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Text -- Psalms 92:7-15 (NET)

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92:7 When the wicked sprout up like grass, and all the evildoers glisten, it is so that they may be annihilated. 92:8 But you, O Lord, reign forever! 92:9 Indeed, look at your enemies, O Lord! Indeed, look at how your enemies perish! All the evildoers are scattered! 92:10 You exalt my horn like that of a wild ox. I am covered with fresh oil. 92:11 I gloat in triumph over those who tried to ambush me; I hear the defeated cries of the evil foes who attacked me. 92:12 The godly grow like a palm tree; they grow high like a cedar in Lebanon. 92:13 Planted in the Lord’s house, they grow in the courts of our God. 92:14 They bear fruit even when they are old; they are filled with vitality and have many leaves. 92:15 So they proclaim that the Lord, my protector, is just and never unfair.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Lebanon a mountain range and the adjoining regions (IBD)

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Worship | Wicked | WILD OX | Sabbath | Praise | Palm Tree | PSALMS, BOOK OF | OIL | LEBANON | Horn | HEAD | HAIR | God | Faith | FRESH | FLOURISH | FAT | Evildoers | COURT OF THE SANCTUARY; TABERNACLE; TEMPLE | Blessing | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable


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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Psa 92:10 - -- I shall have cause of testifying my joy by anointing myself, as the manner was at all joyful solemnities.

I shall have cause of testifying my joy by anointing myself, as the manner was at all joyful solemnities.

Wesley: Psa 92:12 - -- tree - Which is constantly green and flourishing.

tree - Which is constantly green and flourishing.

Wesley: Psa 92:13 - -- Whom God by his gracious providence has fixed there.

Whom God by his gracious providence has fixed there.

Wesley: Psa 92:13 - -- In its courts; he means in the church of God, whereof all good men are living members.

In its courts; he means in the church of God, whereof all good men are living members.

Wesley: Psa 92:14 - -- Their last days shall be their best days, wherein they shall grow in grace, and increase in blessedness.

Their last days shall be their best days, wherein they shall grow in grace, and increase in blessedness.

JFB: Psa 92:8 - -- This he does in part, by contrasting their ruin with God's exaltation and eternity.

This he does in part, by contrasting their ruin with God's exaltation and eternity.

JFB: Psa 92:8 - -- As occupying the highest place in heaven (Psa 7:7; Psa 18:16).

As occupying the highest place in heaven (Psa 7:7; Psa 18:16).

JFB: Psa 92:9-10 - -- A further contrast with the wicked, in the lot of the righteous, safety and triumph.

A further contrast with the wicked, in the lot of the righteous, safety and triumph.

JFB: Psa 92:10 - -- Is to increase power (Psa 75:5).

Is to increase power (Psa 75:5).

JFB: Psa 92:10 - -- Or, "new"

Or, "new"

JFB: Psa 92:10 - -- (Psa 23:5) a figure for refreshment (compare Luk 7:46). Such use of oil is still common in the East.

(Psa 23:5) a figure for refreshment (compare Luk 7:46). Such use of oil is still common in the East.

JFB: Psa 92:11 - -- Or, literally, "look on" my enemies and hear of the wicked (compare Psa 27:11; Psa 54:7) --that is, I shall be gratified by their fall.

Or, literally, "look on" my enemies and hear of the wicked (compare Psa 27:11; Psa 54:7) --that is, I shall be gratified by their fall.

JFB: Psa 92:12-14 - -- The vigorous growth, longevity, utility, fragrance, and beauty of these noble trees, set forth the life, character, and destiny of the pious;

The vigorous growth, longevity, utility, fragrance, and beauty of these noble trees, set forth the life, character, and destiny of the pious;

JFB: Psa 92:15 - -- And they thus declare God's glory as their strong and righteous ruler.

And they thus declare God's glory as their strong and righteous ruler.

Clarke: Psa 92:7 - -- When the wicked spring as the grass - This is a lesson which is frequently inculcated in the sacred writings. The favor of God towards man is not to...

When the wicked spring as the grass - This is a lesson which is frequently inculcated in the sacred writings. The favor of God towards man is not to be known by outward prosperity; nor is his disapprobation to be known by the adverse circumstances in which any person may be found. When, however, we see the wicked flourish, we may take for granted that their abuse of God’ s mercies will cause him to cut them off as cumberers of the ground; and, dying in their sins, they are destroyed for ever.

Clarke: Psa 92:8 - -- High for evermore - They are brought down and destroyed; but the Lord is exalted eternally, both for his judgments and his mercies.

High for evermore - They are brought down and destroyed; but the Lord is exalted eternally, both for his judgments and his mercies.

Clarke: Psa 92:10 - -- Like the horn of a unicorn - ראים reeym , perhaps here, the oryx or buffalo. But the rhinoceros seems to be the real monoceros of the Scripture...

Like the horn of a unicorn - ראים reeym , perhaps here, the oryx or buffalo. But the rhinoceros seems to be the real monoceros of the Scriptures

Clarke: Psa 92:10 - -- I shall be anointed unth fresh oil - Perhaps the allusion is here not to any sacramental anointing, but to such anointings as were frequent among th...

I shall be anointed unth fresh oil - Perhaps the allusion is here not to any sacramental anointing, but to such anointings as were frequent among the Asiatics, especially after bathing, for the purpose of health and activity.

Clarke: Psa 92:11 - -- Mine eye also shall see, - and mine ears shall hear - Even in my own times my enemies shall be destroyed; and of this destruction I shall eithe...

Mine eye also shall see, - and mine ears shall hear - Even in my own times my enemies shall be destroyed; and of this destruction I shall either be an eye-witness or have authentic information.

Clarke: Psa 92:12 - -- The righteous shall flourish like the palm-tree - Very different from the wicked, Psa 92:7, who are likened to grass. These shall have a short durat...

The righteous shall flourish like the palm-tree - Very different from the wicked, Psa 92:7, who are likened to grass. These shall have a short duration; but those shall have a long and useful life. They are compared also to the cedar of Lebanon, an incorruptible wood, and extremely long-lived. Mr. Maundrell, who visited those trees in 1697, describes them thus: "These noble trees grow among the snow, near the highest part of Lebanon. Some are very old, and of prodigious bulk. I measured one of the largest, and found it twelve yards six inches in girt, and yet sound; and thirty-seven yards in the spread of its boughs. At about five or six yards from the ground, it was divided into live limbs, each of which was equal to a large tree."Some of these trees are supposed to have lived upwards of one thousand years! The figure of the palm-tree gives us the idea of grandeur and usefulness. The fruit of the palm-tree makes a great part of the diet of the people of Arabia, part of Persia, and Upper Egypt. The stones are ground down for the camels; the leaves are made into baskets; the hard boughs, or rather strong leaves, some being six or eight feet in length, make fences; the juice makes arrack, the threads of the web-like integument between the leaves make ropes, and the rigging of small vessels; and the wood serves for slighter buildings and fire-wood. In short, the palm or date tree, and the olive, are two of the most excellent and useful productions of the forest or the field

The cedar gives us the idea of majesty, stability. durableness, and incorruptibility. To these two trees, for the most obvious reasons, are the righteous compared. William Lithgow, who traveled through the holy land about a.d. 1600, describes the cedars of Mount Lebanon as "being in number twenty-four, growing after the manner of oaks, but a great deal taller straighter, and thicker, and the branches growing so straight, and interlocking, as though they were kept by art: and yet from the root to the top they bear no boughs, but grow straight and upwards like to a palm-tree. Their circle-spread tops do kiss or embrace the lower clouds, making their grandeur overlook the highest bodies of all other aspiring trees. The nature of this tree is, that it is always green, yielding an odoriferous smell, and an excellent kind of fruit, like unto apples, but of a sweeter taste, and more wholesome. The roots of some of these cedars are almost destroyed by the shepherds, who have made fires thereat, and holes where they sleep; yet nevertheless they flourish green above, in the tops and branches."- Lithgow’ s 17 years’ Travels, 4th., London, 1640.

