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Text -- Psalms 18:28-50 (NET)

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18:28 Indeed, you are my lamp, Lord. My God illuminates the darkness around me. 18:29 Indeed, with your help I can charge against an army; by my God’s power I can jump over a wall. 18:30 The one true God acts in a faithful manner; the Lord’s promise is reliable; he is a shield to all who take shelter in him. 18:31 Indeed, who is God besides the Lord? Who is a protector besides our God? 18:32 The one true God gives me strength; he removes the obstacles in my way. 18:33 He gives me the agility of a deer; he enables me to negotiate the rugged terrain. 18:34 He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend even the strongest bow. 18:35 You give me your protective shield; your right hand supports me; your willingness to help enables me to prevail. 18:36 You widen my path; my feet do not slip. 18:37 I chase my enemies and catch them; I do not turn back until I wipe them out. 18:38 I beat them to death; they fall at my feet. 18:39 You give me strength for battle; you make my foes kneel before me. 18:40 You make my enemies retreat; I destroy those who hate me. 18:41 They cry out, but there is no one to help them; they cry out to the Lord, but he does not answer them. 18:42 I grind them as fine windblown dust; I beat them underfoot like clay in the streets. 18:43 You rescue me from a hostile army; you make me a leader of nations; people over whom I had no authority are now my subjects. 18:44 When they hear of my exploits, they submit to me. Foreigners are powerless before me; 18:45 foreigners lose their courage; they shake with fear as they leave their strongholds. 18:46 The Lord is alive! My protector is praiseworthy! The God who delivers me is exalted as king! 18:47 The one true God completely vindicates me; he makes nations submit to me. 18:48 He delivers me from my enemies; you snatch me away from those who attack me; you rescue me from violent men. 18:49 So I will give you thanks before the nations, O Lord! I will sing praises to you! 18:50 He gives his chosen king magnificent victories; he is faithful to his chosen ruler, to David and his descendants forever.”
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · David a son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel,son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel

Dictionary Themes and Topics: TEMPLE, B | Street | Providence | Praise | PSALMS, BOOK OF | POETRY, HEBREW | HIND | God | FORTIFICATION; FORT; FORTIFIED CITIES; FORTRESS | Dung | David | Copper | Candle | CHERUBIM (1) | BIBLE, THE, IV CANONICITY | BATTLE-BOW | Armour | AVENGE; AVENGER | ARMOR; ARMS | ARCHERY | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable


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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Psa 18:28 - -- Given me safety, and comfort, and glory, and posterity also.

Given me safety, and comfort, and glory, and posterity also.

Wesley: Psa 18:29 - -- Broken through the armed troops of mine enemies.

Broken through the armed troops of mine enemies.

Wesley: Psa 18:29 - -- I have scaled the walls of their strongest cites.

I have scaled the walls of their strongest cites.

Wesley: Psa 18:30 - -- His providence, though it may sometimes be dark, yet is always wise and just, and unblameable.

His providence, though it may sometimes be dark, yet is always wise and just, and unblameable.

Wesley: Psa 18:30 - -- The truth of God's promises is approved by innumerable experiences.

The truth of God's promises is approved by innumerable experiences.

Wesley: Psa 18:31 - -- Our Lord is the only God, and therefore there is none, that can hinder him from accomplishing his own work.

Our Lord is the only God, and therefore there is none, that can hinder him from accomplishing his own work.

Wesley: Psa 18:32 - -- Perfectly plain and smooth, and clear from impediments.

Perfectly plain and smooth, and clear from impediments.

Wesley: Psa 18:33 - -- places - Confirms me in that high estate into which he hath advanced me.

places - Confirms me in that high estate into which he hath advanced me.

Wesley: Psa 18:35 - -- Thy protection, which hath been to me like a shield.

Thy protection, which hath been to me like a shield.

Wesley: Psa 18:35 - -- Kept me from, falling into those mischiefs, which mine enemies designed.

Kept me from, falling into those mischiefs, which mine enemies designed.

Wesley: Psa 18:35 - -- Thy clemency, whereby thou hast pardoned my sins; thy grace and benignity.

Thy clemency, whereby thou hast pardoned my sins; thy grace and benignity.

Wesley: Psa 18:36 - -- As they are apt to do in narrow and uneven ways.

As they are apt to do in narrow and uneven ways.

Wesley: Psa 18:43 - -- From contentions, and seditions, under Saul, and Ishbosheth, and Absalom.

From contentions, and seditions, under Saul, and Ishbosheth, and Absalom.

Wesley: Psa 18:43 - -- Of the Ammonites, Moabites, Edomites, Syrians, and others.

Of the Ammonites, Moabites, Edomites, Syrians, and others.

Wesley: Psa 18:43 - -- Even barbarous and remote nations.

Even barbarous and remote nations.

Wesley: Psa 18:44 - -- As soon as they understand my will and pleasure, they shall instantly comply with it.

As soon as they understand my will and pleasure, they shall instantly comply with it.

Wesley: Psa 18:45 - -- Out of their strong holds, where they shall lurk for fear of me.

Out of their strong holds, where they shall lurk for fear of me.

Wesley: Psa 18:46 - -- He and he only is the true living God.

He and he only is the true living God.

Wesley: Psa 18:48 - -- From Saul: whom for honour's sake he forbears to mention.

From Saul: whom for honour's sake he forbears to mention.

Wesley: Psa 18:49 - -- David is here transported beyond himself, and speaks this in special relation to Christ who was to be his seed, and of whom he was an eminent type, an...

David is here transported beyond himself, and speaks this in special relation to Christ who was to be his seed, and of whom he was an eminent type, and by whom alone this was done. And therefore this is justly applied to him, and to his calling of the Gentiles, Rom 15:9.

Wesley: Psa 18:50 - -- To the king whom God himself chose and anointed, and to all his posterity; and especially to the Messiah, who is called David's seed, Act 13:23; Rom 1...

To the king whom God himself chose and anointed, and to all his posterity; and especially to the Messiah, who is called David's seed, Act 13:23; Rom 1:3.

JFB: Psa 18:28 - -- To give one light is to make prosperous (Job 18:5-6; Job 21:17).

To give one light is to make prosperous (Job 18:5-6; Job 21:17).

JFB: Psa 18:28 - -- Is emphatic, as if to say, I can fully confide in Thee for help.

Is emphatic, as if to say, I can fully confide in Thee for help.

JFB: Psa 18:29 - -- And this on past experience in his military life, set forth by these figures.

And this on past experience in his military life, set forth by these figures.

JFB: Psa 18:30-32 - -- God's perfection is the source of his own, which has resulted from his trust on the one hand, and God's promised help on the other.

God's perfection is the source of his own, which has resulted from his trust on the one hand, and God's promised help on the other.

JFB: Psa 18:30-32 - -- "as metals are tried by fire and proved genuine" (Psa 12:6). Shield (Psa 3:3). Girding was essential to free motion on account of the looseness of Ori...

"as metals are tried by fire and proved genuine" (Psa 12:6). Shield (Psa 3:3). Girding was essential to free motion on account of the looseness of Oriental dresses; hence it is an expressive figure for describing the gift of strength.

JFB: Psa 18:33-36 - -- God's help farther described. He gives swiftness to pursue or elude his enemies (Hab 3:19), strength, protection, and a firm footing.

God's help farther described. He gives swiftness to pursue or elude his enemies (Hab 3:19), strength, protection, and a firm footing.

JFB: Psa 18:35 - -- As applied to God--condescension--or that which He gives, in the sense of humility (compare Pro 22:4).

As applied to God--condescension--or that which He gives, in the sense of humility (compare Pro 22:4).

JFB: Psa 18:36 - -- Made ample room (compare Pro 4:12).

Made ample room (compare Pro 4:12).

JFB: Psa 18:37-41 - -- In actual conflict, with God's aid, the defeat of his enemies is certain. A present and continued success is expressed.

In actual conflict, with God's aid, the defeat of his enemies is certain. A present and continued success is expressed.

JFB: Psa 18:39 - -- Literally, "insurgents" (Psa 3:1; Psa 44:5).

Literally, "insurgents" (Psa 3:1; Psa 44:5).

JFB: Psa 18:40 - -- Literally, "backs of the necks"; made them retreat (Exo 23:27; Jos 7:8).

Literally, "backs of the necks"; made them retreat (Exo 23:27; Jos 7:8).

JFB: Psa 18:42 - -- This conquest was complete.

This conquest was complete.

JFB: Psa 18:43-45 - -- Not only does He conquer civil foes, but foreigners, who are driven from their places of refuge.

Not only does He conquer civil foes, but foreigners, who are driven from their places of refuge.

JFB: Psa 18:44 - -- (compare Margin)--that is, show a forced subjection.

(compare Margin)--that is, show a forced subjection.

JFB: Psa 18:46 - -- Contrasts Him with idols (1Co 8:4).

Contrasts Him with idols (1Co 8:4).

JFB: Psa 18:47-48 - -- His cause is espoused by God as His own.

His cause is espoused by God as His own.

JFB: Psa 18:48 - -- To safety and honors.

To safety and honors.

JFB: Psa 18:49-50 - -- Paul (Rom 15:9) quotes from this doxology to show that under the Old Testament economy, others than the Jews were regarded as subjects of that spiritu...

Paul (Rom 15:9) quotes from this doxology to show that under the Old Testament economy, others than the Jews were regarded as subjects of that spiritual government of which David was head, and in which character his deliverances and victories were typical of the more illustrious triumphs of David's greater Son. The language of Psa 18:50 justifies this view in its distinct allusion to the great promise (compare 2Sa 7:12). In all David's successes he saw the pledges of a fulfilment of that promise, and he mourned in all his adversities, not only in view of his personal suffering, but because he saw in them evidences of danger to the great interests which were committed to his keeping. It is in these aspects of his character that we are led properly to appreciate the importance attached to his sorrows and sufferings, his joys and successes.

Clarke: Psa 18:28 - -- For thou wilt light my candle - Thou wilt restore me to prosperity, and give me a happy issue out of all my afflictions. By the lamp of David the Me...

For thou wilt light my candle - Thou wilt restore me to prosperity, and give me a happy issue out of all my afflictions. By the lamp of David the Messiah may be meant: thou wilt not suffer my family to become extinct, nor the kingdom which thou hast promised me utterly to fail.

Clarke: Psa 18:29 - -- I have run through a troop - This may relate to some remarkable victory, and the taking of some fortified place, possibly Zion, from the Jebusites. ...

I have run through a troop - This may relate to some remarkable victory, and the taking of some fortified place, possibly Zion, from the Jebusites. See the account 2Sa 5:6-8 (note).

Clarke: Psa 18:30 - -- God, his way is perfect - His conduct is like his nature, absolutely pure

God, his way is perfect - His conduct is like his nature, absolutely pure

Clarke: Psa 18:30 - -- The word of the Lord is tried - Literally tried in the fire. It has stood all tests; and has never failed those who pleaded it before its author

The word of the Lord is tried - Literally tried in the fire. It has stood all tests; and has never failed those who pleaded it before its author

Clarke: Psa 18:30 - -- He is a buckler - A sure protection to every simple believing soul. We cannot believe his word too implicity; nor trust too confidently in him.

He is a buckler - A sure protection to every simple believing soul. We cannot believe his word too implicity; nor trust too confidently in him.

Clarke: Psa 18:31 - -- For who is God save the Lord? - " For who is Eloah, except Jehovah?"None is worthy of adoration but the self-existent, eternal, infinitely perfect, ...

For who is God save the Lord? - " For who is Eloah, except Jehovah?"None is worthy of adoration but the self-existent, eternal, infinitely perfect, and all-merciful Being

Clarke: Psa 18:31 - -- Or who is a rock - A fountain emitting continual supplies of grace and goodness.

Or who is a rock - A fountain emitting continual supplies of grace and goodness.

Clarke: Psa 18:32 - -- God - girdeth me with strength - The girdle was a necessary part of the Eastern dress; it strengthened and supported the loins; served to confine th...

God - girdeth me with strength - The girdle was a necessary part of the Eastern dress; it strengthened and supported the loins; served to confine the garments close to the body; and in it they tucked them up when journeying. The strength of God was to his soul what the girdle was to the body. I need not add, that the girdle was also an ornamental part of the dress, and from it the sword was suspended

Clarke: Psa 18:32 - -- And maketh my way perfect - He directs me so that I do not go astray; he blesses me in my undertakings; and by him the issue of my labors is crowned...

And maketh my way perfect - He directs me so that I do not go astray; he blesses me in my undertakings; and by him the issue of my labors is crowned with prosperity.

Clarke: Psa 18:33 - -- My feet like hinds’ feet - Swiftness, or speed of foot, was a necessary qualification of an ancient hero. This was of great advantage in pursu...

My feet like hinds’ feet - Swiftness, or speed of foot, was a necessary qualification of an ancient hero. This was of great advantage in pursuing, combating, or escaping from a fallen foe. Ποδας ωκυς Αχιλλευς, "the swiftfooted Achilles,"is frequently given by Homer as a most honorable qualification of his hero

Clarke: Psa 18:33 - -- Upon my high places - In allusion to the hinds, antelopes, mountain goats, etc., which frequented such places, and in which they found both food and...

Upon my high places - In allusion to the hinds, antelopes, mountain goats, etc., which frequented such places, and in which they found both food and safety. God frequently preserved the life of David by means of these.

Clarke: Psa 18:34 - -- He teacheth my hands to war - The success which I have had in my military exercises I owe to the Divine help. How few of the conquerors of mankind c...

He teacheth my hands to war - The success which I have had in my military exercises I owe to the Divine help. How few of the conquerors of mankind can say so! And how few among those who call themselves Christian warriors dare to say so! War is as contrary to the spirit of Christianity as murder. Nothing can justify Christian nations in shedding each other’ s blood! All men should live in peace; all men might live in peace; and the nation that is first to break it is under a heavy curse

Clarke: Psa 18:34 - -- A bow of steel is broken by mine arms - All the versions render this: "Thou hast made my arm like a brazen bow."A bow of steel is out of the questio...

A bow of steel is broken by mine arms - All the versions render this: "Thou hast made my arm like a brazen bow."A bow of steel is out of the question. In the days of David it is not likely that the method of making steel was known. The method of making brass out of copper was known at a very early period of the world; and the ancients had the art of hardening it, so as to work it into the most efficient swords. From his own account David was swift, courageous, and strong.

Clarke: Psa 18:35 - -- The shield of thy salvation - In all battles and dangers God defended him. He was constantly safe because he possessed the salvation of God. Everywh...

The shield of thy salvation - In all battles and dangers God defended him. He was constantly safe because he possessed the salvation of God. Everywhere God protected him. Thy gentleness, ענותך anvathecha , thy meekness or humility. Thou hast enabled me to bear and forbear; to behave with courage in adversity, and with humility in prosperity; and thus I am become great. By these means thou hast multiplied me. The Vulgate reads, Disciplina tua ipsa me docebit ; "And thy discipline itself shall teach me."In this sense it was understood by most of the versions. The old Psalter paraphrases thus: Thi chastying suffers me noght to erre fra the end to com.

Clarke: Psa 18:36 - -- Enlarged my steps - See on Psa 18:19 (note). From the hand of God he had continual prosperity; and while he walked with God no enemy was able to pre...

Enlarged my steps - See on Psa 18:19 (note). From the hand of God he had continual prosperity; and while he walked with God no enemy was able to prevail against him. He details his successes in the following verses.

Clarke: Psa 18:40 - -- The necks of mine enemies - Thou hast made me a complete conqueror. Treading on the neck of an enemy was the triumph of the conqueror, and the utmos...

The necks of mine enemies - Thou hast made me a complete conqueror. Treading on the neck of an enemy was the triumph of the conqueror, and the utmost disgrace of the vanquished.

Clarke: Psa 18:41 - -- They cited - The Philistines called upon their gods, but there was none to save them

They cited - The Philistines called upon their gods, but there was none to save them

Clarke: Psa 18:41 - -- Even unto the Lord - Such as Saul, Ishbosheth, Absalom, etc., who, professing to worship the true God, called on him while in their opposition to Da...

Even unto the Lord - Such as Saul, Ishbosheth, Absalom, etc., who, professing to worship the true God, called on him while in their opposition to David; but God no more heard them than their idols heard the Philistines.

Clarke: Psa 18:42 - -- Then did I beat them - God was with him, and they had only an arm of flesh. No wonder then that his enemies were destroyed

Then did I beat them - God was with him, and they had only an arm of flesh. No wonder then that his enemies were destroyed

Clarke: Psa 18:42 - -- Small as the dust before the wind - This well expresses the manner in which he treated the Moabites, Ammonites, and the people of Rabbah: "He put th...

Small as the dust before the wind - This well expresses the manner in which he treated the Moabites, Ammonites, and the people of Rabbah: "He put them under saws, and under harrows of iron, and under axes of iron; and made them pass through the brick-kiln,"etc. See 2Sa 12:31 (note), and the notes there.

Clarke: Psa 18:43 - -- The strivings of the people - Disaffections and insurrections among my own subjects, as in the revolt of Absalom, the civil war of Abner in favor of...

The strivings of the people - Disaffections and insurrections among my own subjects, as in the revolt of Absalom, the civil war of Abner in favor of Ish-bosheth, etc

Clarke: Psa 18:43 - -- The head of the heathen - ראש גוים rosh goyim , "the chief,"or "governor, of the nations;"all the circumjacent heathen people; all these wer...

