Text -- Psalms 73:19-28 (NET)

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With God's dreadful judgements unexpectedly seizing upon them.

Out of the pleasant dream of this vain life.

Wesley: Psa 73:20 - -- Thou shalt make them despicable both to themselves and to all others; raise them to shame, and everlasting contempt.
Thou shalt make them despicable both to themselves and to all others; raise them to shame, and everlasting contempt.

Wesley: Psa 73:20 - -- All their felicity and glory, which shall be evidently discerned to be, no real or substantial thing, but a mere image or shadow.
All their felicity and glory, which shall be evidently discerned to be, no real or substantial thing, but a mere image or shadow.

I was deeply wounded with disquieting thoughts.

Wesley: Psa 73:22 - -- Although I gave thee just cause to cast me off, yet thou didst continue thy care and kindness to me.
Although I gave thee just cause to cast me off, yet thou didst continue thy care and kindness to me.

Wesley: Psa 73:27 - -- Those who revolt from thee, to work wickedness; which is called whoredom in scripture.
Those who revolt from thee, to work wickedness; which is called whoredom in scripture.
JFB: Psa 73:18-20 - -- Future (Psa 37:37-38), which is dismal and terribly sudden (Pro 1:27; Pro 29:1), aggravated and hastened by terror. As one despises an unsubstantial d...
Future (Psa 37:37-38), which is dismal and terribly sudden (Pro 1:27; Pro 29:1), aggravated and hastened by terror. As one despises an unsubstantial dream, so God, waking up to judgment (Psa 7:6; Psa 44:23), despises their vain shadow of happiness (Psa 39:6; Isa 29:7). They are thrown into ruins as a building falling to pieces (Psa 74:3).

Literally, "not discerning," had been his course of thought.

Literally, "with Thee," in conduct respecting Thee.

JFB: Psa 73:23 - -- Still he was with God, as a dependent beneficiary, and so kept from falling (Psa 73:2).
Still he was with God, as a dependent beneficiary, and so kept from falling (Psa 73:2).

All doubts are silenced in confidence of divine guidance and future glory.

JFB: Psa 73:27-28 - -- The lot of apostates, described by a figure of frequent use (Jer 3:1, Jer 3:3; Eze 23:35), is contrasted with his, who finds happiness in nearness to ...
Clarke: Psa 73:19 - -- Are they brought into desolation - This is often a literal fact. I have known several cases where persons, very rich, have by sudden losses been bro...
Are they brought into desolation - This is often a literal fact. I have known several cases where persons, very rich, have by sudden losses been brought into desolation as in a moment; in consequence of which they were utterly consumed in terrors.

Clarke: Psa 73:20 - -- As a dream when one awaketh - So their goods fled away. Their possession was a dream - their privation, real
As a dream when one awaketh - So their goods fled away. Their possession was a dream - their privation, real

Clarke: Psa 73:20 - -- Thou shalt despise their image - While destitute of true religion, whatever appearance they had of greatness, nobility, honor, and happiness; yet in...
Thou shalt despise their image - While destitute of true religion, whatever appearance they had of greatness, nobility, honor, and happiness; yet in the sight of God they had no more than the ghost or shade of excellence which God is said here to despise. Who would be rich at such risk and dishonor?

Clarke: Psa 73:21 - -- Thus may heart was grieved - The different views which I got of this subject quite confounded me; I was equally astonished at their sudden overthrow...
Thus may heart was grieved - The different views which I got of this subject quite confounded me; I was equally astonished at their sudden overthrow and my own ignorance. I felt as if I were a beast in stupidity. I permitted my mind to be wholly occupied with sensible things, like the beasts that perish and did not look into a future state; nor did I consider, nor submit to, the wise designs of an unerring Providence.

Clarke: Psa 73:23 - -- I am continually with thee - I now see that myself and my people are under thy guardian care; that we are continually upheld by thee; and while in t...
I am continually with thee - I now see that myself and my people are under thy guardian care; that we are continually upheld by thee; and while in thy right hand, we shall not be utterly cast down.

Clarke: Psa 73:24 - -- Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel - After we have suffered awhile, receiving directions and consolations from thy good Spirit, by means of thy pr...
Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel - After we have suffered awhile, receiving directions and consolations from thy good Spirit, by means of thy prophets, who are in the same captivity with ourselves; thou wilt grant us deliverance, restore us to our own land, and crown us with honor and happiness. Any sincere follower of God may use these words in reference to this and the coming world. Thy counsel - thy Word and Spirit, shall guide me through life; and when I have done and suffered thy righteous will, thou wilt receive me into thy eternal glory.

Clarke: Psa 73:25 - -- Whom have I in heaven but thee? - The original is more emphatic: מי לי בשמים ועמך לא חפצתי בארץ mi li bashshamayim ; veimm...
Whom have I in heaven but thee? - The original is more emphatic:

Clarke: Psa 73:26 - -- My flesh - faileth - I shall soon die: and my heart - even my natural courage, will fail; and no support but what is supernatural will then be avail...
My flesh - faileth - I shall soon die: and my heart - even my natural courage, will fail; and no support but what is supernatural will then be available. Therefore, he adds

God is the strength of my heart - Literally, the rock of my heart

Clarke: Psa 73:26 - -- And my portion - Allusion is here made to the division of the promised land. I ask no inheritance below; I look for one above. I do not look for thi...
And my portion - Allusion is here made to the division of the promised land. I ask no inheritance below; I look for one above. I do not look for this in the possession of any place; it is God alone that can content the desires and wishes of an immortal spirit. And even this would not satisfy, had I not the prospect of its being for ever,

Clarke: Psa 73:27 - -- They that are far from thee shall perish - The term perish is generally used to signify a coming to nothing, being annihilated; and by some it is th...
They that are far from thee shall perish - The term perish is generally used to signify a coming to nothing, being annihilated; and by some it is thus applied to the finally impenitent, they shall all be annihilated. But where is this to be found in the Scriptures? In no part, properly understood. In the new heavens and the new earth none of the wicked shall be found; for therein dwells righteousness - nothing but God and righteous spirits; but at the same time the wicked shall be in their own place. And to suppose that they shall be annihilated, is as great a heresy, though scarcely so absurd, as to believe that the pains of damnation are emendatory, and that hellfire shall burn out. There is presumptive evidence from Scripture to lead us to the conclusion, that if there be not eternal punishment, glory will not be eternal; as the same terms are used to express the duration of both. No human spirit that is not united to God can be saved. Those who are Far from Thee shall perish - they shall be lost, undone, ruined, and that without remedy. Being separated from God by sin, they shall never be rejoined; the great gulf must be between them and their Maker eternally

Clarke: Psa 73:27 - -- All them that go a whoring from thee - That is, all that worship false gods; all idolaters. This is the only meaning of the word in such a connectio...
All them that go a whoring from thee - That is, all that worship false gods; all idolaters. This is the only meaning of the word in such a connection. I have explained this elsewhere.

Clarke: Psa 73:28 - -- It is good for me to draw near - We have already seen that those who are far off shall perish; therefore, it is ill for them. Those who draw near - ...
It is good for me to draw near - We have already seen that those who are far off shall perish; therefore, it is ill for them. Those who draw near - who come in the true spirit of sacrifice, and with the only available offering, the Lord Jesus, shall be finally saved; therefore, it is good for them

Clarke: Psa 73:28 - -- I have put my trust in the Lord God - I confide in Jehovah, my Prop and Stay. I have taken him for my portion
I have put my trust in the Lord God - I confide in Jehovah, my Prop and Stay. I have taken him for my portion

