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Text -- Psalms 68:1-5 (NET)

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Psalm 68
68:1 For the music director; by David, a psalm, a song. God springs into action! His enemies scatter; his adversaries run from him. 68:2 As smoke is driven away by the wind, so you drive them away. As wax melts before fire, so the wicked are destroyed before God. 68:3 But the godly are happy; they rejoice before God and are overcome with joy. 68:4 Sing to God! Sing praises to his name! Exalt the one who rides on the clouds! For the Lord is his name! Rejoice before him! 68:5 He is a father to the fatherless and an advocate for widows. God rules from his holy palace.
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · David a son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel,son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Widow | Wicked | Wax | TEXT OF THE OLD TESTAMENT | Prayer | Praise | PSALMS, BOOK OF | PHILOSOPHY | PAPYRUS | Orphan | Music | Joy | JAH | God | Face | FATHERLESS | FATHER | Children | COMFORTLESS | Ark | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Psa 68:4 - -- Is an abbreviation of the name Jehovah, which the Heathens pronounced Jao.

Is an abbreviation of the name Jehovah, which the Heathens pronounced Jao.

Wesley: Psa 68:4 - -- Before the ark where he is present, as David is said to dance before the Lord, upon this occasion, 2Sa 6:14.

Before the ark where he is present, as David is said to dance before the Lord, upon this occasion, 2Sa 6:14.

Wesley: Psa 68:5 - -- In heaven.

In heaven.

JFB: Psa 68:1-3 - -- This is a Psalm-song (see on Psa 30:1, title), perhaps suggested by David's victories, which secured his throne and gave rest to the nation. In genera...

This is a Psalm-song (see on Psa 30:1, title), perhaps suggested by David's victories, which secured his throne and gave rest to the nation. In general terms, the judgment of God on the wicked, and the equity and goodness of His government to the pious, are celebrated. The sentiment is illustrated by examples of God's dealings, cited from the Jewish history and related in highly poetical terms. Hence the writer intimates an expectation of equal and even greater triumphs and summons all nations to unite in praises of the God of Israel. The Psalm is evidently typical of the relation which God, in the person of His Son, sustains to the Church (compare Psa 68:18). (Psa. 68:1-35)

Compare Num 10:35; Psa 1:4; Psa 22:14, on the figures here used.

JFB: Psa 68:1-3 - -- As in Psa 68:2, from His presence, as dreaded; but in Psa 68:3, in His presence, as under His protection (Psa 61:7).

As in Psa 68:2, from His presence, as dreaded; but in Psa 68:3, in His presence, as under His protection (Psa 61:7).

JFB: Psa 68:3 - -- All truly pious, whether of Israel or not.

All truly pious, whether of Israel or not.

JFB: Psa 68:4 - -- Literally, "cast up for Him who rideth in the deserts," or "wilderness" (compare Psa 68:7), alluding to the poetical representation of His leading His...

Literally, "cast up for Him who rideth in the deserts," or "wilderness" (compare Psa 68:7), alluding to the poetical representation of His leading His people in the wilderness as a conqueror, before whom a way is to be prepared, or "cast up" (compare Isa 40:3; Isa 62:10).

JFB: Psa 68:4 - -- Or, "Jehovah," of which it is a contraction (Exo 15:3; Isa 12:2) (Hebrew).

Or, "Jehovah," of which it is a contraction (Exo 15:3; Isa 12:2) (Hebrew).

JFB: Psa 68:4 - -- Or, "perfections" (Psa 9:10; Psa 20:1), which--

Or, "perfections" (Psa 9:10; Psa 20:1), which--

JFB: Psa 68:5-6 - -- Are illustrated by the protection to the helpless, vindication of the innocent, and punishment of rebels, ascribed to Him.

Are illustrated by the protection to the helpless, vindication of the innocent, and punishment of rebels, ascribed to Him.

Clarke: Psa 68:1 - -- Let God arise - This was sung when the Levites took up the ark upon their shoulders; see Num 10:35-36 (note), and the notes there.

Let God arise - This was sung when the Levites took up the ark upon their shoulders; see Num 10:35-36 (note), and the notes there.

Clarke: Psa 68:4 - -- Extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name Jah - " Extol him who sitteth on the throne of glory, in the ninth heaven; Yah is his name; and r...

Extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name Jah - " Extol him who sitteth on the throne of glory, in the ninth heaven; Yah is his name; and rejoice before him."- Targum

בערבות baaraboth , which we render in the high heavens, is here of doubtful signification. As it comes from the root ערב arab , to mingle, (hence ereb the evening or twilight, because it appears to be formed of an equal mixture of light and darkness; the Septuagint translate it dusmwn, the west, or setting of the sun; so does the Vulgate and others); probably it may mean the gloomy desert, through which God, in the chariot of his glory, led the Israelites. If this interpretation do not please, then let it be referred to the darkness in which God is said to dwell, through which the rays of his power and love, in the various dispensations of his power and mercy, shine forth for the comfort and instruction of mankind

Clarke: Psa 68:4 - -- By his name Jah - יה Yah , probably a contraction of the word יהוה Yehovah ; at least so the ancient Versions understood it. It is used but...

By his name Jah - יה Yah , probably a contraction of the word יהוה Yehovah ; at least so the ancient Versions understood it. It is used but in a few places in the sacred writings. It might be translated The Self existent.