The head of the heathen - ראש גוים rosh goyim , "the chief,"or "governor, of the nations;"all the circumjacent heathen people; all these were subdued by David, and brought under tribute

Clarke: Psa 18:43 - -- A people whom I have not known - The people whom he knew were those of the twelve tribes; those whom he did not know were the Syrians, Philistines, ...

A people whom I have not known - The people whom he knew were those of the twelve tribes; those whom he did not know were the Syrians, Philistines, Idumeans, etc. All these served him, that is, paid him tribute.

Clarke: Psa 18:44 - -- As soon as they hear of me - His victories were so rapid and splendid over powerful enemies, that they struck a general terror among the people, and...

As soon as they hear of me - His victories were so rapid and splendid over powerful enemies, that they struck a general terror among the people, and several submitted without a contest

Clarke: Psa 18:44 - -- Strangers shall submit themselves unto me - Some translate this: "The children of the foreign woman have lied unto me."This has been understood two ...

Strangers shall submit themselves unto me - Some translate this: "The children of the foreign woman have lied unto me."This has been understood two ways: My own people, who have sworn fealty to me, have broken their obligation, and followed my rebellious son. Or, The heathens, who have been brought under my yoke, have promised the most cordial obedience, and flattered me with their tongues, while their hearts felt enmity against me and my government. Nevertheless, even in this unwilling subjection I was secure, my police being so efficient, and my kingdom so strong.

Clarke: Psa 18:45 - -- The strangers shall fade away - בני נכר beney nechar , the same persons mentioned above. They shall not be able to effect any thing against m...

The strangers shall fade away - בני נכר beney nechar , the same persons mentioned above. They shall not be able to effect any thing against me; יבלו yibbolu , "they shall fall as the leaves fall off the trees in winter.

Clarke: Psa 18:45 - -- And be afraid out of their close places - Those who have formed themselves into banditti, and have taken possession of rocks and fortified places, s...

And be afraid out of their close places - Those who have formed themselves into banditti, and have taken possession of rocks and fortified places, shall be so afraid when they hear of my successes, that they shall surrender at discretion, without standing a siege. Perhaps all these verbs should be understood in the perfect tense, for David is here evidently speaking of a kingdom at rest, all enemies having been subdued; or, as the title is, when the Lord Had delivered him from all his enemies.

Clarke: Psa 18:46 - -- The Lord liveth - By him alone I have gained all my victories; and he continueth, and will be my Rock, the Source whence I may at all times derive h...

The Lord liveth - By him alone I have gained all my victories; and he continueth, and will be my Rock, the Source whence I may at all times derive help and salvation. May his name be blessed! May his kingdom be exalted!

Clarke: Psa 18:47 - -- God that avengeth me - The way that I took was after his own heart; therefore he sustained me in it, and did me justice over my enemies

God that avengeth me - The way that I took was after his own heart; therefore he sustained me in it, and did me justice over my enemies

Clarke: Psa 18:47 - -- Subdueth the people under me - He keeps down the spirits of the disaffected, and weakens their hands. They are subdued, and they continue under me; ...

Subdueth the people under me - He keeps down the spirits of the disaffected, and weakens their hands. They are subdued, and they continue under me; and this is the Lord’ s doing.

Clarke: Psa 18:48 - -- He delivereth me - That is, he hath delivered me, and continues to deliver me, from all that rise up against me

He delivereth me - That is, he hath delivered me, and continues to deliver me, from all that rise up against me

Clarke: Psa 18:48 - -- The violent man - Saul; this applies particularly to him.

The violent man - Saul; this applies particularly to him.

Clarke: Psa 18:49 - -- WilI I give thanks unto thee - among the heathen - Quoted by St. Paul, Rom 15:9, to prove that the calling of the Gentiles was predicted, and that w...

WilI I give thanks unto thee - among the heathen - Quoted by St. Paul, Rom 15:9, to prove that the calling of the Gentiles was predicted, and that what then took place was the fulfillment of that prediction

But there is a sense in which it applies particularly to David, well observed by Theodoret: "We see,"says he, "evidently the fulfillment of this prophecy; for even to the present day David praises the Lord among the Gentiles by the mouth of true believers; seeing there is not a town, village, hamlet, country, nor even a desert, where Christians dwell, in which God is not praised by their singing the Psalms of David."

Clarke: Psa 18:50 - -- Great deliverance giveth he to his king - David was a king of God’ s appointment, and was peculiarly favored by him. Literally, He is magnifyin...

Great deliverance giveth he to his king - David was a king of God’ s appointment, and was peculiarly favored by him. Literally, He is magnifying the salvations of his king. He not only delivers, but follows up those deliverances with innumerable blessings

Clarke: Psa 18:50 - -- Showeth mercy - to David - I have no claim upon his bounty. I deserve nothing from him, but he continues to show mercy

Showeth mercy - to David - I have no claim upon his bounty. I deserve nothing from him, but he continues to show mercy

Clarke: Psa 18:50 - -- To his seed - His posterity. So the words זרע zera and σπερμα, in the Old and New Testament, should be universally translated. The comm...

To his seed - His posterity. So the words זרע zera and σπερμα, in the Old and New Testament, should be universally translated. The common translation is totally improper, and now more so than formerly, when anatomy was less understood

Clarke: Psa 18:50 - -- For evermore - עד עולם ad olam , for ever; through all duration of created worlds. And more - the eternity that is beyond time. This shows th...

For evermore - עד עולם ad olam , for ever; through all duration of created worlds. And more - the eternity that is beyond time. This shows that another David is meant, with another kind of posterity, and another sort of kingdom. From the family of David came the man Christ Jesus; his posterity are the genuine Christians; his kingdom, in which they are subjects, is spiritual. This government shall last through all time, for Christianity will continue to prevail till the end of the world: and it will be extended through eternity; for that is the kingdom of glory in which Jesus reigns on the throne of his Father, and in which his followers shall reign with him for ever and ever

It has already been remarked that this whole Psalm has been understood as relating to the passion and victories of Christ, and the success of the Gospel in the earth. In this way Bishop Horne has understood and paraphrased it; and in the same way it is considered by the ancient Psalter, so often mentioned. Many of the primitive fathers and modern interpreters have taken the same view of it. Those passages which I judged to have this meaning I have pointed out, and have only to add that, as David was a type of Christ, many things spoken of him primarily, refer to our Lord ultimately; but much judgment and caution are required in their application. To apply the whole Psalm in this way appears to me very injudicious, and often derogatory from the majesty of Christ. Let this be my excuse for not following the same track in which many of my predecessors have gone

Calvin: Psa 18:28 - -- 28.For thou shalt light my lamp In the song in Samuel, the form of the expression is somewhat more precise; for there it is said not that God lights ...

28.For thou shalt light my lamp In the song in Samuel, the form of the expression is somewhat more precise; for there it is said not that God lights our lamp, but that he himself is our lamp. The meaning, however, comes to the same thing, namely, that it was by the grace of God that David, who had been plunged in darkness, returned to the light. David does not simply give thanks to God for having lighted up a lamp before him, but also for having converted his darkness into light. He, therefore, acknowledges that he had been reduced to such extremity of distress, that he was like a man whose condition was forlorn and hopeless; for he compares the confused and perplexed state of his affairs to darkness. This, indeed, by the transference of material things to things spiritual, may be applied to the spiritual illumination of the understanding; but, at the same time, we must attend to the subject of which David treats, that we may not depart from the true and proper meaning. Now, as he acknowledges that he had been restored to prosperity by the favor of God, which was to him, as it were, a life-giving light, let us, after his example, regard it as certain that we will never have the comfort of seeing our adversities brought to an end, unless God disperse the darkness which envelops us, and restore to us the light of joy. Let it not, however, be distressing to us to walk through darkness, provided God is pleased to perform to us the office of a lamp. In the following verse, David ascribes his victories to God, declaring that, under his conduct, he had broken through the wedges or phalanxes of his enemies, and had taken by storm their fortified cities. 425 Thus we see that, although he was a valiant warrior, and skilled in arms, he arrogates nothing to himself. As to the tenses of the verbs, we would inform our readers once for all, that in this psalm David uses the past and the future tenses indifferently, not only because he comprehends different histories, but also because he presents to himself the things of which he speaks as if they were still taking place before his eyes, and, at the same time, describes a continued course of the grace of God towards him.

Calvin: Psa 18:30 - -- 30.The way of God is perfect The phrase, The way of God, is not here taken for his revealed will, but for his method of dealing towards his people....

30.The way of God is perfect The phrase, The way of God, is not here taken for his revealed will, but for his method of dealing towards his people. The meaning, therefore, is, that God never disappoints or deceives his servants, nor forsakes them in the time of need, (as may be the case with men who do not aid their dependants, except in so far as it contributes to their own particular advantage,) but faithfully defends and maintains those whom he has once taken under his protection. But we will never have any nearness to God, unless he first come near to us by his word; and, for this reason, David, after having asserted that God aids his people in good earnest, adds, at the same time, that his word is purified. Let us, therefore, rest assured that God will actually show himself upright towards us, seeing he has promised to be the guardian and protector of our welfare, and his promise is certain and infallible truth. That by the word we are not here to understand the commandments, but the promises of God, is easily gathered from the following clause, where it is said, He is a shield to all those who trust in him It seems, indeed, a common commendation to say, that the word of God is pure, and without any mixture of fraud and deceit, like silver which is well refined and purified from all its dross. But our unbelief is the cause why God, so to speak, is constrained to use such a similitude, for the purpose of commending and leading us to form exalted conceptions of the steadfastness and certainty of his promises; for whenever the issue does not answer our expectation, there is nothing to which we are naturally more prone than forthwith to begin to entertain unhallowed and distrustful thoughts of the word of God. For a farther explanation of these words, we would refer our readers to our remarks on Psa 12:6.

Calvin: Psa 18:31 - -- 31.For who is God besides Jehovah? David here, deriding the foolish inventions of men, who, according to their own fancy, make for themselves tutelar...

31.For who is God besides Jehovah? David here, deriding the foolish inventions of men, who, according to their own fancy, make for themselves tutelary gods, 426 confirms what I have said before, that he never undertook any thing but by the authority and command of God. If he had passed beyond the limits of his calling, he could not with such confidence have said that God was on his side. Besides, although in these words he opposes to the true God all the false gods invented by men, his purpose, at the same time, is to overthrow all the vain hopes in which the world is wrapped up, and by which it is carried about, and prevented from resting in God. The question which David here treats of is not the bare title and name of God, but he declares that whatever assistance we need we should seek it from God, and from no other quarter, because he alone is endued with power: Who is strong except our God? We should, however, attend to the design of David, which I have first adverted to, namely, that, by confidently representing God as opposed to all his enemies, and as the leader, under whose standard he had valiantly fought against them, he means to affirm that he had attempted nothing according to his own fancy, or with an evil and condemning conscience.

Calvin: Psa 18:32 - -- 32.It is God who hath girded This is a metaphor taken either from the belt or girdle of a warrior, or from the reins, in which the Scripture sometime...

32.It is God who hath girded This is a metaphor taken either from the belt or girdle of a warrior, or from the reins, in which the Scripture sometimes places a man’s vigor or strength. It is, therefore, as if he had said, I, who would otherwise have been feeble and effeminate, have been made strong and courageous by the power of God. He afterwards speaks of the success itself with which God had favored him; for it would not be enough for persons to have prompt and active courage, nor even to excel in strength, if their undertakings were not at the same time crowned with a prosperous issue. Irreligious men imagine that this proceeds from their own prudence, or from fortune; but David ascribes it to God alone: It is God who hath made my way perfect. The word way is here to be understood of the course of our actions, and the language implies, that whatever David undertook, God, by his blessing, directed it to a successful issue.

Calvin: Psa 18:33 - -- David, having taken many strongholds which, on account of their steep and difficult access, were believed to be impregnable, extols the grace of God ...

David, having taken many strongholds which, on account of their steep and difficult access, were believed to be impregnable, extols the grace of God in this particular. When he says that God had given him feet like hinds’ feet, he means that he had given him unusual swiftness, and such as does not naturally belong to men. The sense, therefore, is, that he had been aided by God in an extraordinary manner, so that like a roe he climbed with amazing speed over inaccessible rocks. He calls the strongholds, which, as conqueror, he had obtained by right of war, his high places; for he could justly boast that he took possession of nothing which belonged to another man, inasmuch as he knew that he had been called to occupy these fortresses by God. When he says that his hands had been taught and framed to war, he confesses that he had not acquired his dexterity in fighting by his own skill, nor by exercise and experience, but had obtained it as a gift through the singular goodness of God. It is true in general, that strength and skill in war proceed only from a secret virtue communicated by God; but David immediately after shows that he had been furnished with greater strength for carrying on his wars than what men commonly possess, inasmuch as his arms were sufficiently strong to break even bows of brass in pieces True, he had by nature a vigorous and powerful bodily frame; but the Scripture describes him as a man of low stature, and the similitude itself which he here uses implies something surpassing the natural strength of man. In the following verse, he declares that it was by the grace of God alone that he had escaped, and been kept in perfect safety: Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation. By the phrase, the shield of God’s salvation, he intimates, that if God had not wonderfully preserved him, he would have been exposed unprotected to many deadly wounds; and thus God’s shield of salvation is tacitly opposed to all the coverings and armor with which he had been provided. He again ascribes his safety to the free goodness of God as its cause, which he says had increased him, or more and more carried him forward in the path of honor and success; for, by the word increase, he means a continuation and an unintermitted and ever growing augmentation of the tokens of the divine favor towards him.

Calvin: Psa 18:36 - -- By the enlargement of his steps, he intimates that God had opened up to him an even and an accommodating pathway through places to which there was bef...

By the enlargement of his steps, he intimates that God had opened up to him an even and an accommodating pathway through places to which there was before no means of access; for there is in the words an implied contrast between a large and spacious place and a narrow spot, out of which a person cannot move his foot. The meaning is, that when David was reduced to the greatest distress, and saw no way of escape, God had graciously brought him out of his straits and difficulties. This is a lesson which may be highly useful for correcting our distrust. Unless we see before us a beautiful and pleasant plain, in which the flesh may freely enjoy itself, we tremble as if the earth would sink under our feet. Let us, therefore, remember, that the office of enlarging our ways and making them level belongs to God, and is here justly ascribed to him. In short, the Psalmist subjoins the effect of this instance of the grace of God towards him, namely, that his feet had not staggered or slipped; in other words, no resistance, adversity, or calamity, which had befallen him, had been able to deprive him of courage or cast him into despair.

Calvin: Psa 18:37 - -- The point on which David insists so much is, that of showing from the effect or issue, that all his victories were to be traced to the favor of God; ...

The point on which David insists so much is, that of showing from the effect or issue, that all his victories were to be traced to the favor of God; and from this it follows that his cause was good and just. God, no doubt, sometimes grants successes even to the ungodly and wicked; but he at length shows by the issue, that he was all the while opposed to them and their enemy. It is his servants alone who experience such tokens of his favor as he shewed towards David, and he intends by these to testify that they are approved and accepted by him. We are apt to think that David here speaks too much after the manner of a soldier, in declaring that he will not cease from the work of slaughter until he has destroyed all his enemies; or rather that he has forgotten the gentleness and meekness which ought to shine in all true believers, and in which they should resemble their heavenly Father; but as he attempted nothing without the command of God, and as his affections were governed and regulated by the Holy Spirit, we may be assured that these are not the words of a man who was cruel, and who took pleasure in shedding blood, but of a man who faithfully executed the judgment which God had committed to him. And, indeed, we know that he was so distinguished for gentleness of disposition as to abhor the shedding of even a single drop of blood, except in so far as duty and the necessity of his office required. We must, therefore, take into consideration David’s vocation, and also his pure zeal, which was free from all perturbation of the flesh. Moreover, it should be particularly attended to that the Psalmist here calls those his enemies whose indomitable and infatuated obstinacy merited and called forth such vengeance from God. As he represented the person of Christ, he inflicted the punishment of death only on those who were so inflexible that they could not be reduced to order by the exercise of a mild and humane authority; and this of itself shows, that there was nothing in which he more delighted than to pardon those who repented and reformed themselves. He thus resembled Christ, who gently allures all men to repentance, but breaks in pieces, with his iron rod, those who obstinately resist him to the last. The sum of these verses is, that David, as he fought under the authority of God, being chosen king by him, and engaging in no undertaking without his warrant, was assisted by him, and rendered invincible against the assaults of all his enemies, and enabled even to discomfit vast and very powerful armies. Farther, let us remember, that under this type there is shadowed forth the invincible character and condition of the kingdom of Christ, who, trusting to, and sustained by, the power of God, overthrows and destroys his enemies, — who, in every encounter, uniformly comes off victorious, — and who continues king in spite of all the resistance which the world makes to his authority and power. And as the victories secured to him involve a security of similar victories to us, it follows that there is here promised us an impregnable defense against all the efforts of Satan, all the machinations of sin, and all the temptations of the flesh. Although, therefore, Christ can only obtain a tranquil kingdom by fighting, let us not on that account be troubled, but let it be enough to satisfy us, that the hand of God is always ready to be stretched forth for its preservation. David was, for a time, a fugitive, so that it was with difficulty he could save his life, by taking shelter in the dens of wild beasts; but God, at length, made his enemies turn their backs, and not only put them to flight, but also delivered them over to him, that he might pursue and utterly discomfit them. In like manner, our enemies for a time may be, as it were, just ready to put the knife to our throat 431 to destroy us, but God, at length, will make them not only to flee before us, but also to perish in our presence, as they deserve. At the same time, let us remember what kind of warfare it is to which God is calling us, against what kind of persons he will have us to contend, and with what armor he furnishes us, that it may suffice us to have the devil, the flesh, and sin overthrown and placed under our feet by his spiritual power. With respect to those to whom he has given the power of the sword, he will also defend them, and not suffer them to be unrighteously opposed, provided they reign under Christ, and acknowledge him as their head. As to the words, interpreters almost unanimously render the beginning of the 40th verse, My enemies have turned the back, a phrase of the same import as, They have been put to flight; but as the Hebrew word ערף , oreph, properly signifies the head or neck, we may very suitably view the words as meaning that God gave David the neck of his enemies, inasmuch as he delivered them into his hands to be slain.