Clarke: Psa 73:28 - -- That I may declare all thy works - That I may testify to all how good it is to draw nigh to God; and what a sufficient portion he is to the soul of ...
That I may declare all thy works - That I may testify to all how good it is to draw nigh to God; and what a sufficient portion he is to the soul of man
The Vulgate, Septuagint, Ethiopic, and Arabic, add, in the gates of the daughter of Sion. These words appear to make a better finish; but they are not acknowledged by any Hebrew MS
Calvin: Psa 73:19 - -- 19.How have they been destroyed, as it were in a moment! The language of wonder in which the Psalmist breaks forth serves much to confirm the sentime...
19.How have they been destroyed, as it were in a moment! The language of wonder in which the Psalmist breaks forth serves much to confirm the sentiment of the preceding verse. As the consideration of the prosperity of the ungodly induces a torpor upon our minds, yea, even renders them stupid; so their destruction, being sudden and unlooked for, tends the more effectually to awaken us, each being thus constrained to inquire how such an event came to pass, which all men thought could never happen. The prophet, therefore, speaks of it in the way of interrogation, as of a thing incredible. Yet he, at the same time, thus teaches us that God is daily working in such a manner as that, if we would but open our eyes, there would be presented to us just matter for exciting our astonishment. Nay, rather, if by faith we would look from a distance at the judgments of God daily approaching nearer and nearer, nothing would happen which we would regard as strange or difficult to be believed; for the surprise which we feel proceeds from the slowness and carelessness with which we proceed in acquiring the knowledge of Divine truth. 196 When it is said, They are consumed with terrors, it may be understood in two ways. It either means that God thunders upon them in such an unusual manner, that the very strangeness of it strikes them with dismay; or that God, although he may not lay his hand upon his enemies, nevertheless throws them into consternation, and brings them to nothing, solely by the terror of his breath, at the very time when they are recklessly despising all dangers, as if they were perfectly safe, and had made a covenant with death. 197 Thus we have before seen David introducing them as encouraging themselves in their forwardness by this boasting language, “Who is lord over us?” (Psa 12:4.) I am rather inclined to adopt the first sense; and the reason which leads me to do so is, that when God perceives that we are so slow in considering his judgments, he inflicts upon the ungodly judgments of a very severe kind, and pursues them with unusual tokens of his wrath, as if he would make the earth to tremble, in order thereby to correct our dullness of apprehension.

Calvin: Psa 73:20 - -- 20.As it were a dream after a man is awakened This similitude is often to be met with in the Sacred Writings. Thus, Isaiah, (Isa 29:7,) speaking of t...
20.As it were a dream after a man is awakened This similitude is often to be met with in the Sacred Writings. Thus, Isaiah, (Isa 29:7,) speaking of the enemies of the Church, says, “They shall be as a dream of a night vision.” To quote other texts of a similar kind would be tedious and unnecessary labor. In the passage before us the metaphor is very appropriate. How is it to be accounted for, that the prosperity of the wicked is regarded with so much wonder, but because our minds have been lulled into a deep sleep? and, in short, the pictures which we draw in our imaginations of the happiness of the wicked, and of the desirableness of their condition, are just like the imaginary kingdoms which we construct in our dreams when we are asleep. Those who, being illuminated by the Word of God, are awake, may indeed be in some degree impressed with the splendor with which the wicked are invested; but they are not so dazzled by it as thereby to have their wonder very much excited; for they are prevented from feeling in this manner by a light of an opposite kind far surpassing it in brilliancy and attraction. The prophet, therefore, commands us to awake, that we may perceive that all which we gaze at in this world is nothing else than pure vanity; even as he himself, now returning to his right mind, acknowledges that he had before been only dreaming and raving. The reason is added, because God will make their image to be despised, or render it contemptible. By the word image some understand the soul of man, because it was formed after the image of God. But in my opinion, this exposition is unsuitable; for the prophet simply derides the outward pomp or show 198 which dazzles the eyes of men, while yet it vanishes away in an instant. We have met with a similar form of expression in Psa 39:6, “Surely every man passeth away in an image,” the import of which is, Surely every man flows away like water that has no solidity, or rather like the image reflected in the mirror which has no substance. The word image, then, in this passage means what we commonly term appearance, or outward show; and thus the prophet indirectly rebukes the error into which we fall, when we regard as real and substantial those things which are merely phantoms created out of nothing by our imaginations. The word

Calvin: Psa 73:21 - -- 21.For my heart was in a ferment The Psalmist again returns to the confession which he had previously made, acknowledging that whilst he felt his hea...
21.For my heart was in a ferment The Psalmist again returns to the confession which he had previously made, acknowledging that whilst he felt his heart pierced with perverse envy and emulation, he had complained against God, in a peevish or fretful manner. He compares his anger to leaven. Some translate, My heart was steeped in vinegar. But it is more suitable to explain the verb thus, My heart was soured or swollen, as dough is swollen by leaven. Thus Plautus, when speaking of a woman inflamed with anger, says that she is all in a ferment. 202 Some read the last clause of the verse, My reins were pierced; and they think that

Calvin: Psa 73:22 - -- 22.And I was foolish and ignorant David here rebuking himself sharply, as it became him to do, in the first place declares that he was foolish; secon...
22.And I was foolish and ignorant David here rebuking himself sharply, as it became him to do, in the first place declares that he was foolish; secondly, he charges himself with ignorance; and, thirdly, he affirms that he resembled the brutes. Had he only acknowledged his ignorance, it might have been asked, Whence this vice or fault of ignorance proceeded? He therefore ascribes it to his own folly; and the more emphatically to express his folly, he compares himself to the lower animals. The amount is, that the perverse envy of which he has spoken arose from ignorance and error, and that the blame of having thus erred was to be imputed wholly to himself, inasmuch as he had lost a sound judgment and understanding, and that not after an ordinary manner, but even the length of being reduced to a state of brutish stupidity. What we have previously stated is undoubtedly true, that men never form a right judgment of the works of God; for when they apply their minds to consider them, all their faculties fail, being inadequate to the task; yet David justly lays the blame of failure upon himself, because, having lost the judgment of a man, he had fallen as it were into the rank of the brute creatures. Whenever we are dissatisfied with the manner of God’s providence in governing the world, let us remember that this is to be traced to the perversity of our understanding. The Hebrew word

Calvin: Psa 73:23 - -- 23.Nevertheless I was continually with thee 205 Here the Psalmist declares, in a different sense, that he was with God. He gives him thanks for hav...
23.Nevertheless I was continually with thee 205 Here the Psalmist declares, in a different sense, that he was with God. He gives him thanks for having kept him from utterly falling, when he was in so great danger of being precipitated into destruction. The greatness of the favor to which he adverts is the more strikingly manifested from the confession which he made a little before, that he was bereft of judgment, and, as it were, a brute beast; for he richly deserved to be cast off by God, when he dared to murmur against him. Men are said to be with God in two ways; either, first, in respect of apprehension and thought, when they are persuaded that they live in his presence, are governed by his hand, and sustained by his power; or, secondly, when God, unperceived by them, puts upon them a bridle, by which, when they go astray, he secretly restrains them, and prevents them from totally apostatising from him. When a man therefore imagines that God exercises no care about him, he is not with God, as to his own feeling or apprehension; but still that man, if he is not forsaken, abides with God, inasmuch as God’s secret or hidden grace continues with him. In short, God is always near his chosen ones; for although they sometimes turn their backs upon him, he nevertheless has always his fatherly eye turned towards them. When the Psalmist speaks of God as holding him by the right hand, he means that he was, by the wonderful power of God, drawn back from that deep gulf into which the reprobate cast themselves. He then ascribes it wholly to the grace of God that he was enabled to restrain himself from breaking forth into open blasphemies, and from hardening himself in error, and that he was also brought to condemn himself of foolishness; — this he ascribes wholly to the grace of God, who stretched out his hand to hold him up, and prevent him from a fall which would have involved him in destruction. From this we see how precious our salvation is in the sight of God; for when we wander far from him, he yet continues to look upon us with a watchful eye, and to stretch forth his hand to bring us to himself. We must indeed beware of perverting this doctrine by making it a pretext for slothfulness; but experience nevertheless teaches us, that when we are sunk in drowsiness and insensibility, God exercises a care about us, and that even when we are fugitives and wanderers from him, he is still near us. The force of the metaphor contained in the language, which represents God as holding us by the right hand, is to be particularly noticed; for there is no temptation, let it be never so slight, which would not easily overthrow us, were we not upheld and sustained by the power of God. The reason then why we do not succumb, even in the severest conflicts, is nothing else than because we receive the aid of the Holy Spirit. He does not indeed always put forth his power in us in an evident and striking manner, (for he often perfects it in our weakness;) but it is enough that he succours us, although we may be ignorant and unconscious of it, that he upholds us when we stumble, and even lifts us up when we have fallen.

