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Text -- Psalms 149:7-9 (NET)

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149:7 in order to take revenge on the nations, and punish foreigners. 149:8 They bind their kings in chains, and their nobles in iron shackles, 149:9 and execute the judgment to which their enemies have been sentenced. All his loyal followers will be vindicated. Praise the Lord!
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Wicked | Praise | PUNISHMENTS | NOBLE; NOBLES; NOBLEMAN | Iron | FETTERS | FETTER | EXECUTE; EXECUTIONER | Chains | BIND; BOUND | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Psa 149:7 - -- For all their cruelties and injuries towards God's people. This was literally accomplished by David upon the Philistines, Ammonites, Syrians and other...

For all their cruelties and injuries towards God's people. This was literally accomplished by David upon the Philistines, Ammonites, Syrians and other neighbouring nations.

Wesley: Psa 149:9 - -- Appointed and declared in the holy scripture.

Appointed and declared in the holy scripture.

JFB: Psa 149:7 - -- The destruction of the incorrigibly wicked attends the propagation of God's truth, so that the military successes of the Jews, after the captivity, ty...

The destruction of the incorrigibly wicked attends the propagation of God's truth, so that the military successes of the Jews, after the captivity, typified the triumphs of the Gospel.

JFB: Psa 149:9 - -- Either in God's decrees, or perhaps as in Deu 32:41-43.

Either in God's decrees, or perhaps as in Deu 32:41-43.

JFB: Psa 149:9 - -- That is, to be thus employed, will be an honorable service, to be assigned

That is, to be thus employed, will be an honorable service, to be assigned

JFB: Psa 149:9 - -- Or, godly ones (Psa 16:3).

Or, godly ones (Psa 16:3).

Clarke: Psa 149:7 - -- To execute vengeance upon the heathen - This may refer simply to their purpose of defending themselves to the uttermost, should their enemies attack...

To execute vengeance upon the heathen - This may refer simply to their purpose of defending themselves to the uttermost, should their enemies attack them while building their wall: and they had every reason to believe that God would be with them; and that, if their enemies did attack them, they should be able to inflict the severest punishment upon them

Clarke: Psa 149:7 - -- Punishments upon the people - The unfaithful and treacherous Jews; for we find that some, even of their nobles, had joined with Sanballat and Tobiah...

Punishments upon the people - The unfaithful and treacherous Jews; for we find that some, even of their nobles, had joined with Sanballat and Tobiah; (see Neh 6:17-19): and it appears also that many of them had formed alliances with those heathens, which were contrary to the law; see Neh 13:15-29.

Clarke: Psa 149:8 - -- To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron - That is, if these kings, governors of provinces, and chiefs among the peopl...

To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron - That is, if these kings, governors of provinces, and chiefs among the people, had attacked them, God would have enabled them to defeat them, take their generals prisoners, and lead them in triumph to Jerusalem. It is certain also that in the times of the Maccabees the Jews had many signal victories over the Samaritans, Philistines, and Moabites; and over Antiochus, king of Syria. See the Books of the Maccabees. To these the psalmist may here refer in a hyperbolical way, not unusual in poetry and in songs of triumph.

Clarke: Psa 149:9 - -- To execute upon them the judgment written - In Deu 7:1, etc., God promises his people complete victory over all their enemies, and over the heathen....

To execute upon them the judgment written - In Deu 7:1, etc., God promises his people complete victory over all their enemies, and over the heathen. God repeatedly promises such victories to his faithful people; and this is, properly speaking, the judgment written, i.e., foretold

Clarke: Psa 149:9 - -- This honor have all his saints - They shall all be supported, defended, and saved by the Lord. Israel had this honor, and such victories over their ...

This honor have all his saints - They shall all be supported, defended, and saved by the Lord. Israel had this honor, and such victories over their enemies, while they continued faithful to their God. When they relapsed into iniquity, their enemies prevailed against them; they were defeated, their city taken, their temple burnt to the ground, more than a million of themselves slaughtered, and the rest led into captivity; and, scattered through the, world, they continue without king, or temple, or true worship, to the present day