Calvin: Psa 18:41 - -- 41.They shall cry, etc The change of the tense in the verb from the past to the future does not break the continuity of the narration; and, therefore...

41.They shall cry, etc The change of the tense in the verb from the past to the future does not break the continuity of the narration; and, therefore, the words should be explained thus: Although they cried to God, yet their prayers were rejected by him. He pursues the same subject which it was his object to illustrate before, namely, that it was at length manifest from the issue that his enemies falsely boasted of having the support and countenance of God, who showed that he had turned away from them. It is true, that when their affairs continued to go on prosperously, they sometimes received such applause and commendation, that it was commonly believed that God was favorable to them, while, at the same time he seemed to be opposed to David, who although he cried night and day to him, found it of no avail. But after God had sufficiently tried the patience of his servant, he cast them down, and disappointed them of their vain hope; yea, rather he would not deign to hear their prayers. We now perceive the design of David in these words. As the ungodly had long wickedly abused the name of God, by pretending that he favored their unjust proceedings, the Psalmist derides their vain boasting, in which they were completely disappointed. It is to be observed, that he here speaks of hypocrites, who never call upon God in sincerity and truth. For this promise shall never fail,

“The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth,” (Psa 145:18.)

David does not, therefore, say that his enemies were repulsed when they had recourse to God with sincere affection of heart, but only when, with their accustomed effrontery, they thought that God was, so to speak, bound to conduct and advance their wicked enterprises. When the ungodly, in the extremity of their distress, pour forth prayers, and when, cast down with fear, and trembling with the dread of impending evils, they show an appearance of humility, they, notwithstanding, do not change their purpose so as truly to repent and amend the evil of their ways. Besides, instead of being influenced by faith, they are actuated by presumption and hardness of heart, or they pour forth their complaints in doubt, rather for the purpose of murmuring against God, than of familiarly and confidently placing their trust in him. from this passage we may gather a profitable warning, namely, that all who treat the afflicted poor with cruel mockery, and who proudly thrust back those who come to them as humble suppliants, will experience that God is deaf to their prayers. We are farther taught by the following verse, that after God has cast off the ungodly, he leaves them to be treated with every kind of indignity, and gives them up to be trampled under foot, as the mire of the streets. He not only declares, that when the proud and the cruel cry to him in their affliction, he will shut his ears against their cry; but he also threatens, that, in the course of his retributive providence, they shall be treated in the same manner in which they treat others.

Calvin: Psa 18:43 - -- 43.Thou shalt deliver me from the contentions of the people David states, in a few words, that he had experienced the assistance of God in all variet...

43.Thou shalt deliver me from the contentions of the people David states, in a few words, that he had experienced the assistance of God in all variety of ways. He was in great danger from the tumults which sometimes arose among his own subjects, if God had not wonderfully allayed them, and subdued the fierceness of the people. It also happened, contrary to the general expectation, that David, as is stated in the second clause of the verse, was victorious far and wide, and overthrew the neighboring nations who had a little before discomfited all Israel by their forces. It was an astonishing renovation of things, when he not only suddenly restored to their former estate the people of Israel, who had been greatly reduced by defeat and slaughter, but also made his tributaries the neighboring nations, with whom before, on account of their hostility to the nation of Israel, it was impossible to live in peace. It would have been much to see the kingdom, after having sustained so grievous a calamity, still surviving, and after having again collected strength recovering its former state; but God, contrary to all expectation, conferred upon the people of Israel more than this; he enabled them even to subdue those who before had been their conquerors. David makes mention of both these; he tells us, in the first place, that when the people rose up in tumult against him, it was none other but God who stilled these commotions which took place within the kingdom; and, in the second place, that it was under the authority, and by the conduct and power of God, that powerful nations were subjected to him, and that the limits of the kingdom, which, in the time of Saul, had been weak and half broken, were greatly enlarged. Hence it is evident that David was assisted by God, not less with respect to his domestic affairs, that is to say, within his own kingdom, than against foreign enemies. As the kingdom of David was a type under which the Holy Spirit intended to shadow forth to us the kingdom of Christ, let us remember that, both in erecting and preserving it, it is necessary for God not only to stretch forth his arm and fight against avowed enemies, who from without rise up against him, but also to repress the tumults and strifes which may take place within the Church. This was clearly shown in the person of Christ from the beginning. In the first place, he met with much opposition from the infatuated obstinacy of those of his own nation. In the next place, the experience of all ages shows that the dissensions and strifes with which hypocrites rend and mangle the Church, are not less hurtful in undermining the kingdom of Christ, (if God do not interpose his hand to prevent their injurious effects,) than the violent efforts of his enemies. Accordingly God, to advance and maintain the kingdom of his own Son, not only overthrows before him external enemies, but also delivers him from domestic contentions; that is to say, from those within his kingdom, which is the Church. 436 In the song in 2nd Samuel, instead of these words, Thou hast made me the head of the nations, the word employed is תשמרני , tishmereni, which signifies to keep or g uard, and is therefore to be understood in this sense, that David will be securely, and for a long time, maintained in possession of the kingdom. He knew how difficult it is to keep under discipline and subjection those who have not been accustomed to the yoke; and, accordingly, nothing is of more frequent occurrence than for kingdoms which have been lately acquired by conquest to be shaken with fresh commotions. But David, in the song in Samuel, declares that God, having elevated him to such a high degree of power as to make him the head of the nations, will also maintain him in the possession of the sovereignty he had been pleased to confer upon him.

A people whom I have not known shall serve me The whole of this passage strongly confirms what I have just now touched upon, that the statements here made are not to be restricted to the person of David, but contain a prophecy respecting the kingdom of Christ which was to come. David, it is true, might have boasted that nations, with whose manners and dispositions he was only very imperfectly acquainted, were subject to him; but it is nevertheless certain, that none of the nations which he conquered were altogether unknown to him, nor removed at so great a distance as to render it difficult for him to acquire some knowledge of them. The conquests of David, therefore, and the submission of the people to him, were only an obscure figure in which God has exhibited to us some faint representation of the boundless dominion of his own Son, whose kingdom extends

“from the rising of the sun, even unto the going down of the same,”
(Mal 1:11,)

and comprehends the whole world.

Calvin: Psa 18:44 - -- 44.At the simple fame of my name they shall obey me This is of the same import with the last clause of the preceding verse. Although David, by his vi...

44.At the simple fame of my name they shall obey me This is of the same import with the last clause of the preceding verse. Although David, by his victories, had acquired such reputation and renown, that many laid down their arms and came voluntarily to surrender themselves to him; yet, as they also had been subdued through the dread of the power of his arms, which they saw their neighbors had experienced to their smart, it cannot be said, properly speaking, that at the simple fame of the name of David they submitted themselves to him. This applies more truly to the person of Christ, who, by means of his word, subdues the world to himself, and, at the simple hearing of his name, makes those obedient to him who before had been rebels against him. As David was intended to be a type of Christ, God subjected to his authority distant nations, and such as before had been unknown to Israel in so far as familiar intercourse was concerned. But that was only a prelude, and, as it were, preparatory to the dominion promised to Christ, the boundaries of which must be extended to the uttermost ends of the earth. In like manner, David had acquired to himself so great a name by arms and warlike prowess, that many of his enemies, subdued by fear, submitted themselves to him. And in this God exhibited a type of the conquest which Christ would make of the Gentiles, who, by the preaching of the Gospel alone, were subdued, and brought voluntarily to submit to his dominion; for the obedience of faith in which the dominion of Christ is founded “cometh by hearing,” (Rom 10:17.)

The children of strangers shall lie to me Here there is described what commonly happens in new dominions acquired by conquest, namely, that those who have been vanquished pay homage with great reverence to their conqueror; but it is by a reigned and forced humility. They obey in a slavish manner, and not willingly or cheerfully. This is evidently the sense. Some interpreters, indeed, give a different explanation of the word lie, viewing David as meaning by it that his enemies had either been disappointed in their expectation, or that, in order to escape the punishment which they were afraid he might inflict upon them, they had lied in declaring that they had never devised any thing hostile against him; but it appears to me, that this does not sufficiently express what David intended. In my opinion, therefore, the words to lie are here to be understood generally as in other places, for to be humbled after a slavish manner. The Hebrew word כהש , cachash, here used, which signifies to lie, is sometimes to be understood metaphorically for to be humbled, to submit to, to take upon one’s self the yoke of subjection; 437 but still in a feigned and servile manner. Those whom he terms the children of the stranger, or of strangers, are the nations who did not belong to the people of Israel, but who, previous to their being conquered by him, formed a distinct and an independent community by themselves. This also we see fulfilled in Christ, to whom many come with apparent humility; not, however, with true affection, but with a double and false heart, whom, on that account, the Holy Spirit fitly terms strangers. They are, indeed, mingled among the chosen people, but they are not united to the same body with them by a true faith, and, therefore, ought not to be accounted children of the Church. It is very true that all the Gentiles, when in the beginning they were called into the Church, were strangers; but when they began to entertain new feelings and new affections towards Christ, they who before were “strangers and foreigners” became

“fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of God,” (Eph 2:19.)

Calvin: Psa 18:45 - -- What is added immediately after, (verse 45,) the children of strangers shall fade away; they shall tremble 438 from within their places of conceal...

What is added immediately after, (verse 45,) the children of strangers shall fade away; they shall tremble 438 from within their places of concealment, serves to place, in a still more striking light, the great fame and formidable name which we have said David had acquired. It is no ordinary sign of reverence when those who are protected in hiding-places, and shut up within steep fortifications, are so stricken with terror as to come forth of their own accord and surrender themselves. As fear made the enemies of David to come forth from their places of concealment, to meet him with submission, so the Gospel strikes the unbelieving with such fear, as compels them to yield obedience to Christ. Such is the power of prophecy, that is to say, the preaching of the word, as Paul testifies in 1Co 14:24, that, convincing the consciences of men, and making manifest the secrets of their hearts, it causes those who before were rebels to prostrate themselves with fear, and to give glory to God.

Calvin: Psa 18:46 - -- 46.Let Jehovah live If it is thought proper to adopt this reading, which is in the optative mood expressing a wish that God might live, the manner ...

46.Let Jehovah live If it is thought proper to adopt this reading, which is in the optative mood expressing a wish that God might live, the manner of expression may seem somewhat strange; but it may be alleged in defense of it, that it is a metaphor borrowed from the custom of men, who not only use this manner of speaking when they wish well to any one, but likewise utter it with loud and applauding acclamation, when they intend to receive their princes with due honor. According to this view, it would be an expression in which praise is ascribed to God, and suitable for a triumphal song. 441 It may, however, be very properly considered as a simple affirmation, in which David declares that God lives, in other words, that he is endued with sovereign power. Farther, the life which David attributes to God is not to be restricted to the being or essence of God, but is rather to be understood of the evidence of it deducible from his works, which manifest to us that he liveth. Whenever he withdraws the working of his power from before our eyes, the sense and cognisance of the truth, “God liveth,” also evanishes from our minds. He is, therefore, said to live, inasmuch as he shows, by evident proofs of his power, that it is he who preserves and upholds the world. And as David had known, by experience, this life of God, he celebrates it with praises and thanksgiving. If we read the first clause in the present tense, The Lord liveth, the copula and, which follows, has the force of an inference; and, accordingly, the words should be resolved thus:— Jehovah liveth, and, therefore, blessed be my strength The epithet, My strength, and the other which occurs in verse 48th, My deliverer, confirm what I have already stated, that God does not simply live in himself, and in his secret place, but displays his vital energy in the government of the whole world. The Hebrew word, צורי , tsuri, which we have translated my strength, is here to be understood in a transitive sense for Him who bestows strength.

Calvin: Psa 18:47 - -- 47.The God who giveth me vengeance The Psalmist again attributes to God the victories which he had obtained. As he could never have expected to obtai...

47.The God who giveth me vengeance The Psalmist again attributes to God the victories which he had obtained. As he could never have expected to obtain them unless he had been confident that he would receive the aid of God, so now he acknowledges God to be the sole author of them. That he may not seem carelessly to bestow upon him, as it were, in passing, only a small sprinkling of the praise of his victories, he repeats, in express terms, that he had nothing but what God had given him. In the first place, he acknowledges that power was given him from above, to enable him to inflict on his enemies the punishment which they deserved. It may seem at first sight strange that God should arm his own people to execute vengeance; but as I have previously shown you, we ought always to remember David’s vocation. He was not a private person, but being endued with royal power and authority, the judgment which he executed was enjoined upon him by God. If a man, upon receiving injury, breaks forth to avenge himself, he usurps the office of God; and, therefore, it is rash and impious for private individuals to retaliate the injuries which have been inflicted upon them. With respect to kings and magistrates, God, who declares that vengeance belongeth to him, in arming them with the sword, constitutes them the ministers and executioners of his vengeance. David, therefore, has put the word vengeance for the just punishments which it was lawful for him to inflict by the commandment of God, provided he was led under the influence of a zeal duly regulated by the Holy Spirit, and not under the influence of the impetuosity of the flesh. Unless this moderation is exemplified in performing the duties of their calling, it is in vain for kings to boast that God has committed to them the charge of taking vengeance; seeing it is not less unwarrantable for a man to abuse, according to his own fancy and the lust of the flesh, the sword which he is allowed to use, than to seize it without the command of God. The Church militant, which is under the standard of Christ, has no permission to execute vengeance, except against those who obstinately refuse to be reclaimed. We are commanded to endeavor to overcome our enemies by doing them good, and to pray for their salvation. It becomes us, therefore, at the same time, to desire that they may be brought to repentance, and to a right state of mind, until it appear beyond all doubt that they are irrecoverably and hopelessly depraved. In the meantime, in regard to vengeance, it must be left to God, that we may not be carried headlong to execute it before the time. David next concludes, from the perils and distresses in which he had been involved, that if he had not been preserved by the hand of God, he could not in any other way have escaped in safety: My deliverer from my enemies; yea, thou hast lifted me up from those who had risen up against me. The sense in which we are to understand the lifting up of which he speaks is, that he was wonderfully raised up above the power and malice of his enemies that he might not sink under their violence, and that they might not be victorious over him.

Calvin: Psa 18:49 - -- 49.Therefore will I praise thee, O Jehovah! In this verse he teaches us that the blessings God had conferred upon him, of which he had spoken, are wo...

49.Therefore will I praise thee, O Jehovah! In this verse he teaches us that the blessings God had conferred upon him, of which he had spoken, are worthy of being celebrated with extraordinary and unusual praises, that the fame of them might reach even the heathen. There is in the words an implied contrast between the ordinary worship of God which the faithful were then accustomed to perform in the temple, and this thanksgiving of which David speaks, which could not be confined within so narrow limits. The meaning, therefore, is, O Lord, I will not only give thee thanks in the assembly of thy people, according to the ritual which thou hast appointed in thy law, but thy praises shall extend to a greater distance, even as thy grace towards me is worthy of being recounted through the whole world. Moreover, from these words we conclude that this passage contains a prophecy concerning the kingdom of Christ, which was to come. Unless the heathen had been allured into the fellowship of the chosen people, and united into one body with them, to praise God among them would have been to sing his praises among the deaf, which would have been foolish work and lost labor. Accordingly, Paul very properly and suitably proves from this text, that the calling of the Gentiles was not a thing which happened by chance, or at a venture, (Rom 15:9.) We shall afterwards see in many places that the Church is appointed to be the sacred dwelling-place for showing forth the praises of God. And, therefore, the name of God could not have been rightly and profitably celebrated elsewhere than in Judea, until the ears of the Gentiles were opened, which was done when God adopted them, and called them to himself by the gospel.

Calvin: Psa 18:50 - -- 50.He worketh great deliverances, etc This concluding verse clearly shows why God had exercised such goodness and liberality towards David, namely, b...

50.He worketh great deliverances, etc This concluding verse clearly shows why God had exercised such goodness and liberality towards David, namely, because he had anointed him to be king. By calling himself God’s king, David testifies that he had not rashly rushed into that office, nor was thrust into it by conspiracies and wicked intrigues, but, on the contrary, reigned by lawful right, inasmuch as it was the will of God that he should be king. This he proves by the ceremony of anointing; for God, in anointing him by the hand of Samuel, had asserted his right to reign not less than if he had visibly stretched forth his hand from heaven to place and establish him on the royal throne. This election, he says, was confirmed by a continued series of great deliverances; and from this it follows, that all who enter on any course without having the call of God, are chargeable with avowedly making war against him. At the same time, he attributes these deliverances to the goodness of God as their cause, to teach us, that that kingdom was founded purely and simply upon the good pleasure of God. Farther, from the concluding sentence of the psalm, it appears, as I have said before, that David does not here so much recount by way of history the singular and varied instances of the grace of God which he had personally experienced, as predict the everlasting duration of his kingdom. And it is to be observed, that by the word seed we are not to understand all his descendants indiscriminately; but we are to consider it as particularly referring to that successor of David of whom God had spoken in 2Sa 7:12, promising that he would be a father to him. As it had been predicted that his kingdom would continue as long as the sun and the moon should shine in the heavens, the prophecy must necessarily be viewed as descending to him who was to be king not for a time, but for ever. David, therefore, commends his seed to us, as honored by that remarkable promise, which fully applies neither to Solomon nor to any other of his successors, but to the only begotten Son of God; as the apostle, in his Epistle to the Hebrews, (Heb 1:4,) teaches us, that this is a dignity in which he excels the angels. In conclusion, we shall then only duly profit in the study of this psalm, when we are led by the contemplation of the shadow and type to him who is the substance.