Calvin: Psa 73:24 - -- 24.Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel As the verbs are put in the future tense, the natural meaning, in my opinion, is, that the Psalmist assured h...
24.Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel As the verbs are put in the future tense, the natural meaning, in my opinion, is, that the Psalmist assured himself that the Lord, since by his leading he had now brought him back into the right way, would continue henceforth to guide him, until at length he received him into His glorious presence in heaven. We know that it is David’s usual way, when he gives thanks to God, to look forward with confidence to the future. Accordingly, after having acknowledged his own infirmities, he celebrated the grace of God, the aid and comfort of which he had experienced; and now he cherishes the hope that the Divine assistance will continue hereafter to be extended to him. Guidance by counsel is put first. Although the foolish and inconsiderate are sometimes very successful in their affairs, (for God remedies our faults and errors, and turns to a prosperous and happy issue things which we had entered upon amiss;) yet the way in which God ordinarily and more abundantly blesses his own people is by giving them wisdom: and we should ask him especially to govern us by the Spirit of counsel and of judgment. Whoever dares, in a spirit of confident reliance on his own wisdom, to engage in any undertaking, will inevitably be involved in confusion and shame for his presumption, since he arrogates to himself what is peculiar to God alone. If David needed to have God for his guide, how much more need have we of being under the Divine guidance? To counsel there is added glory, which, I think, ought not to be limited to eternal life, as some are inclined to do. It comprehends the whole course of our happiness from the commencement, which is seen here upon earth, even to the consummation which we expect to realize in heaven. David then assures himself of eternal glory, through the free and unmerited favor of God, and yet he does not exclude the blessings which God bestows upon his people here below, with the view of affording them, even in this life, some foretaste of that felicity.

Calvin: Psa 73:25 - -- 25.Whom have I in heaven but thee? The Psalmist shows more distinctly how much he had profited in the sanctuary of God; for being satisfied with him ...
25.Whom have I in heaven but thee? The Psalmist shows more distinctly how much he had profited in the sanctuary of God; for being satisfied with him alone, he rejects every other object, except God, which presented itself to him. The form of expression which he employs, when he joins together an interrogation and an affirmation, is quite common in the Hebrew tongue, although harsh in other languages. As to the meaning, there is no ambiguity. David declares that he desires nothing, either in heaven or in earth, except God alone, and that without God, all other objects which usually draw the hearts of men towards them were unattractive to him. And, undoubtedly, God then obtains from us the glory to which he is entitled, when, instead of being carried first to one object, and then to another, we hold exclusively by him, being satisfied with him alone. If we give the smallest portion of our affections to the creatures, we in so far defraud God of the honor which belongs to him. And yet nothing has been more common in all ages than this sacrilege, and it prevails too much at the present day. How small is the number of those who keep their affections fixed on God alone! We see how superstition joins to him many others as rivals for our affections. While the Papists admit in word that all things depend upon God, they are, nevertheless, constantly seeking to obtain help from this and the other quarter independent of him. Others, puffed up with pride, have the effrontery to associate either themselves or other men with God. On this account we ought the more carefully to attend to this doctrine, That it is unlawful for us to desire any other object besides God. By the words heaven and earth the Psalmist denotes every conceivable object; but, at the same time, he seems purposely to point to these two in particular. In saying that he sought none in heaven but God only, he rejects and renounces all the false gods with which, through the common error and folly of mankind, heaven has been filled. When he affirms that he desires none on the earth besides God, he has, I suppose, a reference to the deceits and illusions with which almost the whole world is intoxicated; for those who are not beguiled by the former artifice of Satan, so as to be led to fabricate for themselves false gods, either deceive themselves by arrogance when confiding in their own skill, or strength, or prudence, they usurp the prerogatives which belong to God alone; or else trepan themselves with deceitful allurements when they rely upon the favor of men, or confide in their own riches and other helps which they possess. If, then, we would seek God aright, we must beware of going astray into various by-paths, and divested of all superstition and pride, must betake ourselves directly and exclusively to Him. This is the only way of seeking him. The expression, I have desired none other with thee, amounts to this: I know that thou by thyself, apart from every other object, art sufficient, yea, more than sufficient for me, and therefore I do not suffer myself to be carried away after a variety of desires, but rest in and am fully contented with thee. In short, that we may be satisfied with God alone, it is of importance for us to know the plenitude of the blessings which he offers for our acceptance.

Calvin: Psa 73:26 - -- 26.My flesh and my heart have failed Some understand the first part of the verse as meaning that David’s heart and flesh failed him through the ard...
26.My flesh and my heart have failed Some understand the first part of the verse as meaning that David’s heart and flesh failed him through the ardent desire with which he was actuated; and they think that by it he intends to testify the earnestness with which he applied his mind to God. We meet with a similar form of expression elsewhere; but the clause immediately succeeding, God is the strength of my heart, seems to require that it should be explained differently. I am rather disposed to think that there is here a contrast between the failing which David felt in himself and the strength with which he was divinely supplied; as if he had said, Separated from God I am nothing, and all that I attempt to do ends in nothing; but when I come to him, I find an abundant supply of strength. It is highly necessary for us to consider what we are without God; for no man will cast himself wholly upon God, but he who feels himself in a fainting condition, and who despairs of the sufficiency of his own powers. We will seek nothing from God but what we are conscious of wanting in ourselves. Indeed, all men confess this, and the greater part think that all which is necessary is that God should aid our infirmities, or afford us succor when we have not the means of adequately relieving ourselves. But the confession of David is far more ample than this when he lays, so to speak, his own nothingness before God. He, therefore, very properly adds, that God is his portion. The portion of an individual is a figurative expression, employed in Scripture to denote the condition or lot with which every man is contented. Accordingly, the reason why God is represented as a portion is, because he alone is abundantly sufficient for us, and because in him the perfection of our happiness consists. Whence it follows, that we are chargeable with ingratitude, if we turn away our minds from him and fix them on any other object, as has been stated in Psa 16:4, where David explains more clearly the import of the metaphor. Some foolishly assert that God is called our portion, because our soul is taken from him. I know not how such a silly conceit has found its way into their brains; for it is as far from David’s meaning as heaven is from the earth, and it involves in it the wild notion of the Manicheans, with which Servetus was bewitched. But it generally happens that men who are not exercised in the Scriptures, nor imbued with sound theology, although well acquainted with the Hebrew language, yet err and fall into mistakes even in first principles. Under the word heart the Psalmist comprehends the whole soul. He does not, however, mean, when he speaks of the heart failing, that the essence or substance of the soul fails, but that all the powers which God in his goodness has bestowed upon it, and the use of which it retains only so long as he pleases, fall into decay.

Calvin: Psa 73:27 - -- 27.For, lo! they who depart from thee shall perish Here he proves, by an argument taken from things contrary, that nothing was better for him than si...
27.For, lo! they who depart from thee shall perish Here he proves, by an argument taken from things contrary, that nothing was better for him than simply to repose himself upon God alone; for no sooner does any one depart from God than he inevitably falls into the most dreadful destruction. All depart from him who divide and scatter their hope among a variety of objects. The phrase to go a whoring 210 is of similar import; for it is the worst kind of adultery to divide our heart that it may not continue fixed exclusively upon God. This will be more easily understood by defining the spiritual chastity of our minds, which consists in faith, in calling upon God, in integrity of heart, and in obedience to the Word. Whoever then submits not himself to the Word of God, that feeling him to be the sole author of all good things, he may depend upon him, surrender himself to be governed by him, betake himself to him at all times, and devote to him all his affections, such a person is like an adulterous woman who leaves her own husband, and prostitutes herself to strangers. David’s language then is equivalent to his pronouncing all apostates who revolt from God to be adulterers.