Calvin: Psa 68:1 - -- 1.God shall arise: his enemies shall be scattered In this verse the Psalmist intimates, as it were by way of preface, the subject which he proposed t...

1.God shall arise: his enemies shall be scattered In this verse the Psalmist intimates, as it were by way of preface, the subject which he proposed to treat in the psalm, and which related to the truth that God, however long he may seem to connive at the audacity and cruelty of the enemies of his Church, will eventually arise to avenge it, and will prove himself able to protect it by the mere forth-putting of his hand. I agree with other interpreters in thinking that the sentiment is borrowed from Moses, (Num 10:35) 9 There can be little doubt that in dictating the form of prayer there referred to, he had an eye to the instruction and comfort of all succeeding ages, and would teach the Lord’s people confidently to rely for safety upon the ark of the covenant, which was the visible symbol of the Divine presence. We may notice this difference, however, that Moses addressed the words to God as a prayer, while David rather expresses his satisfaction and delight in what he saw daily fulfilling before his own eyes. Some indeed read, Let God arise; but they appear to misapprehend the scope of the Psalmist. He means to say that observation attested the truth which Moses had declared of God’s needing only to rise up that all his enemies might be scattered before his irresistible power. Yet I see no objections to the other reading, provided the idea now mentioned be retained, and the words be considered as intimating that God needs no array of preparation in overthrowing his enemies, and can dissipate them with a breath. We are left to infer, that when his enemies at any time obtain an ascendancy, it is owing to an exercise of Divine forbearance, and that rage as they may, it is only with his permission; the time being not yet come for his rising. There is much comfort to be derived from the circumstance, that those who persecute the Church are here spoken of as God’s enemies. When he undertakes our defense, he looks upon the injuries done to us as dishonors cast upon his Divine Majesty. The Psalmist adds a striking figure to illustrate how easily God can overthrow the machinations of our enemies, comparing them to smoke which vanishes when blown upon by the wind, or wax which melts before the fire 10 We consider it utterly incredible that such a formidable array of opposition should be made to disappear in a moment. But the Spirit takes this method of chiding the fearfulness of our carnal minds, and teaching us that there is no such strength in our enemies as we suppose, — that we allow the smoke of them to blind our eyes, and the solid mass of resistance which they present to deceive us into a forgetfulness of the truth, that the mountains themselves flow down at the presence of the Lord. 11

Calvin: Psa 68:3 - -- 3.But the righteous shall be glad It is here intimated by David, that when God shows himself formidable to the wicked, this is with the design of sec...

3.But the righteous shall be glad It is here intimated by David, that when God shows himself formidable to the wicked, this is with the design of securing the deliverance of his Church. He would seem indirectly to contrast the joy of which he now speaks with the depression and grief felt by well affected men under the reign of Saul — suggesting, that God succeeds a season of temporary trouble with returns of comfort, to prevent his people from being overwhelmed by despondency. He leaves us also to infer, that one reason of that joy which they experience is derived from knowing that God is propitious to them, and interests himself in their safety. The Hebrew words, מפני , mipne, and לפני , liphne, admit of the same meaning; but I think that the Psalmist intended to note a distinction. The wicked flee from the presence of God, as what inspires them with terror; the righteous again rejoice in it, because nothing delights them more than to think that God is near them. When commenting upon the passage, Psa 18:26, we saw why the Divine presence terrifies some and comforts others; for “with the pure he will show himself pure, and with the froward he will show himself froward.” One expression is heaped by the Psalmist upon another, to show how great the joy of the Lord’s people is, and how entirely it possesses and occupies their affections.

Calvin: Psa 68:4 - -- 4.Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: exalt him 12 that rideth, etc. He now proceeds to call upon the Lord’s people to praise God. And he be...

4.Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: exalt him 12 that rideth, etc. He now proceeds to call upon the Lord’s people to praise God. And he begins by pointing out the grounds in general, as I have already hinted, which they have for this exercise, because he comprehends the whole world under his power and government, adding, that he condescends to take the poorest and the most wretched of our family under his protection. His infinite power is commended, when it is said that he rides upon the clouds, or the heavens, 13 for this proves that he sits superior over all things. The Holy Spirit may signify by the expression, that we should exclude from our minds every thing gross and earthly in the conceptions we form of him; but he would, doubtless, impress us chiefly with an idea of his great power, to produce in us a due reverence, and make us feel how far short all our praises must come of his glory. We would attempt in vain to comprehend heaven and earth; but his glory is greater than both. As to the expression which follows, in Jah, his name, there has been some difference of opinion. The Hebrew preposition ב , beth, may here, as sometimes it is, be a mere expletive, and we may read, Jah is his name 14 Others read, in Jah is his name; 15 and I have no objection to this, though I prefer the translation which I have adopted. It is of less consequence how we construe the words, as the meaning of the Psalmist is obvious. The whole world was at that time filled with the vain idols of superstition, and he would assert the claim of God, and set them aside when he brought forward the God of Israel. But it is not enough that the Lord’s people should bow before him with suppliant spirits. Even the wicked, while they fear and tremble before him, are forced to yield him reverence. David would have them draw near to him with cheerfulness and alacrity; and, accordingly, proceeds to insist upon his transcendent goodness shown in condescending to the orphans and widows. The incomprehensible glory of God does not induce him to remove himself to a distance from us, or prevent him from stooping to us in our lowest depths of wretchedness. There can be no doubt that orphans and widows are named to indicate in general all such as the world are disposed to overlook as unworthy of their regard. Generally we distribute our attentions where we expect some return. We give the preference to rank and splendor, and despise or neglect the poor. When it is said, God is in the habitation of his holiness, this may refer either to heaven or to the temple, for either sense will suit the connection. God does not dwell in heaven to indulge his own ease, but heaven is, as it were, his throne, from which he judges the world. On the other hand, the fact of his having chosen to take up his residence with men, and inviting them familiarly to himself there, is one well fitted to encourage the poor, who are cheered to think that he is not far off from them. In the next verse, other instances of the Divine goodness are mentioned — that he gives the bereaved and solitary a numerous offspring, and releases the bonds of the captive. In the last clause of the verse, he denounces the judgment of God against those who impiously despise him, and this that he might show the Lord’s people the folly of envying their lot as well as strike terror into their minds. The sense of the words is, That we ought to comfort ourselves under the worst afflictions, by reflecting that we are in God’s hand, who can mitigate all our griefs and remove all our burdens. The wicked, on the other hand, may congratulate themselves for a time upon their prosperity, but eventually it will fare ill with them. By dwelling in a dry land, is meant being banished, as it were, to a wilderness, and deprived of the benefits of that fatherly kindness which they had so criminally abused.