Defender: Psa 18:50 - -- 2 Samuel 22 is almost identical to Psalm 18, although "great deliverance" in this final verse is "a tower of salvation" in 2Sa 22:51. See notes on 2 S...

2 Samuel 22 is almost identical to Psalm 18, although "great deliverance" in this final verse is "a tower of salvation" in 2Sa 22:51. See notes on 2 Samuel 22 for further commentary on the application of Psa 18:7-16 to the great flood."

TSK: Psa 18:28 - -- thou wilt : Psa 112:4; Job 18:6, Job 29:3 candle : or, lamp, Psa 132:17; 2Sa 22:29; 1Ki 11:36; Pro 20:27; Isa 62:1 my God : Isa 42:16; Mat 4:16; Luk 1...

TSK: Psa 18:29 - -- by thee : Psa 44:6, Psa 44:7, Psa 144:1, Psa 144:10; 1Sa 17:49, 1Sa 23:2, 1Sa 30:8; 2Sa 5:19, 2Sa 5:20, 2Sa 5:25; Eph 6:10-13; Col 2:15; Rev 3:21 run ...

TSK: Psa 18:30 - -- his way : Psa 19:7, Psa 25:10; Deu 32:4; 2Sa 22:31; Dan 4:37; Rom 12:2; Rev 15:3 tried : or, refined, Psa 12:6, Psa 19:8-10, Psa 119:140; Pro 30:5 a b...

TSK: Psa 18:31 - -- Psa 86:8; Deu 32:31, Deu 32:39; 1Sa 2:2; 2Sa 22:32; Isa 45:5, Isa 45:21, Isa 45:22

TSK: Psa 18:32 - -- girdeth : The girdle was a necessary part of the eastern dress: It strengthened and supported the loins; served to confine the garments close to the ...

girdeth : The girdle was a necessary part of the eastern dress: It strengthened and supported the loins; served to confine the garments close to the body; and to tuck them in when journeying. The strength of God was to his soul what the girdle was to his body. Psa 28:7, Psa 91:2, Psa 93:1; Isa 45:5; 2Co 3:5

maketh : 2Sa 22:33

TSK: Psa 18:33 - -- maketh : 2Sa 2:18 high : Deu 32:13, Deu 33:29; 2Sa 22:14; Hab 3:19

TSK: Psa 18:34 - -- teacheth : Psa 144:1; 2Sa 22:36; Isa 28:6, Isa 45:1 so that : Psa 46:9; Jer 49:35; Hos 1:5

TSK: Psa 18:35 - -- shield : Psa 5:12, Psa 28:7; Deu 33:29; 2Sa 22:36 right : Psa 17:7, Psa 45:3 gentleness : or, with thy meekness thou hast multiplied me, Psa 45:4; Isa...

shield : Psa 5:12, Psa 28:7; Deu 33:29; 2Sa 22:36

right : Psa 17:7, Psa 45:3

gentleness : or, with thy meekness thou hast multiplied me, Psa 45:4; Isa 40:11, Isa 22:3; 2Co 10:1; Gal 5:22, Gal 5:23; Jam 3:17, Jam 3:18

TSK: Psa 18:36 - -- enlarged : Psa 4:1; Job 18:7, Job 36:16; Luk 12:50, Luk 24:46-48 feet : Heb. ancles, 2Sa 22:37; Pro 4:12

enlarged : Psa 4:1; Job 18:7, Job 36:16; Luk 12:50, Luk 24:46-48

feet : Heb. ancles, 2Sa 22:37; Pro 4:12

TSK: Psa 18:37 - -- Psa 3:7, Psa 9:3, Psa 35:2, Psa 35:5, Psa 118:11, Psa 118:12; Num 24:17-19; Isa 53:10-12, Isa 63:1-6; Rev 6:2, Rev 19:19, Rev 19:20

TSK: Psa 18:38 - -- 1Sa 17:49-51, 1Sa 23:5, 1Sa 30:17; 2Sam. 5:1-25, 8:1-18, 10:1-19, 2Sa 18:7, 2Sa 18:8 2Sa 21:15-22, 2Sa 22:39

1Sa 17:49-51, 1Sa 23:5, 1Sa 30:17; 2Sam. 5:1-25, 8:1-18, 10:1-19, 2Sa 18:7, 2Sa 18:8

2Sa 21:15-22, 2Sa 22:39

TSK: Psa 18:39 - -- girded : Psa 18:32; Eze 30:24, Eze 30:25 subdued : Heb. caused to bow, Psa 66:3; 2Sa 22:40; 1Ch 22:18; Isa 45:14; 1Co 15:25-28; Eph 1:22; Phi 3:21, ne...

TSK: Psa 18:41 - -- 2Sa 22:42, 2Sa 22:43; Job 35:12, Job 35:13; Pro 1:28; Isa 1:15, Isa 59:1, Isa 59:2; Jer 11:11; Jer 14:12; Eze 8:18; Hos 7:14; Mic 3:4; Zec 7:13; Luk 1...

TSK: Psa 18:42 - -- beat : Psa 50:22; 2Ki 13:7; Isa 41:2, Isa 41:15, Isa 41:16 cast : Isa 10:6, Isa 25:10; Zec 10:5; Mal 4:3

TSK: Psa 18:43 - -- from : 2Sa 2:9, 2Sa 2:10, 2Sa 3:1, 2Sa 5:1-7; Act 5:31 made : Psa 22:27, Psa 22:28, Psa 108:9; 2Sam. 5:1-25, 8:1-18, 10:1-19, 2Sa 22:44-46; Isa 49:6, ...

TSK: Psa 18:44 - -- As soon : etc. Heb. at the hearing of the ear, Rom 10:16, Rom 10:17 strangers : Heb. sons of the stranger, Psa 66:3, Psa 81:15; Deu 33:29; 2Sa 1:13; I...

As soon : etc. Heb. at the hearing of the ear, Rom 10:16, Rom 10:17

strangers : Heb. sons of the stranger, Psa 66:3, Psa 81:15; Deu 33:29; 2Sa 1:13; Isa 62:8; Eze 44:7 *marg.

shall submit : or, yield feigned obedience, Heb. lie, Psa 68:30, Psa 81:15; 2Sa 22:44-46

TSK: Psa 18:45 - -- strangers : Isa 24:4; Mic 7:17; Jam 1:11 afraid : Rev 6:16

strangers : Isa 24:4; Mic 7:17; Jam 1:11

afraid : Rev 6:16

TSK: Psa 18:46 - -- Lord : 2Sa 22:47; Jer 10:10; Joh 14:19; Rev 1:18 blessed : Psa 18:2, Psa 42:9 the God : Psa 25:5, Psa 68:20, Psa 79:9; Exo 15:2; Isa 12:2; Luk 1:47 ex...

TSK: Psa 18:47 - -- avengeth : Heb. giveth avengements for me, Deu 32:35; 2Sa 22:48; Nah 1:2; Rom 12:19 subdueth : or, destroyeth, Psa 47:3

avengeth : Heb. giveth avengements for me, Deu 32:35; 2Sa 22:48; Nah 1:2; Rom 12:19

subdueth : or, destroyeth, Psa 47:3

TSK: Psa 18:48 - -- liftest : Psa 22:27-30, Psa 59:1, Psa 59:2, Psa 89:13; Phi 2:9 violent man : Heb. man of violence, Psa 7:16, Psa 86:14, Psa 140:1, Psa 140:4, Psa 140:...

liftest : Psa 22:27-30, Psa 59:1, Psa 59:2, Psa 89:13; Phi 2:9

violent man : Heb. man of violence, Psa 7:16, Psa 86:14, Psa 140:1, Psa 140:4, Psa 140:11

TSK: Psa 18:49 - -- will I give thanks : or, confess, Psa 14:7, Psa 30:12, Psa 72:18, Psa 72:19, Psa 138:4; 2Sa 22:50, 2Sa 22:51; Rom 15:9; 1Ti 6:13 sing : Psa 108:3; Mat...

TSK: Psa 18:50 - -- Great : Psa 2:6, Psa 78:71, Psa 78:72, Psa 89:3, Psa 89:4, Psa 144:10; 1Sa 2:10, 1Sa 16:1; Act 2:34-36; Phi 2:9-11 to his : Psa. 89:20-38, Psa 132:10;...

collapse all
Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Psa 18:28 - -- For thou wilt light my candle - Margin, lamp. The word lamp best expresses the idea. In the Scriptures light is an image of prosperity, success...

For thou wilt light my candle - Margin, lamp. The word lamp best expresses the idea. In the Scriptures light is an image of prosperity, success, happiness, holiness, as darkness is the image of the opposite. See the notes at Job 29:2-3; compare also Job 18:6; Job 21:17; Pro 20:27; Pro 24:20; Psa 119:105; Psa 132:17; Isa 62:1. The meaning here is, that the psalmist felt assured that God would give him prosperity, as if his lamp were kept constantly burning in his dwelling.

The Lord my God will enlighten my darkness - Will shed light on my path, which would otherwise be dark: will impart light to my understanding; will put peace and joy in my heart; will crown me with his favor. Compare the note at Psa 4:6.

Barnes: Psa 18:29 - -- For by thee I have run through a troop - Margin, broken. The word troop here refers to bands of soldiers, or hosts of enemies. The word rendere...

For by thee I have run through a troop - Margin, broken. The word troop here refers to bands of soldiers, or hosts of enemies. The word rendered run through means properly to run; and then, as here, to run or rush upon in a hostile sense; to rush with violence upon one. The idea here is that he had been enabled to rush with violence upon his armed opposers; that is, to overcome them, and to secure a victory. The allusion is to the wars in which he had been engaged. Compare Psa 115:1.

And by my God - By the help derived from God.

Have I leaped over a wall - Have I been delivered, as if I had leaped over a wall when I was besieged; or, I have been able to scale the walls of an enemy, and to secure a victory. The probability is that the latter is the true idea, and that he refers to his successful attacks on the fortified towns of his enemies. The general idea is, that all his victories were to be traced to God.

Barnes: Psa 18:30 - -- As for God - The declaration in this verse is suggested by the facts narrated in the previous verses. The contemplation of those facts leads th...

As for God - The declaration in this verse is suggested by the facts narrated in the previous verses. The contemplation of those facts leads the thoughts of the author of the psalm up to the Great Source of all these blessings, and to these general reflections on his character. "As for God,"that is, in respect to that Great Being, who has delivered me, his ways are all perfect; his word is tried; he is a shield to all those who trust in him.

His way is perfect - That is, his doings are perfect; his methods of administration are perfect; his government is perfect. There is nothing wanting, nothing defective, nothing redundant, in what he does. On the word perfect, see the note at Job 1:1.

The word of the Lord is tried - Margin, refined. The idea is, that his word had been tested as silver or any other metal is in the fire. The psalmist had confided in him, and had found him faithful to all his promises. Compare the note at Psa 12:6. In a larger sense, using the phrase the "word of the Lord"as denoting the revelation which God has made to mankind in the volume of revealed truth, it has been abundantly tested or tried, and it still stands. It has been tested by the friends of God, and has been found to be all that it promised to be for support and consolation in trial; it has been tested by the changes which have occurred in the progress of human affairs, and has been found fitted to meet all those changes; it has been tested by the advances which have been made in science, in literature, in civilization, and in the arts, and it has shown itself to be fitted to every stage of advance in society; it has been tested by the efforts which men have made to destroy it, and has survived all those efforts.

It is settled that it will survive all the revolutions of kingdoms and all the changes of dynasties; that it will be able to meet all the attacks which shall be made upon it by its enemies; and that it will be an unfailing source of light and comfort to all future ages. If persecution could crush it, it would have been crushed long ago; if ridicule could drive it from the world, it would have been driven away long ago; if argument, as urged by powerful intellect, and by learning, combined with intense hatred, could destroy it, it would have been destroyed long ago; and if it is not fitted to impart consolation to the afflicted, to wipe away the tears of mourners, and to uphold the soul in death, that would have been demonstrated long ago. In all these methods it has been "tried,"and as the result of all, it has been proved as the only certain fact, in regard to a book as connected with the future - that the Bible will go down accredited as a revelation from God to the end of the world.

He is a buckler - Or, a shield, for so the original word means. See the note at Psa 3:3.

Barnes: Psa 18:31 - -- For who is God save the Lord? - Who is God except Yahweh? The idea is, that no other being has evinced the power, the wisdom, and the goodness ...

For who is God save the Lord? - Who is God except Yahweh? The idea is, that no other being has evinced the power, the wisdom, and the goodness which properly belong to the true God; or, that the things which are implied in the true nature of God are found in no other being.

Or who is a rock save our God? - See Psa 18:2. There is no one who can furnish such safety or defense; no one under whose protection we can be secure in danger. Compare Deu 32:31.

Barnes: Psa 18:32 - -- It is God that girdeth me with strength - Who gives me strength. The word girdeth contains an allusion to the mode of dress among the orientals...

It is God that girdeth me with strength - Who gives me strength. The word girdeth contains an allusion to the mode of dress among the orientals, the long flowing robe, which was girded up when they ran or labored, that it might not impede them; and, probably, with the additional idea that girding the loins contributed to strength. It is a common custom now for men who run a race, or leap, or engage in a strife of pugilism, to gird or bind up their loins. See Job 40:7, note; and Mat 5:38-41, notes.

And maketh my way perfect - Gives me complete success in my undertakings; or, enables me so to carry them out that none of them fail.

Barnes: Psa 18:33 - -- He maketh my feet like hinds’ feet - So Hab 3:19, "He will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine hig...

He maketh my feet like hinds’ feet - So Hab 3:19, "He will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places."The hind is the female deer, remarkable for fleetness or swiftness. The meaning here is, that God had made him alert or active, enabling him to pursue a flying enemy, or to escape from a swift-running foe.

And setteth me upon my high places - places of safety or refuge. The idea is, that God had given him security, or had rendered him safe from danger. Compare Deu 32:13. Swiftness of foot, or ability to escape from, or to pursue an enemy, was regarded as of great value in ancient warfare. Achilles, according to the descriptions of Homer, was remarkable for it. Compare 2Sa 2:18; 1Ch 12:8.

Barnes: Psa 18:34 - -- He teacheth my hands to war - Compare Psa 144:1. The skill which David had in the use of the bow, the sword, or the spear - all of which depend...

He teacheth my hands to war - Compare Psa 144:1. The skill which David had in the use of the bow, the sword, or the spear - all of which depends on the hands - he ascribes entirely to God.

So that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms - This is mentioned as an instance of extraordinary strength, as if he were able to break a bow made of metal. The original word rendered steel means properly brass. Wood was doubtless first used in constructing the bow, but metals came afterward to be employed, and brass would naturally be used before the manufacture of steel was discovered. Rosenmuller in loc .

Barnes: Psa 18:35 - -- Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvations - Thou hast saved me as with a shield; thou hast thrown thy shield before me in times of d...

Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvations - Thou hast saved me as with a shield; thou hast thrown thy shield before me in times of danger. See the note at Psa 5:12.

And thy right hand hath holden me up - Thou hast sustained me when in danger of failing, as if thou hadst upheld me with thine own hand.

And thy gentleness hath made me great - Margin, "or, with thy meekness thou hast multiplied me."The word here rendered gentleness, evidently means here favor, goodness, kindness. It commonly means humility, modesty, as applied to men; as applied to God, it means mildness, clemency, favor. The idea is, that God had dealt with him in gentleness, kindness, clemency, and that to this fact alone he owed all his prosperity and success in life. It was not by any claim which he had on God; it was by no worth of his own; it was by no native strength or valor that he had been thus exalted, but it was wholly because God had dealt kindly with him, or had showed him favor. So all our success in life is to be traced to the favor - the kindness - of God.

Barnes: Psa 18:36 - -- Thou hast enlarged my steps under me - The idea here is, "Thou hast made room for my feet, so that I have been enabled to walk without hindranc...

Thou hast enlarged my steps under me - The idea here is, "Thou hast made room for my feet, so that I have been enabled to walk without hindrance or obstruction. So in Psa 31:8, "Thou hast set my feet in a large room."The idea is, that he was before straitened, compressed, hindered in his goings, but that now all obstacles had been taken out of the way, and he could walk freely.

That my feet did not slip - Margin, mine ancles. The Hebrew word here rendered in the text feet, and in the margin ancles, means properly a joint; small joint; especially the ancle. The reference here is to the ancle, the joint that is so useful in walking, and that is so liable to be sprained or dislocated. The meaning is that he had been enabled to walk firmly; that he did not limp. Before, he had been like one whose ancles are weak or sprained; now he was able to tread firmly. The divine favor given to him was as if God had given strength to a lame man to walk firmly.

Barnes: Psa 18:37 - -- I have pursued mine enemies, and overtaken them - He had not only routed them, but had had strength to pursue them; he had not only pursued the...

I have pursued mine enemies, and overtaken them - He had not only routed them, but had had strength to pursue them; he had not only pursued them, but he had been enabled to come up to them. The idea is that of complete success and absolute triumph.

Neither did I turn again - I was not driven back, nor was I weary and exhausted, and compelled to give over the pursuit.