Calvin: Psa 73:28 - -- 28.As for me, it is good for me to draw near to God Literally the reading is, And I, etc. David speaking expressly of himself, affirms that althoug...
28.As for me, it is good for me to draw near to God Literally the reading is, And I, etc. David speaking expressly of himself, affirms that although he should see all mankind in a state of estrangement from God, and wandering after the ever-changing errors and superstitions of the world, he would nevertheless study to continue always in a state of nearness to God. Let others perish, says he, if their headstrong passions cannot be restrained, and they themselves prevented from running after the deceits of the world; but as for me, I will continue steadfast in the resolution of maintaining a sacred communion with God. In the subsequent clause he informs us that we draw near to God in a right manner when our confidence continues firmly fixed in him. God will not hold us by his right hand unless we are fully persuaded of the impossibility of our continuing steadfast and safe in any other way than by his grace alone. This passage is worthy of notice, that we may not be carried away by evil examples, to join ourselves to the wicked, and to act as they do, although even the whole world should fall into unbelief; but that we may learn to gather in our affections from other objects, and to confine them exclusively to God. In the close, the Psalmist intimates that after he shall have devoted himself to God alone, he shall never want matter for praising him, since God never disappoints the hope which his people repose in him. From this it follows, that none curse God or murmur against him, but those who wilfully shut their eyes and involve themselves in darkness, lest knowing and observing his providence, they should be induced to give themselves up to his faithfulness and protection.
TSK: Psa 73:19 - -- How : Psa 58:9; Job 20:5; Isa 30:13; Act 2:23; 1Th 5:3; Rev 18:10
they are : Num 17:12, Num 17:13; 1Sa 28:20; Job 15:21, Job 20:23-25; Pro 28:1; Isa 2...

TSK: Psa 73:20 - -- As a : Psa 90:5; Job 20:8; Isa 29:7, Isa 29:8
when : Psa 7:6, Psa 78:65
their : Psa 39:6

TSK: Psa 73:22 - -- So : Psa 69:5, Psa 92:6; Pro 30:2; Ecc 3:18
ignorant : Heb. I knew not
as a : Psa 32:9; Isa 1:3
before thee : Heb. with thee

TSK: Psa 73:23 - -- Nevertheless : Psa 16:8, Psa 23:4, Psa 139:1-12, Psa 139:18; Gen 17:1; Mat 1:23, Mat 28:20; Heb 13:5
thou hast : Psa 37:17, Psa 37:24, Psa 63:8; Isa 4...

TSK: Psa 73:24 - -- Thou : Psa 16:7, Psa 25:9, Psa 32:8, Psa 48:14, Psa 143:8-10; Pro 3:5, Pro 3:6, Pro 8:20; Isa 30:21, Isa 48:17; Isa 58:8, Isa 58:11; Luk 11:13; Joh 16...

TSK: Psa 73:25 - -- Whom : Psa 16:5, Psa 16:11, Psa 17:15, Psa 37:4, Psa 43:4, Psa 63:3, Psa 89:6; Mat 5:8; Phi 3:8; 1Jo 3:2; Rev 21:3, Rev 21:22, Rev 21:23
none upon : P...

TSK: Psa 73:26 - -- flesh : Psa 63:1, Psa 84:2, Psa 119:81, Psa 119:82; Job 13:15; 2Co 4:8-10, 2Co 4:16-18; Phi 1:21; 2Ti 4:6-8; 2Pe 1:14
but : Psa 18:2, Psa 27:14, Psa 1...
flesh : Psa 63:1, Psa 84:2, Psa 119:81, Psa 119:82; Job 13:15; 2Co 4:8-10, 2Co 4:16-18; Phi 1:21; 2Ti 4:6-8; 2Pe 1:14
but : Psa 18:2, Psa 27:14, Psa 138:3; Isa 40:29-31; 2Co 12:9, 2Co 12:10
strength : Heb. rock
portion : Psa 16:5, Psa 16:6, Psa 119:57, Psa 142:5; Lam 3:24; Rev 21:3, Rev 21:4, Rev 21:7

TSK: Psa 73:27 - -- lo : Psa 119:155; Job 21:14, Job 21:15; Isa 29:13; Jer 12:2; Mat 15:7, Mat 15:8; Eph 2:13, Eph 2:17
that go : Exo 34:15; Num 15:39; Jam 4:4; Rev 17:1-...

TSK: Psa 73:28 - -- But : Psa 65:4, Psa 84:10, Psa 116:7; Lam 3:25, Lam 3:26; Luk 15:17-20; Heb 10:19-22; Jam 4:8; 1Pe 3:18
that I may : Psa 66:16, Psa 71:17, Psa 71:24, ...
But : Psa 65:4, Psa 84:10, Psa 116:7; Lam 3:25, Lam 3:26; Luk 15:17-20; Heb 10:19-22; Jam 4:8; 1Pe 3:18
that I may : Psa 66:16, Psa 71:17, Psa 71:24, Psa 107:22, Psa 118:17; The LXX, Vulgate, Arabic, and Ethiopic, add ""in the gates of the daughter of Zion;""which makes a better conclusion; but it is not acknowledged by any manuscript yet collated.

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: Psa 73:19 - -- How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment! - How suddenly and unexpectedly does destruction come upon them! Nothing can be argued fr...
How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment! - How suddenly and unexpectedly does destruction come upon them! Nothing can be argued from their apparent prosperity, for there is no ground of security in "that,"no basis for an argument that it will continue. The end must be seen in order to form a correct estimate on the subject, and that end may soon come. Compare the notes at Job 15:20-21.
They are utterly consumed with terrors - literally, "they perish; they are destroyed by terrors;"that is, by terrible things, or by things suited to produce terror in the mind. The idea is not that they are destroyed by their own fears, but that things come upon them which are suited to overwhelm the soul, and that by those things they are utterly destroyed. It is by this result that we are to determine in regard to the equity of the divine administration, and not by their prosperity and their apparent safety.

Barnes: Psa 73:20 - -- As a dream when one awaketh - Their prosperity is like the visions of a dream; the reality is seen when one awakes. A man in a dream may imagin...
As a dream when one awaketh - Their prosperity is like the visions of a dream; the reality is seen when one awakes. A man in a dream may imagine that he is a king; that he dwells in a palace; that he is surrounded by flatterers and courtiers; that he walks in pleasant groves, listens to the sounds of sweet music, sits down at a table loaded with the luxuries of all climes, and lies upon a bed of down. He may awake only to find that he is encompassed with poverty, or that he is on a bed of languishing, or that he is the miserable tenant of a hovel or a dungeon. The reality is when he awakes. So it is in regard to our present condition on earth. The reality is seen when the dream - the gorgeous dream - of life is over.
So, O Lord, when thou awakest - The Hebrew expression here -
Thou shalt despise their image - The image that floated before their imaginations in the dream of life. Thou wilt pay no attention to it; there is no reality in it; it will at once vanish. In the future world, God will pay no regard to the dreams of human life, to the outward show, to the appearance; but the affairs of eternity will be regulated by what is real - by that which constitutes the character of the man. By that, and not by the vain dreams of the world, will the destiny of people be determined. We are to look at "that"in determining the question about the government of God, and not at what "appears"in the brief dream of life.

Barnes: Psa 73:21 - -- Thus my heart was grieved - literally, and more expressively, "was soured."The meaning is, that his heart was grieved, pained, dissatisfied. Hi...
Thus my heart was grieved - literally, and more expressively, "was soured."The meaning is, that his heart was grieved, pained, dissatisfied. His mind was embittered, and he was rendered unhappy, by the views which he cherished about God, as doubting the wisdom and justice of his dealings with people - and about people, as being envious at their prosperity.
And I was pricked in my reins - The reins are often in the Scriptures represented as the seat of the thoughts or affections. See the notes at Psa 7:9. The word rendered "pricked"means to sharpen, as a sword; and then, to pierce and penetrate as a sword does. The idea is, that these thoughts, so distressing and painful, seemed to be like a sharp sword penetrating to the seat of life.

Barnes: Psa 73:22 - -- So foolish was I, and ignorant - Such low and imperfect views did I take of the subject. The margin is, "I knew not."So the Hebrew: "And I am b...
So foolish was I, and ignorant - Such low and imperfect views did I take of the subject. The margin is, "I knew not."So the Hebrew: "And I am brutish, and know not;"that is, I did not understand the case; I had no correct views in regard to it.
I was as a beast before thee - Margin, as in Hebrew, "with thee."That is, in thy very presence; or, I was guilty of such foolishness in the very presence of my Maker. If it had been when I was alone, or when no one saw me, the folly would not have been so aggravated, and so much to be regretted, but it was when the very eye of God was upon me. Compare Isa 1:7; Jer 7:30; Jer 18:10; Psa 51:4. When he says that he was as a beast, he means that he was stupid and senseless; he had no proper understanding of the case; he did not take any just views of it.

