Text -- Psalms 15:3 (NET)

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He that doth not speak evil of his neighbour.

Wesley: Psa 15:3 - -- Into his mouth, doth not raise it, neither spread or propagate it; or believe it without sufficient reason.
Into his mouth, doth not raise it, neither spread or propagate it; or believe it without sufficient reason.
JFB -> Psa 15:3
He neither slanders nor spreads slander.
Clarke: Psa 15:3 - -- He that backbiteth not with his tongue - לא רגל על לשנו lo ragal al leshono , "he foots not upon his tongue.
4. He is one who treats his...
He that backbiteth not with his tongue -
4. He is one who treats his neighbor with respect. He says nothing that might injure him in his character, person, or property; he forgets no calumny, he is author of no slander, he insinuates nothing by which his neighbor may be injured. The tongue, because of its slanderous conversation, is represented in the nervous original as kicking about the character of an absent person; a very common vice, and as destructive as it is common: but the man who expects to see God abhors it, and backbites not with his tongue. The words backbite and backbiter come from the Anglo-Saxon

Clarke: Psa 15:3 - -- Nor doeth evil to his neighbor -
5. He not only avoids evil speaking, but he avoids also evil acting towards his neighbor. He speaks no evil of him;...
Nor doeth evil to his neighbor -
5. He not only avoids evil speaking, but he avoids also evil acting towards his neighbor. He speaks no evil of him; he does no evil to him; he does him no harm; he occasions him no wrong. On the contrary, he gives him his due. See under the second particular

Clarke: Psa 15:3 - -- Nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour -
6. The word חרפה cherpah , which we here translate a reproach, comes from חרף charaph , to...
Nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour -
6. The word
Calvin -> Psa 15:3
Calvin: Psa 15:3 - -- David, after having briefly set forth the virtues with which all who desire to have a place in the Church ought to be endued, now enumerates certain ...
David, after having briefly set forth the virtues with which all who desire to have a place in the Church ought to be endued, now enumerates certain vices from which they ought to be free. In the first place, he tells them that they must not be slanderers or detractors; secondly, that they must restrain themselves from doing any thing mischievous and injurious to their neighbors; and, thirdly, that they must not aid in giving currency to calumnies and false reports. Other vices, from which the righteous are free, we shall meet with as we proceed. David, then, sets down calumny and detraction as the first point of injustice by which our neighbors are injured. If a good name is a treasure, more precious than all the riches of the world, (Pro 22:1,) no greater injury can be inflicted upon men than to wound their reputation. It is not, however, every injurious word which is here condemned; but the disease and lust of detraction, which stirs up malicious persons to spread abroad calumnies. At the same time, it cannot be doubted that the design of the Holy Spirit is to condemn all false and wicked accusations. In the clause which immediately follows, the doctrine that the children of God ought to be far removed from all injustice, is stated more generally: Nor doeth evil to his companion. By the words companion and neighbor, the Psalmist means not only those with whom we enjoy familiar intercourse, and live on terms of intimate friendship, but all men, to whom we are bound by the ties of humanity and a common nature. He employs these terms to show more clearly the odiousness of what he condemns, and that the saints may have the greater abhorrence of all wrong dealing, since every man who hurts his neighbor violates the fundamental law of human society. With respect to the meaning of the last clause, interpreters are not agreed. Some take the phrase, to raise up a calumnious report, for to invent, because malicious persons raise up calumnies from nothing; and thus it would be a repetition of the statement contained in the first clause of the verse, namely, that good men should not allow themselves to indulge in detraction. But I think there is also here rebuked the vice of undue credulity, which, when any evil reports are spread against our neighbors, leads us either eagerly to listen to them, or at least to receive them without sufficient reason; whereas we ought rather to use all means to suppress and trample them under foot. 295 When any one is the bearer of invented falsehoods, those who reject them leave them, as it were, to fall to the ground; while, on the contrary, those who propagate and publish them from one person to another are, by an expressive form of speech, said to raise them up.
TSK -> Psa 15:3
TSK: Psa 15:3 - -- backbiteth : Psa 101:5-8; Exod. 23:1-33; Lev 19:16; Jer 9:4-9; Rom 1:30; Tit 3:2; Jam 4:11; 1Pe 2:1, 1Pe 2:2
doeth : 1Sa 24:11; Isa 56:2; Mat 7:12; Ro...

