Text -- Psalms 112:4 (NET)

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

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In the troubles and calamities of life.
Clarke: Psa 112:4 - -- There ariseth light in the darkness - The upright are always happy; and when tribulations come, God lifts up the light of his countenance upon him, ...
There ariseth light in the darkness - The upright are always happy; and when tribulations come, God lifts up the light of his countenance upon him, and causes all occurences to work together for his good

Clarke: Psa 112:4 - -- He is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous - He enjoys the favor of God; that grace makes him compassionate; and in the general tenor of ...
He is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous - He enjoys the favor of God; that grace makes him compassionate; and in the general tenor of his conduct he is righteous. From these principles he shows favor (Psa 112:5) to him that needs it; that is, to the real poor he gives of his substance; and others he obliges by lending, they not being utterly in want, but standing in need only of a little present help. But he takes heed to whom he gives and to whom he lends; that in the first case his bounty may be well applied, and in the second he may not oblige the person who only seeks, under the notion of a loan, to appropriate the money borrowed. To prevent evils of this kind he acts prudently, and guides his affairs with discretion, Psa 112:5.
Calvin -> Psa 112:4
Calvin: Psa 112:4 - -- 4.Light ariseth The Hebrew verb זרח , zarach, may be taken intransitively, as I have inserted it in the text, or transitively, as in the margin...
4.Light ariseth The Hebrew verb
TSK -> Psa 112:4
TSK: Psa 112:4 - -- there ariseth : Psa 37:6, Psa 97:11; Job 11:17; Isa 50:10, Isa 58:10; Mic 7:8, Mic 7:9; Mal 4:2; Joh 12:46
he is gracious : Psa 106:1; Luk 6:36; 2Co 8...

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Barnes -> Psa 112:4
Barnes: Psa 112:4 - -- Unto the upright - The just; the pious; the man who fears God. There ariseth light in the darkness - This is a new form of the blessing w...
Unto the upright - The just; the pious; the man who fears God.
There ariseth light in the darkness - This is a new form of the blessing which follows the fear of the Lord, or another of the benefits which spring from true religion, and by which the pious man is distinguished from other people. The distinction is not that days of darkness will not come upon him as well as upon others, for he may be sick as others are, he may be bereaved as others are, he may lose his property as others do - since there are general laws that affect mankind in these respects. God has not promised that he will interpose to save his people from these things, but that he will save them in them. The peculiarity in regard to those who fear God is, that these things will not always continue; that they shall not be overwhelmed by them; that it will not be uninterrupted and unmitigated gloom; that the sky shall not be always overcast. Compare Psa 97:11, note; Job 11:17, note.
He is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous - These words are designed to be applied to the "upright"man, and are intended more fully to designate his character, and to show "why"light shall spring up to him when he is in darkness. It is because his character is "really"pure and holy, so that whatever cloud may come over it for a time, however it may be temporarily obscured, however he may be calumniated by men, or however God may for a time seem to forsake him and to treat him as if he were a bad man, yet ultimately his character will appear as it really is. Light will come in upon the darkness. The clouds will break away. The prejudices against him will be dispersed. Full justice will be done to his character both by man and by God, and the world will see that he is a just and pious man. See the notes at Psa 37:5-6. Every man will ultimately be seen as he is; every man will attain the position, and have the reputation which he "ought"to have.
Poole -> Psa 112:4
Poole: Psa 112:4 - -- Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness and although he is subject to the troubles and calamities of this life, as others are, yet God w...
Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness and although he is subject to the troubles and calamities of this life, as others are, yet God will give him support and comfort in them, and a happy issue out of them, whereas the wicked sink under their burdens, and their present miseries usher in their eternal destruction.
He either,
1. God. And so this is added as a reason why God causeth light to shine to the upright out of darkness, because the Lord is gracious, &c. Or rather,
2. The good or upright man, of whom he speaks both in the foregoing and following words. So this is either,
1. A reason why God dealeth thus with good men; it is not from a partial and fond affection to them, but because they are such persons to whom God hath engaged himself by promise and covenant to bless them, they are
gracious & c. Or,
2. As an effect of their affliction and deliverance out of it; thereby they learn to be more merciful, and compassionate, and just, or bountiful to others in want and misery.
Gill -> Psa 112:4
Gill: Psa 112:4 - -- Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness,.... Upright ones are sometimes in the darkness of affliction, under divine desertions, without s...
Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness,.... Upright ones are sometimes in the darkness of affliction, under divine desertions, without spiritual joy, and in an uncomfortable condition; when on a sudden light arises to them, like break of day, or the morning light: they have deliverance from affliction, and enjoy prosperity; the light of God's countenance is lifted up on them; the sun of righteousness arises upon them with healing in his wings; and spiritual joy and comfort are communicated unto them. It may denote the comforts the people of God have amidst their afflictions and troubles, even while they are in them; and the light they enjoy, while darkness is round about others, like the children of Israel in Egypt: or the suddenness of deliverance from adversity, temporal or spiritual; weeping endures for a night, joy comes in the morning, and at evening time it is light, Psa 30:5.
He is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous; that is, the Lord is so. Thus the Arabic version,
"the Lord God is merciful and bountiful;''
and the Ethiopic version,
"merciful and compassionate is the Lord, and righteous is our King.''
And because God is the God of all grace, and is able to make it abound to his people, and is compassionate to them in distress, and is just and faithful to his promises; therefore he causes light to arise to them in darkness; and which, on such account, they may believe and expect; see Mic 7:8. Some understand this of the upright man and of his character; that he is "gracious", kind, and bountiful; that he is "full of compassion", tenderhearted, and shows mercy to distressed objects; and is righteous, through Christ, and lives soberly and righteously. This sense agrees both with what goes before, and follows after.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes: Psa 112:4 Heb “merciful and compassionate and just.” The Hebrew text has three singular adjectives, which are probably substantival and in appositio...
Geneva Bible -> Psa 112:4
Geneva Bible: Psa 112:4 Unto the ( c ) upright there ariseth light in the darkness: [he is] gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous.
( c ) The faithful in all their ...

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TSK Synopsis -> Psa 112:1-10
TSK Synopsis: Psa 112:1-10 - --1 Godliness has the promises of this life,4 and of the life to come.10 The prosperity of the godly shall be an eyesore to the wicked.
MHCC -> Psa 112:1-10
MHCC: Psa 112:1-10 - --We have to praise the Lord that there are a people in the world, who fear him and serve him, and that they are a happy people; which is owing entirely...
Matthew Henry -> Psa 112:1-5
Matthew Henry: Psa 112:1-5 - -- The psalmist begins with a call to us to praise God, but immediately applies himself to praise the people of God; for whatever glory is acknowledged...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Psa 112:1-10
Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 112:1-10 - --
As in the preceding Psalm. Psa 112:1 here also sets forth the theme of that which follows. What is there said in Psa 112:3 concerning the righteousn...
Constable: Psa 107:1--150:6 - --V. Book 5: chs. 107--150
There are 44 psalms in this section of the Psalter. David composed 15 of these (108-110...

Constable: Psa 112:1-10 - --Psalm 112
This is also an acrostic psalm. It focuses attention on the blessings those who fear God enjoy...