Text -- Psalms 16:2 (NET)

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Wesley -> Psa 16:2
Wesley: Psa 16:2 - -- Thou dost not need me or my service, nor art capable of any advantage from it.
Thou dost not need me or my service, nor art capable of any advantage from it.

JFB: Psa 16:2 - -- This obscure passage is variously expounded. Either one of two expositions falls in with the context. "My goodness" or merit is not on account of Thee...
This obscure passage is variously expounded. Either one of two expositions falls in with the context. "My goodness" or merit is not on account of Thee--that is, is not for Thy benefit. Then follows the contrast of Psa 16:3 (but is), in respect, or for the saints, &c.--that is, it enures to them. Or, my goodness--or happiness is not besides Thee--that is, without Thee I have no other source of happiness. Then, "to the saints," &c., means that the same privilege of deriving happiness from God only is theirs. The first is the most consonant with the Messianic character of the Psalm, though the latter is not inconsistent with it.
Clarke: Psa 16:2 - -- Thou hast said unto the Lord, Thou art my Lord - Thou hast said ליהוה layhovah to Jehovah, the supreme, self-existing, and eternal Being; Th...
Thou hast said unto the Lord, Thou art my Lord - Thou hast said

Clarke: Psa 16:2 - -- My goodness extendeth not to thee - There are almost endless explanations of this clause; no man can read them without being confounded by them. The...
My goodness extendeth not to thee - There are almost endless explanations of this clause; no man can read them without being confounded by them. The Septuagint read
So the Syriac: My good is from thee. The Arabic: Thou dost not need my good works. And in this sense, with shades of difference, it has been understood by most commentators and critics
Bishop Horsley translates, Thou art my good - not besides thee. Dr. Kennicott, My goodness is not without thee
I think the words should be understood of what the Messiah was doing for men. My goodness,
The passage, taken as referring to David, intimates that he abhorred the company of the profane and worthless, and delighted to associate with them that excelled in virtue
On these two verses the translation and paraphrase of my old Psalter must not be forgotten: -
Psa 16:1 Conserva me, Domine , etc
Trans. Kepe me Lord, for I hoped in the; I said til Lord, my God thou ert; for, of my gudes thu has na nede.
Par - The voice of Crist in his manhede; prayand til the fader, and sayand: Lord, fader, kepe me imang peplis, for I hoped in the, noght in me. I said til the, my God, thu ert in that, that I am man; for thu has no nede of my godes; bot I haf of the, al that I haf; here is the wil pride of men confounded; that evenes that thai haf ought of tham self bot syn
Psa 16:2 Sanctis qui sunt in terra , etc
Trans. Til halowes the qwilk er his land, he selcouthed all my willes in tham.
Par - Noght til wiked, bot til halows clene in saule, and depertid fra erdly bysynes, the qwilk er in his land: that es, that haf fested thair hope in the land of heven; and rotyd in luf: the qwilk hope es als anker in stremys of this werld. He selcouthed al my willes, that of wonderful, he made my willes, of dying and rysing, sett and fulfilled in tham: that es, in thair profete, qware in that feled qwat it profeted tham my mekenes that wild dye, and my myght to rise.
Calvin -> Psa 16:2
Calvin: Psa 16:2 - -- 2.Thou shalt say unto Jehovah David begins by stating that he can bestow nothing upon God, not only because God stands in no need of any thing, but a...
2.Thou shalt say unto Jehovah David begins by stating that he can bestow nothing upon God, not only because God stands in no need of any thing, but also because mortal man cannot merit the favor of God by any service which he can perform to him. At the same time, however, he takes courage, and, as God accepts our devotion, and the service which we yield to him, David protests that he will be one of his servants. To encourage himself the more effectually to this duty he speaks to his own soul; for the Hebrew word which is rendered Thou shalt say, is of the feminine gender, which can refer only to the soul. 305 Some may prefer reading the word in the past tense, Thou hast said, which I think is unobjectionable, for the Psalmist is speaking of an affliction which had a continued abode in his soul. The import of his language is, I am, indeed, fully convinced in my heart, and know assuredly, that God can derive no profit or advantage from me; but notwithstanding this, I will join myself in fellowship with the saints, that with one accord we may worship him by the sacrifices of praise. Two things are distinctly laid down in this verse. The first is, that God has a right to require of us whatever he pleases, seeing we are wholly bound to Him as our rightful proprietor and Lord. David, by ascribing to him the power and the dominion of Lord, declares that both himself and all he possessed are the property of God. The other particular contained in this verse is, the acknowledgement which the Psalmist makes of his own indigence. My well-doing extendeth not unto thee. Interpreters expound this last clause in two ways. As
TSK -> Psa 16:2
TSK: Psa 16:2 - -- thou hast : Psa 8:1, Psa 27:8, Psa 31:14, Psa 89:26, Psa 91:2; Isa 26:13, Isa 44:5; Zec 13:9; Joh 20:28
my goodness : Psa 50:9, Psa 50:10; Job 22:2, J...