Defender: Psa 68:4 - -- This is the only place in the Bible where God is called JAH. The name is probably a contraction of the more common name Jehovah, or Yahweh, usually re...

This is the only place in the Bible where God is called JAH. The name is probably a contraction of the more common name Jehovah, or Yahweh, usually rendered as "Lord," both meaning essentially the self-existent one. JAH never had a beginning. He rides on the "heavens," the vast spaces of the cosmos which He created."

TSK: Psa 68:1 - -- am 2962, bc 1042 (Title), This magnificent and truly sublime ode is supposed, with much probability, to have been composed by David, and sung at the r...

am 2962, bc 1042 (Title), This magnificent and truly sublime ode is supposed, with much probability, to have been composed by David, and sung at the removal of the ark from Kirjath-jearim.

God arise : Psa 7:6, Psa 7:7, Psa 44:26, Psa 78:65-68, Psa 132:8, Psa 132:9; Num 10:35; 2Ch 6:41; Isa 33:3; Isa 42:13, Isa 42:14, Isa 51:9, Isa 51:10

be scattered : Psa 68:14, Psa 68:30, Psa 59:11, Psa 89:10; Isa 41:15, Isa 41:16; Eze 5:2, Eze 12:14, Eze 12:15; Dan 2:35

that hate : Psa 21:8; Exo 20:5; Deu 7:10; Joh 14:23, Joh 14:24

before him : Heb. from his face

TSK: Psa 68:2 - -- As smoke : Psa 37:20; Isa 9:18; Hos 13:3 as wax : Psa 97:5; Isa 64:2; Mic 1:4, in the presence, Psa 76:7, Psa 80:16; Nah 1:5, Nah 1:6; 2Th 1:8, 2Th 1:...

TSK: Psa 68:3 - -- But : Psa 32:11, Psa 33:1, Psa 58:10, Psa 64:10, Psa 97:12; Rev 18:20, Rev 19:7 rejoice : Psa 95:1, Psa 95:2, Psa 98:8, Psa 98:9, Psa 100:1, Psa 100:2...

TSK: Psa 68:4 - -- Sing unto God : Psa 66:4, Psa 67:4; Isa 12:4-6 rideth : Psa 68:33, Psa 18:10, Psa 104:3; Deu 33:26; Isa 19:1 his name : Exo 3:14, Exo 6:3, Exo 6:8 JAH...

Sing unto God : Psa 66:4, Psa 67:4; Isa 12:4-6

rideth : Psa 68:33, Psa 18:10, Psa 104:3; Deu 33:26; Isa 19:1

his name : Exo 3:14, Exo 6:3, Exo 6:8

JAH : יה , JAH , is an abbreviation of יהוה , JEHOVAH and signifies self-existence. - He who derives his being from none, but gives being to all.

TSK: Psa 68:5 - -- A father : Psa 10:14, Psa 10:18, Psa 82:3, Psa 82:4, Psa 146:9; Job 31:16, Job 31:17; Jer 49:11; Hos 14:3 a judge : Psa 72:2, Psa 72:4; Deu 10:18; Job...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Psa 68:1 - -- Let God arise - See the notes at Psa 3:7. There is an obvious reterence here to the words used by Moses on the removal of the ark in Num 10:35....

Let God arise - See the notes at Psa 3:7. There is an obvious reterence here to the words used by Moses on the removal of the ark in Num 10:35. The same language was also employed by Solomon when the ark was removed to the temple, and deposited in the most holy place 2Ch 6:41 :"Now therefore arise, O Lord God, into thy resting place, thou, and the ark of thy strength."It would seem probable, therefore, that this psalm was composed on some such occasion.

Let his enemies be scattered - So in Num 10:35 : "Rise up, Lord, and let thine enemies be scattered; and let them that hate thee flee before thee."The ark was the symbol of the divine presence, and the idea is, that whereever that was, the enemies of God would be subdued, or that it was only by the power of Him who was supposed to reside there that his enemies could be overcome.