"But do not these last verses contain a promise that all the nations of the earth shall be brought under the dominion of the Church of Christ; that all heathen and ungodly kings shall be put down, and pious men put in their places?"I do not think so. I believe God never intended that his Church should have the civil government of the world. His Church like its Founder and Head, will never be a ruler and divider among men. The men who under pretense of superior sanctity, affect this, are not of God; the truth of God is not in them; they are puffed up with pride, and fall into the condemnation of the devil. Wo unto the inhabitants of the earth, when the Church takes the civil government of the world into its hand! Were it possible that God should trust religious people with civil government, anarchy would soon ensue; for every professed believer in Christ would consider himself on a par with any other and every other believer, the right to rule and the necessity to obey would be immediately lost, and every man would do what was right in his own eyes; for, where the grace of God makes all equal, who can presume to say, I have Divine authority to govern my fellow? The Church of Rome has claimed this right; and the pope, in consequence, became a secular prince; but the nations of the world have seen the vanity and iniquity of the claim, and refused allegiance. Those whom it did govern, with force and with cruelty did it rule them; and the odious yoke is now universally cast off. Certain enthusiasts and hypocrites, not of that Church, have also attempted to set up a fifth monarchy, a civil government by the Saints! and diabolic saints they were. To such pretenders God gives neither countenance nor support. The secular and spiritual government God will ever keep distinct; and the Church shall have no power but that of doing good; and this only in proportion to its holiness, heavenly-mindedness, and piety to God. That the verses above may be understood in a spiritual sense, as applicable to the influence of the word of God preached, may be seen in the following analysis

Calvin: Psa 149:7 - -- 7.To execute vengeance, etc. Both during their exile and after their return from it, this might seem to be altogether incredible. Nor did it take pla...

7.To execute vengeance, etc. Both during their exile and after their return from it, this might seem to be altogether incredible. Nor did it take place before the advent of Christ; for though the Machabaei and their posterity reduced the neighboring nations to subjection, this was but a faint prelude and earnest to direct the thoughts of the Lord’s people to what was approaching. But as Haggai prophesied that the glory of the second Temple would be greater than of the first, so here there is promised a more prosperous state than had ever existed. (Hag 2:9.) Reduced as the Jews were in numbers, and low as was the state of things among them, the Psalmist announces to all nations which opposed and troubled them, that they would have the ascendancy. As they were yet tributary, and dwelt at Jerusalem only by sufferance, they were called to exercise faith in a promise which, to the judgment of sense, might appear visionary, and to raise their thoughts to the infinite power of God, which triumphs over all worldly obstacles. The vengeance spoken of is such as the Israelites would take, not under the influence of private resentment, but by commandment of God; and this we mention that none may infer that they are allowed to take vengeance for personal injuries.

Calvin: Psa 149:8 - -- The next verse, where mention is made of kings and nobles, is an amplification; for had he only spoken of peoples and nations, this might have bee...

The next verse, where mention is made of kings and nobles, is an amplification; for had he only spoken of peoples and nations, this might have been restricted to the common people and men of low condition. Here is something much greater — that kings and others of noble rank would be dragged to punishment in chains. But it is to be remembered, as I have just hinted, that but a small part of this splendid prospect was realized until Christ appeared; for any small increase of prosperity which the people enjoyed under the Machabaei was not worthy of any consideration, except in so far as by this help God sustained the drooping spirits of the people up to Christ’s advent. Here the prediction of Jacob is to be noticed —

“the scepter shall not depart from Judah, until Shiloh come.” (Gen 49:10.)

But the Machabaei sprung from another tribe. We must, infer, therefore, that the regular order was then interrupted, and that to make the prosperous state of the people to have been based upon their victories, is building a castle in the air. And God would appear designedly to have removed the government from the tribe of Judah, lest this success should intoxicate the minds of his people; for most of them, through pride in these signal victories, overlooked the true and substantial deliverance. As the Psalmist treats here of the perfection of the prosperity of the people, it follows that he refers to the Messiah, that their expectation and desire of him might never cease either in their prosperity or adversity.

Calvin: Psa 149:9 - -- 9.To perform the judgment, etc. He qualifies what he had said in the previous verses, in which he might have appeared to arm the Lord’s people for ...