Clarke: Psa 92:13 - -- Those that be planted in the house of the Lord - I believe the Chaldee has the true meaning here: "His children shall be planted in the house of the...

Those that be planted in the house of the Lord - I believe the Chaldee has the true meaning here: "His children shall be planted in the house of the sanctuary of the Lord, and shall flourish in the courts of our God."As these trees flourish in their respective soils and climates, so shall the righteous in the ordinances of God. I do not think there is any allusion to either palm-trees or cedars, planted near the tabernacle or temple.

Clarke: Psa 92:14 - -- They shall still bring forth fruit in old age - They shall continue to grow in grace, and be fruitful to the end of their lives. It is a rare case t...

They shall still bring forth fruit in old age - They shall continue to grow in grace, and be fruitful to the end of their lives. It is a rare case to find a man in old age full of faith, love, and spiritual activity.

Clarke: Psa 92:15 - -- To show that the Lord is upright - Such persons show how faithful God is to his promises, how true to his word, how kind to them who trust in him. H...

To show that the Lord is upright - Such persons show how faithful God is to his promises, how true to his word, how kind to them who trust in him. He is the Rock, the Fountain, whence all good comes

Clarke: Psa 92:15 - -- There is no unrighteousness in him - He does nothing evil, nothing unwise, nothing unkind. He is both just and merciful

There is no unrighteousness in him - He does nothing evil, nothing unwise, nothing unkind. He is both just and merciful

Calvin: Psa 92:7 - -- 7.When the wicked flourish as the grass He points out, and exposes, by a striking and appropriate figure, the folly of imagining that the wicked obta...

7.When the wicked flourish as the grass He points out, and exposes, by a striking and appropriate figure, the folly of imagining that the wicked obtain a triumph over God, when he does not, it may be, immediately bring them under restraint. He makes an admission so far — he grants that they spring up and flourish — but adds immediately, by way of qualification, that they flourish, like the grass, only for a moment, their prosperity being brief and evanescent. In this way he removes what has been almost a universal stumbling-block and ground of offense; for it would be ridiculous to envy the happiness of men who are doomed to be speedily destroyed, and of whom it may be said, that to-day they flourish, and to-morrow they are cut down and wither, (Psa 129:6.) It will be shown, when we come to consider the psalm now quoted, that the herbs to which the wicked are compared are such as grow on the roofs of houses, which want depth of soil, and die of themselves, for lack of nourishment. In the passage now before us, the Psalmist satisfies himself with using simply the figure, that the prosperity of the wicked draws after it the speedier destruction, as the grass when it is full grown is ready for the scythe. There is an antithesis drawn, too, between the shortness of their continuance and the everlasting destruction which awaits them; for they are not said to be cut down that they may flourish again, as withered plants will recover their vigor, but to be condemned to eternal perdition. 591 When he says of God, that he sits exalted for evermore, some understand him to mean, that God holds the power and office of governing the world, and that we may be certain nothing can happen by chance when such a righteous governor and judge administers the affairs of the world. Various other meanings have been suggested. But it seems to me that the Psalmist compares the stability of God’s throne with the fluctuating and changeable character of this world, reminding us that we must not judge of Him by what we see in the world, where there is nothing of a fixed and enduring nature. God looks down undisturbed from the altitude of heaven upon all the changes of this earthly scene, which neither affect nor have any relation to him. And this the Psalmist brings forward with another view than simply to teach us to distinguish God from his creatures, and put due honor upon his majesty; he would have us learn in our contemplations upon the wonderful and mysterious providence of God, to lift our conceptions above ourselves and this world, since it is only a dark and confused view which our earthly minds can take up. It is with the purpose of leading us into a proper discovery of the Divine judgments which are not seen in the world, that the Psalmist, in making mention of the majesty of God, would remind us, that he does not work according to our ideas, but in a manner corresponding to his own eternal being. We, short-lived creatures as we are, often thwarted in our attempts, embarrassed and interrupted by many intervening difficulties, and too glad to embrace the first opportunity which offers, are accustomed to advance with precipitation; but we are taught here to lift our eyes unto that eternal and unchangeable throne on which God sits, and in wisdom defers the execution of his judgments. The words accordingly convey more than a simple commendation of the glorious being of God; they are meant to help our faith, and tell us that, although his people may sigh under many an anxious apprehension, God himself, the guardian of their safety, reigns on high, and shields them with his everlasting power.

Calvin: Psa 92:9 - -- 9.For, lo! thine enemies, O Jehovah! From what was already said in the verse preceding, the Psalmist concludes it to be impossible that God should no...

9.For, lo! thine enemies, O Jehovah! From what was already said in the verse preceding, the Psalmist concludes it to be impossible that God should not overthrow his enemies. This, as I have already observed, clearly shows that it was his design to establish our faith under the strong temptations to which it is subjected, and, more especially, to remove that offense out of the way, which has disturbed the minds of many, and led them astray; — we refer to the prosperity of the wicked, and its effect in attaching a certain perplexity to the judgments of God. As our faith is never called to a more sharp and arduous trial than upon this point, the Psalmist delivers the truth, which he announces with much force of expression, using both exclamations and repetition. First, he declares the destruction of God’s enemies to be as certain as if it had already taken place, and he had witnessed it with his own eyes; then he repeats his assertion: and from all this we may see how much he had benefited by glancing with the eye of faith beyond this world to the throne of God in the heavens. When staggered in our own faith at any time by the prosperity of the wicked, we should learn by his example to rise in our contemplations to a God in heaven, and the conviction will immediately follow in our minds that his enemies cannot long continue to triumph. The Psalmist tells us who they are that are God’s enemies. God hates none without a cause; nay, so far as men are the workmanship of his hand, he embraces them in his fatherly love. But as nothing is more opposed to his nature than sin, he proclaims irreconcilable war with the wicked. It contributes in no small degree to the comfort of the Lord’s people, to know that the reason why the wicked are destroyed is, their being necessarily the objects of God’s hatred, so that he can no more fail to punish them than deny himself. 595

The Psalmist, shortly afterwards, shows that he intended this to be a ground of comfort and hope under all cares, griefs, anxieties, and embarrassments. He speaks under the figure of oil of enjoying Divine blessings, and by green or fresh oil is meant, such as has not become corrupted, or unfit for use by age. It is noticeable that he appropriates, and improves for his own individual comfort, that grace of God which is extended to all the Lord’s people without exception; and would teach us by this that mere general doctrine is a cold and unsatisfactory thing, and that each of us should improve it particularly for himself, in the persuasion of our belonging to the number of God’s children. In one word, the Psalmist promises himself the protection of God, under whatever persecutions he should endure from his enemies, whether they were secret, or more open and violent, that he may encourage himself to persevere with indefatigable spirit in the world’s conflict. We may judge from this how absurd is the opinion of the Rabbin, who conjectured that Adam was the author of this psalm 596 — as if it were credible that his posterity should have set themselves up in rebellion against him.