Till they were consumed - Until they were all either slain or made captive, so that the hostile forces vanished. None of my enemies were left.

Barnes: Psa 18:38 - -- I have wounded them ... - I have so weakened them - so entirely prostrated them - that they were not able to rally again. This does not refer s...

I have wounded them ... - I have so weakened them - so entirely prostrated them - that they were not able to rally again. This does not refer so much to wounds inflicted on individuals in the hostile ranks as to the entire host or army. It was so weakened that it could not again be put in battle array. The idea is that of successful pursuit and conquest.

They are fallen under my feet - I have completely trodden them down - a common mode of denoting entire victory, Psa 119:118; Isa 25:10; Lam 1:15; Dan 8:13; Luk 21:24.

Barnes: Psa 18:39 - -- For thou hast girded me with strength unto the battle - See the note at Psa 18:32. Compare Job 12:18; Pro 31:17. Thou hast subdued under m...

For thou hast girded me with strength unto the battle - See the note at Psa 18:32. Compare Job 12:18; Pro 31:17.

Thou hast subdued under me - Margin, as in Hebrew, caused to bow. That is, God had caused them to submit to him; he had enabled him to overcome them; still acknowledging that all this was from God, and that the praise was due to Him, and not to the power of his own arm.

Barnes: Psa 18:40 - -- Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies - Their necks to tread upon, as the result of victory; or their necks to be subject to me, as...

Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies - Their necks to tread upon, as the result of victory; or their necks to be subject to me, as the neck of the ox is to his owner. The phrase is sometimes used in this latter sense to denote subjection (compare Jer 27:12); but it is more commonly, when applied to war, used in the former sense, as denoting complete triumph or conquest. It was not uncommon to trample on the necks of those who were overcome in battle. See Jos 10:24; Eze 21:2; Gen 49:8. The word used here - ערף ‛ôreph - means properly neck, nape, the back of the neck; and hence, to give the neck means sometimes to turn the back, as in flight; and the phrase would admit of that meaning here. So Gesenius (Lexicon) understands it. So also DeWette: "Thou turnest my enemies to flight."It seems to me, however, that the more probable interpretation is that of complete subjection - as when the conqueror places his foot on the necks of his foes. This is confirmed by the next member of the sentence, where the psalmist speaks of the complete destruction of those who hated him.

That I might destroy them that hate me - That have pursued and persecuted me in this manner. The idea is that of utterly overcoming them; of putting an end to their power, and to their ability to injure him.

Barnes: Psa 18:41 - -- They cried - They cried out for help, for mercy, for life. In modern language, "they begged for quarter."They acknowledged that they were vanqu...

They cried - They cried out for help, for mercy, for life. In modern language, "they begged for quarter."They acknowledged that they were vanquished, and entreated that their lives might be spared.

But there was none to save them - To preserve their lives. No help appeared from their own countrymen; they found no mercy in me or my followers; and God did not interpose to deliver them.

Even unto the Lord - As a last resort. People appeal to everything else for help before they will appeal to God; often when they come to Him it is by constraint, and not willingly; if the danger should leave them, they would cease to call upon Him. Hence, since there is no real sincerity in their calling upon God - no real regard for his honor or his commands - their cries are not heard, and they perish. The course of things with a sinner, however, is often such that, despairing of salvation in any other way, and seeing that this is the only true way, he comes with a heart broken, contrite, penitent, and then God never turns away from the cry. No sinner, though as a last resort, who comes to God in real sincerity, will ever be rejected.

But he answered them not - He did not put forth his power to save them from my sword; to keep them alive when they were thus vanquished. Had they cried unto him to save their souls, he would undoubtedly have done it; but their cry was for life - for the divine help to save them from the sword of the conqueror. There might have been many reasons why God should not interpose to save them from the regular consequences of valor when they had been in the wrong and had begun the war; but there would have been no reason why he should not interpose if they had called upon him to save them from their sins. There may be many reasons why God should not save sinners from the temporal judgments due to their sins - the intemperate from the diseases, the poverty, and the wretchedness consequent on that vice - or the licentious from the woes and sorrows caused by such a course of life; but there is no reason, in any case, why God should not save from the eternal consequences of sin, if the sinner cries sincerely and earnestly for mercy.

Barnes: Psa 18:42 - -- Then did I beat them small as the dust before the wind - As the fine dust is driven by the wind, so they fled before me. There could be no more...

Then did I beat them small as the dust before the wind - As the fine dust is driven by the wind, so they fled before me. There could be no more striking illustration of a defeated army flying before a conqueror. DeWette says correctly that the idea is, "I beat them small, and scattered them as dust before the wind."

I did cast them out as the dirt in the streets - In the corresponding place in 2Sa 22:43, this is, "I did stamp them as the mire of the street, and did spread them abroad."The idea in the place before us is, that he poured them out, for so the Hebrew word means, as the dirt or mire in the streets. As that is trodden on, or trampled down, so they, instead of being marshalled for battle, were wholly disorganized, scattered, and left to be trodden down, as the most worthless object is. A similar image occurs in Isa 10:6, where God is speaking of Sennacherib: "I will send him against an hypocritical nation ... to tread them down like the mire of the streets."

Barnes: Psa 18:43 - -- Thou hast delivered me from the strivings of the people - From the contentions of the people; or, from the efforts which they have made to over...

Thou hast delivered me from the strivings of the people - From the contentions of the people; or, from the efforts which they have made to overcome and subdue me. The allusion is to the efforts made by the people, under the guidance of their leaders. It is not "strivings"among his own followers, but the efforts, the strivings, the contentions of his enemies, who endeavored to obtain the mastery over him, and to subdue him.

Thou hast made me the head of the heathen - The head of the nations; that is, the nations round about. In other words, he had, by the divine aid, brought them into subjection to him, or so subdued them that they became tributary to him. The word "heathen"with us expresses an idea which is not necessarily connected with the original word. That word is simply nations - גוים gôyim . It is true that those nations were pagans in the present sense of the term, but that idea is not necessarily connected with the word. The meaning is, that surrounding nations had been made subject to him; or that he had been made to rule over them. David, in fact, thus brought the surrounding people under subjection to him, and made them tributary. In 2 Sam. 8 he is said to have subdued Philistia, and Moab, and Syria, and Edom, in all of which countries he put "garrisons,"and all of which he made tributary to himself.

A people whom I have not known shall serve me - People that I had not before heard of. This is the language of confident faith that his kingdom would be still further extended, so as to embrace nations before unknown to him. His past victories, and the fact that his kingdom had been so established and was already so extended, justified the expectation that it would still be further enlarged; that the fame of his conquests would reach other nations, and that they would willingly yield themselves to him. After the victories which he had achieved, as celebrated in this psalm, that might be expected to follow as a matter of course. It is the triumphant exultation of a conqueror, and it seems to have been his expectation, not that his successors would extend the empire, but, that other nations would become voluntarily subject to him.

Barnes: Psa 18:44 - -- As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me - Margin, as in Hebrew, At the hearing of the ear. That is, their submission will be prompt and ...

As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me - Margin, as in Hebrew, At the hearing of the ear. That is, their submission will be prompt and immediate. The fame of my victories will be such as to render resistance hopeless; my fame, as at the head of a mighty empire, will be such as to lead them to desire my friendship and protection.

The strangers - Margin, as in Hebrew, The sons of the stranger. The word refers to foreigners, to those of other nations. His name and deeds would inspire such respect, or create such a dread of his power, that they would be glad to seek his friendship, and would readily submit to his dominion.

Shall submit themselves unto me - Margin, yield feigned obedience. The Hebrew word used here - כחשׁ kâchash - means properly to lie, to speak lies; then, to deceive, or disappoint; then, to feign, to flatter, to play the hypocrite. It is manifestly used in this sense here, as referring to those who, awed by the terror of his name and power, would come and profess subjection to him as a conqueror. Yet the use of the word here implies that he was aware that, in many cases, this would be only a feigned submission, or that the homage would be hypocritical; homage inspired by terror, not by love. Undoubtedly, much of the professed subjection of conquered nations is of this kind, and it would be well if all conquerors understood this as David did. He accepted, indeed, the acquiescence and the submission, but he understood the cause; and this knowledge would only tend to make his throne more secure, as it would save him from putting confidence or trust where there was no certainty that it would be well placed.

Toward David as a sovereign there was much real loyalty, but there was also much professed allegiance that was false and hollow; allegiance which would endure only while his power lasted, and which would only wait for an opportunity to throw off the yoke. In respect to God, also, there are not a few who "feignedly submit"to him, or who yield feigned obedience. They, too, are awed by his power. They know that he is able to destroy. They see the tokens of his greatness and majesty, and they come and profess submission to him - a submission founded on terror, not on love; a submission which would cease at once could they be assured of safety if they should renounce their allegiance to him. And as David was not ignorant of the fact that not a little of the professed submission to him was false and feigned - so, in a much higher sense - in a much more accurate manner - God is aware of the fact that many who profess to be subject to him are subject in profession only; that if they could do it with safety, they would throw off the very appearance of loyalty, and carry out in reality what exists in their hearts. It must have been sad for David to reflect how greatly the number of his professed subjects might have been diminished, if none had been retained but those who truly loved his reign, and respected him as a sovereign; it is sad to reflect how greatly the number of the professed friends of God would be diminished, if all those should withdraw who have yielded only reigned obedience to him! Yet the Church would be the better and the stronger for it.

Barnes: Psa 18:45 - -- The strangers shall fade away - Hebrew, "The sons of the stranger."That is, foreigners. The word rendered fade away - נבל nâbêl -...

The strangers shall fade away - Hebrew, "The sons of the stranger."That is, foreigners. The word rendered fade away - נבל nâbêl - means properly to wilt, wither, fall away, as applicable to flowers, leaves, or plants, Psa 1:3; Psa 37:2; Isa 1:30; Isa 28:1. Here it means that those foreign nations would diminish in numbers and in power, until they should wholly disappear. The idea is, that all his foes would vanish, and that he and his kingdom would be left in peace.

And be afraid out of their close places - The word rendered be afraid means to tremble - as those do who are in fear. The word rendered close places means places that are shut up or enclosed, as fortified cities or fortresses. The reference is to their places of retreat, towns, castles, fortresses. The meaning is, that they would find such places to be no security, and would tremble out of them; that is, they would flee out of them in consternation and alarm. The general thought is that of ultimate complete security for himself and his kingdom, or entire deliverance from all his enemies.

Barnes: Psa 18:46 - -- The Lord liveth - Yahweh - the name used here - is often described as the living God in contradistinction to idols, who are represented as with...

The Lord liveth - Yahweh - the name used here - is often described as the living God in contradistinction to idols, who are represented as without life, Deu 5:26; Jos 3:10; 2Ki 19:4; Psa 42:2; Mat 16:16; 1Th 1:9. Compare Psa 115:5; Psa 135:16. It is probably in allusion to this idea that the phrase "The Lord liveth"is used here. It is a joyful exclamation in view of all that God had done; of all the deliverances which he had performed for the author of the psalm. In the remembrance of all this the psalmist says that God had shown himself to be the living, that is, the true God. These interpositions furnished abundant demonstration that Yahweh existed, and that he was worthy of adoration and praise as the true God. So, in view of mercy and salvation, the heart of the redeemed exultingly exclaims, "The Lord lives - there is a living God."

And blessed be my Rock - God, who has shown himself to be a refuge and a protector. See the note at Psa 18:2.

And let the God of my salvation be exalted - The God who has saved me from my enemies. Let him be exalted, be praised, be honored, be adored. Let his name be exalted above all idol gods; above all the creatures that he has made. The wish is, that His name might be made prominent; that all creatures might praise and honor Him.

Barnes: Psa 18:47 - -- It is God that avengeth me - Margin, giveth avengements for me. The marginal reading is a literal translation of the Hebrew. The meaning is, th...

It is God that avengeth me - Margin, giveth avengements for me. The marginal reading is a literal translation of the Hebrew. The meaning is, that God had punished the enemies of the author of the psalm for all the wrongs which they had done to him. Compare Rom 12:19.

And subdueth the people under me - Margin, destroyeth. The idea is that he had subdued the nations so that they became obedient to him. The primary notion of the word used here - from דבר dâbar - is to set in a row; to range in order; to connect; to lead; to guide; - then, to reduce to order; to subdue. This God had done in respect to the nations. Instead of being rebellious and tumultuous, God had reduced them to obedience, and had thus set him over a kingdom where all were subject to order and to law.

Barnes: Psa 18:48 - -- He delivereth me from mine enemies - From all my foes. Yea, thou liftest me up above those that rise up against me - So that I triumph ov...

He delivereth me from mine enemies - From all my foes.

Yea, thou liftest me up above those that rise up against me - So that I triumph over them. Instead of being subdued by them, and trampled under their feet, I am exalted, and they are humbled.

Thou hast delivered me from the violent man - Margin, as in Hebrew, man of violence; the man characterized by injustice and wrong; the man who endeavored to overcome and subdue me by force and arms. There is probably a special allusion here by the psalmist to Saul as his great enemy, but perhaps he had also in his eye others of the same kind, and the meaning may be that he had been delivered from all of that class of people.

Barnes: Psa 18:49 - -- Therefore will I give thanks unto thee - Margin, confess. The Hebrew word - ידה yâdâh - in the form used here, means properly to ...

Therefore will I give thanks unto thee - Margin, confess. The Hebrew word - ידה yâdâh - in the form used here, means properly to profess, to confess, to acknowledge; then especially to acknowledge or recognize blessings and favors; in other words, to give thanks, to praise. The idea here is that he would make a public acknowledgment of those blessings which he had received; or that he would cause the remembrance of them to be celebrated among the nations.

Among the heathen - Among the nations. See the note at Psa 18:43. The meaning here is, that he would cause these blessings to be remembered by making a record of them in this song of praise; a song that would be used not only in his own age and in his own country, but also among other nations, and in other times. He would do all in his power to make the knowledge of these favors, and these proofs of the existence of the true God, known abroad and transmitted to other times. The apostle Paul uses this language Rom 15:9 as expressing properly the fact that the knowledge of God was to be communicated to the "Gentiles:""As it is written, For this cause will I confess to thee among the Gentiles."The word "heathen"or nations, in the passage before us, corresponds precisely with the meaning of the word Gentiles; and Paul has used the language of the psalm legitimately and properly as showing that it was a doctrine of the Old Testament that the truths of religion were not to be confined to the Jews, but were to be made known to other nations.

And sing praises unto thy name - Unto thee; the name often being used to denote the person. The meaning is, that he would cause the praises of God to be celebrated among foreign or pagan nations, as the result of what God had done for him. Far, probably, very far beyond what David anticipated when he penned this psalm, this has been done. The psalm itself has been chanted by million who were not in existence, and in lands of which the psalmist had no knowledge; and, connected as it has been with the other psalms in Christian worship, it has contributed in an eminent degree to extend the praises of God far in the earth, and to transmit the knowledge of him to generations as they succeeded one another. What David anticipated is, moreover, as yet only in the progress of fulfillment. Millions not yet born will make use of the psalm, as million have done before, as the medium of praise to God; and down to the most distant times this sacred song, in connection with the others in the Book of Psalms, will contribute to make God known in the earth, and to secure for him the praises of mankind.

Barnes: Psa 18:50 - -- Great deliverance giveth he to his king - To David, as king. The word in the original, which is rendered "deliverance,"means properly salvation...

Great deliverance giveth he to his king - To David, as king. The word in the original, which is rendered "deliverance,"means properly salvations, and is here in the plural number. It refers not to one act of divine interposition, but to the many acts (referred to in the psalm) in which God had interposed to save him from danger and from death. The phrase "to his king"refers to the fact that God had appointed him to reign, and to administer the government for him. He did not reign on his own account, but he reigned for God, and with a view to do his will.

And showeth mercy to his anointed - To him who had been set apart to the kingly office by a solemn act of anointing. Compare 1Sa 16:13; 2Sa 2:4-7; 2Sa 5:3, 2Sa 5:17; 2Sa 12:7; compare 2Ki 9:3, 2Ki 9:6,2Ki 9:12. It is in allusion to this custom that the Messiah is called the Anointed, or the Christ. See the note at Mat 1:1.

To David, and to his seed - To his descendants, or posterity. There is an undoubted reference here to the promises made to David in regard to his successors on the throne. See 2Sa 7:12-16, 2Sa 7:25-26, and Ps. 89:19-37.

Forevermore - This expresses the confident expectation of David that the government would remain in his family to the latest times. This expectation was founded on such promises as that in 2Sa 7:12-13 : "I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom; he shall build an house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever."Also 2Sa 7:16 : "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established forever before thee; thy throne shall be established forever."See also Psa 89:36 : "His seed shall endure forever, and his throne as the sun before me."The perpetuity of this kingdom is found, in fact, in the reign of the Messiah, a descendant of David, in whose eternal reign these promises will receive an ample fulfillment. See Isa 9:7. Compare Luk 1:32-33. The temporal reign passed wholly away in the process of time from the descendants of David; the spiritual reign is perpetual in the Messiah. How far David understood this it is not important to inquire, and it would be impossible to determine. It is sufficient for the proper understanding of the place to remember

(a) that there will have been a strict fulfillment of the promise, according to the full import of the language, in the Messiah, the Son of David; and

(b) that, however this may have been understood by David who recorded the promise, the real author of the promise was the Holy Spirit, and that the real meaning of the promise, as thus recorded, was that it should be fulfilled as it has been.

