small” and “great” here refer to age (see 2 Ch...

NET Notes: Psa 115:14 Heb “may he add to you, to you and your sons.” The prefixed verbal form is jussive, indicating this is a prayer.

Geneva Bible: Psa 115:12 The LORD hath been mindful of us: he will bless [us]; he ( h ) will bless the house of Israel; he will bless the house of Aaron.
( h ) That is, he wi...

Geneva Bible: Psa 115:15 Ye [are] blessed of the LORD which ( i ) made heaven and earth.
( i ) And therefore still governs and continues all things in it.

Geneva Bible: Psa 115:16 The ( k ) heaven, [even] the heavens, [are] the LORD'S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.
( k ) And they declare enough his suffici...

Geneva Bible: Psa 115:17 The dead praise not the LORD, neither any that ( l ) go down into silence.
( l ) Though the dead set forth God's glory, yet he means here, that they ...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Psa 115:1-18
TSK Synopsis: Psa 115:1-18 - --1 Because God is truly glorious,4 and idols are vanity,9 he exhorts to confidence in God.12 God is to be blessed for his blessings.
MHCC -> Psa 115:9-18
MHCC: Psa 115:9-18 - --It is folly to trust in dead images, but it is wisdom to trust in the living God, for he is a help and a shield to those that trust in him. Wherever t...
Matthew Henry -> Psa 115:9-18
Matthew Henry: Psa 115:9-18 - -- In these verses, I. We are earnestly exhorted, all of us, to repose our confidence in God, and not suffer our confidence in him to be shaken by the ...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Psa 115:9-14; Psa 115:15-18
Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 115:9-14 - --
After this confession of Israel there now arises a voice that addresses itself to Israel. The threefold division into Israel, the house of Aaron, an...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 115:15-18 - --
The voice of consolation is continued in Psa 115:15, but it becomes the voice of hope by being blended with the newly strengthened believing tone of...
Constable: Psa 107:1--150:6 - --V. Book 5: chs. 107--150
There are 44 psalms in this section of the Psalter. David composed 15 of these (108-110...

Constable: Psa 115:1-18 - --Psalm 115
This anonymous psalm instructs God's people to trust in the Lord rather than in idols.

Constable: Psa 115:9-11 - --3. The need for God's people to trust Him 115:9-11
The psalmist called on all the Israelites to ...

Constable: Psa 115:12-18 - --4. The result of trusting in the Lord 115:12-18
115:12-15 Trust leads to blessing for all people. The writer made this connection by repeating the sam...