Calvin: Psa 92:12 - -- 12.The righteous shall flourish like the palm-tree He now passes to the consideration of another general truth, That though God may exercise his peop...

12.The righteous shall flourish like the palm-tree He now passes to the consideration of another general truth, That though God may exercise his people with many trials, subject them to hardships, and visit them with privations, he will eventually show that he had not forgotten them. We need not be surprised that he insists so explicitly and carefully upon this point, as nothing is more difficult than for the saints of God to entertain expectations of being raised up and delivered when they have been reduced almost to the state of the dead, and it does not appear how they can live. Some think the cedar is mentioned from the fragrancy of its smell, and the palm for the sweetness of its fruit; but this is too subtile a meaning to attach to the words. The sense seems simply, that though the righteous may appear for a time to be withered, or to have been cut down, they will again spring up with renewed vigor, and flourish as well and as fair in the Church of God as the stateliest trees upon Lebanon. The expression which is employed — planted in the house of the Lord — gives the reason of their vigorous growth; nor is it meant that they have merely a place there, (which can be said even of hypocrites,) but that they are firmly fixed, and deeply rooted in it, so as to be united to God. The Psalmist speaks of the courts of the Lord, because none but the priests were allowed to enter the holy place; the people worshipped in the court. By those who are planted in the Church he means such as are united to God in real and sincere attachment, and insinuates that their prosperity cannot be of a changeable and fluctuating nature, because it is not founded upon anything that is in the world. Nor indeed can we doubt that whatever has its root, and is founded in the sanctuary, must continue to flourish and partake of a life which is spiritual and everlasting. It is in this sense that he speaks of their still budding forth, and being fat, even in old age, when the natural sap and juices are generally dried up. The language amounts to saying that they are exempt from the ordinary lot of men, and have a life which is taken from under the common law of nature. 599 It is thus that Jacob, speaking of the great renovation which should take place in the Church, mentions, that at that happy period he who was an hundred years old should be a child, meaning that, though old age naturally tends to death, and one who has lived a hundred years is upon the very borders of it, yet in the kingdom of Christ; a man would be reckoned as being merely in his childhood, and starting in life, who entered upon a new century. This could only be verified in the sense, that after death we have another existence in heaven.

Calvin: Psa 92:15 - -- 15.That they may show that Jehovah is upright It is evident from this verse that the great object of the Psalmist is, to allay that disquietude of mi...

15.That they may show that Jehovah is upright It is evident from this verse that the great object of the Psalmist is, to allay that disquietude of mind which we are apt to feel under the disorder which reigns apparently in the affairs of this world; and to make us cherish the expectation, (under all that may seem severe and trying in our lot, and though the wicked are in wealth and power, flourish, and abound in places and distinctions,) that God will bring light and order eventually out of confusion. That they may show, it is said particularly, that the Lord is upright; for through the influence of our corruption we are apt to conclude, when things do not proceed as we would wish in the world, that God is chargeable not only with neglect but with unrighteousness, in abandoning his people, and tolerating the commission of sin. When God displays his justice in proceeding to execute vengeance upon the wicked, it will be seen at once, that any prosperity which they enjoyed was but the forerunner of a worse destruction in reserve for them. The Psalmist, in calling God his rock, shows a second time that he reckoned himself amongst the number of those in whom God would illustrate his justice by extending towards them his protection.

Defender: Psa 92:10 - -- The unicorn (Hebrew reem) was not a mythical animal but an extinct animal. Many commentators think it was the giant wild ox or aurochs. This verse ind...

The unicorn (Hebrew reem) was not a mythical animal but an extinct animal. Many commentators think it was the giant wild ox or aurochs. This verse indicates that it did have a "horn" (not two horns that may have looked like one horn from a distance). Deu 33:17 speaks of the "horns of unicorns" but this is ambiguous to whether it means one-horned or two-horned animals. Many ancient writers describe unicorns as large and fierce animals with one horn. An extinct type of rhinoceros or some other now-unknown extinct animal may be the best explanation."

Defender: Psa 92:14 - -- Elderly believers who tend to become heavier as they grew older can perhaps take comfort from this promise!"

Elderly believers who tend to become heavier as they grew older can perhaps take comfort from this promise!"

TSK: Psa 92:7 - -- wicked : Psa 37:1, Psa 37:2, Psa 37:35, Psa 37:38, Psa 90:5, Psa 90:6, Psa 103:15, Psa 103:16; Isa 37:27, Isa 40:6, Isa 40:7; Jam 1:10, Jam 1:11; 1Pe ...

TSK: Psa 92:8 - -- art most : Psa 56:2, Psa 83:18, Psa 102:26, Psa 102:27; Exo 18:11; Ecc 5:8; Dan 4:34, Dan 4:35; Act 12:1, Act 12:22-24

TSK: Psa 92:9 - -- For : Psa 21:8, Psa 21:9, Psa 37:20, Psa 68:1, Psa 68:2, Psa 73:27, Psa 89:10; Jdg 5:31; Luk 19:27; 2Th 1:7-9 scattered : Psa 1:4, Psa 59:11, Psa 68:3...

TSK: Psa 92:10 - -- But : Psa 89:17, Psa 89:24, Psa 112:9, Psa 132:17, Psa 148:14; 1Sa 2:1, 1Sa 2:10; Luk 1:69 an unicorn : Num 23:22, Num 24:8; 1Jo 2:20 I shall : Psa 23...

TSK: Psa 92:11 - -- Psa 37:34, Psa 54:7, Psa 59:10, Psa 91:8, Psa 112:8

TSK: Psa 92:12 - -- righteous : Psa 92:7, Psa 52:8; Isa 55:13, Isa 65:22; Hos 14:5, Hos 14:6 cedar : Psa 104:16, Psa 148:9; Amo 2:9. See note on 1Ki 4:33, and see note on...

righteous : Psa 92:7, Psa 52:8; Isa 55:13, Isa 65:22; Hos 14:5, Hos 14:6

cedar : Psa 104:16, Psa 148:9; Amo 2:9. See note on 1Ki 4:33, and see note on 1Ki 6:29.

TSK: Psa 92:13 - -- Those : Isa 60:21; Rom 6:5, Rom 11:17; Eph 3:17 shall flourish : Isa 61:3; 2Pe 3:18 in the : Psa 100:4, Psa 135:2; 2Ch 4:9

Those : Isa 60:21; Rom 6:5, Rom 11:17; Eph 3:17

shall flourish : Isa 61:3; 2Pe 3:18

in the : Psa 100:4, Psa 135:2; 2Ch 4:9

TSK: Psa 92:14 - -- They : Psa 1:3; Mat 3:10; Joh 15:2-5; Gal 5:22, Gal 5:23; Phi 1:11; Jud 1:12 in old age : Psa 71:18; 1Chr. 29:1-30; Job 17:9; Pro 4:18; Isa 46:4; Jer ...