Barnes: Psa 73:23 - -- Nevertheless, I am continually with thee - I am kept by thee in the land of the living; I am permitted to abide in thy presence; I am allowed t...
Nevertheless, I am continually with thee - I am kept by thee in the land of the living; I am permitted to abide in thy presence; I am allowed to hope in thy mercy. Notwithstanding my low and unworthy views, notwithstanding my doubts about the justice of the divine administration, notwithstanding my envy at the prosperity of the wicked, and my spirit of complaining against God, I am not driven away from God; I am not banished from his presence, or cut off from his favor. Well may we marvel when we reflect on our thoughts about God, that He has not risen in his anger, and banished us from his presence forever and ever.
Thou hast holden me by my right hand - Thou hast not left me. Thou hast stretched out thy hand to keep me. Thou hast been to me as, a Protector and Friend. Thou hast not been angry at my unkind and ungrateful thoughts; thou hast not banished me eternally from thy presence.

Barnes: Psa 73:24 - -- Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel - With thy advice; with thy teaching. This implies two things: (a) his belief that God "would"do this, not...
Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel - With thy advice; with thy teaching. This implies two things:
(a) his belief that God "would"do this, notwithstanding his folly; and
(b) his purpose that God "should"be his guide now.
He would no longer murmur or complain, but would entrust all to God, and allow himself to be led as God should be pleased to direct him.
And afterward receive me to glory - After thou hast led me along the path of the present life in the way in which thou wouldst have me to go, thou wilt then receive me to thyself in heaven - to a world where all shall be clear; where I shall never have any doubts in regard to thy being, to the justice of thy dispensations, or to the principles of thy government.

Barnes: Psa 73:25 - -- whom have I in heaven but thee? - literally, "Who is to me in the heavens?"That is, There is no one there that in my love for him can be compar...
whom have I in heaven but thee? - literally, "Who is to me in the heavens?"That is, There is no one there that in my love for him can be compared with thee; no one who can do for me what thou canst do; no one who can meet and satisfy the needs of my soul as thou canst; no one who can be to me what God "is"- what a God "must"be. After all my complaining and my doubts there is no one, not even in the heavens, who cant supply the place of "God,"or be to me what God is; and the warm affections of my soul, therefore, are "really"toward him. I feel my need of him; and I must and do find my supreme happiness in him. What would even heaven be to me without God? who there, even of the angels of light, could supply the place of God?
And there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee - That is, Thou art all-sufficient; thou dost meet and satisfy the needs of my nature. All my happiness is in thee; no one on earth could be substituted in thy place, or be to me what thou art as God.

Barnes: Psa 73:26 - -- My flesh and my heart faileth - Flesh and heart here seem to refer to the whole man, body and soul; and the idea is, that his powers of body an...
My flesh and my heart faileth - Flesh and heart here seem to refer to the whole man, body and soul; and the idea is, that his powers of body and mind failed; were spent; were exhausted. This seems to have been said in an "ideal"sense, or by anticipation. He does not mean to say that his strength then had actually failed, but he seems to have placed himself by imagination in the situation where his strength "would"be all gone - in sickness, in weakness, in sorrow, on the bed of death. He asks himself now what would be his strength then - what would be the object of chief interest and love - on what he would rely; and he answers without hesitation, and with entire confidence, that he could rely on God, and that He would be his portion forever. Even then, when heart and flesh should fail, when all the powers of mind and body should be exhausted, the love of God would survive, and he would find strength and joy in Him.
But God is the strength of my heart - Margin, as in Hebrew, "rock;"the rock on which my heart relies; that is, my refuge, my defense. See the notes at Psa 18:2. Compare Psa 61:2.
And my portion for ever - The source of my happiness. Not wealth, then; not honor; not earthly friends; not fame - will be my reliance and the ground of my hope; but that which I shall regard as most valuable - my supreme joy and rejoicing - will be the fact that God is my friend and portion. With all the doubts which I have had in regard to the rectitude of his government, I am sure that when I come to die, I shall cling to him as my hope, my joy, my all. My last refuge - my sufficient refuge - is God. When people come to die, they have "no other refuge"but God. Nothing that they can accumulate of this world’ s goods will meet their needs then, for God only can give strength and comfort on the bed of death. Of each and all, however vigorous they may now be, it will be true that "flesh and heart"will "fail;"of each and all it is true that when this shall occur, none but God can be the portion and the strength of the soul.

Barnes: Psa 73:27 - -- For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish - All that are estranged from thee; all who are not thy friends. They will certainly be destr...
For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish - All that are estranged from thee; all who are not thy friends. They will certainly be destroyed. For them there can be no hope. This is the fact which solved the difficulty of the psalmist in regard to the divine dealings with people, Psa 73:3-7. The fact that there will be a righteous judgment, in which God will deal with people according to their deserts, made all plain. Compare Psa 73:16-20.
Thou hast destroyed - That is, Thou wilt certainly destroy. The psalmist places himself in the future, and speaks of this as if it were already done. It will be so certainly done that he could speak of it as if it were already accomplished.
All them that go a whoring from thee - The relation of God to his people is often compared in the Scriptures with the marriage relation (compare Ps. 45); and a departure from Him is compared with a want of fidelity to the marriage contract. See Mat 12:39; Mat 16:4; Jer 3:8-9; Jer 5:7; Jer 13:27; Eze 23:37; Rev 2:22 :

Barnes: Psa 73:28 - -- But it is good for me to draw near to God - That is, It is pleasant; it is profitable; it is the chief good. For myself, happiness is to be fou...
But it is good for me to draw near to God - That is, It is pleasant; it is profitable; it is the chief good. For myself, happiness is to be found in that alone; there I find what my nature pants for and desires. Others find, or attempt to find, happiness in other things; my happiness is found in God alone. This is the result to which the psalmist came after all his perplexity. With all his doubts and difficulties, his real desire was to be near to God; his supreme happiness was found there.
I have put my trust in the Lord God - I have truly confided in him; he is my portion and the sole ground of my reliance. The doubts which he had had were not, after all, real doubts about the claim of God to confidence. There was an underlying trust in God in the midst of all this. He had not desired to cherish such doubts; he did, on the most calm reflection, still trust in God.
That I may declare all thy works - That I might make known thy doings toward the children of men. I have desired rightly to understand thee and thy government, that I might vindicate thy name, and assert thy claim to the love and confidenee of mankind. His doubts and perplexities had not really been because he was an enemy of God, or because he desired to cherish doubts in regard to him, but because, when appearances were against the equity of the divine government, he wished to see how the things which occurred could be explained consistently with a proper belief in the goodness and justice of God, in order that he might go and explain the matter to his fellow-men. Such perplexities and doubts, therefore, are not really inconsistent with true love for God and genuine confidence in him; and it is well when such doubts are made the means of enabling us more clearly to explain the divine dealings - it is well when, under all such doubts and difficulties, we can still find evidence that we truly love God.
Poole: Psa 73:19 - -- Their fall is wonderful, both for its soreness and for its suddenness.
Consumed with terrors either, with the horrors of their own minds; or rathe...
Their fall is wonderful, both for its soreness and for its suddenness.
Consumed with terrors either, with the horrors of their own minds; or rather, with God’ s dreadful judgments unexpectedly seizing upon them.

Poole: Psa 73:20 - -- Their happiness is like that in a dream, wherein a man seems to be highly pleased and transported with ravishing delights, but when he awakes he fin...
Their happiness is like that in a dream, wherein a man seems to be highly pleased and transported with ravishing delights, but when he awakes he finds himself deceived and unsatisfied. Awakest , i.e. stirrest up thyself to punish them. Or rather, when they shall awake out of the pleasant dream of this vain, sinful life by death, and the torments following it. For this seems to agree best with the metaphor here before mentioned. And the Hebrew words being only these, in awaking, may be applied either to God or to them, as the context directs.
Despise their image not so much really, for so God ever did despise it, in the height of all their glory; but declaratively, things being oft said to be done in Scripture when they appear, or are manifested; as hath been more than once noted. Thou shalt pour contempt upon them; make them despicable, both to themselves and to all others; and raise them to shame and everlasting contempt, as is said, Dan 12:2 .
Their image i. e. all their felicity and glory, which as indeed it ever was, so now it shall be evidently discerned to be, no real or substantial and solid thing, but a mere image, or shadow, or vain show, which can neither abide with them, nor yield satisfaction to them. See Psa 39:6 Act 25:23 , where what is rendered pomp, in the Greek signifies a mere fancy or imagination, 1Co 7:31 .