Let them also that hate him flee before him - Almost the exact language used by Moses in Num 10:35. It is possible that this may have been used on some occasion when the Hebrews were going out to war; but the more probable supposition is that it is general language designed to illustrate the power of God, or to state that his rising up, at any time, would be followed by the discomfiture of his enemies. The placing of the ark where it was designed to remain permanently would be a proper occasion for suggesting this general truth, that all the enemies of God must be scattered when he rose up in his majesty and power.

Barnes: Psa 68:2 - -- As smoke is driven away - To wit, by the wind. Smoke - vapor - easily disturbed and moved by the slightest breath of air - represents an object...

As smoke is driven away - To wit, by the wind. Smoke - vapor - easily disturbed and moved by the slightest breath of air - represents an object of no stability, or having no power of resistance, and would thus represent the real weakness of the most mighty armies of men as opposed to God.

So drive them away - With the same ease with which smoke is driven by the slightest breeze, so do the enemies of God disappear before his power. Compare the notes at Psa 1:4.

As wax melteth before the fire - Compare Psa 22:14. The meaning here is plain. As wax is melted down by fire - losing all its hardness, its firmness, its power of resistance, so must the most mighty armies melt away before God.

So let the wicked perish at the presence of God - That is, those who rise up against him; his enemies. It will be as easy for God to destroy wicked men as it is for fire to melt down wax.

Barnes: Psa 68:3 - -- But let the righteous be glad - That is, Let them be prosperous and happy; let them be under thy protecting care, and partake of thy favor. Whi...

But let the righteous be glad - That is, Let them be prosperous and happy; let them be under thy protecting care, and partake of thy favor. While the wicked are driven away like smoke, let the righteous live, and flourish, and be safe. Compare Psa 32:11.

Let them rejoice beore God - In the presence of God; or as admitted to his presence. The wicked will be driven far off; the righteous will be admitted to his presence, and will rejoice before him.

Yea, let them exceedingly rejoice - Margin, as in Hebrew, rejoice with gladness. The expression is designed to express great joy; joy that is multiplied and prolonged. It is joy of heart accompanied with all the outward expressions of joy.

Barnes: Psa 68:4 - -- Sing unto God, sing praises to his name - That is, to him; the name being often put for the person himself. The repetition denotes intensity of...

Sing unto God, sing praises to his name - That is, to him; the name being often put for the person himself. The repetition denotes intensity of desire; a wish that God might be praised with the highest praises.

Extol him - The word here rendered "extol"- סלל sâlal - means to lift up, to raise, to raise up, as into a heap or mound; and especially to cast up and prepare a way, or to make a way level before an army by casting up earth; that is, to prepare a way for an army. See the notes at Isa 40:3. Compare also Isa 57:14; Isa 62:10; Job 19:12; Job 30:12, Pro 15:19 (margin); Jer 18:15. This is evidently the idea here. It is not to "extol"God in the sense of praising him; it is to prepare the way before him, as of one marching at the head of his armies, or as a leader of his hosts. The allusion is to God as passing before his people in the march to the promised land; and the call is to make ready the way before him - that is, to remove all obstructions out of his path and to make the road smooth and level.

That rideth - Rather,"that marcheth."There is, indeed, the idea of riding, yet it is not that of "riding upon the heavens,"which is the meaning, but of riding at the head of his hosts on their march.

Upon the heavens - The word used here - ערבה ‛ărābâh - never means either heaven, or the clouds. It properly denotes an arid tract, a sterile region, a desert; and then, a plain. It is rendered desert in Isa 35:1, Isa 35:6; Isa 40:3; Isa 41:19; Isa 51:3; Jer 2:6; Jer 17:6; Jer 50:12; Eze 47:8; and should have been so rendered here. So it is translated by DeWette, Prof. Alexander, and others. The Septuagint renders it, "Make way for him who is riding westward."So the Latin Vulgate. The Chaldee renders it, "Extol him who is seated upon the throne of his glory in the north heaven."The reference, doubtless, is to the passage through the desert over which the Hebrews wandered for forty years. The Hebrew word which is employed here is still applied by the Arabs to that region. The idea is that of Yahweh marching over those deserts at the head of his armies, and the call is to prepare a way for him on his march, compare Psa 68:7-8.

By his name JAH - This refers to his riding or marching at the head of his forces through the desert, in the character described by that name - or, as יה Yâhh ; that is, יהוה Yahweh . Yah (Jah) is an abbreviation of the word Yahweh (Jehovah), which was assumed by God as His special name, Exo 6:3. The word Yahweh is usually rendered, in our version, Lord, printed in small capitals to denote that the original is יהוה Yahweh ; the word itself is retained, however, in Exo 6:3; Psa 83:18; Isa 12:2 (see the notes); and Isa 26:4. The word "Jah"occurs in this place only, in our English translation. It is found in combination, or in certain formulas - as in the phrase Hallelujah, Psa 104:35; Psa 105:45; Psa 106:1. The meaning here is, that God went thus before His people in the character of the true God, or as Yahweh.

And rejoice before him - Or, in His presence. Let there be joy when He thus manifests Himself as the true God. The presence of God is suited to give joy to all the worlds that He has made, or wherever He manifests Himself to His creatures.

Barnes: Psa 68:5 - -- A father of the fatherless - Or, of orphans. Compare Psa 10:14, Psa 10:18. That is, God takes the place of the parent. See Jer 49:11 : "Leave t...