They : Psa 1:3; Mat 3:10; Joh 15:2-5; Gal 5:22, Gal 5:23; Phi 1:11; Jud 1:12

in old age : Psa 71:18; 1Chr. 29:1-30; Job 17:9; Pro 4:18; Isa 46:4; Jer 17:8

flourishing : Heb. green, Eze 47:12

TSK: Psa 92:15 - -- To show : Joh 10:27-29, Joh 15:1-3; 1Co 1:8, 1Co 1:9; 1Th 5:23, 1Th 5:24; Tit 1:2; 1Pe 1:4, 1Pe 1:5 my rock : Psa 18:2, Psa 62:6; Deu 32:4 and : Psa 1...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Psa 92:7 - -- When the wicked spring as the grass - When they grow up as plants do; when they seem to flourish and prosper. Compare Psa 90:5-6; Psa 37:2, Psa...

When the wicked spring as the grass - When they grow up as plants do; when they seem to flourish and prosper. Compare Psa 90:5-6; Psa 37:2, Psa 37:35, Psa 37:38. The word "grass"here refers to the vegetable creation generally, embracing plants and flowers of all kinds.

And when all the workers of iniquity do flourish - As plants and flowers do. They are like vigorous plants; not like the stunted and dry shrubs of the desert.

It is that they shall be destroyed for ever - The meaning here is, not that the design of their being thus made to flourish is that they should be destroyed, or that they are made to flourish for that purpose, but that such "will be"the result. They will not be made happy in another world by their prosperous and prospered wickedness here, as if God approved of their course; but the end will be that they will be destroyed forever. The design of the psalmist seems to be to turn the mind from the idea that mere external prosperity is necessarily connected with happiness; or that one who is prospered in this life is on that account safe. There is another world, and "there"ample justice will be done to all. See Psa 73:16-20.

Barnes: Psa 92:8 - -- But thou, Lord, art most high for evermore - In the treatment of the righteous and the wicked, thou wilt maintain thine own exalted place as a ...

But thou, Lord, art most high for evermore - In the treatment of the righteous and the wicked, thou wilt maintain thine own exalted place as a sovereign. Whatever may occur to people, God will maintain this exalted position as supreme over all.

Barnes: Psa 92:9 - -- For, lo, thine enemies, O Lord, for, lo, thine enemies shall perish - The repetition of the word "lo"here - "behold!"- is emphatic. The attenti...

For, lo, thine enemies, O Lord, for, lo, thine enemies shall perish - The repetition of the word "lo"here - "behold!"- is emphatic. The attention of the psalmist was fixed on this as an event which would be sure to occur. It was certain that God would be exalted; it followed from this, that all his enemies would be subdued in order that he might be thus exalted.

All the workers of iniquity shall be scattered - More literally, "shall scatter or disperse themselves;"implying eagerness and activity, as if they were in haste to flee away. The allusion is to an army that is discomfited, disorganized, "demoralized,"and scattered; or to chaff that is dispersed by the wind. See Job 21:18; Isa 17:13; Isa 29:5; Hos 13:3.

Barnes: Psa 92:10 - -- But my horn shalt thou exalt - The horn is a symbol of strength or power (see the notes at Psa 18:2); and the meaning here is, that, while the ...

But my horn shalt thou exalt - The horn is a symbol of strength or power (see the notes at Psa 18:2); and the meaning here is, that, while the wicked would be cut off, he would be prospered; that is, he had such confidence that he was the friend of God, that he believed God would honor him and exalt him. The psalmist here speaks of himself not so much with reference to his own particular case, but as the representative of the righteous. The idea is, that God will thus exalt "a righteous man."

Like the horn of an unicorn - Supposed to be remarkable for the strength of its horn. On the animal here referred to, see the notes at Job 39:9; compare Psa 22:21.

I shall be anointed with fresh oil - Oil pure and sweet; not old and rancid. That is, he would be made happy, cheerful, bright, and prosperous. Anointing with oil in the East was the symbol of all this, or was equivalent to what we mean by putting on festive apparel - holiday apparel. Compare the notes at Psa 23:5.

Barnes: Psa 92:11 - -- Mine eye also shall see my desire - That is, I shall be permitted to see the destruction of my foes; I shall be gratified with seeing them over...

Mine eye also shall see my desire - That is, I shall be permitted to see the destruction of my foes; I shall be gratified with seeing them overthrown. On the sentiment here expressed, see Psa 54:7, note; Psa 59:10, note.

On mine enemies - The word used here - שׁור shûr - occurs nowhere else. It means, properly, a lier-in-wait; one who "watches;"one who is in ambush; and refers to persons who "watched"his conduct; who "watched"for his ruin.

And mine ears ... - literally, "Of those rising up against me, evil-doers, my ear shall hear."He would hear of their ruin; he would hear what he desired to hear.

Barnes: Psa 92:12 - -- The righteous shall flourish like the palm-tree - That is, the beauty, the erectness, the stateliness, the growth of the palm-tree - all this i...

The righteous shall flourish like the palm-tree - That is, the beauty, the erectness, the stateliness, the growth of the palm-tree - all this is an emblem of the condition, the prosperity, the happiness of a righteous man. The wicked shall be cut down; but the righteous shall flourish. This image - the comparison of a righteous man to a flourishing, majestic, green, and beautiful tree - is not uncommon in the Scriptures. See the notes at Psa 1:3; compare Jer 17:8. On the "palm-tree,"see the notes at Mat 21:8. "The stem,"says Dr. Thomson ("land and the Book,"vol. i. p. 65)"tall, slender, and erect as Rectitude herself, suggests to the Arab poets many a symbol for their lady-love; and Solomon, long before them, has sung, ‘ How fair and how pleasant art thou, O love! for delights; this thy stature is like the palm-tree."Son 7:6-7. The following remarks of Dr. Thomson ("land and the Book,"vol. i. pp. 65, 66) will illustrate the passage before us; - "The palm grows slowly, but steadily, from century to century, uninfluenced by those alternations of the seasons which affect other trees. It does not rejoice overmuch in winter’ s copious rain, nor does it droop under the drought and the burning sun of summer. Neither heavy weights which people place upon its head, nor the importunate urgency of the wind, can sway it aside from perfect uprightness. There it stands, looking calmly down upon the world below, and patiently yielding its large clusters of golden fruit from generation to generation. They ‘ bring forth fruit in old age.’ The allusion to being planted in the house of the Lord is probably drawn from the custom of planting beautiful and long-lived trees in the courts of temples and palaces, and in all ‘ high places’ used for worship.

This is still common; nearly every palace, and mosque, and convent in the country has such trees in the courts, and, being well protected there, they flourish exceedingly. Solomon covered all the walls of the ‘ holy of holies’ round about with palm-trees. They were thus planted, as it were, within the very house of the Lord; and their presence there was not only ornamental, but appropriate and highly suggestive; the very best emblem, not only of patience in well-doing, but of the rewards of the righteous - a fat and flourishing old age - a peaceful end - a glorious immortality."The following cut will furnish an apt representation of the appearance of the tree, and a proper illustration of the beauty of the passage before us.

He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon - On the cedars of Lebanon, see the notes at Isa 2:13. The following remarks by Dr. Thomson ("land and the Book,"vol. i. pp. 292, 295), with the accompanying cut, will show the propriety of the image here. "The platform where the cedars stand is more than six thousand feet above the Mediterranean, and around it are gathered the very tallest and grayest heads of Lebanon. The forest is not large - not more than five hundred trees, great and small, grouped irregularly on the sides of shallow ravines, which mark the birthplace of the Khadisha, or Holy River.