Poole: Psa 73:21 - -- Thus so as I have above expressed; for this particle so taken, doth not belong to what he had now wisely and piously said in the next foregoing verse...
Thus so as I have above expressed; for this particle so taken, doth not belong to what he had now wisely and piously said in the next foregoing verses, but to what he had unadvisedly spoken in the former verses, as is evident from the following verse. Or, nevertheless , as this particle is oft used. Although I knew very. well that the prosperity of sinners would have a sudden and dismal end, yet I was so foolish as to be grieved at it.
I was pricked in my reins was heartily and deeply wounded with disquieting thoughts, and tormenting passions, envy, and sorrow, and anger.

Poole: Psa 73:22 - -- As a beast Heb. beasts , which may signify a great beast; a most stupid and sottish creature, like one not only void of grace, but of reason too; fo...
As a beast Heb. beasts , which may signify a great beast; a most stupid and sottish creature, like one not only void of grace, but of reason too; for reason itself, especially assisted by the Holy Scriptures, did sufficiently discover that, all things considered, I had no sufficient cause to envy the prosperity of wicked men. I minded only present things, as the brutes do. and did not consider things to come, as reasonable creatures do, and ought to do.
Before thee in thy sight or judgment, and therefore in truth, Rom 2:2 , howsoever I seemed to myself or others to have some degree of reason and discretion.

Poole: Psa 73:23 - -- Nevertheless notwithstanding all my temptations, and my gross folly in yielding to them.
I am continually with thee either,
1. In a way of duty. Y...
Nevertheless notwithstanding all my temptations, and my gross folly in yielding to them.
I am continually with thee either,
1. In a way of duty. Yet I did not depart from thee, nor from thy ways; but did at last conquer them, and firmly cleave unto thee by faith. Or rather,
2. In a way of mercy and favour, of which he speaks in the next clause of this and in the following verse. Although I gave thee just cause to east me off, yet thou didst continue thy gracious presence with me, and thy care and kindness to me. And this phrase, with thee, seems to have some emphasis in it, as being opposed to the other with thee , Psa 73:22 . I was a beast with thee, such was my folly and wickedness; and yet I was in favour with thee, such was thy goodness: thou didst pardon and cure it.
Thou hast holden me by my right hand that my faith might not fail, and I might not be overthrown by this or any other temptations.

Poole: Psa 73:24 - -- Thou shalt guide me: as thou hast kept me hitherto in all my trials, so I am assured thou wilt lead me still into right paths, and keep me from wande...
Thou shalt guide me: as thou hast kept me hitherto in all my trials, so I am assured thou wilt lead me still into right paths, and keep me from wandering or straying from thee, or falling into mischief.
With thy counsel partly, by thy gracious providence, executing thy purpose of mercy to me, and watching over me; partly, by thy word, which thou wilt open mine eyes to understand, as Psa 119:18 ; and principally, by thy Holy Spirit, sanctifying and directing me in the whole course of my life.
Receive me to glory either,
1. Advance me to honour here. Or rather,
2. Translate me to everlasting glory in heaven. For,
1. Thus God doth for his people most constantly and certainly, whilst all the occurrences of the present life do happen indifferently to good and bad; which was the common observation of Job, and David, and Solomon, and other holy men of God in Scripture.
2. This is far more considerable than the former, and the more satisfactory relief against the present prosperity of the wicked, and the afflictions of good men.
3. This future glory is that mystery which was to be learned only in God’ s sanctuary, Psa 73:17 .
4. As the destruction of the wicked, mentioned Psa 73:18-20 , looks beyond this life, so doth the glory of God’ s people.

Poole: Psa 73:25 - -- Whom have I in heaven or in earth ? as it follows. There is no other person nor thing in the world from which I can seek or hope for happiness, or w...
Whom have I in heaven or in earth ? as it follows. There is no other person nor thing in the world from which I can seek or hope for happiness, or which I am willing to accept as my portion. Let sinners have an earthly prosperity, I am satisfied with thee, and with thy favour. Since thou givest me support and conduct here, and carriest me safe from hence to eternal glory, what do I need more? or what can I desire more?
But thee which words must necessarily be understood here from the next clause, where they are expressed.

Poole: Psa 73:26 - -- In myself, I confess I am a poor weak creature, and my body and spirit may fail and be ready to faint under such temptations and tribulations as the...
In myself, I confess I am a poor weak creature, and my body and spirit may fail and be ready to faint under such temptations and tribulations as these, and I know I shall shortly return to the dust, out of which I was taken. But though I have no strength in myself; I have it in God, my never-failing refuge, to whom I will trust whilst I live, and who will be my portion to eternity.

Poole: Psa 73:27 - -- They that are far from thee they that forsake thee and thy ways, preferring the prosperity of this present evil world before thy love, and favour, an...
They that are far from thee they that forsake thee and thy ways, preferring the prosperity of this present evil world before thy love, and favour, and service; they who estrange themselves from the love, and life, and acquaintance of God; that say to God, Depart from us, for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways , as they did, Job 21:14 .
Thou hast destroyed thou will certainly and dreadfully destroy them.
Them that go a whoring from thee those who having professed subjection to thee, shall afterwards revolt from thee, and sell themselves to work wickedness; which is called whoredom in Scripture. For none are more hateful to God, than willful and wicked apostates from the principles and practice of the true religion, which once they owned.

Poole: Psa 73:28 - -- But whatsoever they do, I am abundantly satisfied that it is, as my duty, so my interest and happiness, to cleave unto thee, by faith, and love, and...
But whatsoever they do, I am abundantly satisfied that it is, as my duty, so my interest and happiness, to cleave unto thee, by faith, and love, and obedience, and diligent attendance upon all thine ordinances.
I have put my trust in the Lord God I depend upon him alone for all my comfort and felicity.
That I may declare all thy works from which I know I shall have this benefit, that I shall have many and great occasions to declare God’ s acts of mercy and kindness to me.
Haydock: Psa 73:19 - -- To thee. St. Jerome, "the soul intrusted in thy law." (Haydock) ---
Hebrew has now torec, which is rendered, "thy turtle dove." But the Septuag...
To thee. St. Jerome, "the soul intrusted in thy law." (Haydock) ---
Hebrew has now torec, which is rendered, "thy turtle dove." But the Septuagint have read d, instead of r, better; (Calmet) and Houbigant rejects with disdain the present Hebrew, though that figurative expression would have the same meaning. (Berthier)

Haydock: Psa 73:20 - -- The obscure of the earth. Mean and ignoble wretches have been filled, that is, enriched, with houses of iniquity, that is, with our estates and ...
The obscure of the earth. Mean and ignoble wretches have been filled, that is, enriched, with houses of iniquity, that is, with our estates and possessions, which they have unjustly acquired. (Challoner) ---
Or the captives may thus complain, that they are forced to live among infidels, in constant danger of transgressing the law, (Calmet) while their children are brought up in sin, (Berthier) and ignorance. (Haydock) ---
Infidels are full of all sorts of iniquity, which they hide in their conscience. (Worthington) ---
Injustice is often the method of becoming rich. (Haydock)

Haydock: Psa 73:21 - -- Humble. Hebrew, "the contrite," whether of Israel, or of any other nation, Isaias lxvi. 2. (Berthier) ---
The rich and presumptuous think not of t...
Humble. Hebrew, "the contrite," whether of Israel, or of any other nation, Isaias lxvi. 2. (Berthier) ---
The rich and presumptuous think not of thanking God. (Menochius)

Haydock: Psa 73:23 - -- Enemies. Septuagint and St. Augustine read, "servants," and the ancient psalters, "supplicants," (Calmet) which seems to be a mistake of transcriber...
Enemies. Septuagint and St. Augustine read, "servants," and the ancient psalters, "supplicants," (Calmet) which seems to be a mistake of transcribers, (Berthier) as it is contrary to the Hebrew, Chaldean, and Syriac. (Calmet) ---
The sense of both would be good. Erasmus reads Greek: iketon, quærentium, in his edition of St. Jerome. (Haydock) ---
They blaspheme all holy things, and are hardened in wickedness. (Worthington) ---
Such are the times in which we live, 1 Timothy vi. 20. (Berthier)
Gill: Psa 73:19 - -- How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment?.... Very suddenly, which is often the case of wicked men, who cry Peace and safety, and sudden d...
How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment?.... Very suddenly, which is often the case of wicked men, who cry Peace and safety, and sudden destruction comes upon them, 1Th 5:3, so as in a moment were the punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah, of Pharaoh and his host, and of Korah and his company, Lam 4:6, the words are expressed with admiration, as wondering at the sudden and amazing turn of things:
they are utterly consumed with terrors: their destruction is not only sudden, but entire; it is like the breaking in pieces of a potter's vessel; a shard of which cannot be gathered up and used, or like the casting of a millstone into the sea, which will never rise more; such will be the destruction of antichrist; see Rev 2:27 and this is done "with terrors"; either by terrible judgments inflicted on them from without; or with terrors inwardly seizing upon their minds and consciences; as, at the time of temporal calamities, or at death, however at judgment, when the awful sentence will be pronounced upon them; see Job 27:20.