A father of the fatherless - Or, of orphans. Compare Psa 10:14, Psa 10:18. That is, God takes the place of the parent. See Jer 49:11 : "Leave thy fatherless children, I will preserve them alive; and let thy widows trust in me."This is one of the most tender appellations that could be given to God, and conveys one of the most striking descriptions that can be given of his character. We see his greatness, his majesty, his power, in the worlds that he has made - in the storm, the tempest, the rolling ocean; but it is in such expressions as this that we learn, what we most desire to know, and what we cannot elsewhere learn, that he is a Father; that he is to be loved as well as feared. Nothing suggests more strikingly a state of helplessness and dependence than the condition of orphan children and widows; nothing, therefore, conveys a more affecting description of the character of God - of his condescension and kindness - than to say that he will take the place of the parent in the one case, and be a protector in the other.

And a judge of the widows - That is, He will see justice done them; he will save them from oppression and wrong. No persons are more liable to be oppressed and wronged than widows. They are regarded as incapable of defending or vindicating their own rights, and are likely to be deceived and betrayed by those to whom their property and rights may be entrusted. Hence, the care which God manifests for them; hence, his solemn charges, so often made to those who are in authority, and who are entrusted with power, to respect their rights; hence, his frequent and solemn rebukes to those who violate their rights. See the notes at Isa 1:17. Compare Deu 10:18; Deu 14:29; Deu 24:17; Exo 22:22; Job 24:3, Job 24:21; Jer 7:6; Mal 3:5; Jam 1:27.

Is God in his holy habitation - Where he dwells; to wit, in heaven. The design of the psalmist seems to be to take us at once up to God; to let us see what he is in his holy home; to conduct us into his very presence, that we may see him as he is. What a man is we see in his own home - when we get near to him; when we look upon him, not on great or state occasions, when he is abroad, and assumes appearances befitting his rank and office, but in his own house; as he is constantly. This is the idea here, that if we approach God most nearly, if we look upon him, not merely in the splendor and magnificence in which he appears in governing the worlds, in his judgments, in storm and tempest, riding on the clouds and controlling the ocean, but, as it were, in his own dwelling, his quiet heavens - if we look most closely at his character, we shall find that character best represented by the kind and benignant traits of a father - in his care for widows and orphans. In other words, the more we see of God - the more we become intimately acquainted with his real nature - the more evidence we shall find that he is benevolent and kind.

Poole: Psa 68:2 - -- As smoke is driven away as smoke at first mounts high and fills a great space of air, but speedily vanisheth into air, or is dispersed with the wind....

As smoke is driven away as smoke at first mounts high and fills a great space of air, but speedily vanisheth into air, or is dispersed with the wind.

Poole: Psa 68:3 - -- For God’ s gracious appearance on their behalf, and for his settled presence with them.

For God’ s gracious appearance on their behalf, and for his settled presence with them.

Poole: Psa 68:4 - -- Extol him by praising him; of which this verb is used, Pro 4:8 . Or rather, raise up or prepare the way for him ; for so this word is commonly used,...

Extol him by praising him; of which this verb is used, Pro 4:8 . Or rather, raise up or prepare the way for him ; for so this word is commonly used, as Isa 57:14 57:10 , and elsewhere. And this doubtless they did for this solemnity of bringing the ark to Zion. Compare Isa 40:3 . That rideth upon the heavens; which phrase is used below, Psa 68:33 , though in differing words. Or, that did ride in the desert , where the ark was carried, and God marched along with it in the cloudy pillar. Or, that now rideth as (which particle is frequently understood) in the desert , i.e. that is now carried from place to place as it was in the desert. The word here rendered heavens doth generally signify the desert or plain fields, as Num 33:48,50 36:13 Jos 5:10 2Sa 4:7 Isa 40:3 , compared with Luk 3:4 .

By his name Jah whereby he is known and distinguished from all false gods; for Jah is generally conceived to be an abbreviature of the name Jehovah, which the heathens pronounced Jao .

Before him before the ark, where he is present, as David himself is said, to dance before the Lord upon this occasion, 2Sa 6:14 .

Poole: Psa 68:5 - -- He now enters upon some of the matters or reasons for which God is to be extolled; whereof this is one, that he is the patron of such as are injured...

He now enters upon some of the matters or reasons for which God is to be extolled; whereof this is one, that he is the patron of such as are injured and oppressed, and have not power to help themselves.

In his holy habitation either in his tabernacle, or in heaven. Though he dwells there, yet the eyes of his fatherly providence and care run to and fro to help his people when they are distressed.

Haydock: Psa 68:1 - -- Christ, in his passion, declareth the greatness of his sufferings, and the malice of his persecutors, the Jews; and he foretelleth their reprobation. ...

Christ, in his passion, declareth the greatness of his sufferings, and the malice of his persecutors, the Jews; and he foretelleth their reprobation.

Sion. The Catholic Church. The cities of Juda, &c., her places of worship, which shall be established throughout the world. And there, viz., in this Church of Christ, shall his servants dwell, &c. (Challoner) (Worthington) ---

It matters not whether a person live in the Church of God, which is at Corinth, or at Philippi, provided he be a member of the Catholic Church. But those who adhere to separate congregations, and style themselves "the Church of England," or "the Kirk of Scotland," &c., cannot be written with the just, (ver. 29.) nor have any part in this prediction. (Haydock) ---

It alludes to the restoration of the captives, (Calmet) or rather to the propagation of the gospel, (Haydock) of which the former was a figure, (Eusebius; St. Augustine) as the Jews were never quietly settled again in their country, and were expelled by Titus; where as the Church of Christ remains to the end of the world. (Berthier)

Haydock: Psa 68:1 - -- Changed. A psalm for Christian converts, to remember the passion of Christ; (Challoner) whose sentiments this and the 21st psalm express in the most...