"But, though the space covered by them does not exceed half a dozen acres, yet, when fairly within the grove, and beneath the giant arms of those old patriarchs of a hundred generations, there comes a solemn hush upon the soul as if by enchantment. Precisely the same sort of magic spell settles on the spirits, no matter how often you repeat your visits. But it is most impressive in the night. Let us by all means arrange to sleep there. The universal silence is almost painful. The gray old towers of Lebanon, still as a stone, stand all around, holding up the stars of heaven to look at you, and the trees gather like phantoms about you, and wink knowingly, or seem to, and whisper among themselves you know not what. You become suspicious, nervous, until, broad awake, you find that it is nothing but the flickering of your drowsy fire, and the feeble flutter of bats among the boughs of the trees. A night among the cedars is never forgotten; the impressions, electrotyped, are hid away in the inner chamber of the soul, among her choicest treasures, to be visited a thousand times with never-failing delight.

"There is a singular discrepancy in the statements of travelers with regard to the number of trees. Some mention seven, others thirteen - intending, doubtless, only those whose age and size rendered them Biblical, or at least historical. It is not easy, however, to draw any such line of demarcation. There is a complete gradation from small and comparatively young to the very oldest patriarchs of the forest. I counted four hundred and forty-three, great and small, and this cannot be far from the true number. This, however, is not uniform. Some are struck down by lightning, broken by enormous loads of snow, or torn to fragments by tempests. Even the sacrilegious axe is sometimes lifted against them. But, on the other hand, young trees are constantly springing up from the roots of old ones, and from seeds of ripe cones. I have seen these infant cedars in thousands just springing from the soil; but as the grove is wholly unprotected, and greatly frequented both by human beings and animals, they are quickly destroyed. The fact, however, proves that the number might be increased "ad libitum."Beyond a doubt, the whole of these upper terraces of Lebanon might again be covered with groves of this noble tree, and furnish timber enough not only for Solomon’ s Temple and the house of the forest of Lebanon, but for all the houses along this coast. But, unless a wiser and more provident government controls the country, such a result can never be realized, and, indeed, the whole forest will slowly die out under the dominion of the Arab and Turk. Even in that case the tree will not be lost. It has been propagated by the nut or seed in many parks in Europe, and there are more of them within fifty miles of London than on all Lebanon.

"We have seen larger trees every way, and much taller, on the banks of the Ohio, and the loftiest cedar might take shelter under the lowest branches of California’ s vegetable glories. Still, they are respectable trees. The girth of the largest is more than forty-one feet; the height of the highest may be one hundred. These largest, however, part into two or three only a few feet from the ground. Their age is very uncertain, nor are they more ready to reveal it than others who have an uneasy consciousness of length of days. Very different estimates have been made. Some of our missionary band, who have experience in such matters, and confidence in the results, have counted the "growths"(as we Western people call the annual concentric circles) for a few inches into the trunk of the oldest cedar, and from such data carry back its birth three thousand five hundred years. It may be so. They are carved full of names and dates, going back several generations, and the growth "since the earliest date"has been almost nothing. At this rate of increase they must have been growing ever since the Flood. But young trees enlarge far faster, so that my confidence in estimates made from such specimens is but small."The idea in the passage before us is, that the righteous will flourish like the most luxuriant and majestic trees of the forest; they may be compared with the most grand and beautiful objects in nature.

Barnes: Psa 92:13 - -- Those that be planted in the house of the Lord - As if plants were reared up in the house of God. The same image, under the idea of the olive t...

Those that be planted in the house of the Lord - As if plants were reared up in the house of God. The same image, under the idea of the olive tree, occurs in Psa 52:8. See the notes at that verse. The passage here may refer particularly to those who have been trained up in connection with the church; young plants set out in the sanctuary, and cultivated until they have reached their growth.

Shall flourish in the courts of our God - That is, Having been planted there, they will grow there; they will send out their boughs there; they will produce fruit there. The "courts"of the house of God were properly the areas or open spaces around the tabernacle or the temple (see the notes at Mat 21:12); but the word came also to denote the tabernacle or the temple itself, or to designate a place where God was worshipped. It has this meaning here. The passage affords an encouragement to parents to train up their children in attendance on the ordinances of public worship; and it shows the advantage of having been born in the church, and of having been trained up in it - an advantage which no one can fully appreciate. The passage may also be regarded as furnishing a proof of what will be the result of being thus "planted"and nurtured in connection with the church, inasmuch as trees carefully planted and cultivated are expected to produce more and better fruit than those which grow wild.

Barnes: Psa 92:14 - -- They shall still bring forth fruit in old age - As a tree that is carefully planted and cultivated may be expected to live long, and to bear fr...

They shall still bring forth fruit in old age - As a tree that is carefully planted and cultivated may be expected to live long, and to bear fruit even when it is old. It is true that such a tree may be cut down; or that it may be blown down by winds and tempests; or that it may be unproductive, but as a general rule, and as laying the foundation of a reasonable hope, such a tree may be expected to live long, and to produce fruit even when it is old. So of one devoted early to God, and trained up under the influences of religion. The care, the culture, the habits of temperance, of industry, of moderation, and of sobriety so formed, are favorable to length of days, and lay the foundation for usefulness when old age comes. An aged man should be useful. He should feel that whatever wisdom he may possess as the result of long study and experience, belongs to God and to truth; that one great reason for sparing him is that he may be useful; that the world needs the benefit of his counsel and his prayers; that his life is lengthened out not for his own ease or enjoyment, but that virtue and piety may be extended in the world by all the influence which he can bring to bear upon it in advanced years. It may be added that, as a matter of fact, those who are thus trained and are thus preserved, are useful in old age. No one thus spared need be useless; perhaps almost none are. There is something appropriate for old men to do, as there is for the young and the middle-aged; and it should be the object of an aged Christian to find out what that is, and to do it. The word rendered "old age means literally grey or hoary hair."

They shall be fat - The meaning is, that they shall be vigorous, or have the appearance of vigor and health.

And flourishing - Margin, as in Hebrew, "green."This image is taken from a tree, as if it were still green in old age, or gave no indications of decay.

Barnes: Psa 92:15 - -- To shew that the Lord is upright - That is, This will be a proof that God is faithful to his promises; that he is the true friend of his people...

To shew that the Lord is upright - That is, This will be a proof that God is faithful to his promises; that he is the true friend of his people. The fact that they live long - that they are happy and useful even in old age, will be a demonstration that God is the friend of virtue, and that he deals with people according to their character.

He is my rock - He is my defense; that which constitutes my security. See the notes at Psa 18:2. This is language of strong confidence in view of all that is said in the psalm.

And there is no unrighteousness in him - This is said in the most absolute form - implying the most entire confidence. God is altogether to be trusted. There is no evil or wrong in his character or in his dealings. In all respects he is worthy of confidence: "worthy"to be loved, trusted, adored, obeyed, by the inhabitants of all worlds. What a sublime thought is this! What a consolatory truth! What would the universe be if God, a Being of infinite POWER, were not a Being of perfect RIGHTEOUSNESS, and could not be trusted by the creatures which he has made!

Poole: Psa 92:7 - -- Their present worldly prosperity is a presage and occasion of their utter and eternal ruin.

Their present worldly prosperity is a presage and occasion of their utter and eternal ruin.