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes -> Psa 16:2
Barnes: Psa 16:2 - -- O my soul, thou hast said unto the Lord - The words "O my soul"are not in the original. A literal rendering of the passage would be, "Thou hast...
O my soul, thou hast said unto the Lord - The words "O my soul"are not in the original. A literal rendering of the passage would be, "Thou hast said unto the Lord,"etc., leaving something to be supplied. De Wette renders it: "To Yahweh I call; thou art my Lord."Luther: "I have said to the Lord."The Latin Vulgate: "Thou, my soul, hast said to the Lord."The Septuagint: "I have said unto the Lord."Dr. Horsley: "I have said unto Jehovah."The speaker evidently is the psalmist; he is describing his feelings toward the Lord, and the idea is equivalent to the expression "I have said unto the Lord."Some word must necessarily be understood, and our translators have probably expressed the true sense by inserting the words, "O my soul."the state of mind indicated is that in which one is carefully looking at himself, his own perils, his own ground of hope, and when he finds in himself a ground of just confidence that he has put his trust in God, and in God alone. We have such a form of appeal in Psa 42:5, Psa 42:11; Psa 43:5, "Why art thou cast down, O my soul?"
Thou art my Lord - Thou hast a right to rule over me; or, I acknowledge thee as my Lord, my sovereign. The word here is not Yahweh, but Adonai - a word of more general signification than Yahweh. The sense is, I have acknowledged Yahweh to be my Lord and my God. I receive him and rest upon him as such.
My goodness extendeth not to thee - This passage has been very variously rendered. Prof. Alexander translates it: "My good (is) not besides thee (or, beyond thee);"meaning, as he supposes: "My happiness is not beside thee, independent of, or separable from thee?"So DeWette: "There is no success (or good fortune) to me out of thee."Others render it: "My goodness is not such as to entitle me to thy regard."And others, "My happiness is not obligatory or incumbent on thee; thou art not bound to provide for it."The Latin Vulgate renders it: "My good is not given unless by thee."Dr. Horsley: "Thou art my good - not besides thee."I think the meaning is: "My good is nowhere except in thee; I have no source of good of any kind - happiness, hope, life, safety, salvation - but in thee. My good is not without thee."This accords with the idea in the other member of the sentence, where he acknowledges Yahweh as his Lord; in other words, he found in Yahweh all that is implied in the idea of an object of worship - all that is properly expressed by the notion of a God. He renounced all other gods, and found his happiness - his all - in Yahweh.
Poole -> Psa 16:2
Poole: Psa 16:2 - -- O my soul which words are fitly understood; for it is manifest he speaks to one person of another. And it is usual with David to turn his speech to h...
O my soul which words are fitly understood; for it is manifest he speaks to one person of another. And it is usual with David to turn his speech to his soul, as Psa 42:6 43:5 .
Thou hast said thou hast ofttimes avowed and professed it, and dost still persist to do so.
Thou art my Lord by creation, and preservation, and otherwise; to whom I owe all service and obedience upon that account.
My goodness whatsoever piety, or virtue, or good. ness is in me, or is done by me.
Extendeth not to thee i.e. doth not add any thing to thy felicity; for thou dost not need me nor my service, nor art capable of any advantage from it. Or, is not for thee , as this word is used, Gen 16:5 2Sa 1:26 , i.e. for thy use or benefit. Or, is not upon thee , i.e. it lays no obligation upon thee, as this very word is taken, Jud 19:20 Psa 56:12 Eze 45:17 . All comes to the same thing. The sense is, God is all-sufficient and infinitely happy, and the author of all the good that is in or is done by any of his creatures; and therefore cannot prevent nor oblige God any further than he is graciously pleased to oblige himself. Thus he renounceth all opinion of merit; and though he urged his trust in God, as a motive to persuade God to preserve him, Psa 16:1 , yet he here declares that he did not do it, as thinking that God was indebted to him for it.
PBC -> Psa 16:2
PBC: Psa 16:2 - -- David understands that his goodness cannot stand alongside the goodness of God, but is confined with the goodness of the saints in the earth. Yet, his...
David understands that his goodness cannot stand alongside the goodness of God, but is confined with the goodness of the saints in the earth. Yet, his soul has said unto the Lord; "...Thou art my Lord:..." In the right realization of Lord, and servant; He says, "Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy: at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." This Goodly Heritage was one in which David realized that there was fellowship with God. After all, it was God who had given the Heritage to His children.
Ro 8:16-17 "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: and if children, then heirs: heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ;" Just as Israel of old could not buy or sell the land, neither can we who are heirs (with a heritage) buy and sell that which God has given us. Even though it is ours, it still belongs to God. We also belong to Him! Therefore it is a peculiar arrangement: Our "goodness extendeth not to thee; but to the saints that are in the earth, and to the excellent, in whom is all my delight."
Haydock -> Psa 16:2
Haydock: Psa 16:2 - -- Countenance. Pronounce sentence, (Esther i. 19.; Calmet) if I have done wrong. I do not refuse punishment, Psalm vii. 5. (Haydock) ---
The Greek a...