Gill: Psa 73:20 - -- As a dream when one awaketh,.... So will be all the temporal felicity of wicked men, all an illusion, all a dream; when they lift up their eyes in hel...
As a dream when one awaketh,.... So will be all the temporal felicity of wicked men, all an illusion, all a dream; when they lift up their eyes in hell, and awake in the resurrection, they will find themselves destitute of all their riches and honours, and it will be as if they had only dreamed of them, and never enjoyed them; see Job 20:6 so, "O Lord, when thou awakest"; to judgment, to take vengeance on wicked men, and vindicate his own people; and who seems sometimes to be as it were asleep, and to take no notice of things, when the judgment of the ungodly, and their damnation, seem to slumber, though it does not; see Psa 7:6 or when he awakes the dead at the time of the resurrection. Death is often compared to sleep in Scripture, and the resurrection to an awaking out of it, which is the Lord's work, Isa 26:19, and so the Targum,
"O Lord, when thou shalt raise them from their graves:''
thou shalt despise their image; the image of the earthly man, of sin and of Satan, which is upon both their souls and bodies; which will both be destroyed in hell: or their riches and honour, the vain show in which they have walked, their outward pomp and splendour; which was only a show, an outward appearance, and no solidity and substance; and which will not be esteemed in the great day of account, but despised; see Job 36:18, the wicked will awake, and arise to everlasting shame and contempt, Dan 12:2.

Gill: Psa 73:21 - -- Thus my heart was grieved,.... Not with his own sins, nor with the sins of the wicked, but at their prosperity; for this is an account of himself, whi...
Thus my heart was grieved,.... Not with his own sins, nor with the sins of the wicked, but at their prosperity; for this is an account of himself, while under the temptation, and before he went into the sanctuary of the Lord; or when he was "leavened" r, with the old leaven of wickedness, and envy, and indignation; he was in a ferment, so Plautus s uses the phrase for being in anger and wrath; he swelled, as what is leavened does, against God and his providence: or was "soured" t; he was out of humour and angry with God, or was exasperated and provoked at the favours bestowed upon the wicked. Some render it "inflamed" u, made hot; not with the love of God, and meditation upon it, but with wrath and indignation:
and I was pricked in my reins; disturbed and distracted in his thoughts, felt a great deal of pain in his mind, while he was considering the prosperity of the wicked; which was as a sword in his bones, and as an arrow shot into his reins; see Lam 3:13.

Gill: Psa 73:22 - -- So foolish was I,.... To envy the prosperity of the wicked, which is of so short a continuance; to arraign the providence and perfections of God, and ...
So foolish was I,.... To envy the prosperity of the wicked, which is of so short a continuance; to arraign the providence and perfections of God, and to conclude so hastily that there was nothing in religion:
and ignorant; or, "I knew not" w; what he attempted to know, Psa 73:16, nor the end of the wicked, till he went into the sanctuary of the Lord; nor the counsel and design of God, in his methods of providence towards wicked men:
I was as a beast before thee, or "with thee" x; in the knowledge of the ways and works of God, even those of providence; see Psa 92:5, unteachable, untractable, kicking against God and his providential dispensations; not behaving like a man, much, less like a saint; but even as the worst of brutes, as the behemoth in Job 40:15, for the same word is here used; he concluded that God, who saw all the wickedness of his heart, the workings and reasonings of his mind, which were so vain and foolish, could esteem him no other than as a beast; so the Targum,
"as a beast I am accounted with thee:''
the words may be rendered, "I was the veriest beast before thee"; there being no note of similitude in the text; the word for "beast" being in the plural number, may be used for a superlative; Plautus y uses the word "bellua", beast, for a stupid man.

Gill: Psa 73:23 - -- Nevertheless, I am continually with thee,.... Upon the heart of God, in his hands, under his eye, under his wings of protection and care, and not suff...
Nevertheless, I am continually with thee,.... Upon the heart of God, in his hands, under his eye, under his wings of protection and care, and not suffered to depart from him finally and totally; he could not be disunited and removed from him by the above temptation; nor was he left to cast off the fear of the Lord, and to forsake his worship and service; nor altogether to lose his love and affection for him, which still continued; see Psa 73:25, or "I shall be always with thee" z; not now, for though the saints are always in union with the Lord, yet they have not always communion with him; but hereafter, in heaven, to all eternity:
thou hast holden me by my right hand; as an instance of condescension, respect, and familiarity; see Act 23:19, as a parent takes his child by the hand, and learns it to go, so the Lord takes his children by the hand, and teaches them to walk by faith in him, Hos 11:3 or in order to keep them from falling, and bear them up under temptations and exercises; as well as to lead them into more intimate communion with himself in his sanctuary, and to raise them up out of their low estate to an exalted one; see Isa 45:1, and likewise to put something into their hands, to supply their wants, and fill them with his good things; see Eze 16:49.

Gill: Psa 73:24 - -- Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel,.... Which is wise and prudent, wholesome, suitable, and seasonable, hearty, sincere, and faithful, and which is ...
Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel,.... Which is wise and prudent, wholesome, suitable, and seasonable, hearty, sincere, and faithful, and which is freely given, and when taken, infallibly succeeds: or "according to thy counsel" a; the determinate counsels, purposes, and will of God, which were of old faithfulness and truth; who does all things after the counsel of his own will in providence and grace: or "by thy counsel" b; by the Scriptures of truth, the revealed word, which contains the will of God, and directions for a holy walk and conversation; by the Gospel and truths of it, called the whole counsel of God, Act 20:27, and by his Holy Spirit, which is a spirit of counsel as well as of might; and by which the Lord guides his people in the ways of peace, truth, righteousness, and holiness, through this world, to the heavenly glory, as follows:
and afterward receive me to glory; into a glorious place, an house not made with hands, a city whose builder and maker is God, into a kingdom and glory, or a glorious kingdom; and into glorious company, the company of Father, Son, and Spirit, angels and glorified saints, where glorious things will be seen, and a glory enjoyed both in soul and body to all eternity; for this glory is eternal glory, a glory that passes not away: or "in glory" c; in a glorious manner: some render it, "after glory thou wilt receive me" d; that is, after all the glory and honour thou hast bestowed upon me here, thou wilt take me to thyself in heaven; so the Targum,
"after the glory is completed, which thou saidst thou wouldst bring upon me, thou wilt receive me:''
but rather the sense is, "after" thou hast led and guided me by thy counsel through the wilderness of this world; "after" all the afflictions and temptations of this present life are over; "after" I have passed through the valley of the shadow of death, or "after" death itself, thou wilt receive me into everlasting joy and happiness; see 1Pe 5:10.

Gill: Psa 73:25 - -- Whom have I in heaven but thee,.... Which includes God the Father, Son, and Spirit; God the Father, as his only covenant God and Father; Christ as his...
Whom have I in heaven but thee,.... Which includes God the Father, Son, and Spirit; God the Father, as his only covenant God and Father; Christ as his only Mediator, Saviour, and Redeemer, Head, Husband, Advocate, and Intercessor; the Spirit as his only sanctifier, Comforter, earnest, and sealer; and is expressive of their being the one and only Lord God, the sole object of worship, trust, and confidence; his only helper and guide; and in whom his supreme happiness and glory lay; and it excludes the sun, moon, and stars, in the lower heavens, from being the object of worship and trust; and angels and glorified saints in the highest heavens: the words may be rendered, "who is for me in heaven?" e on my side, my protector and defender; see Rom 8:31.
and there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee; or "with thee" f; there are many things on earth desirable, as riches, health, friends, food, raiment, &c. but not to be compared with God and Christ, and the blessed Spirit; with the love of God, the grace of Christ, and the communion of the Holy Ghost; there are none to be loved and delighted in as they, nor anything so desirable as fellowship with them: or "with thee I desire not the earth" g; the whole world, and all things in it, are nothing in comparison of God; if a man was possessed of the whole of it, and had not interest in the Lord, he would be miserable; and if he has an interest in him, he has enough without it; for all things are his, God is all in all; wherefore he is willing to leave all, and be with him for ever: the Targum is,
"who is like unto thee, that is, mine in heaven but thee? and with thee I do not desire a companion on earth.''
See Psa 89:6.