Poole: Psa 92:8 - -- So this verse is added by way of opposition to the former, They shall perish , but thou shalt endure, as is said in a like comparison, Psa 102:26 ;...

So this verse is added by way of opposition to the former, They shall perish , but thou shalt endure, as is said in a like comparison, Psa 102:26 ; they flourish for a season, but thou rulest for ever to judge and punish them. Or, for (as this Hebrew particle is not seldom used, whereof instances have been formerly given)

thou, Lord, art & c. So this verse gives a reason of the former, as well the first branch of it, why God suffers the wicked to flourish so long, because he is not like man, of short and uncertain continuance here, to whom a little time is long and tedious, who therefore impatiently expects the time of vengeance, and fears lest the offender should escape it; whereas God is unchangeable and everlasting, and therefore long-suffering without any inconvenience, and the longest time of the prosperity of the wicked is but short and inconsiderable in his eyes, a thousand years being in his sight but as yesterday when it is past , Psa 90:4 , and they can never escape out of his hands; as also of the latter branch of the verse, why the wicked shall be destroyed for ever, because God lives and reigns for ever to execute that just sentence of everlasting punishment which he hath pronounced against them.

Poole: Psa 92:9 - -- He represents their destruction as present, and as certain, which the repetition of the words implies.

He represents their destruction as present, and as certain, which the repetition of the words implies.

Poole: Psa 92:10 - -- But as for me and other righteous persons, (of whom he saith the same thing Psa 92:12 ) we shall be advanced to the height of honour, and true and l...

But as for me and other righteous persons, (of whom he saith the same thing Psa 92:12 ) we shall be advanced to the height of honour, and true and lasting felicity.

Unicorn of which See Poole "Deu 33:17" .

I shall be anointed I shall have great cause of rejoicing and testifying my joy by anointing myself, as the manner was in feasts and all joyful solemnities.

Fresh oil sweet and uncorrupted.

Poole: Psa 92:11 - -- My desire to wit, in the ruin of thine and mine incorrigible enemies. Shall hear what I do not see myself, I shall understand by the certain report...

My desire to wit, in the ruin of thine and mine incorrigible enemies.

Shall hear what I do not see myself, I shall understand by the certain reports of others.

Poole: Psa 92:12 - -- Like the palm tree which is constantly green, and flourishing, and fruitful, Son 7:8 , and growing even when it is pressed down; and so is a fit embl...

Like the palm tree which is constantly green, and flourishing, and fruitful, Son 7:8 , and growing even when it is pressed down; and so is a fit emblem of a just man’ s person and condition. See Rev 7:9 .

Like a cedar which spreads itself wide, and grows very high and strong, and is very durable, and in some sort incorruptible.

Poole: Psa 92:13 - -- Those that be planted whom God by his gracious providence and Holy Spirit hath planted or fixed there. In the house of the Lord i.e. in its courts,...

Those that be planted whom God by his gracious providence and Holy Spirit hath planted or fixed there.

In the house of the Lord i.e. in its courts, which are a part of the house, and oft come under that name in Scripture. And by this house he means the church of God, whereof all just persons are real and living members.

The courts which he mentions rather than the house, because he speaks not here of the priests, but of all just men, who were permitted to come no further than into the courts.

Poole: Psa 92:14 - -- When their natural strength decayeth, it shall be renewed; their last days shall be their best days, wherein as they shall grow in grace, so they sh...

When their natural strength decayeth, it shall be renewed; their last days shall be their best days, wherein as they shall grow in grace, so they shall increase in comfort and blessedness.

Poole: Psa 92:15 - -- This glorious work of God in compensating the short prosperity of the wicked with everlasting punishments, and of exchanging the momentary afflictio...

This glorious work of God in compensating the short prosperity of the wicked with everlasting punishments, and of exchanging the momentary afflictions of the just with eternal glory and happiness, doth clearly demonstrate that God is just and blameless in all the dispensations of his providence in the world.

Gill: Psa 92:7 - -- When the wicked spring as the grass,.... Out of the earth, as they do, and are of the earth earthly, and become numerous as spires of grass, and look ...

When the wicked spring as the grass,.... Out of the earth, as they do, and are of the earth earthly, and become numerous as spires of grass, and look pleasant and beautiful for a while, as that does; but, like it, weak and unstable, and of a short continuance:

and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish; in the health of their bodies; not being afflicted as other men, and their eyes standing out with fatness; while a Job, an upright man, is smitten with boils from the crown of the head to the sole of the foot: in wealth and riches, in which they increase often to such a degree, as to think of pulling down their barns, and building greater, to put their substance in; in their progeny and offspring, having a numerous issue; as well as in their cattle, and the standing of them, and in other stores; likewise in their power and authority, grandeur and glory, being set in high places of honour and profit, though slippery ones: these are the godly, who are "wicked" at heart, and show it by their wicked works; who are continually committing sin, it is the course of their conversation, and yet prosper in the world; which is sometimes a stumblingblock to God's people, and a hardening of sinners, who consider not that

it is that they shall be destroyed for ever they are like brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, and as lambs and other creatures are nourished and fattened for the day of slaughter, 2Pe 2:12, and as land is manured and cultivated, and grass springs up and flourishes, that it may be, when grown, cut down, and become the fodder of beasts, or the fuel of fire; so the prosperity of the wicked issues in their ruin, and is an aggravation of their damnation; their destruction is of soul and body in hell, and is an everlasting one; the Targum is,

"and it shall be that God shall destroy them for ever,''

Gill: Psa 92:8 - -- But thou, Lord, art most high for evermore,.... God is "the most High"; that is one of his names; he is above all, is higher than the highest; and he ...

But thou, Lord, art most high for evermore,.... God is "the most High"; that is one of his names; he is above all, is higher than the highest; and he dwells on high, and looks down upon the inhabitants of the earth, and sees what is doing among them; and to him they will be accountable another day for what they do; and when wicked, men perish, being destroyed, he will continue for ever in all his greatness, glory, and majesty; for there seems to be an antithesis in this verse to the former, or between wicked men and the Lord; and besides he endures for ever to inflict punishment upon them; and therefore it is that they shall be destroyed for ever.

Gill: Psa 92:9 - -- For, lo, thine enemies, O Lord,.... The particle "lo", or "behold", is not used for the sake of God, but for the sake of men; to excite their attentio...

For, lo, thine enemies, O Lord,.... The particle "lo", or "behold", is not used for the sake of God, but for the sake of men; to excite their attention, and to observe unto them that those who are everlastingly destroyed are the enemies of the Lord; who are enemies in their minds by wicked works, yea, enmity itself against God; and therefore their perdition is just as well as certain; sooner or later these shall be brought forth and slain before him; and for the certainty of it is repeated,

for, lo, thine enemies shall perish; the Targum adds, in the world to come: "all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered"; one from another, and not be able to unite and combine together against the saints, as they have done; or they shall be separated from them at the last day, being placed at Christ's left hand; and shall not stand in judgment, nor in the congregation of the righteous; and so the Targum,

"and all the workers of iniquity shall be separated from the congregation of the righteous;''

see Psa 1:5.

Gill: Psa 92:10 - -- But my horn shall thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn,.... Which is said to be very high and strong, see Deu 33:17 this may be understood of the es...