In this, as in all other cases, the inquiry to be made in interpreting the language is not how the sacred penman understood it, but what was meant by the real author, the Spirit of God - and whether the prediction, according to that meaning, has been fulfilled. When a man employs an amanuensis, the inquiry in regard to what is written is not how the amanuensis understood it, but how he who dictated what was written intended it should be understood. Applying this principle, the prediction here and elsewhere, in regard to the perpetuity of the reign of David and his posterity, has been, and is, fulfilled in the most ample manner. "Great David’ s greater Son"shall reign forever and ever.

Poole: Psa 18:28 - -- Or, thou dost light , or hast lighted, my candle , i.e. given me safety, and comfort, and prosperity, and glory, and posterity also; all which are...

Or, thou dost light , or hast lighted, my candle , i.e. given me safety, and comfort, and prosperity, and glory, and posterity also; all which are oft signified by a candle or a light , as Est 8:16 Job 21:17 29:3 Psa 97:11 132:17 , &c.

Poole: Psa 18:29 - -- By thee I have broken through the armed troops of mine enemies. I have sealed the walls of their strongest cities and castles, and so taken them.

By thee I have broken through the armed troops of mine enemies. I have sealed the walls of their strongest cities and castles, and so taken them.

Poole: Psa 18:30 - -- His way is perfect his counsel and providence, though it may sometimes be dark and hard to be understood, yet is always wise and just, and every way ...

His way is perfect his counsel and providence, though it may sometimes be dark and hard to be understood, yet is always wise and just, and every way perfect or unbeareable.

The word of the Lord is tried the truth of God’ s promises is certain, and approved by innuerable experiences, and mine among the rest.

Poole: Psa 18:31 - -- It must needs be as I have said, because our Lord is the only God, and therefore there is none, neither God nor creature, that can hinder him from a...

It must needs be as I have said, because our Lord is the only God, and therefore there is none, neither God nor creature, that can hinder him from accomplishing his own word and work, or from defending those that trust him: he is unchangeable and invincible. Or this is an amplification, As God is what I have now described him to be, so he only is such, and there is no other God or Rock in which they may safely trust.

Poole: Psa 18:32 - -- That girdeth me with strength that gives me strength both of mind and body for battle. It is a metaphor taken either from a military girdle, or from ...

That girdeth me with strength that gives me strength both of mind and body for battle. It is a metaphor taken either from a military girdle, or from a common girdle, wherewith their loose garments were girt about them, whereby they were rendered fitter for any action.

Perfect i.e. perfectly plain and smooth, and clear from impediments, as pioneers use to prepare the way for the march of an army. He guided me in all my counsels and enterprises, so that I neither miss my way, nor stumble in it, nor come short of my end.

Poole: Psa 18:33 - -- Like hinds’ feet i.e. most swift and nimble. As he made me wise in counsel and contrivance, (which he elsewhere saith,) so he made me speedy an...

Like hinds’ feet i.e. most swift and nimble. As he made me wise in counsel and contrivance, (which he elsewhere saith,) so he made me speedy and expeditious in the execution; which are the two great excellencies of a captain. He gave me great agility, either to flee and escape from mine enemies, when prudence required it; or to pursue them, when I saw occasion.

Setteth me Heb. maketh me to stand , i.e. either he placeth me in safe and strong places, out of the reach of mine enemies; or he confirms and establisheth me in that high and honourable estate into which he hath advanced me, and gives me wisdom to improve my victories.

Poole: Psa 18:34 - -- To him I owe all that military skill, or strength, or cou rage which I have. My strength is sufficient, not only to bend a bow of steel but to bre...

To him I owe all that military skill, or strength, or cou rage which I have. My strength is sufficient, not only to bend

a bow of steel but to break it.

Poole: Psa 18:35 - -- The shield of thy salvation thy safeguard and protection, which hath been to me like a shield to defend me. Holden me up kept me from falling into ...

The shield of thy salvation thy safeguard and protection, which hath been to me like a shield to defend me.

Holden me up kept me from falling into those snares and mischiefs which mine enemies designed, and I feared.

Thy gentleness or

meekness as this word signifies, Num 12:3 Psa 10:17 45:4 Zep 2:3 , i.e. thy clemency, whereby thou hast pardoned my sins, which might otherwise have undone me, and mitigated thy corrections which I have deserved; thy grace and benignity, which thou hast freely showed to me and for me.

Poole: Psa 18:36 - -- Thou hast enlarged my steps which before were straitened and confined to a little compass, and entangled with the narrowness and difficulty of the wa...

Thou hast enlarged my steps which before were straitened and confined to a little compass, and entangled with the narrowness and difficulty of the way. Thou hast set my feet in a large room , Psa 31:8 118:5 , i.e. thou hast brought me out of all my straits and difficulties into a state of freedom and safety.

Slip or stumble , as they are apt to do in narrow and uneven ways.

Poole: Psa 18:38 - -- i.e. Cast down to the ground, so as I may tread upon their necks, after the manner of conquerors, Deu 33:29 Jos 10:24 .

i.e. Cast down to the ground, so as I may tread upon their necks, after the manner of conquerors, Deu 33:29 Jos 10:24 .

Poole: Psa 18:39 - -- He repeats what he had said Psa 18:32 , lest he should seem to arrogate to himself his great achievements and victories mentioned Psa 18:37,38 , and...

He repeats what he had said Psa 18:32 , lest he should seem to arrogate to himself his great achievements and victories mentioned Psa 18:37,38 , and that he might give God the whole praise and glory of them.

Poole: Psa 18:40 - -- Either, 1. That I might smite or behead them. Or, 2. That I might put my yoke upon their necks, or bring them into subjection. Or rather thus, Th...


1. That I might smite or behead them. Or,

2. That I might put my yoke upon their necks, or bring them into subjection. Or rather thus, Thou hast made them turn their backs to me , i.e. flee away from me; for so this very phrase is used and rendered, Exo 23:27 Jos 7:8,12 , and elsewhere. So far are they mistaken, that say this Hebrew word oreph is only used for the neck, and not for the back . That I might destroy them ; that I might have opportunity to destroy them.

Poole: Psa 18:41 - -- He speaks of his Israelitish enemies, who in their distresses prayed to God for help against him.

He speaks of his Israelitish enemies, who in their distresses prayed to God for help against him.

Poole: Psa 18:42 - -- Or, rid them away , as dirt is usually swept or carried out of houses or streets. Or, tread them down , or bruise them , as men do dirt when they...

Or, rid them away , as dirt is usually swept or carried out of houses or streets. Or, tread them down , or bruise them , as men do dirt when they walk in the streets.

Poole: Psa 18:43 - -- From the strivings of the people from contentions, and seditions, and tumults of my own people under Saul, and Ish-bosheth, and Absalom. The head of...

From the strivings of the people from contentions, and seditions, and tumults of my own people under Saul, and Ish-bosheth, and Absalom.

The head of the heathen of the Ammonites, Moabites, Edomites, Syrians, and others.

Whom I have not known whom I had no acquaintance with, nor relation to, no, not by thy promise or grant; even barbarous and remote nations.

Poole: Psa 18:44 - -- As soon as they hear of me either, 1. At the fame of my name and victorious arms. Or, 2. At the first tidings of my coming towards them. Or rather,...

As soon as they hear of me either,

1. At the fame of my name and victorious arms. Or,

2. At the first tidings of my coming towards them. Or rather,

3. As soon as they understand my will and pleasure, they shall instantly comply with it.

Submit themselves unto me Heb. shall lie unto me , i.e. shall submit themselves to me not willingly and cheerfullly, as they will pretend, but only out of fear, and by constraint; by which it appears that this is spoken with reference to David, and not (as some would have it) to Christ, because Christ’ s people are a willing people, Psa 110:3 , and those whom he conquers do freely obey him.

Poole: Psa 18:45 - -- Shall fade away i.e. shall wither and decay in their hopes and strength. Be afraid i.e. shall come trembling; one verb being put for two, as Psa 22...

Shall fade away i.e. shall wither and decay in their hopes and strength.

Be afraid i.e. shall come trembling; one verb being put for two, as Psa 22:21 , thou hast heard me , i.e. having delivered me; and Psa 42:1 , panteth , i.e. panting hasteneth; and in many other places.

Out of their close places out of their strong holds, where they shall lurk and keep themselves for fear of me, and whence they dare not stir without trembling. Or, for (as the particle mere is oft used)

their close places i.e. lest I should assault and take them.

Poole: Psa 18:46 - -- He and he only is the true living God, and he hath manifested himself to be for my comfort, and for the confusion of mine enemies, when other gods a...

He and he only is the true living God, and he hath manifested himself to be for my comfort, and for the confusion of mine enemies, when other gods are dead and impotent idols. Or, Let the Lord live . So it is a joyful and thankful acclamation, spoken after the manner of earthly princes.

Blessed be my rock let him have all blessing and praise, for he is worthy of it.

Poole: Psa 18:47 - -- That avengeth me that executed vengeance both by me against malicious enemies, and for me against Saul, of whom I would not avenge myself.

That avengeth me that executed vengeance both by me against malicious enemies, and for me against Saul, of whom I would not avenge myself.

Poole: Psa 18:48 - -- Above those that rise up against me above their malice and power. From the violent man from Saul, whom for honour’ s sake he forbears to menti...

Above those that rise up against me above their malice and power.

From the violent man from Saul, whom for honour’ s sake he forbears to mention.

Poole: Psa 18:49 - -- Among the heathen or, among the Gentiles or nations; i.e. either, 1. In the great congregations, consisting df the Israelites of all tribes; of whom...

Among the heathen or, among the Gentiles or nations; i.e. either,

1. In the great congregations, consisting df the Israelites of all tribes; of whom this very word is used, Jos 3:17 4:1 Eze 2:3 , and elsewhere, as hath been noted before. Or,

2. In the presence of those Gentiles, who resorted to Jerusalem in great numbers, or before others of them, who are either subject to me, or confederate with me, as I have occasion of speaking or writing to any of them. But this was but an uncertain and inconsiderable business. And therefore David is here transported beyond himself, even to his seed for ever, as it is expressed Psa 18:50 , and speaks this in special relation to Christ, who was to be his Seed, and of whom he was an eminent type, and by whom alone this was done to any purpose. And therefore this is justly applied to him, and to his preaching to and calling of the Gentiles, Rom 15:9 .

Poole: Psa 18:50 - -- To his king to the king whom God himself chose, and anointed, or constituted. To his seed to all his posterity, and especially to the Messias, who ...

To his king to the king whom God himself chose, and anointed, or constituted.

To his seed to all his posterity, and especially to the Messias, who is called David’ s Seed, Act 13:23 Rom 1:3 ; and his Son , Psa 89:27 90:1 , compared with Mat 22:42 ; and the Seed by way of eminency, Gal 3:16 ; and God’ s Anointed and King, Psa 2:2 .

Gill: Psa 18:28 - -- For thou wilt light my candle,.... Or lamp d: in 2Sa 22:29, it is, "Thou art my lamp, O Lord"; which may either design outward prosperity, and the fl...

For thou wilt light my candle,.... Or lamp d: in 2Sa 22:29, it is, "Thou art my lamp, O Lord"; which may either design outward prosperity, and the flourishing condition of David's kingdom; or internal spiritual light, and an increase of it, by giving fresh supplies of the oil of grace, to cause the lamp to burn more clearly; or rather the prosperous estate of Christ's kingdom; and may be the same with the lamp ordained for the Messiah, Psa 132:17;

the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness; or "cause light to shine in my darkness" e; that is, bring me out of darkness into light; either out of adversity to prosperity, or from walking in darkness to the enjoyment of the light of his countenance; and is true of Christ, not only of the prosperity of his kingdom and interest, but of him personally; who though, when on the cross, was in darkness of soul, being forsaken by his God; yet, when raised from the dead, he was received up to heaven, and set down at the right hand of God, and was made full of joy with his countenance, Act 2:28.

Gill: Psa 18:29 - -- For by thee I have run through a troop,.... Or, "I have run to a troop": to meet one f with courage and intrepidity, as some interpret it g; or, as ot...

For by thee I have run through a troop,.... Or, "I have run to a troop": to meet one f with courage and intrepidity, as some interpret it g; or, as others h, "I have run after a troop": that is, pursued after one, as David pursued after the troops of the Amalekites who burnt Ziklag, 1Sa 30:8; to which Jarchi refers this passage; or rather, "I have broke a troop", or "through one" i; for the word, as some Jewish writers k observe, comes from a root which signifies to "break" in pieces, and is fitly used for the destroying or cutting in pieces a troop of the enemy; and is true of Christ, when he engaged with the troops of hell, and broke the squadrons of the infernal fiends, and spoiled or disarmed principalities and powers, and triumphed over them on the cross, and made a show of them openly, when he dragged them at his chariot wheels, and led captivity captive;

and by my God have I leaped over a wall; which refers to the scaling of walls, and taking of fortified places; and so the Targum, "By the word of my God I will subdue fortified towns"; so Apollinarius has it, passed over a tower, or took it; which was literally true of David, in many instances. Jarchi applies this to his taking the fortress of Zion from the Jebusites: a learned writer l thinks this refers to his leaping over the city wall, and slipping through the city watch, when Michal let him down through a window: it may be applied to Christ, who broke down the middle wail of partition, the ceremonial law, which stood between Jew and Gentile; or rather it may design the many difficulties which were in the way of the salvation of his people, which he surmounted and got over with great strength and swiftness; such as fulfilling the law, satisfying justice, bearing sin, and making atonement for it, undergoing a shameful and an accursed death, and grappling with numerous enemies, whom he conquered; and he is said to do all this by his God; because, as man and Mediator, he was strengthened and assisted by him.

Gill: Psa 18:30 - -- As for God, his way is perfect,.... Or "without spot" m, as the Septuagint render the word; without any just charge of inequality, or unrighteousnes...

As for God, his way is perfect,.... Or "without spot" m, as the Septuagint render the word; without any just charge of inequality, or unrighteousness; such is God's way of providence, though sometimes his methods of providence are cavilled at by wicked men, and murmured at by his own people: they are at a loss, at times, to reconcile promises and providences together, and to account for the justice and equity of them; these ways of his are unsearchable, and not to be traced out by them; but when his judgments will be made manifest, the wisdom, goodness, and righteousness of them will be clearly discerned, and they will be admired; for they are all of a piece, and perfectly consistent with the attributes of God: and such also is his way of grace, and method of salvation; it is agreeable to all his perfections, and according to his purposes, counsel, and covenant; this being resolved on in his breast, contrived by his wisdom, and concluded on in the covenant, has been effected and finished by his son; and his inward way of working upon the heart, though at present imperfect, will be completed; he is a rock, and his work is perfect, and all his ways are judgment: whatever way or method he contrives and enters upon, whether in providence or grace, he pursues and brings to an issue; for he is an omnipotent, omniscient, and unchangeable Being, and neither frustrates, nor is he frustrated; nor is there any insincerity, unrighteousness, and unfaithfulness in him; nor can he act contrary to himself, and the perfections of his nature: the way also which he prescribes to others is perfect and plain, whether the path of doctrine or of duty; the path of truth is plain to the enlightened understanding, and the way of holiness is such, in which men, though fools, shall not err; see Pro 8:8;

the word of the Lord is tried; as silver in a furnace, and is clear of all dross, of error, and falsehood; is free from human mixtures, and without any impurity and unholiness; nor is God's word of promise chargeable with unfaithfulness; all his promises being yea and amen in Christ, and have been tried and proved by the saints in all ages; and have been found true, faithful, constant, and invariable;

he is a buckler to all those that trust in him; not in man, nor in themselves; in their own righteousness, or in any creature or creature enjoyment or performance; but in the providence and power of God, in his grace and mercy, in his word, and especially in his Son; in his person, blood, and righteousness; to such he is a buckler or shield: his power is all around them, his favour encompasses them, and his truth, or faithfulness in his word, is their shield and buckler: and so is his Son, who is both a sun and shield to them; and such are his precious blood, his spotless righteousness, and stoning sacrifice; which, being held up by faith, repel the fiery darts of Satan.

Gill: Psa 18:31 - -- For who is God save the Lord?.... Or Jehovah: there is but one God, and Jehovah is he; there is none besides him, nor any like him: there are many th...

For who is God save the Lord?.... Or Jehovah: there is but one God, and Jehovah is he; there is none besides him, nor any like him: there are many that are called gods, nominal deities, who are not by nature gods; fictitious ones, the idols of the Gentiles, made of gold, silver, brass, wood, and stone; but there is but one true God: there are gods, in an improper sense, as civil magistrates; but there is none really and truly so but the Lord; which is to be understood, not of Jehovah the Father, to the exclusion of the Son and Spirit; for the Son is Jehovah, and the Spirit is Jehovah; both are so called, as well as the Father, and all three one God;

or who is a rock save our God? to have recourse to for shelter and protection; or to trust to, and build upon, for eternal life and salvation. False gods are rocks; but not like ours, our enemies themselves being judges, Deu 32:31; so Apollo at Delphos is called the Delphian rock n: the words seem to be taken from, or at least there is in them a reference to, 1Sa 2:2.

Gill: Psa 18:32 - -- It is God that girdeth me with strength,.... For battle, as in Psa 18:39; with strength of body and fortitude of mind; both which are from the Lord, ...