Changed. A psalm for Christian converts, to remember the passion of Christ; (Challoner) whose sentiments this and the 21st psalm express in the most energetic language. (Berthier) ---

It may have been composed by a captive Levite, (Calmet) or David may allude to their sufferings at Babylon, or to his own, though he had those of the Messias principally in view. See Psalm xxvi.

Haydock: Psa 68:2 - -- Save me from affliction, Luke xxii. 42. Christ could not be lost. (Menochius) --- Waters of afflictions and sorrows. My soul is sorrowful even ...

Save me from affliction, Luke xxii. 42. Christ could not be lost. (Menochius) ---

Waters of afflictions and sorrows. My soul is sorrowful even unto death, Matthew xxvi. (Challoner) See John iii. 6.

Haydock: Psa 68:3 - -- Standing, Greek: upostasis, "subsistence:" there is no bottom. (Haydock)

Standing, Greek: upostasis, "subsistence:" there is no bottom. (Haydock)

Haydock: Psa 68:4 - -- Hoarse. This might be literally true, as Christ had suffered the greatest torments, and recited this and the 21st psalm on the cross; looking up tow...

Hoarse. This might be literally true, as Christ had suffered the greatest torments, and recited this and the 21st psalm on the cross; looking up towards heaven, so that his eyes were weakened, as well as by shedding many tears. Hope. Thus the blasphemy of heretics, who pretend that he gave way to despair, is refuted. (Berthier) ---

Christ was not presently delivered from tribulation: neither ought his followers to expect better treatment. (Worthington)

Haydock: Psa 68:5 - -- Cause. The captives had not injured Babylon, and Christ had even bestowed the greatest favours upon his enemies. He suffered for our sins, Isaias l...

Cause. The captives had not injured Babylon, and Christ had even bestowed the greatest favours upon his enemies. He suffered for our sins, Isaias liii. 4. (Calmet) ---

Away. Christ in his passion made restitution of what he had not taken away, by suffering the punishment due to our sins, and so repairing the injury we had done to God. (Challoner) ---

The expression was proverbial, Jeremias xxxi. 29., and Lamentations v. 7. ---

Many of the captives were very innocent. (Calmet) ---

But Christ was without sin; (Worthington) though made a curse and a sin- offering, Galatians iii. 13., and 2 Corinthians v. 21. (Calmet)

Gill: Psa 68:1 - -- Let God arise,.... Which, as Kimchi observes, is either by way of prayer, or by way of prophecy; and in either way the sense is the same: for, if it i...

Let God arise,.... Which, as Kimchi observes, is either by way of prayer, or by way of prophecy; and in either way the sense is the same: for, if it is considered as a prayer, it is a prayer of faith that so it would be; or, if as a prophecy, it is certain that so it should be. And this is to be understood of the same divine Person, whose chariots the angels are; who is said to be the "Adonai", or "Lord" in the midst of them; and of whom it is prophesied that he should ascend to heaven, Psa 68:17; even the Messiah, who is God over all. And this "arising", attributed to him, may be interpreted either of his incarnation, his exhibition and manifestation in the flesh; which is sometimes called in Scripture a raising of him up, as in Act 3:26; or of his resurrection from the dead, as it is interpreted by many of the ancients; which, as it was a certain thing, and previous to his ascension hereafter spoken of, so it was a proof of his deity; for though it was only the man that rose, who died and was buried, yet as in union with the divine Person of the Son of God, and who rose by virtue of that union; and thereby he was declared to be the Son of God with power. Or else rather this is to be understood of his arising and exerting his power as a man of war, as a mighty and victorious hero, on the behalf of his people, and against his enemies; as he did when he arose and met Satan, the prince of the world, and engaged with all the powers of darkness; see Psa 45:3; and this sense is confirmed by what follows:

let his enemies be scattered; let them also that hate him flee before him: the sense of these two clauses is the same; his enemies, and those that hate him, are the same persons; and to be scattered and flee express the same things; for enemies, being discomfited, flee and scatter. Some interpret this of the watch set to guard our Lord's sepulchre; who, upon his rising from the dead, were filled with great fear and dread, and scattered, and fled to the priests, to acquaint them with what was done: others, of the Jewish nation in general, who were enemies to Christ; and hated him, and would not have him to reign over them; against whom he rose up and exerted his great strength; came in his kingdom and power against them; poured out his wrath upon them to the uttermost; which issued in the utter destruction of them, as a body politic; and in the entire dispersion of them in all countries, which remains until quite recently. Or rather the whole is to be applied to Satan, and to his principalities and powers; the professed enemies of Christ, personal and mystical; who, when he arose and exerted his mighty power in his conflict with them, in the garden and on the cross, were spoiled and dissipated, and obliged to fly before him: and who at the same time overcame the world, made an end of sin, abolished death, as well as destroyed him which had the power of it; see Num 10:35.