But my horn shall thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn,.... Which is said to be very high and strong, see Deu 33:17 this may be understood of the establishment of David's kingdom, of his royal authority, power, and the glory of it, signified by his horn; which was fulfilled when he had subdued the neighbouring nations, and the kings of them, and was exalted above them, and had rest from all his enemies: and may be applied unto the Messiah, the horn of David, the horn of salvation raised up in his house, Psa 132:17 and so may refer to exaltation at the right hand of God, and the strength and glory of his kingdom; see 1Sa 2:10, and also may be interpreted of every good man, in opposition to the wicked; who, though low and abased, God will exalt and set them among princes, and cause them to inherit the throne of glory, and even to sit down on the same throne with Christ; see 1Sa 2:8.

I shall be anointed with fresh oil; oil of olive, as the Targum; oil of myrrh, as Aben Ezra; it may respect David's unction to office, as king of Israel; for not only after he had been anointed by Samuel, but even after he was anointed by the men of Judah as king over them, he was afresh anointed by all the tribes of Israel as their king, 2Sa 2:4, "oil" often signifies the Spirit of God, his gifts and graces; and "fresh" oil may intend new supplies of his grace out of the fulness of it, which is in Christ; and also the renewed joys and comforts of the Holy Spirit, who is the oil of gladness Christ was anointed with above his fellows, and is given to his people in measure.

Gill: Psa 92:11 - -- Mine eyes also shall see my desire on mine enemies,.... The Targum supplies thus, "shall see destruction;'' Aben Ezra, shall see "the vengeance ...

Mine eyes also shall see my desire on mine enemies,.... The Targum supplies thus,

"shall see destruction;''

Aben Ezra, shall see "the vengeance of God", as in Psa 58:10, and Kimchi, as we do, shall "see what I will", or "my desire"; which arose not from a revengeful spirit, or from a spirit of private revenge, but from a regard to the glory of God, and the honour of his name; and in no other view could the destruction of fellow creatures, though his enemies, be grateful to him:

and mine ears shall hear my desire of the wicked that rise up against me; he should see the ruin of some, and hear of the destruction of others; that which his eyes saw not, his ears should hear; the report would be brought to him; as in the latter day the voice of the angel will be heard, "Babylon is fallen"; and other voices heard in heaven, giving glory to God; an account of which will be acceptable to the saints, because of the justice of God, and the honour of it, as well as because it will make for their future peace and comfort, Rev 18:2.

Gill: Psa 92:12 - -- The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree,.... Not like grass, as the wicked, Psa 92:7 which is weak and tender, and soon cut down; but like tre...

The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree,.... Not like grass, as the wicked, Psa 92:7 which is weak and tender, and soon cut down; but like trees, and like palm trees, that are firm and strong, and of a long continuance: the word for righteous being of the singular number, has led some to think that Christ is meant; but though he is eminently the righteous One, being so in himself, and the author of righteousness to others, yet not he, but his church and people, are compared to a palm tree, Son 7:7, the reason why the singular number is made use of is, as Aben Ezra thinks, because the righteous are very few, in comparison of the wicked: the sense is, that everyone of the righteous, or everyone that is righteous, through the righteousness of Christ imputed to them, and are created anew in righteousness and true holiness, and live soberly, righteously, and godly, are like the flourishing palm trees; which grow upright, and under the greatest pressures, and rise upwards against the greatest weight upon them e; whose force and vigour is on the top of them, which being cut off, they die; which delight in hot climates and sunny places, bear a delicious fruit, are ever green, are very durable, and their branches used in token of joy and victory; it is said to be a perfect image of a man, and in many things to resemble him f: so truly righteous persons are upright ones in heart and life, grow up into their head, Christ, and rise up heavenwards in their desires and affections; and, like the Israelites, the more they are pressed with the weight of afflictions, the more they grow; their grace and strength, their life and rigour, lie in their head, Christ; from whom was it possible they could be separated, as it is not, they would instantly die; they flourish under him, the sun of righteousness, and his warming beams of love, and bring forth the fruits of righteousness by him, to the glory of God; their leaf of profession does not wither, but is always green; the grace of God, which is in them, being an incorruptible and never dying seed: hence, in the issue, they make that palm, bearing company in Rev 7:9 who are more than conquerors through Christ, that has loved them: the Greek version is, "as the phoenix", which some of the ancients understood of a bird so called, supposed to rise out of its ashes, and use it to prove the resurrection of the dead g:

he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon; where the best, tallest, largest, and strongest cedars grow; See Gill on Isa 37:24 to which the righteous are compared, who grow up by degrees higher and higher, even to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ; and, stronger and stronger in him, go from strength to strength, having their spiritual strength renewed by him; and cast forth their roots in him, like Lebanon, and the cedars there; and spread their boughs and branches, like them, in the exercise of grace and discharge of duty; and grow in every grace, of faith, hope, love, humility, self-denial, and submission to the will of God, and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ; and are durable as the cedar, never die, their life being hid with Christ in God. Kimchi refers this to the days of the Messiah.

Gill: Psa 92:13 - -- Those that be planted in the house of the Lord,.... Or being planted e, that is, everyone of the righteous before mentioned; such are they that are pl...

Those that be planted in the house of the Lord,.... Or being planted e, that is, everyone of the righteous before mentioned; such are they that are planted out of the wilderness of the world, and into Christ, and are rooted in him, and are planted together in the likeness of his death and resurrection; have the graces of the Spirit of God implanted in them, have received the ingrafted word; and, in consequence of all this, are grafted into the olive tree, the church; or have a place and name there, better than that of sons and daughters, where they are as plants grown up in their youth; and which is here meant by "the house of the Lord", in allusion to the tabernacle, or temple, which had the figure of palm trees on the walls of it: so the Targum interprets it the temple, rendering it,

"his children shall be planted in the sanctuary of the Lord:''

and though it may seem strange that trees should be planted in an house, it should be remembered that the house of the Lord, or the church, is a garden, whose plants are an orchard of pomegranates, Son 4:12, and such are not mere education plants, or such as are merely by outward profession, or only ministerially, planted, but are planted by the Lord himself; and so are choice and pleasant ones, by which God is glorified, and which shall never be plucked up: and these

shall flourish in the courts of our God; like trees in courtyards before houses; alluding to the courts in the tabernacle or temple, where the people worshipped: here the righteous flourish like palm trees, as in the preceding verse, being rooted in Christ, who is the righteous man's root, that yieldeth fruit, and from whom all his fruit is found; but this flourishing is not merely in the leaves of profession, but in the fruits of grace and righteousness, being watered with the dews of divine grace, and having the benefit of the word and ordinances; which are the waters of the sanctuary, that refresh and quicken the trees of righteousness that grow by it; see Eze 47:1. This is referred to the times of the Messiah, and the resurrection, by the ancient Jews f.

Gill: Psa 92:14 - -- They shall still bring forth fruit in old age,.... Being thus planted and watered, they shall not only bring forth the fruits of righteousness, but sh...