It is God that girdeth me with strength,.... For battle, as in Psa 18:39; with strength of body and fortitude of mind; both which are from the Lord, and were in David; and were acknowledged by him as bestowed on him by the Lord; and which confirms what he had before said of him: or with spiritual strength, with strength in his soul, against sin, Satan, and the world; and to do the will and work of God: saints are girt by the Lord with the whole armour of God, and among the rest with the girdle of truth; and are prepared and ready to every good work; see 1Sa 2:4. Hannah's song is again referred to: in 2Sa 22:33, the words are, "God is my strength and power"; they are true of Christ, the man of God's right hand, whom he promised to strengthen, and whom he has made strong for himself, Psa 80:17;

and maketh my way perfect; or safe, or prosperous. God removed every impediment and obstacle out of his way, and made it plain and easy, as Jarchi observes; and succeeded him, and gave him victory over his enemies; this has been verified in Christ, who has conquered sin, Satan, the world, death, and the grave: for this is not to be understood of the way and course of David's life and conversation, which was not perfect and unspotted, but had many blemishes and imperfections in it, which he often owns, confesses, and bewails.

Gill: Psa 18:33 - -- He maketh my feet like hind's feet,.... As light and swift as theirs, as the Targum; that is, either to flee, when there was a necessity for it, as K...

He maketh my feet like hind's feet,.... As light and swift as theirs, as the Targum; that is, either to flee, when there was a necessity for it, as Kimchi observes; or rather to pursue after the enemy, to run through a troop, and leap over a wall, as before; see 1Ch 12:8; the same phrase is used in Hab 3:19; and may be understood in a spiritual sense of that readiness and cheerfulness with which the saints run the ways of God's commandments, when their hearts are enlarged with his love and grace; and may very well be applied to Christ, who is often compared to a roe, or a young hart, for swiftness; who readily and at once engaged to come and do the will of God, and whose coming in the flesh, at the appointed time, was swift; and who made haste to do the work of God, in which he took the utmost pleasure; and who is a speedy and present help to his people in time of trouble; see Son 2:8;

and setteth me upon my high places; the towers and fortresses, and strong and fortified places, where he was safe from his enemies; and: in a spiritual sense, may design the everlasting love of God, the covenant of grace, its blessings and promises; and Christ himself, with the fulness of grace in him, on which believers may be said to be set, when their faith is directed to them, and they live and dwell upon them; see Hab 3:19; and, the words were fulfilled in Christ, when God highly exalted him at his right hand, and set him above all principalities and powers, and made him higher than the heavens.

Gill: Psa 18:34 - -- He teacheth my hands to war,.... From whence it appears, that war, in some cases, is lawful; and that all the skilfulness and art in training men for ...

He teacheth my hands to war,.... From whence it appears, that war, in some cases, is lawful; and that all the skilfulness and art in training men for war, in the use of armour, in marshalling of armies, in forming sieges, &c. is all from God; see Psa 144:1; and so is all that spiritual skill, in making use of the whole armour of God against every enemy, sin, Satan, and the world; and even the wisdom and skill, counsel and instruction, which Christ as man and Mediator had, when it was the hour and power of darkness; when he was engaged with principalities and powers, and got the victory over them, were from the Lord: see Psa 16:7;

so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms; that is, the bow of an enemy falling into his hands, which might be literally true of David. It is in the Hebrew text, "a bow of brass"; and so Apollinarius renders it; which Kimchi and Ben Melech interpret strong iron, that is, steel; and so the Targum; see Job 20:24; Satan is an archer; his temptations are darts, and fiery ones; and his strong bow may be said to be broken by the arms of faith, when his temptations, under the influence of divine grace, are repelled and rendered ineffectual; and especially his bow was broken by Christ, not only in the wilderness, when he was vanquished by him; but in the garden, and on the cross, when Satan could find nothing in him, and get no other advantage over him, but to bruise his heel; when he himself had his head broke, his works ruined, and he himself destroyed. Some render the words, "mine arms have bent a bow of steel": that is, such skill and strength were given him that he was able to bend, draw, and shoot a bow or steel: the Targum is, "and hath strengthened mine arm as a bow of brass", or "steel"; and so the Syriac and Arabic versions; and to the same purpose the Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, and Ethiopic versions; or it may be rendered, "my arms have bent", or "made to descend o, a bow of brass"; for when a bow is bent, the horns or corners of it are made to descend towards a man.

Gill: Psa 18:35 - -- Thou hast given me the shield of thy salvation,.... Meaning either temporal salvation, which was a shield to him when he had no outward one, as when h...

Thou hast given me the shield of thy salvation,.... Meaning either temporal salvation, which was a shield to him when he had no outward one, as when he fought with Goliath; and was what preserved him in all his battles at other times: or spiritual salvation, which is of the Lord, of his contriving, effecting:, and applying, and in which his glory is concerned; interest in which is a free gift of his, as are the knowledge, application, and possession of it; and this is as a shield, which saves from sin, from all sin, and the damning power of it; keeps off the curses of the law, secures from wrath to come, and repels Satan's temptations; the words may be applied to Christ, who, though he was not saved from dying, yet was preserved in the day of salvation, and was not suffered to see corruption in the grave, and was quickly delivered from the power and dominion of it;

and thy right hand hath holden me up; Christ may be said to be the right hand of God, being as dear to him as his right hand; and being exalted at it; and because by him he communicates all good things to his people, and with him upholds and sustains them; or else it designs the mighty power of God, which is often signified by it, Psa 20:6; and may be understood of the sustentation of David, both in a providential way, with respect to his being, the preservation of it, the supplies of life, and support in times of trouble and distress; and in a spiritual sense, maintaining the principle of grace in him, furnishing him with fresh supplies of grace, and bearing him up under and through every temptation and exercise; so upholding him that he stood firm in the true grace of God, in the exercise of it implanted, and in the doctrine of grace, so as to go forward in the ways of God, and follow hard after him, and so as not to fall and utterly perish; and which is true of all the saints; see Psa 63:8. The words may be interpreted of Christ, who, as man and Mediator, as God's righteous servant, was upheld by him, so that he failed not, nor was he discouraged; the hand of the Lord was established with him, and his arm also strengthened him, Isa 42:1; this clause is not in 2Sa 22:36;

and thy gentleness hath made me great; David was very mean and low by his birth and occupation, and while persecuted by Saul; but God of his grace and goodness, of his sovereign good will and pleasure, raised him to an high estate, set him on the throne of Israel, and gave him honour among and above the kings of the earth; so Kimchi interprets the word for "gentleness" by "goodness" or "merciful" kindness; R. Jonah by "providence"; and R. Isaac explains it "thy help and good will"; and all shows that his greatness was not owing to his merits, but to the providential goodness of God; and his special grace and mercy in Christ Jesus made him still greater, even a child of God, an heir of God, a joint heir with Christ, a King and a Priest unto God; gave him a right unto and a meetness for a crown of glory, an everlasting kingdom, an eternal inheritance, as it does all the saints. The words may be rendered, "thy humility hath made me great" p; which may be understood either of God's humbling himself to look upon him in his low estate, and to raise him to such honour and dignity as he did, both in a temporal and spiritual sense; see Psa 113:6; or of the humility which he had in himself from God, as Aben Ezra interprets it; of which grace God is the author; it is a fruit of the Spirit; which he takes great notice of, gives more grace to them that have it, and exalts them, as he did David, who was mean and low in his own eyes. The Septuagint, and those versions which follow that, render it "thy discipline" or "correction": and so may design the gentleness and lenity of God in chastising his people, which is always in measure and in judgment, and for their good; whereby he increases grace in them, and trains them up for, and brings them to his kingdom and glory. The Chaldee paraphrase is, "by thy word thou hast increased me"; it may not be improperly interpreted of Christ, who was very low in his estate of humiliation on earth, but is now highly exalted, and crowned with glory and honour; who first endured great sufferings, and then entered into his glory.

Gill: Psa 18:36 - -- Thou hast enlarged my steps under me,.... Which is opposed to those straitened circumstances in which the psalmist was, Psa 18:4; and is expressive of...

Thou hast enlarged my steps under me,.... Which is opposed to those straitened circumstances in which the psalmist was, Psa 18:4; and is expressive of deliverance from his enemies, by whom he was surrounded, besieged, and shut up; see Psa 31:8; and of freedom of walking at large, without being straitened for room, or interrupted by others, Pro 4:12; and of safety in standing; all which is true in a spiritual sense of believers in Christ, who being delivered by him out of the hands of their enemies, serve the Lord without fear in righteousness and holiness; walk at liberty by faith in Christ, and up and down in the name of the Lord their God; and have their feet established upon the Rock of ages, that sure and large foundation, Christ, from which there is no danger of slipping and falling; as follows;

that my feet did not slip; so as to fall and perish; for sometimes the steps of the saints are well nigh slipped; yea, in some sense they stumble; slip, and fall, but not so as to be utterly cast down and perish eternally; the bottom on which they are is so broad, and the foundation so sure, that it is not possible they should. The words will bear to be applied to Christ, who was in very pressed and straitened circumstances, when beset with the bulls of Bashan, encompassed with dogs, and enclosed with the assembly of the wicked; and was in slippery places, when he sunk in deep mire where there is no standing, Psa 22:12; but now being delivered from all this, he is brought, as in Psa 18:19, into a large place, into heaven, and made higher than the heavens, and is set down at the right hand of God, from whence he can never be moved.

Gill: Psa 18:37 - -- I have pursued mine enemies, and overtaken them,.... Which may refer to David's pursuing the Amalekites, who overtook them and recovered all they had ...

I have pursued mine enemies, and overtaken them,.... Which may refer to David's pursuing the Amalekites, who overtook them and recovered all they had carried away, 1Sa 30:8; so Kimchi explains it;

neither did I turn again till they were consumed; for not a man escaped, save four hundred young men that rode on camels and fled, Psa 18:17.

Gill: Psa 18:38 - -- I have wounded them, that they were not able to rise,.... Which was not only true of the Amalekites, but of all with whom David engaged in war; the...

I have wounded them, that they were not able to rise,.... Which was not only true of the Amalekites, but of all with whom David engaged in war;

they are fallen under my feet; either dead, or become subject and tributaries to him; as the Philistines, Moabites, Syrians, and Edomites; see 2Sa 8:1. This, with Psa 18:37, may very well be accommodated to David's antitype, and be expressive of the entire victory he has obtained over all his and his people's enemies; he wounded the heads over many countries, Psa 110:6. Satan and his principalities and powers, whose head is broke, whose works are destroyed; yea, he himself, which had the power of death, so as not to be able to rise more against Christ, who has led captivity captive: he has also finished and made an end of sin, and overcome the world; nor did he turn back from this work he engaged in until he had made a complete conquest; and moreover he has likewise made his people more than conquerors, through him, over these same enemies; so that the words are also applicable to them.

Gill: Psa 18:39 - -- For thou hast girded me with strength unto battle,.... See Psa 18:32; that natural strength, courage and valour, which David had, were from the Lord; ...

For thou hast girded me with strength unto battle,.... See Psa 18:32; that natural strength, courage and valour, which David had, were from the Lord; and so is the Spirit of power, love, and of a sound mind, which believers have; and likewise that strength which Christ, as man, had and used in his combat with the powers of darkness; see Psa 80:17;

thou hast subdued under me those that rose up against me; as the psalmist ascribes his strength, so he attributes his success to the Lord; who likewise subdues the sins of his people, and all other enemies of theirs, and who also makes the enemies of his Son his footstool, Psa 110:1.

Gill: Psa 18:40 - -- Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies,.... Either to slay them, or to trample or put a yoke upon them; or rather the sense is, thou hast m...

Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies,.... Either to slay them, or to trample or put a yoke upon them; or rather the sense is, thou hast made them to fly before me, to turn their necks or backs unto me, as the word is used in Jos 7:8; and it is expressive of an utter rout and vanquishing of them;

that I might destroy them that hate me; they not being able to face him and stand against him.

Gill: Psa 18:41 - -- They cried, but there was none to save them,.... It is in 2Sa 22:42; "they looked"; that is, they looked round about, here and there, to see if ther...

They cried, but there was none to save them,.... It is in 2Sa 22:42; "they looked"; that is, they looked round about, here and there, to see if there were any near at hand to help and deliver them; they cried in their distress, and because of the anguish of their spirits, and for help and assistance, but in vain; they cried, as Jarchi thinks, to their idols, as Jonah's mariners cried everyone to their god; and, if so, it is no wonder there was none to save; for such are gods that cannot save: but it follows,

even unto the Lord, but he answered them not; as Saul, for instance, 1Sa 28:6; so God deals with wicked men, often by way of righteous retaliation; see Pro 1:28.

Gill: Psa 18:42 - -- Then did I beat them small, as the dust before the wind,.... They being given up by God, and he not answering to their cries; the phrase denotes the u...

Then did I beat them small, as the dust before the wind,.... They being given up by God, and he not answering to their cries; the phrase denotes the utter ruin and destruction of them, and represents their case as desperate and irrecoverable; being, as it were, pounded to dust, and that driven away with the wind: just as the destruction of the four monarchies is signified by the iron, clay, brass, silver, and gold, being broken to pieces, and made like the chaff of the summer threshing floor, and carried away with the wind, so that no place is found for them any more, Dan 2:35;

I did cast them out as the dirt of the streets; expressing indignation and contempt: in 2Sa 22:43; it is, "I did stamp them as the mire of the street, and did, spread them abroad"; which also denotes the low and miserable condition to which they were reduced, and the entire conquest made of them, and triumph over them; see Isa 10:6; compare with this 2Sa 12:31.

Gill: Psa 18:43 - -- Thou hast delivered me from the strivings of the people,.... In 2Sa 22:44, it is read "my people", meaning the people of Israel; either Saul and his m...

Thou hast delivered me from the strivings of the people,.... In 2Sa 22:44, it is read "my people", meaning the people of Israel; either Saul and his men, who contended with David, and sought his life; or rather the tribes of Israel, who, after Saul's death, refused to acknowledge David as their king, but afterwards came and anointed him in Hebron. The words may very well be interpreted of the contentions of the Scribes and Pharisees with Christ, and of the opposition from sinners, which he for a while endured, but is now delivered from them all;

and thou hast made me the head of the Heathen; which, if understood of David, refers to the Philistines, Syrians, Moabites, and Edomites, being subdued by him, and becoming tributaries to him, 2Sa 8:1. But it best agrees with Christ, who is the head of his chosen ones among the Gentiles; the political head, King, and Governor of them, the Heathen being given him for his inheritance and possession; and which appeared in the first ages of Christianity, when the Gospel was first preached to the Gentiles by the apostles; and still continues, and will be more clearly seen in the latter day, when the Lord shall be King over all the earth. Christ was made the head of the Heathen, by the appointment and designation of his Father; and, in fact, was so when multitudes from among the Gentiles were converted and brought to the obedience of him. In 2Sa 22:44 it is, "thou hast kept me to be head of the Heathen"; which does not seem so much to intend the designation and constitution of him as such, but the continuation of him; and denotes the stability of his government in the Gentile world, of which there will be no end;

a people whom I have not known shall serve me; by whom are meant the Gentiles, who were not the people of God, were without Christ and without God, and without hope in the world: not that there are any people that can be unknown to Christ, as he is the omniscient God; nor were these unknown to him, in such sense as reprobates, nominal professors, and foolish virgins, are said not to be known by him, Mat 7:23. For these people among the Heathen, who are or shall be brought to serve the Lord, are such who were the objects of his love and delight from everlasting; were in his Father's choice and in his own, and in the gift of his Father to him, and in the covenant of his grace; and therefore must be known by him; moreover, they are the purchase of his blood; and the sheep he knows, for whom he has laid down his life, and of whom he has such an exact and particular knowledge, that he can and does call them by name. But the sense is, these seemed not to be taken notice of and cared for by Christ; they were not owned and acknowledged by him as his people; the Jews were distinguished from all others; they only had the law, the word of God, and his ordinances; the Gentiles were suffered to walk in their own ways; they were neglected, and the times of their ignorance were overlooked and disregarded; so that they were treated as a people that were not known for many hundreds of years: but here it is predicted, that when the Gospel should come among them, and they be called by it, they should "serve" the Lord in righteousness and true holiness, with reverence and godly fear, from a principle of love, in his name and strength, and to his glory; see Isa 55:4.

Gill: Psa 18:44 - -- As soon as they hear of me they shall obey me,.... That is, as soon as they should hear of Christ, through the preaching of the word, by which faith w...

As soon as they hear of me they shall obey me,.... That is, as soon as they should hear of Christ, through the preaching of the word, by which faith would come, they should readily and at once receive, embrace, and profess the Gospel, and yield a cheerful submission to the ordinances of it; and which has had its accomplishment among the Gentiles, Act 28:28;

the strangers shall submit themselves unto me; meaning either the same persons as before; the Gentiles, who were aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenant of promise, who should submit to Christ, to his Gospel, to his righteousness, and to the sceptre of his kingdom; though some interpret it of the degenerate Jews, "the sons of the stranger", as the words may be rendered; who, though called the children of God, and the children of the kingdom, yet were, as our Lord says, of their father the devil; and these, some of them, in a flattering and dissembling way, feigned themselves to be the followers and disciples of Christ: and, indeed, it looks as if hypocrites were intended, whether among Jews or Gentiles, or both, since the word here used, and rendered "submit", signifies to "lie"; and so it is in the metaphrase of Apollinarius; or, as in the margin of some Bibles, to "yield a feigned obedience"; see Psa 66:3. There seems to be an allusion to the conquest of nations, some of the inhabitants of which readily and heartily submit, but others only feignedly, and through fear, and the force of superior power they cannot withstand.

Gill: Psa 18:45 - -- The strangers shall fade away,.... Like the leaves of trees in autumn, when they fall and perish; to which hypocrites and nominal professors are compa...