9.To perform the judgment, etc. He qualifies what he had said in the previous verses, in which he might have appeared to arm the Lord’s people for deeds of warlike cruelty. At first sight it might appear strange, that they who were called the merciful ones of God, should be sent out with drawn swords to commit slaughter, and pour out human blood; for what evidence was here of mercy? But when God himself is the author of the vengeance taken, it is just judgment, not cruelty. When mention is made of the judgment written, the Psalmist reminds the Jews that they were called to liberty by command of God — to that liberty which had been unjustly wrested from them by’ foreigners and tyrants, and that they could not be blamed for executing judgment written. Any exposition of the passage is faulty which does not proceed upon this as being the Psalmist’s design, that he would have the Jews to consider the divine mandate, not to proceed under the influence of private resentment, and to throw a rein over passion; saying upon the matter, that God’s children may not execute vengeance but when called to it, there being an end of all moderation when men yield themselves up to the impulse of their own spirits. Another question might arise here by way of objection. Christ is said to have come without crying or lifting up his voice, that he might not break the bruised reed, (Mat 12:20,) and he inculcates the same character upon his followers. The answer is obvious, that Christ is also armed with an iron scepter, by which to bruise the rebellious, and is elsewhere described as stained with blood, as slaying his enemies on every side, and not being wearied with the slaughter of them. (Isa 63:2.) Nor is it surprising, considering the obstinacy which universally prevails in the world, that the mercy which is treated with such indignity should be converted into severity. Now the doctrine laid down in the passage admits of being rightly applied to our practice, in this way, that what is here said of the two-edged sword, applies more especially to the Jews, and not properly to us, who have not a power of this kind permitted; except, indeed, that rulers and magistrates are vested by God with the sword to punish all manner of violence; but this is something peculiar to their office. 305 As to the Church collective, the sword now put into our hand is of another kind, that of the word and spirit, that we may slay for a sacrifice to God those who formerly were enemies, or again deliver them over to everlasting destruction unless they repent. (Eph 6:17.) For what Isaiah predicted of Christ extends to all who are his members,

“He shall smite the wicked with the word of his mouth,
and shall slay them with the breath of his lips.”
(Isa 11:4.)

If believers quietly confine themselves within these limits of their calling, they will find that the promise of vengeance upon their enemies has not been given in vain. For when God calls us, as I have said above, to judgment written, he puts a restraint both upon our spirits and actions, so as that we must not attempt what he has not commanded. When it is said, in the close of the verse, that this honor is to all the merciful ones of God, he not only exhorts to the practice of piety, but gives us a support for our encouragement, lest we should think that we might be losers by exercising mercy and patience, as most men give vent to fury and rage, under the idea that the only way to defend their life is by showing the savageness of wolves. Although God’s people, therefore, have nothing of the strength of the giant, and will not move a finger without divine permission, ‘and have a calm spirit, the Psalmist declares, that they have an honorable and splendid issue out of all their troubles.

TSK: Psa 149:7 - -- Psa 137:8, Psa 137:9; Num 31:2, Num 31:3; Jdg 5:23; 1Sa 15:2, 1Sa 15:3, 1Sa 15:18-23; Zec 9:13-16; Zec 14:17-19; Rev 19:11-21

TSK: Psa 149:8 - -- Jos 10:23, Jos 10:24, Jos 12:7; Jdg 1:6, Jdg 1:7

TSK: Psa 149:9 - -- to execute : Psa 137:8; Deu 7:1, Deu 7:2, Deu 32:42, Deu 32:43; Isa 14:22, Isa 14:23; Rev 17:14-16 this honour : Psa 148:14; 1Co 6:2, 1Co 6:3; Rev 3:2...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Psa 149:7 - -- To execute vengeance upon the heathen - To inflict punishment upon them as a recompence for their sins. The word pagan here means nations. The ...

To execute vengeance upon the heathen - To inflict punishment upon them as a recompence for their sins. The word pagan here means nations. The allusion is, doubtless, to those who had oppressed and injured the Hebrew people - perhaps referring to those who had destroyed the city and the temple at the time of the Babylonian captivity. They were now to receive the punishment due for the wrongs which they had done to the nation; a just recompence at the hand of God, and by the instrumentality of those whom they had wronged. Compare the notes at Psa 137:7-9.

And punishments upon the people - The people of those lands. Those who had waged war with the Hebrew nation.

Barnes: Psa 149:8 - -- To bind their kings with chains - To make them prisoners and captives. This is but carrying out the idea in the previous verses, of inflicting ...

To bind their kings with chains - To make them prisoners and captives. This is but carrying out the idea in the previous verses, of inflicting punishment upon them for the wrongs which they had done to the people of God. There is no evidence that this refers to a spiritual conquest, or to a spiritual subjection of those nations to the true religion. The whole idea is in accordance with what is so often expressed in the Psalms - that of inflicting just punishment on the wicked. See the General Introduction, Section 6.