Gill: Psa 73:26 - -- My flesh and my heart faileth,.... Either through vehement desires of communion with God deferred, see Psa 84:2 or through afflictive dispensations of...
My flesh and my heart faileth,.... Either through vehement desires of communion with God deferred, see Psa 84:2 or through afflictive dispensations of Providence, being smitten and chastened continually, Psa 73:14, or through inward trials and exercises, by reason of indwelling sin, temptations, and desertions: or rather the words are expressive of the body being emaciated by sickness and diseases; and the heart fainting through fear of death, or rather failing at it, being at the point of death; the heart being, as philosophers say, the first that lives, and the last that dies:
but God is the strength of my heart, or "the rock of my heart" h; when overwhelmed with distress through outward trouble, or in the lowest condition with respect to spiritual things; when grace is weak, corruptions strong, temptations prevail, and afflictions are many; then does the Lord support and sustain his people, and strengthens them with strength in their souls; and in the moment of death, by showing them that its sting is taken away, and its curse removed; that their souls are going to their Lord, and about to enter into his joy; and that their bodies will rise again glorious and incorruptible:
and my portion for ever; both in life and at death, and to all eternity; this is a very large portion indeed; such who have it inherit all things; yea, it is immense and inconceivable; it is a soul satisfying one, and is safe and secure; it can never be taken away, nor can it be spent; it will last always; see Psa 142:5.

Gill: Psa 73:27 - -- For, lo, they that are far from thee,.... Who are alienated from the life of God, far from the law of God, and subjection and obedience to it; and fro...
For, lo, they that are far from thee,.... Who are alienated from the life of God, far from the law of God, and subjection and obedience to it; and from righteousness either moral or evangelical, and from the love and fear of God, and worship of him:
shall perish; not merely at death, as even righteous men do, but be lost eternally:
thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee; that follow after other gods, and worship them; which is spiritual adultery and fornication, the Scriptures often speak of, and intend by it idolatry; see Deu 31:16 or who set their hearts and affections upon the creature, and have them alienated from God; and love the creature more and besides the Creator: the past tense seems to be put for the future, and so some render it, "thou shalt destroy", or "cut off" i; destroy them soul and body, and punish them with an everlasting destruction in hell; the Targum is,
"that wander from thy fear;''
that is, from the worship of God.

Gill: Psa 73:28 - -- But it is good for me to draw near to God,.... In prayer, and other acts of religious worship; to attend the word and ordinances in the sanctuary, whe...
But it is good for me to draw near to God,.... In prayer, and other acts of religious worship; to attend the word and ordinances in the sanctuary, where the psalmist had lately been delivered out of a sore temptation, and so had a recent experience, which was fresh in his mind, of the advantages of such exercises; for it is both an honourable good, what is becoming and commendable, and a pleasant good, what yields delight and satisfaction, and a profitable good, to draw nigh to God by Christ, the new and living way, assisted by the Holy Spirit; which, when done aright, is with faith, sincerity, reverence, and a holy boldness:
I have put my trust in the Lord God; as the rock of his refuge and salvation, as his portion and inheritance:
that I may declare all thy works; of providence and grace, by proclaiming the wisdom, power, goodness, and faithfulness of God in them; by giving him the glory of them, and by expressing thankfulness for them, both by words and deeds.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Psa 73:20 Heb “you will despise their form.” The Hebrew term צֶלֶם (tselem, “form; image”) also suggests t...

NET Notes: Psa 73:21 Heb “and [in] my kidneys I was pierced.” The imperfect verbal form here describes a continuing condition in a past time frame.

NET Notes: Psa 73:24 Heb “and afterward [to] glory you will take me.” Some interpreters view this as the psalmist’s confidence in an afterlife in GodR...

NET Notes: Psa 73:25 Heb “Who [is there] for me in heaven? And besides you I do not desire [anyone] in the earth.” The psalmist uses a merism (heaven/earth) to...

NET Notes: Psa 73:26 Heb “is the rocky summit of my heart and my portion.” The psalmist compares the Lord to a rocky summit where one could go for protection a...

NET Notes: Psa 73:28 The infinitive construct with -לְ (lÿ) is understood here as indicating an attendant circumstance. Another option is to take it as in...
Geneva Bible: Psa 73:19 How are they [brought] into desolation, as in a moment! they are ( i ) utterly consumed with terrors.
( i ) By your fearful judgment.

Geneva Bible: Psa 73:20 As a dream when [one] awaketh; [so], O Lord, when ( k ) thou awakest, thou shalt despise their image.
( k ) When you open our eyes to consider your h...

Geneva Bible: Psa 73:22 So foolish [was] I, and ignorant: I was [as] a ( l ) beast before thee.
( l ) For the more that man goes about by his own reason to seek out God's ju...

Geneva Bible: Psa 73:23 Nevertheless I [am] continually ( m ) with thee: thou hast holden [me] by my right hand.
( m ) By faith I was assured that your providence always wat...

Geneva Bible: Psa 73:25 Whom have I in ( n ) heaven [but thee]? and [there is] none upon earth [that] I desire beside thee.
( n ) He sought neither help nor comfort of any s...

Geneva Bible: Psa 73:26 My flesh and my heart faileth: [but] God [is] the strength of my heart, and my ( o ) portion for ever.
( o ) He teaches us to deny ourselves, to have...

Geneva Bible: Psa 73:27 For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that ( p ) go a whoring from thee.
( p ) That is, forsake you to seek...

Geneva Bible: Psa 73:28 But [it is] good for me ( q ) to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works.
( q ) Though all the world ...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Psa 73:1-28
TSK Synopsis: Psa 73:1-28 - --1 The prophet, prevailing in a temptation,2 shews the occasion thereof, the prosperity of the wicked;13 the wound given thereby, diffidence;15 the vic...
Maclaren -> Psa 73:25-26; Psa 73:28
Maclaren: Psa 73:25-26 - --Reasonable Rapture
Whom have I in heaven but Thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire besides Thee. 26. My flesh and my heart faileth: but Go...

Maclaren: Psa 73:28 - --Nearness To God The Key To Life's Puzzle
It is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all Thy works...
MHCC -> Psa 73:15-20; Psa 73:21-28
MHCC: Psa 73:15-20 - --The psalmist having shown the progress of his temptation, shows how faith and grace prevailed. He kept up respect for God's people, and with that he r...

MHCC: Psa 73:21-28 - --God would not suffer his people to be tempted, if his grace were not sufficient, not only to save them from harm, but to make them gainers by it. This...
Matthew Henry -> Psa 73:15-20; Psa 73:21-28
Matthew Henry: Psa 73:15-20 - -- We have seen what a strong temptation the psalmist was in to envy prospering profaneness; now here we are told how he kept his footing and got the v...

Matthew Henry: Psa 73:21-28 - -- Behold Samson's riddle again unriddled, Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong sweetness; for we have here an account of the good...
Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 73:19-22 - --
The poet calms himself with the solution of the riddle that has come to him; and it would be beneath his dignity as a man to allow himself any furth...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 73:23-26 - --
But he does not thus deeply degrade himself: after God has once taken him by the right hand and rescued him from the danger of falling (Psa 73:2), h...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 73:27-28 - --
The poet here once more gives expression to the great opposites into which good fortune and misfortune are seemingly, but only seemingly, divided in...
Constable: Psa 73:1--89:52 - --I. Book 3: chs 73--89
A man or men named Asaph wrote 17 of the psalms in this book (Pss. 73-83). Other writers w...

Constable: Psa 73:1-28 - --Psalm 73
In this psalm Asaph related his inner mental struggle when he compared his life as one committe...