Countenance. Pronounce sentence, (Esther i. 19.; Calmet) if I have done wrong. I do not refuse punishment, Psalm vii. 5. (Haydock) ---
The Greek and Latin copies vary. Some read correctly with the Hebrew, "Let thy eyes behold what is wrong." Yet St. Jerome (ep. ad Sun.) has "right," with the Syriac, &c. Others more commonly read, "Let mine eyes behold justice." (Calmet) ---
Montanus, however, substitutes rectitudines for iniquitates, as Pagnin had rendered mesharim, and Protestants, "the things that are equal." (Haydock) ---
"Holy preachers are the eyes of Christ....let them see what is just....and fulfil the justice which they preach." (St. Jerome) ---
God sees all things, and will pass a just sentence. (Worthington)
Gill -> Psa 16:2
Gill: Psa 16:2 - -- O my soul, thou hast said unto the Lord,.... Some take these to be the words of David speaking to the church, who had owned the Lord to be her Lord, ...
O my soul, thou hast said unto the Lord,.... Some take these to be the words of David speaking to the church, who had owned the Lord to be her Lord, and had declared what follows; others think they are the words of God the Father to his Son, suggesting to him what he had said; but they are rather an apostrophe, or an address of Christ to his own soul; and the phrase, "O my soul", though not in the original text, is rightly supplied by our translators, and which is confirmed by the Targum, and by the Jewish commentators, Jarchi, Aben Ezra, and Kimchi;
thou art my Lord; Christ, as man, is a creature made by God; his human nature is the true tabernacle which God pitched and not man, and on this consideration he is his Lord, being his Creator; and as Mediator Christ is his servant, and was made under the law to him, obeyed him, and submitted to his will in all things; so that he not only in words said he was his Lord, but by deeds declared him to be so;
my goodness extendeth not to thee; such who suppose that David here speaks in his own person, or in the person of other believers, or that the church here speaks, differently interpret these words: some render them, "my goodness is not above thee" l; it is far inferior to thine, it is not to be mentioned with it, it is nothing in comparison of it; all my goodness, happiness, and felicity lies, in thee, Psa 73:25; others, "I have no goodness without thee": the sense is the same as if it was "I have said", as read the Greek, Vulgate Latin, and Oriental versions, and so Apollinarius; I have none but what comes from thee; what I have is given me by thee, which is the sense of the Targum; see Jam 1:17; others, "my goodness is not upon thee" m; does not lie upon thee, or thou art not obliged to bestow the blessings of goodness on me; they are not due to me, they spring from thy free grace and favour; to this sense incline Jarchi, Aben Ezra, and Kimchi; see Luk 17:10; others, "thou hast no need of my goodness"; nor wilt it profit thee, so R. Joseph Kimchi; see Job 22:2; or the words may be rendered, "O my goodness", or "thou art my good, nothing is above thee" n; no goodness in any superior to God. But they are the words of Christ, and to be understood of his goodness; not of his essential goodness as God, nor of his providential goodness, the same with his Father's; but of his special goodness, and the effect of it to his church and people; and denotes his love, grace, and good will towards them, shown in his incarnation, sufferings, and death; and the blessings of goodness which come thereby; such as a justifying righteousness, forgiveness of sin, peace, and reconciliation, redemption, salvation, and eternal life. Now though God is glorified by Christ in his incarnation, sufferings, and death, and in the work of man's redemption, yet he stood in no need of the obedience and sufferings of his Son; he could have glorified his justice another way, as he did in not sparing the angels that sinned, in drowning the old world, and in burning Sodom and Gomorrah, and in other instances of his vengeance; though there is glory to God in the highest in the affair of salvation by Christ, yet the good will is to men; though the debt of obedience and sufferings was paid to the justice of God, whereby that is satisfied and glorified, yet the kindness in paying the debt was not to God but to men, described in Psa 16:8.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes -> Psa 16:2
NET Notes: Psa 16:2 Heb “my good [is] not beyond you.” For the use of the preposition עַל (’al) in the sense of “beyond,” ...
Geneva Bible -> Psa 16:2
Geneva Bible: Psa 16:2 [O my soul], thou hast said unto the LORD, Thou [art] my Lord: my ( b ) goodness [extendeth] not to thee;
( b ) Though we cannot enrich God, yet we m...

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TSK Synopsis -> Psa 16:1-11
TSK Synopsis: Psa 16:1-11 - --1 David, in distrust of merits, and hatred of idolatry, flees to God for preservation.5 He shews the hope of his calling, of the resurrection, and lif...
MHCC -> Psa 16:1-11
MHCC: Psa 16:1-11 - --David flees to God's protection, with cheerful, believing confidence. Those who have avowed that the Lord is their Lord, should often put themselves i...
Matthew Henry -> Psa 16:1-7
Matthew Henry: Psa 16:1-7 - -- This psalm is entitled Michtam, which some translate a golden psalm, a very precious one, more to be valued by us than gold, yea, than much fine...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Psa 16:1-3
Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 16:1-3 - --
The Psalm begins with a prayer that is based upon faith, the special meaning of which becomes clear from Psa 16:10 : May God preserve him (which He ...
Constable -> Psa 16:1-11; Psa 16:1-8
Constable: Psa 16:1-11 - --Psalm 16
This psalm voices the joy David experienced in his life because of his trust in God and fellows...