The strangers shall fade away,.... Like the leaves of trees in autumn, when they fall and perish; to which hypocrites and nominal professors are compared, Jud 1:12;

and be afraid out of their close places; their towers and fortified places, or the rocks and mountains to which they betake themselves for shelter; but, as not thinking themselves safe enough, through fear and dread, come out of them; see Mic 7:17. Some Jewish writers q interpret the words, they shall halt or be lame; that is, because of the chains put upon their feet: and so they are expressive of the conquest made of them. The word in the Arabic language signifies to "come out"; and may be so rendered here, and "come out": in 2Sa 22:46; it is, "they shall gird themselves", or "come out girt".

Gill: Psa 18:46 - -- The Lord liveth, and blessed be my Rock,.... This, with what follows, is the concluding part of the psalm, which ends with a celebration of the Divin...

The Lord liveth, and blessed be my Rock,.... This, with what follows, is the concluding part of the psalm, which ends with a celebration of the Divine Being, and with thankfulness for mercies received from him. The psalmist praises him on account of what he is in himself, what he was to him, and had done for him: in himself he is the living God, "the Lord liveth": he has life in himself, essentially, originally, and independently; and is the fountain and author of life to all others, even to all creatures that have life, whether rational or irrational: he is the giver of natural life to all men, and the supporter of it; and of spiritual and eternal life to his chosen people; and he continues to live, and ever will; wherefore the saints may conclude that their life in every sense is safe and secure. Some render the phrase, by way of wish, "may the Lord live" r; but then it must be understood only that he would show himself more abundantly to be the living God, and that he might be acknowledged so by others. The next clauses are by way of petition; "and blessed be my Rock"; on which he was built and established, to which he betook himself in times of distress, which was his place of defence, and from whence he had a supply; wherefore he desires he might be blessed, not by invoking or conferring a blessing on him, neither of which can be; there being none greater than he to call upon, and he being "Elshaddai", God all sufficient, and in no need of any; but by declaring his blessedness, by celebrating his greatness and goodness, and by ascribing blessing and honour and glory to him;

and let the God of my salvation be exalted; God was the God of his salvation in a temporal sense, saving him daily from his many enemies; and in a spiritual sense, being the contriver, author, and applier of it to him; on which account he would have him be exalted both by himself, and in the high praises of his people; ascribing the whole of salvation to him, and giving him all the glory of it. Some render the words, "the God of my salvation is high" s; he is the most high God, the high and lofty One that inhabits eternity, and is above all others. In 2Sa 22:47 the words are read, "and exalted be the God of the Rock of my salvation".

Gill: Psa 18:47 - -- It is God that avengeth me,.... Or "gives vengeance unto me", or "for me" t: vengeance only belongs to God, and he repays it for and in behalf of his...

It is God that avengeth me,.... Or "gives vengeance unto me", or "for me" t: vengeance only belongs to God, and he repays it for and in behalf of his people. Private revenge is not to be exercised by any; public vengeance on delinquents may be exercised by the civil magistrate, to whom God gives power and authority to exercise it, Rom 13:4; as he did to David, as king of Israel; though the phrase rather seems to design the victories which he obtained over his enemies, which were punishments to them, vengeances inflicted on them; and owing to God; so the acceptable year of the Messiah's coming, and the time of his people redeemed by him, is called the day of vengeance of our God, both on his and their enemies, Isa 61:2;

and subdueth the people under me; the Edomites, Moabites, and others, as in 2Sa 8:1, or the Gentiles under Christ; See Gill on Psa 18:39;

Gill: Psa 18:48 - -- He delivereth me from mine enemies,.... From Saul and his men, from Ishbosheth and Abner, from Absalom, and the conspirators with him; so all believer...

He delivereth me from mine enemies,.... From Saul and his men, from Ishbosheth and Abner, from Absalom, and the conspirators with him; so all believers are delivered out of the hands of their enemies by Christ, as that they can serve the Lord without fear; and so Christ himself is delivered from all his enemies, being raised from the dead, and set at the right hand of God, where he must reign till all enemies are put under his feet;

yea, thou liftest me up above those that rise up against me; David was lifted up from a low and mean estate, and placed on the throne of Israel, above all those that rose up against him, and sought to destroy him; and the saints are set upon their high places in Christ, where they are out of the reach of their enemies to do them any harm; and Christ, he is highly exalted at the right hand of God, above all principality and power, might and dominion, and every name that is named in this world;

thou hast delivered me from the violent man; either from Saul, from whom David was delivered; or from Satan the enemy, the son of wickedness, who shall no more exact upon and afflict the Messiah, Psa 89:21. The Chaldee paraphrase says, from Gog; as the saints will be delivered from antichrist, the man of sin, and son of perdition, who will be destroyed with the breath of Christ's mouth.

Gill: Psa 18:49 - -- Therefore will I give thanks unto thee, O Lord, among the Heathen,.... These words are cited by the apostle, in Rom 15:9; and applied to the conversio...

Therefore will I give thanks unto thee, O Lord, among the Heathen,.... These words are cited by the apostle, in Rom 15:9; and applied to the conversion of the Gentiles, which is manifestly prophesied of in some preceding verses of this psalm: there it is rendered, "I will confess to thee among the Gentiles"; and designs not confession of sin, nor profession of the truth, but an acknowledgment of unworthiness, joined with thankfulness for mercies received; done in the most public manner, not only in the congregation of the righteous, but before the Heathen conquered by him; owning before them all, that the victories he had obtained over them were not to be ascribed to his arm and sword, but to the power of the Lord;

and sing praises unto thy name; which is comely for the saints to do, and which Jesus Christ himself did, in the great congregation of his disciples, and among the Gentiles, by his apostles, and others, on the account of the conversion of them.

Gill: Psa 18:50 - -- Great deliverance giveth he to his king,.... Not that is king over him; for he is King of kings and Lord of lords; but that is made king by him, as Da...

Great deliverance giveth he to his king,.... Not that is king over him; for he is King of kings and Lord of lords; but that is made king by him, as David was; who did not usurp the throne, but was anointed king by the appointment of God, and was placed by him upon the throne; to whom he gave great deliverance from his enemies, or "magnified salvations" to him; which were great in kind, and many in number; and as Christ is, whom God has set as his King on his holy hill of Sion, against whom the Heathen raged, and kings and princes set themselves; but he is delivered from them all, and saved from the power of death and the grave, and ever lives to reign over, protect, and defend his people; in 2Sa 22:51, it is, he is "the tower of salvation for his king", with which compare Pro 18:10;

and showeth mercy to his anointed, to David, and to his seed for evermore; which may be understood either of David literally, who was the Lord's anointed, and to whom God showed mercy in various instances; and then by his seed is meant the Messiah, who was of his seed according to the flesh; or of the Messiah, whose name signifies Anointed; and who is often called David, Eze 34:23, Hos 3:5; and so some of the Jewish doctors u from this verse prove that the name of the Messiah is David: and by his seed are meant his spiritual seed; all the elect of God, who are given him as his children, to whom he stands in the relation of the everlasting Father: and as mercy is kept with him for evermore, Psa 89:28; so it is shown to them in regeneration, in the forgiveness of their sins, and in their everlasting salvation.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Psa 18:28 Heb “my darkness.”

NET Notes: Psa 18:29 I can jump over a wall. The psalmist uses hyperbole to emphasize his God-given military superiority.

NET Notes: Psa 18:30 Take shelter. See the note on the word “shelter” in v. 2.

NET Notes: Psa 18:31 The rhetorical questions anticipate the answer, “No one.” In this way the psalmist indicates that the Lord is the only true God and reliab...

NET Notes: Psa 18:32 Heb “he made my path smooth.” The Hebrew term תָּמִים (tamim, “smooth”) usually carr...

NET Notes: Psa 18:33 Habakkuk uses similar language to describe his faith during difficult times. See Hab 3:19.

NET Notes: Psa 18:34 The strongest bow (Heb “bow of bronze”) probably refers to a bow laminated with bronze strips, or to a purely ceremonial or decorative bow...

NET Notes: Psa 18:35 Heb “makes me great.”

NET Notes: Psa 18:36 Heb “lower legs.” On the meaning of the Hebrew noun, which occurs only here, see H. R. Cohen, Biblical Hapax Legomena (SBLDS), 112. A cogn...

NET Notes: Psa 18:37 2 Sam 22:38 reads “destroy.”

NET Notes: Psa 18:38 They fall at my feet. For ancient Near Eastern parallels, see O. Keel, The Symbolism of the Biblical World, 294-97.

NET Notes: Psa 18:39 My foes kneel before me. For ancient Near Eastern parallels, see R. B. Chisholm, “An Exegetical and Theological Study of Psalm 18/2 Samuel 22...

NET Notes: Psa 18:40 Those who hate me. See v. 17, where it is the Lord who delivered the psalmist from those who hated him.

NET Notes: Psa 18:41 They cry out. This reference to the psalmist’s enemies crying out for help to the Lord suggests that the psalmist refers here to enemies within ...

NET Notes: Psa 18:42 Or “mud.”

NET Notes: Psa 18:43 Heb “a people whom I did not know serve me.” In this context “know” (יָדַע, yada’) probabl...

NET Notes: Psa 18:44 For the meaning “be weak, powerless” for כָּחַשׁ (kakhash), see Ps 109:24. The next line (see v....

NET Notes: Psa 18:45 Heb “their prisons.” The besieged cities of the foreigners are compared to prisons.

NET Notes: Psa 18:46 The words “as king” are supplied in the translation for clarification. Elsewhere in the psalms the verb רוּם (rum,...

NET Notes: Psa 18:47 Heb “he subdues nations beneath me.” On the meaning of the verb דָּבַר (davar, “subdue,” a...

NET Notes: Psa 18:48 Heb “from those who rise against me.”

NET Notes: Psa 18:49 Heb “to your name.” God’s “name” refers metonymically to his divine characteristics as suggested by his name, in this ca...

NET Notes: Psa 18:50 If David is the author of the psalm (see the superscription), then he here anticipates that God will continue to demonstrate loyalty to his descendant...

Geneva Bible: Psa 18:29 For by thee I have ( x ) run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall. ( x ) He attributes it to God that he both got the victory in ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 18:30 [As for] God, his way [is] perfect: the ( y ) word of the LORD is tried: he [is] a buckler to all those that trust in him. ( y ) No matter how great ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 18:32 [It is] God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my ( z ) way perfect. ( z ) He gives good success to all my enterprises.

Geneva Bible: Psa 18:33 He maketh my feet like hinds' [feet], and setteth me upon my ( a ) high places. ( a ) As towers and forts, which he took out of the hands of God's en...

Geneva Bible: Psa 18:35 Thou hast also given me the ( b ) shield of thy salvation: and thy right hand hath holden me up, and thy ( c ) gentleness hath made me great. ( b ) T...

Geneva Bible: Psa 18:37 ( d ) I have pursued mine enemies, and overtaken them: neither did I turn again till they were consumed. ( d ) David declares that he did nothing bes...

Geneva Bible: Psa 18:40 Thou hast also ( e ) given me the necks of mine enemies; that I might destroy them that hate me. ( e ) You have given them to my hands to be slain.

Geneva Bible: Psa 18:41 They ( f ) cried, but [there was] none to save [them: even] unto the LORD, but he answered them not. ( f ) They who reject the cry of the afflicted, ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 18:43 Thou hast delivered me from the strivings of the people; [and] thou hast made me the head of the ( g ) heathen: a people [whom] I have not ( h ) known...

Geneva Bible: Psa 18:44 As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me: the strangers shall ( i ) submit themselves unto me. ( i ) Or lie: signifying a subjection constraine...

Geneva Bible: Psa 18:45 The strangers shall ( k ) fade away, and be afraid out of their close places. ( k ) Fear will cause them to be afraid and come forth from their secre...

Geneva Bible: Psa 18:48 He delivereth me from mine enemies: yea, thou liftest me up above those that rise up against me: thou hast delivered me from the ( l ) violent man. (...

Geneva Bible: Psa 18:49 Therefore will ( m ) I give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the heathen, and sing praises unto thy name. ( m ) This prophecy belongs to the kingdom o...

Geneva Bible: Psa 18:50 Great deliverance giveth he to his king; and sheweth mercy to his anointed, to David, and to his ( n ) seed for evermore. ( n ) This did not properly...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Psa 18:1-50 - --1 David praises God for his manifold and marvellous blessings.

MHCC: Psa 18:20-28 - --Those that forsake the ways of the Lord, depart from their God. But though conscious to ourselves of many a false step, let there not be a wicked depa...

MHCC: Psa 18:29-50 - --When we praise for one mercy, we must observe the many more, with which we have been compassed all our days. Many things had contributed to David's ad...

Matthew Henry: Psa 18:20-28 - -- Here, I. David reflects with comfort upon his own integrity, and rejoices in the testimony of his conscience that he had had his conversation in god...

Matthew Henry: Psa 18:29-50 - -- In these verses, I. David looks back, with thankfulness, upon the great things which God had done for him. He had not only wrought deliverance for h...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 18:28-30 - -- (Heb.: 18:29-31) The confirmation of what has been asserted is continued by David's application of it to himself. Hitzig translates the futures in ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 18:31-34 - -- (Heb.: 18:32-35) The grateful description of the tokens of favour he has experienced takes a new flight, and is continued in the second half of the...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 18:35-36 - -- (Heb.: 18:36-37) Yet it is not the brazen bow in itself that makes him victorious, but the helpful strength of his God. "Shield of Thy salvation"is...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 18:37-40 - -- (Heb.: 18:38-41) Thus in God's strength, with the armour of God, and by God's assistance in fight, he smote, cast down, and utterly destroyed all h...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 18:41-42 - -- (Heb.: 18:42-43) Their prayer to their gods, wrung from them by their distress, and even to Jahve, was in vain, because it was for their cause, and...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 18:43-45 - -- (Heb.: 18:44-46) Thus victorious in God, David became what he now is, viz., the ruler of a great kingdom firmly established both in home and foreig...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 18:46-48 - -- (Heb.: 18:47-49) The hymn now draws towards the end with praise and thanksgiving for the multitude of God's mighty deeds, which have just been disp...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 18:49-50 - -- (Heb.: 18:50-51) The praise of so blessed a God, who acts towards David as He has promised him, shall not be confined within the narrow limits of I...

Constable: Psa 18:1-50 - --Psalm 18 As the title indicates, David wrote this psalm after he had subdued his political enemies and h...

Constable: Psa 18:3-28 - --2. God's deliverance 18:4-29 In this extended section David reviewed how God had saved him in times of danger. In verses 4-19 he described God's super...

Constable: Psa 18:29-49 - --3. God's blessings 18:30-50 The psalmist rejoiced over God's character and His blessings to him (vv. 30-45), and he vowed to continue to praise Him fo...

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Commentary -- Other

Evidence: Psa 18:30 A perfect God gave a perfect Law that demands that we live up to its perfection. He makes us perfect in Christ ( Col 1:28 ). See Psa 18:32 .

Evidence: Psa 18:39 We must run to the battle for the souls of men. Our aim is not to kill, but to make alive. Men have rushed into battle merely to obtain dirt. Many hav...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Hebrew title of this book is Tehilim ("praises" or "hymns"), for a leading feature in its contents is praise, though the word occurs in the title ...

JFB: Psalms (Outline) ALEPH. (Psa 119:1-8). This celebrated Psalm has several peculiarities. It is divided into twenty-two parts or stanzas, denoted by the twenty-two let...

TSK: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Psalms have been the general song of the universal Church; and in their praise, all the Fathers have been unanimously eloquent. Men of all nation...

TSK: Psalms 18 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Psa 18:1, David praises God for his manifold and marvellous blessings. Psa 36:1 *title Psa 116:16; 2Sam. 22:1-51; Act 13:36; Heb 3:5

Poole: Psalms (Book Introduction) OF PSALMS THE ARGUMENT The divine authority of this Book of PSALMS is so certain and evident, that it was never questioned in the church; which b...

Poole: Psalms 18 (Chapter Introduction) THE ARGUMENT This Psalm, with some few and small variations, is written 2Sa 22 . It was composed by David towards the end of his reign and life upo...

MHCC: Psalms (Book Introduction) David was the penman of most of the psalms, but some evidently were composed by other writers, and the writers of some are doubtful. But all were writ...

MHCC: Psalms 18 (Chapter Introduction) (v. 1-19) David rejoices in the deliverances God wrought for him. (Psa 18:20-28) He takes the comfort of his integrity, which God had cleared up. (v...

Matthew Henry: Psalms (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of Psalms We have now before us one of the choicest and most excellent parts of all the Old Te...

Matthew Henry: Psalms 18 (Chapter Introduction) This psalm we met with before, in the history of David's life, 2 Sa. 22. That was the first edition of it; here we have it revived, altered a littl...

Constable: Psalms (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book in the Hebrew Bible is Tehillim, which means...

Constable: Psalms (Outline) Outline I. Book 1: chs. 1-41 II. Book 2: chs. 42-72 III. Book 3: chs. 73...

Constable: Psalms Psalms Bibliography Allen, Ronald B. "Evidence from Psalm 89." In A Case for Premillennialism: A New Consensus,...

Haydock: Psalms (Book Introduction) THE BOOK OF PSALMS. INTRODUCTION. The Psalms are called by the Hebrew, Tehillim; that is, hymns of praise. The author, of a great part of ...

Gill: Psalms (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALMS The title of this book may be rendered "the Book of Praises", or "Hymns"; the psalm which our Lord sung at the passover is c...

Gill: Psalms 18 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALM 18 To the chief Musician, a Psalm of David. This is the same with that in 2Sa 22:1, with some variations, omissions, and alte...

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