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes -> Psa 15:3
Barnes: Psa 15:3 - -- He that backbiteth not with his tongue - The word "backbite"means to censure; slander; reproach; speak evil of. The Hebrew word - רגל ra...
He that backbiteth not with his tongue - The word "backbite"means to censure; slander; reproach; speak evil of. The Hebrew word -
Nor doeth evil to his neighbor - That does his neighbor no harm. This refers to injury in any way, whether by word or deed. The idea is, that the man who will be admitted to dwell on the holy hill of Zion, the man who is truly religious, is one who does no injury to anyone; who always does that which is right to others. The word "neighbor"usually refers to one who resides near us; and their it denotes all persons who are near to us in the sense that we have business relations with them; all persons with whom we have anything to do. It is used in this sense here as referring to our dealings with other persons.
Nor taketh up a reproach - Margin, "or receiveth,"or, "endureth."The idea is that of "taking up,"or receiving as true, or readily giving credit to it. He is slow to believe evil of another. He does not grasp at it greedily as if he had pleasure in it. He does not himself originate such a reproach, nor does he readily and cheerfully credit it when it is stated by others. If he is constrained to believe it, it is only because the evidence becomes so strong that he cannot resist it, and his believing it is contrary to all the desires of is heart. This is true religion every where; but this is contrary to the conduct of no small part of the world. There are large classes of persons to whom nothing is more acceptable than reproachful accusations of others, and who embrace no reports more readily than they do those which impute bad conduct or bad motives to them. Often there is nothing more marked in true conversion than the change which is produced in this respect. He who delighted in gossip and in slanderous reports of others; who found pleasure in the alleged failings and errors of his neighbors; who gladly lent a listening ear to the first intimations of this kind, and who cheerfully contributed his influence in giving circulation to such things, augmenting such reports as they passed through his hands - now sincerely rejoices on hearing everybody well spoken of, and does all that can be done consistently with truth to check such reports, and to secure to every man a good name.
Poole -> Psa 15:3
Poole: Psa 15:3 - -- He doth not take away or diminish his neighbour’ s good name, either by denying him his due praises, or by laying any thing to his charge false...
He doth not take away or diminish his neighbour’ s good name, either by denying him his due praises, or by laying any thing to his charge falsely, or without sufficient cause and evidence;
nor doeth evil i.e. any hurt or injury, to his neighbour, i.e. to any man; as is evident,
1. From the nature of this precept, which reacheth to all, it being plain and certain that, both by laws of nature and of Moses, it was not. lawful to do evil to any man, except where God the Sovereign commanded it, as he did to the Canaanites and Amalekites.
2. From the Scripture usage of this word neighbour, which frequently signifies every man, though a stranger or a heathen, as appears from Gen 29:4 Exo 20:10,17 Le 18:20 19:15 , &c.; Pro 25:8,9 Lu 10:20 , &c.; Mat 5:43,44 . And he useth this word neighbour, because he who is strictly so is most within our reach, and most liable to the injuries which one man doth to another.
Nor taketh up to wit, into his lips or mouth , which is understood here, as also Exo 20:7 Job 4:2 , and fully expressed Psa 16:4 50:16 , i.e. doth not raise it, though that may seem to be included in the first clause, that backbiteth not ; or doth not spread and propagate it; which men are too prone and ready to do, and which makes that a public which before was but a private injury and mischief. Or, nor taketh or receiveth , i.e. entertaineth it cheerfully and greedily, as men usually do such things, and easily believeth it without sufficient reason. See Exo 23:1 Lev 19:16 . Or, nor beareth or endureth , as this phrase signifies, Psa 69:7 Eze 36:15 . He doth not suffer another to defame him without some rebuke or signification of his dislike, Pro 25:23 .
Haydock -> Psa 15:3
Haydock: Psa 15:3 - -- Saints. Hebrew, "the magnificent" priests, God himself, (Exodus xv. 11.; Calmet) and ceremonies of religion, (Haydock) for which David had a wonderf...
Saints. Hebrew, "the magnificent" priests, God himself, (Exodus xv. 11.; Calmet) and ceremonies of religion, (Haydock) for which David had a wonderful affection. (Calmet) ---
But Christ has displayed the greatest love towards all his converts, and they had need of it. (Berthier) ---
God here speaks, shewing that Christ should make known his wonderful charity to the apostles and other saints.
Gill -> Psa 15:3
Gill: Psa 15:3 - -- He that backbiteth not with his tongue,.... Is not a slanderer, a defamer, a tale bearer; a backbiter is one who privately, secretly, behind a man's ...
He that backbiteth not with his tongue,.... Is not a slanderer, a defamer, a tale bearer; a backbiter is one who privately, secretly, behind a man's back speaks evil of him, devours and destroys his credit and reputation: the word here used comes from
nor doeth evil to his neighbour: to any man whatever, good or bad, friend or foe, whether in a natural, civil, or spiritual relation, either by words or deeds, to his person, property, or good name;
nor taketh up, a reproach against his neighbour; does not raise any scandalous report on him himself, nor will he bear to hear one from another, much less will he spread one; nor will he suffer one to lie upon his neighbour, but will do all he can to vindicate him, and clear his character.

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TSK Synopsis -> Psa 15:1-5
MHCC -> Psa 15:1-5
MHCC: Psa 15:1-5 - --Here is a very serious question concerning the character of a citizen of Zion. It is the happiness of glorified saints, that they dwell in the holy hi...
Matthew Henry -> Psa 15:1-5
Matthew Henry: Psa 15:1-5 - -- Here is, I. A very serious and weighty question concerning the characters of a citizen of Zion (Psa 15:1): " Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Psa 15:3-5
Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 15:3-5 - --
The distich which contains the question and that containing the general answer are now followed by three tristichs, which work the answer out in det...
Constable -> Psa 15:1-5; Psa 15:2-5
Constable: Psa 15:1-5 - --Psalm 15
In this psalm David reflected on the importance of a pure character for those who would worship...

Constable: Psa 15:2-5 - --2. David's answer 15:2-5
15:2a-b In this section the psalmist summarized what was necessary to have an intimate relationship with the Lord. First, he ...