And their nobles with fetters of iron - To make them prisoners. That is, to subdue them. Captives in war, even those of elevated rank, were often led in chains to grace the triumph of conquerors.

Barnes: Psa 149:9 - -- To execute upon them the judgment written - Either, that which is written in the law in general as what is threatened to wicked men; or, that w...

To execute upon them the judgment written - Either, that which is written in the law in general as what is threatened to wicked men; or, that which was written for their particular case, or which they were specifically commanded to do. Compare Deu 7:1-2; Deu 32:41-43. Most probably the reference is to some particular command in this case.

This honor have all his saints -

(a) It is an honor to engage in executing or carrying out the purposes of God. As it is an honor to be a magistrate, a judge, a sheriff, a constable, a commander of an army, an admiral in a navy, to execute the purposes of a government - an honor sought with great avidity among people as among the most valued distinctions of life - why should it be less honorable to execute the purposes of God? Are the objects which he seeks in his administration less important than those which are sought among people? Are his laws of less importance? Are his aims less pure? Is there less of justice, and equity, and benevolence in his plans?

(b) It is an honor which pertains to "all the saints"- to all who love and fear God - to be engaged in carrying out or executing his plans. In their own way, and in their own sphere - it may, indeed, be a very humble sphere - but each and all in their own sphere, are engaged in executing the purposes of God. In the duties of a family; in kindness to the poor; in the office of a teacher or a magistrate; in clearing a farm; in cultivating the land; in building a schoolhouse; in founding a church, a college, an asylum for the blind, the dumb, the lame, the insane; in contributing to send the gospel abroad over our own land, or among the pagan, or in going to carry that gospel to a benighted world - in some of these ways all who are truly the friends of God, or who are entitled to be enrolled among the "saints of the Lord"are, in fact, carrying out the purposes of the Lord - the "judgments written"to guide mankind; and man’ s highest honor here, as it will be in heaven, is to carry out the purposes of the Lord.

Praise ye the Lord - Hallelu-jah. It is a subject of praise and thanksgiving, it should lead us to shout Hallelujah, that we are permitted to be employed in any way, however humble, in carrying out the divine plans, or in accomplishing those great designs which he contemplates toward our race.

Poole: Psa 149:7 - -- For all their cruelties and injuries towards God’ s people. This was literally accomplished by David upon the Philistines, Ammonites, Syrians, ...

For all their cruelties and injuries towards God’ s people. This was literally accomplished by David upon the Philistines, Ammonites, Syrians, and other neighbouring nations and princes, which were bitter enemies to God’ s people. And the same thing was done afterward in the Christian world, when God raised up Christian princes, who did by the help of the Christians, fighting with and under them, severely revenge the blood of the martyred Christians upon their cruel persecutors and tyrants in divers ages. It may also be understood of the spiritual plagues which Christ by the hand or ministry of his apostles and ministers did inflict upon the hearts and consciences of his incorrigible enemies, who by God’ s word and ordinances were either tormented or hardened to their destruction. Yea, it may have a respect unto the last day of judgment, in which the saints shall judge the world, 1Co 6:2 , which will be a most dreadful execution of this vengeance, &c.

Poole: Psa 149:8 - -- See Poole "Psa 149:7" .

See Poole "Psa 149:7" .

Poole: Psa 149:9 - -- The judgment written appointed and declared in the Holy Scripture, as Deu 12:32 29:19 32:41-43 , and elsewhere. This is added to show that they do no...

The judgment written appointed and declared in the Holy Scripture, as Deu 12:32 29:19 32:41-43 , and elsewhere. This is added to show that they do not this work to satisfy their own malicious or revengeful inclinations, but in obedience to God’ s command, and only in such manner as God hath allowed in his word.

This honour have all his saints the honour of these actions belongs to all the saints, for whose sakes God appointed this in his word, and afterwards executed it by his providence.

Haydock: Psa 149:8 - -- Iron. These poetical expressions denote victory. The Machabees made great conquests, and the Jews expect greater under the Messias. But this has b...