Gill: Psa 68:2 - -- As smoke is driven away, so drive them away,.... This both describes the character of wicked men, Christ's enemies; as their darkness and ignorance, ...

As smoke is driven away, so drive them away,.... This both describes the character of wicked men, Christ's enemies; as their darkness and ignorance, their will worship and superstition, and their detestableness to God, Rev 9:2; and the manner of their destruction; which is as easily brought about as smoke is driven by the wind, and is as irretrievable, like smoke that vanisheth into air o; see Psa 37:20;

as wax melteth before fire; whereby its consistency, form, and strength, are lost. Respect may be had, both in this and the foregoing metaphor, to the fire of, divine wrath, and the smoke of eternal torments; since it follows:

so let the wicked perish at the presence of God; the appearance of Christ, either in his awful dispensation against the Jews, or in the last judgment; when the wicked shall not be able to stand before his face, but shall call to the rocks and mountains to hide them from him; and when they shall be bid to depart from him, and shall be punished with everlasting destruction in soul and body, from the presence of the Lord, and the glory of his power.

Gill: Psa 68:3 - -- But let the righteous be glad,.... At the incarnation of Christ, which is matter of joy to all people that believe in him; as did Zacharias and Elisab...

But let the righteous be glad,.... At the incarnation of Christ, which is matter of joy to all people that believe in him; as did Zacharias and Elisabeth, who were both righteous, and also Simeon; and at his resurrection from the dead, since it is for their justification, by which they are denominated righteous; as did the disciples of Christ, and as do saints in all ages; who know the power of his resurrection, and the influence it has on the regeneration of their souls, the justification of their persons now, and the resurrection of their bodies hereafter; and at the destruction of the enemies of Christ and theirs;

let them rejoice before God; in the presence of him; enjoying communion with him; having views of interest in him; as they do when this is the case, and as they will when they shall appear before him, and stand at his right hand at the last day, clothed with his righteousness, and having palms in their hands;

yea, let them exceedingly rejoice; as they have just reason to do, in his person, grace, righteousness, and salvation. All these expressions denote the greatness, frequency, fervency, fulness, and continuance of their joy. They may be rendered in the future, "but the righteous shall be glad" p, &c. so the Targum.

Gill: Psa 68:4 - -- Sing unto God,.... Manifest in the flesh, risen from the dead, ascended on high, set down at the right hand of his divine Father; having exerted his g...

Sing unto God,.... Manifest in the flesh, risen from the dead, ascended on high, set down at the right hand of his divine Father; having exerted his great strength in their redemption; and therefore should sing the song of redeeming love, with grace and melody in their hearts, unto him;

sing praises to his name: to the honour of his name Jesus, a Saviour, because of the great work of salvation wrought out by him; give him all the praise and glory of it, which due unto his name;

extol him that rideth upon heavens: having ascended above them, and being higher than they, and so is exalted above all blessing and praise; and uses his power and greatness for the help of his people: see Deu 33:26. Some choose to render the words, "prepare the way" q, as John the Baptist is said to do before him, Isa 11:3; "for him that rideth through the deserts", or "fields" r; as he did through the fields of Judea on an ass; and through the nations of the world, in the ministry of the word, carried thither by his apostles; whereby places, comparable to deserts for their barrenness and unfruitfulness, became like the garden of the Lord: or rather, "that rideth in the west"; it being at the west end of the tabernacle and temple, where the cherubim were, on which Jehovah rode, they being his chariot;

by his name JAH; or Jehovah; which being a name incommunicable to creatures, and given to Christ, shows him to be the most High; a self-existent Being, the immutable and everlasting "I AM"; which is, and was, and is to come; from whom all creatures receive their being, and are continued in it; and who is also Jehovah our righteousness; and by, in, and because of this name, is he to be extolled and magnified;

and rejoice before him; See Gill on Psa 68:3.

Gill: Psa 68:5 - -- A father of the fatherless,.... In a literal sense, so as to show mercy to them, take care of then), and protect them; and this is a character which t...

A father of the fatherless,.... In a literal sense, so as to show mercy to them, take care of then), and protect them; and this is a character which the great God often assumes, partly to express his power and providence over such, and partly to signify his tenderness, mercy, and goodness to them; and in which he should be imitated by civil magistrates, and by all good men: for it was not only a law in Israel to show regard to such, and take care not to afflict them, but it is also a branch of pure undefiled Christian religion, Jam 1:27, in attending to which we resemble the great Author of it, who is here intended. Moreover, this may be understood in a spiritual sense of such who are deserted by their friends, or are called to leave father and mother for the sake of Christ and his Gospel; and who are like fatherless ones, in an helpless condition in themselves, and are sensible of it; and will not trust in the creature, nor in any works of their own, but apply to Christ, where they have help and salvation, in whom the fatherless find mercy, Hos 14:3; and who afterwards, when they are without the presence of Christ, and sensible communion with him, are like orphans or fatherless children; but Christ, who is the father of such, will not leave them so, will have pity on them, show favour to them, provide everything needful for them, and will come and visit them, as in Joh 14:18; where the word "orphans" or "fatherless" is used of Christ's disciples;

and a Judge of the widows; of such who are widows indeed in a literal sense, and especially that are believers, his elect that cry unto him; see Luk 18:2; and of such who are so in a spiritual sense; even of the whole church of Christ, who may, even now, be said to be in a widowhood estate, as well as under the former dispensation; since Christ, her bridegroom, is gone to heaven, and who yet, in the mean time, is her Judge, protector, and defender; and when she is made ready for him, as a bride adorned for her husband, will come and take her to himself, and she shall remember the reproach of her widowhood no more, Isa 54:4;

is God in his holy habitation: in heaven, the habitation of his holiness, where is Christ the high and Holy One; and has respect to the poor and lowly, the fatherless and the widow: or in his church, his holy temple, where he dwells and walks, and grants his gracious presence, and will do to the end of the world, according to his promise; or in his holy human nature, the temple and the tabernacle, in which the Godhead dwells.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Psa 68:1 The wording of v. 1 echoes the prayer in Num 10:35: “Spring into action, Lord! Then your enemies will be scattered and your adversaries will run...