They shall still bring forth fruit in old age,.... Being thus planted and watered, they shall not only bring forth the fruits of righteousness, but shall continue, and go on to do so, and even when they are grown old; contrary to all other trees, which, when old, cease bearing fruit; but so do not the righteous; grace is often in the greatest vigour when nature is decayed; witness Abraham, Job, David, Zachariah, and Elisabeth, and good old Simeon, who went to the grave like shocks of corn, fully ripe:

they shall be fat and flourishing; or "green", full of sap and moisture, abound with green leaves and precious fruit; or, in other words, abound in grace, and be fruitful in every good work: being ingrafted into the true olive, the church of God, they partake of the root and fatness of it; having a place in the house of the Lord, they are satisfied with the goodness and fatness thereof, and are made to drink of the river of divine pleasure; and being in the courts of the Lord, where a feast of fat things is provided for them, they eat and feed, and so thrive and flourish; the allusion is to fat and flourishing palm trees g.

Gill: Psa 92:15 - -- To show that the Lord is upright,.... Or righteous, that is, faithful; as he is in his counsels, covenant, and promises, which he makes good by causin...

To show that the Lord is upright,.... Or righteous, that is, faithful; as he is in his counsels, covenant, and promises, which he makes good by causing his people to grow and flourish, and become fruitful; by carrying on the work of grace upon their souls, and by preserving them to the end safe to his kingdom and glory; by all which it appears that he does not and will not suffer his faithfulness to fail: the Targum is,

"that the inhabitants of the earth may show, &c.''

he is my Rock; the psalmist sets his seal to the truth of God's faithfulness, firmness, and constancy, calling him a Rock for his strength and stability, and claiming his interest in him; declaring he found him to be so by experience,

even the Rock whose work is perfect; who always completes what he undertakes, and finishes what he begins, and will not forsake the work of his own hands:

just and right is he; the Rock of ages, that remains firm, steadfast, and unalterable in all generations:

and there is no unrighteousness in him; as not in his sovereign acts of grace, so neither in his providential dispensations, either towards good men or bad men; not in suffering the wicked to prosper, as in Psa 92:7, and the righteous to be afflicted; nor in punishing bad men here, or hereafter; nor in justifying sinners by the righteousness of his Son, and giving them the crown of righteousness at the last day: all his proceedings are in the most just and equitable manner; see Rom 9:14.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Psa 92:7 God allows the wicked to prosper temporarily so that he might reveal his justice. When the wicked are annihilated, God demonstrates that wickedness do...

NET Notes: Psa 92:8 Heb “[are elevated] on high.”

NET Notes: Psa 92:9 Or “for.”

NET Notes: Psa 92:10 The Hebrew verb בָּלַל (balal) usually has the nuance “to mix.” Here it seems to mean “to smear&...

NET Notes: Psa 92:11 Heb “those who rise up against me, evil [foes], my ears hear.”

NET Notes: Psa 92:12 The cedars of the Lebanon forest were well-known in ancient Israel for their immense size.

NET Notes: Psa 92:14 Heb “they are juicy and fresh.”

NET Notes: Psa 92:15 Heb “so that [they] proclaim that upright [is] the Lord, my rocky summit, and there is no injustice in him.”

Geneva Bible: Psa 92:8 But thou, LORD, [art ( f ) most] high for evermore. ( f ) Your judgments are most constant against the wicked and pass our reach.

Geneva Bible: Psa 92:10 ( g ) But my horn shalt thou exalt like [the horn of] an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil. ( g ) You will strengthen them with all power, ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 92:12 The righteous shall ( h ) flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. ( h ) Though the faithful seem to whither and be cut do...

Geneva Bible: Psa 92:14 They shall still bring forth fruit in old ( i ) age; they shall be fat and flourishing; ( i ) The children of God will have a power above nature and ...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Psa 92:1-15 - --1 The prophet exhorts to praise God,4 for his great works;6 for his judgments on the wicked;10 and for his goodness to the godly.

MHCC: Psa 92:7-15 - --God sometimes grants prosperity to wicked men in displeasure; yet they flourish but for a moment. Let us seek for ourselves the salvation and grace of...

Matthew Henry: Psa 92:7-15 - -- The psalmist had said (Psa 92:4) that from the works of God he would take occasion to triumph; and here he does so. I. He triumphs over God's enemie...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 92:7-9 - -- Upon closer examination the prosperity of the ungodly is only a semblance that lasts for a time. The infinitive construction in Psa 92:8 is continue...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 92:10-12 - -- The hitherto oppressed church then stands forth vindicated and glorious. The futt. consec. as preterites of the ideal past, pass over further on in...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 92:13-15 - -- The soil in which the righteous are planted or (if it is not rendered with the lxx πεφυτευμένοι , but with the other Greek versions ...

Constable: Psa 90:1--106:48 - --IV. Book 4: chs. 90--106 Moses composed one of the psalms in this section of the Psalter (Ps. 90). David wrote t...

Constable: Psa 92:1-15 - --Psalm 92 In this psalm the unknown writer praised God for the goodness of His acts and the righteousness...

Constable: Psa 92:7-14 - --2. Praise for God's righteousness 92:8-15 92:8-9 In contrast to the wicked who will perish (v. 7) the Lord will reign forever. He will cause His enemi...

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Commentary -- Other

Evidence: Psa 92:13 " Most people think churches are like cafeterias; they pick and choose what they like! They feel the freedom to stay as long as there are no problems....

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Hebrew title of this book is Tehilim ("praises" or "hymns"), for a leading feature in its contents is praise, though the word occurs in the title ...

JFB: Psalms (Outline) ALEPH. (Psa 119:1-8). This celebrated Psalm has several peculiarities. It is divided into twenty-two parts or stanzas, denoted by the twenty-two let...

TSK: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Psalms have been the general song of the universal Church; and in their praise, all the Fathers have been unanimously eloquent. Men of all nation...

TSK: Psalms 92 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Psa 92:1, The prophet exhorts to praise God, Psa 92:4, for his great works; Psa 92:6, for his judgments on the wicked; Psa 92:10, and for...

Poole: Psalms (Book Introduction) OF PSALMS THE ARGUMENT The divine authority of this Book of PSALMS is so certain and evident, that it was never questioned in the church; which b...

MHCC: Psalms (Book Introduction) David was the penman of most of the psalms, but some evidently were composed by other writers, and the writers of some are doubtful. But all were writ...

MHCC: Psalms 92 (Chapter Introduction) (Psa 92:1-6) Praise is the business of the sabbath. (Psa 92:7-15) The wicked shall perish, but God's people shall be exalted.

Matthew Henry: Psalms (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of Psalms We have now before us one of the choicest and most excellent parts of all the Old Te...

Matthew Henry: Psalms 92 (Chapter Introduction) It is a groundless opinion of some of the Jewish writers (who are usually free of their conjectures) that this psalm was penned and sung by Adam in...

Constable: Psalms (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book in the Hebrew Bible is Tehillim, which means...

Constable: Psalms (Outline) Outline I. Book 1: chs. 1-41 II. Book 2: chs. 42-72 III. Book 3: chs. 73...

Constable: Psalms Psalms Bibliography Allen, Ronald B. "Evidence from Psalm 89." In A Case for Premillennialism: A New Consensus,...

Haydock: Psalms (Book Introduction) THE BOOK OF PSALMS. INTRODUCTION. The Psalms are called by the Hebrew, Tehillim; that is, hymns of praise. The author, of a great part of ...

Gill: Psalms (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALMS The title of this book may be rendered "the Book of Praises", or "Hymns"; the psalm which our Lord sung at the passover is c...

Gill: Psalms 92 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALM 92 A Psalm or Song for the Sabbath day. Many of the Jewish writers a think that this psalm was written by the first man Adam,...

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