Iron. These poetical expressions denote victory. The Machabees made great conquests, and the Jews expect greater under the Messias. But this has been verified in the conversion of nations to Christ, Isaias xlix. 23., and lx. 14. (Calmet) ---

The victories of the Machabees were of short duration. (Berthier)

Haydock: Psa 149:9 - -- Written. In God's decrees. (Worthington) (Job xxxi. 35., and Daniel vii. 10.) (Calmet) --- This judicial power is part of the glory of the saint...

Written. In God's decrees. (Worthington) (Job xxxi. 35., and Daniel vii. 10.) (Calmet) ---

This judicial power is part of the glory of the saints. (Worthington) (1 Corinthians vi. 2., and Wisdom iii. 7.) (Haydock) ---

All shall judge the wicked who have imitated the disinterestedness of the apostles. (Calmet)

Gill: Psa 149:7 - -- To execute vengeance upon the Heathen,.... Either upon the Gentile world, in the first times of the Gospel; when the apostles, going there with the tw...

To execute vengeance upon the Heathen,.... Either upon the Gentile world, in the first times of the Gospel; when the apostles, going there with the twoedged sword of the word, vehemently inveighed against the idolatry of the Heathens, and exhorted them to turn from their idols to serve the living God; and divine power going along with their ministry, multitudes were turned from them; through the success of the Gospel, the oracles of the Heathen were struck dumb, their priests were despised, their idol temples were forsaken, and idols rejected; now were the judgment of the Heathen world, and the prince of it, cast out, and vengeance in this way taken upon it, or their disobedience to God revenged, Joh 12:31. Or else upon the Papists, as will be in the latter times of the Gospel; who are sometimes called Heathens and Gentiles, Psa 10:16; on whom vengeance will be taken for all their idolatry, superstition, and bloodshed of the saints; and they will be smitten and slain by the twoedged sword, proceeding out of the mouth of Christ, and as in the hands of his servants, Rev 19:15;

and punishments upon the people; or "reproofs" p; sharp and piercing ones; such as the convictions the word of God will strike in the minds of men, and will be very distressing and afflicting to them; as the fire out of the mouths of the witnesses, which is their doctrine, will be to their enemies the Papists; and will torment and kill them, and be the savour of death unto death unto them, Rev 11:5.

Gill: Psa 149:8 - -- To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron. Which is thought to allude to what was done to the Canaanitish kings, in the t...

To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron. Which is thought to allude to what was done to the Canaanitish kings, in the times of Joshua; and to the princes of Midian by Gideon; and to Agag by Saul; and to the Ammonites, Syrians, and others, by David: but it refers either to the first times of the Gospel, and the influence of the sword of the Spirit over the hearts of men; and on some very great personages, as kings and nobles, brought to Christ and his churches, in chains of powerful and efficacious grace, declaring a ready and cheerful subjection to his Gospel and ordinances; such as Constantine, Theodosius, and others; and who were instruments in subduing, conquering, and destroying tyrannical and persecuting emperors and princes, as Maximilian, Licinius, and others; see Isa 45:14; and more instances of the power of the Gospel, and the influence of divine grace on such persons, there will be in the latter day; see Isa 49:23. It may also respect the use of the Gospel ministry, compared to a twoedged sword on the hearts of men in common; whereby Satan, the strong man armed, who keeps the palace as a king or prince, is dispossessed; and sin, which reigns like a king unto death, is dethroned, and grace is set up as a governing principle. But it may chiefly regard the destruction of antichristian kings and nobles, and their states, through the prevalence of the Gospel and the power of Christ, and the twoedged sword coming out of his mouth, Rev 17:14.

Gill: Psa 149:9 - -- To execute upon them the judgment written,.... In the law, according to the Targum; either upon the seven nations of the land of Canaan, Deu 7:12; or ...

To execute upon them the judgment written,.... In the law, according to the Targum; either upon the seven nations of the land of Canaan, Deu 7:12; or upon all the enemies of God and his people, Deu 32:41; or rather in the Gospel; which declares, that whoever believes in Christ shall be saved, but whoever believes not shall be damned, Mar 16:16. And according to this twoedged sword or word of God, and the sentence pronounced by it, and judgment written in it, things will everlastingly take place. Or it may principally have regard to the judgment upon antichrist in the latter day, written in the word of God; and which will be executed by the saints, with the twoedged sword in their hands, Rev 16:6;

this honour have all his saints; which is spoken of throughout the psalm; as to be acceptable unto God, and well pleasing in his sight; to be adorned with grace, and beautified with salvation; to have the high praises of God in their mouths, and a twoedged sword in their hands, and to do the execution with it above mentioned;

praise ye the Lord; even all his saints; who of all men have most reason to do it, for the grace that is given them, and the honour put upon them.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Psa 149:7 Heb “to do.”