NET Notes: Psa 68:2 Heb “as smoke is scattered, you scatter [them].”

NET Notes: Psa 68:3 Heb “and they are happy with joy” (cf. NEB). Some translate the prefixed verbal forms of v. 3 as jussives, “Let the godly be happy, ...

NET Notes: Psa 68:4 Heb “in the Lord his name.” If the MT is retained, the preposition -בְ (bet) is introducing the predicate (the so-called bet o...

NET Notes: Psa 68:5 Heb “God [is] in his holy dwelling place.” He occupies his throne and carries out his royal responsibilities.

Geneva Bible: Psa 68:1 "To the chief Musician, A Psalm [or] Song of David." Let God ( a ) arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 68:3 ( b ) But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice. ( b ) He shows that when God declares his power ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 68:4 Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name ( c ) JAH, and rejoice before him. ( c ) Jah and Jehovah ...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Psa 68:1-35 - --1 A prayer at the removing of the ark.4 An exhortation to praise God for his mercies;7 for his care of the church;19 for his great works.

MHCC: Psa 68:1-6 - --None ever hardened his heart against God, and prospered. God is the joy of his people, then let them rejoice when they come before him. He who derives...

Matthew Henry: Psa 68:1-6 - -- In these verses, I. David prays that God would appear in his glory, 1. For the confusion of his enemies (Psa 68:1, Psa 68:2): " Let God arise, as a...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 68:1-6 - -- The Psalm begins with the expression of a wish that the victory of God over all His foes and the triumphant exultation of the righteous were near at...

Constable: Psa 42:1--72:20 - --II. Book 2: chs. 42--72 In Book 1 we saw that all the psalms except 1, 2, 10, and 33 claimed David as their writ...

Constable: Psa 68:1-35 - --Psalm 68 David reviewed God's dealings with Israel to memorialize God's faithfulness to His people. He t...

Constable: Psa 68:1-5 - --1. A prayer for God to scatter His enemies 68:1-6 68:1-3 David asked God to manifest His awesome power. The words he used recall Moses' prayer wheneve...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Hebrew title of this book is Tehilim ("praises" or "hymns"), for a leading feature in its contents is praise, though the word occurs in the title ...

JFB: Psalms (Outline) ALEPH. (Psa 119:1-8). This celebrated Psalm has several peculiarities. It is divided into twenty-two parts or stanzas, denoted by the twenty-two let...

TSK: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Psalms have been the general song of the universal Church; and in their praise, all the Fathers have been unanimously eloquent. Men of all nation...

TSK: Psalms 68 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Psa 68:1, A prayer at the removing of the ark; Psa 68:4, An exhortation to praise God for his mercies; Psa 68:7, for his care of the chur...

Poole: Psalms (Book Introduction) OF PSALMS THE ARGUMENT The divine authority of this Book of PSALMS is so certain and evident, that it was never questioned in the church; which b...

Poole: Psalms 68 (Chapter Introduction) THE ARGUMENT The occasion of this Psalm seems to have been David’ s translation of the ark to Zion, which was managed with great solemnity and...

MHCC: Psalms (Book Introduction) David was the penman of most of the psalms, but some evidently were composed by other writers, and the writers of some are doubtful. But all were writ...

MHCC: Psalms 68 (Chapter Introduction) (Psa 68:1-6) A prayer-- The greatness and goodness of God. (Psa 68:7-14) The wonderful works God wrought for his people. (Psa 68:15-21) The presence...

Matthew Henry: Psalms (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of Psalms We have now before us one of the choicest and most excellent parts of all the Old Te...

Matthew Henry: Psalms 68 (Chapter Introduction) This is a most excellent psalm, but in many places the genuine sense is not easy to come at; for in this, as in some other scriptures, there are th...

Constable: Psalms (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book in the Hebrew Bible is Tehillim, which means...

Constable: Psalms (Outline) Outline I. Book 1: chs. 1-41 II. Book 2: chs. 42-72 III. Book 3: chs. 73...

Constable: Psalms Psalms Bibliography Allen, Ronald B. "Evidence from Psalm 89." In A Case for Premillennialism: A New Consensus,...

Haydock: Psalms (Book Introduction) THE BOOK OF PSALMS. INTRODUCTION. The Psalms are called by the Hebrew, Tehillim; that is, hymns of praise. The author, of a great part of ...

Gill: Psalms (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALMS The title of this book may be rendered "the Book of Praises", or "Hymns"; the psalm which our Lord sung at the passover is c...

Gill: Psalms 68 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALM 68 To the chief Musician, A Psalm or Song of David. The Targum makes the argument of this psalm to be the coming of the child...

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