NET Notes: Psa 149:8 Heb “to bind.”

NET Notes: Psa 149:9 Heb “it is honor for all his godly ones.” The judgment of the oppressive kings will bring vindication and honor to God’s people (see...

Geneva Bible: Psa 149:7 ( e ) To execute vengeance upon the heathen, [and] punishments upon the people; ( e ) This is chiefly accomplished in the kingdom of Christ when God'...

Geneva Bible: Psa 149:8 To bind ( f ) their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; ( f ) Not only the people, but the kings who were their enemies should ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 149:9 To execute upon them the judgment ( g ) written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD. ( g ) By this God binds the hands and minds of ...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Psa 149:1-9 - --1 The prophet exhorts to praise God for his love to the church;5 and for that power which he has given to the church.

MHCC: Psa 149:6-9 - --Some of God's servants of old were appointed to execute vengeance according to his word. They did not do it from personal revenge or earthly politics,...

Matthew Henry: Psa 149:6-9 - -- The Israel of God are here represented triumphing over their enemies, which is both the matter of their praise (let them give to God the glory of th...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 149:6-9 - -- The glance is here directed to the future. The people of the present have again, in their God, attained to a lofty self-consciousness, the conscious...

Constable: Psa 107:1--150:6 - --V. Book 5: chs. 107--150 There are 44 psalms in this section of the Psalter. David composed 15 of these (108-110...

Constable: Psa 149:1-9 - --Psalm 149 The unknown writer called on Israel to praise God who saves the submissive and punishes the na...

Constable: Psa 149:6-9 - --3. A way to rejoice in the Lord 149:6-9 The Lord's will for Israel was that she overcome and def...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Hebrew title of this book is Tehilim ("praises" or "hymns"), for a leading feature in its contents is praise, though the word occurs in the title ...

JFB: Psalms (Outline) ALEPH. (Psa 119:1-8). This celebrated Psalm has several peculiarities. It is divided into twenty-two parts or stanzas, denoted by the twenty-two let...

TSK: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Psalms have been the general song of the universal Church; and in their praise, all the Fathers have been unanimously eloquent. Men of all nation...

TSK: Psalms 149 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Psa 149:1, The prophet exhorts to praise God for his love to the church; Psa 149:5, and for that power which he has given to the church.

Poole: Psalms (Book Introduction) OF PSALMS THE ARGUMENT The divine authority of this Book of PSALMS is so certain and evident, that it was never questioned in the church; which b...

Poole: Psalms 149 (Chapter Introduction) THE ARGUMENT The scope and design of this Psalm is to stir up and encourage God’ s people to praise him; either, 1. For their deliverance out...

MHCC: Psalms (Book Introduction) David was the penman of most of the psalms, but some evidently were composed by other writers, and the writers of some are doubtful. But all were writ...

MHCC: Psalms 149 (Chapter Introduction) (Psa 149:1-5) Joy to all the people of God. (Psa 149:6-9) Terror to their enemies.

Matthew Henry: Psalms (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of Psalms We have now before us one of the choicest and most excellent parts of all the Old Te...

Matthew Henry: Psalms 149 (Chapter Introduction) The foregoing psalm was a hymn of praise to the Creator; this is a hymn of praise to the Redeemer. It is a psalm of triumph in the God of Israel, a...

Constable: Psalms (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book in the Hebrew Bible is Tehillim, which means...

Constable: Psalms (Outline) Outline I. Book 1: chs. 1-41 II. Book 2: chs. 42-72 III. Book 3: chs. 73...

Constable: Psalms Psalms Bibliography Allen, Ronald B. "Evidence from Psalm 89." In A Case for Premillennialism: A New Consensus,...

Haydock: Psalms (Book Introduction) THE BOOK OF PSALMS. INTRODUCTION. The Psalms are called by the Hebrew, Tehillim; that is, hymns of praise. The author, of a great part of ...

Gill: Psalms (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALMS The title of this book may be rendered "the Book of Praises", or "Hymns"; the psalm which our Lord sung at the passover is c...

Gill: Psalms 149 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALM 149 This psalm is thought by Calvin and others to have been written for the sake of the Jews that returned from the Babylonis...

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