Text -- Psalms 27:4 (NET)

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_Have opportunity of constant attendance upon God.

Wesley: Psa 27:4 - -- That there I may delight myself, in the contemplation of thy amiable and glorious majesty, and of thy infinite wisdom, holiness, justice, truth, and m...
That there I may delight myself, in the contemplation of thy amiable and glorious majesty, and of thy infinite wisdom, holiness, justice, truth, and mercy.
JFB -> Psa 27:4-5
JFB: Psa 27:4-5 - -- The secret of his confidence is his delight in communion with God (Psa 16:11; Psa 23:6), beholding the harmony of His perfections, and seeking His fav...
The secret of his confidence is his delight in communion with God (Psa 16:11; Psa 23:6), beholding the harmony of His perfections, and seeking His favor in His temple or palace; a term applicable to the tabernacle (compare Psa 5:7). There he is safe (Psa 31:21; Psa 61:5). The figure is changed in the last clause, but the sentiment is the same.
Clarke -> Psa 27:4
Clarke: Psa 27:4 - -- One thing have I desired - If I am grown too old, and from that circumstance unable to serve my country, I shall then prefer a retirement to the tab...
One thing have I desired - If I am grown too old, and from that circumstance unable to serve my country, I shall then prefer a retirement to the tabernacle, there to serve God the rest of my days. There I shall behold his glory, and there I may inquire and get important answers respecting Israel
But though these words may be thus interpreted, on the above supposition, that David penned the Psalm on the occasion of his escape from the Philistine, and the desire expressed by his subjects that he should go no more out to war; yet it appears that they more naturally belong to the captivity, and that this verse especially shows the earnest longing of the captives to return to their own land, that they might enjoy the benefit of Divine worship.
Calvin -> Psa 27:4
Calvin: Psa 27:4 - -- 4.One thing have I desired Some consider this as a prophecy of the perpetuity of David’s kingdom, on which not only his own personal happiness depe...
4.One thing have I desired Some consider this as a prophecy of the perpetuity of David’s kingdom, on which not only his own personal happiness depended, but also the happiness of his whole people; as if he had said, I am so well contented with this singular proof of God’s favor, that I can think on nothing else night and day. In my opinion, however, it appears a simpler interpretation to view the words as meaning, that although David was banished from his country, despoiled of his wife, bereft of his kinsfolk; and, in fine, dispossessed of his substance, yet he was not so desirous for the recovery of these, as he was grieved and afflicted for his banishment from God’s sanctuary, and the loss of his sacred privileges. Under the word one, there is an implied antithesis, in which David, disregarding all other interests, displays his intense affection for the service of God; so that it was bitterer to him to be an exile from the sanctuary, than to be denied access to his own house. That David desired only one thing, therefore, namely, to dwell in the house of the Lord, must be read in one sentence. For there is no probability that he means by this some secret wish which he suppressed, seeing he distinctly proclaims what it was that chiefly troubled him. He adds, too, steadiness of purpose, declaring that he will not cease to reiterate these prayers. Many may be seen spurring on with great impetuosity at first, whose ardor, in process of time, not only languishes, but is almost immediately extinguished. By declaring, therefore, that he would persevere in this wish during his whole life, he thereby distinguishes between himself and hypocrites.
We must, however, observe by what motive David was so powerfully stimulated. “Surely,” some may say, “he could have called on God beyond the precincts of the temple. Wherever he wandered as an exile, he carried with him the precious promise of God, so that he needed not to put so great a value upon the sight of the external edifice. He appears, by some gross imagination or other, to suppose that God could be enclosed by wood and stones.” But if we examine the words more carefully, it will be easy to see, that his object was altogether different from a mere sight of the noble building and its ornaments, however costly. He speaks, indeed, of the beauty of the temple, but he places that beauty not so much in the goodliness that was to be seen by the eye, as in its being the celestial pattern which was shown to Moses, as it is written in Exo 25:40,
“And look that thou make them after this pattern which was showed thee in the mount.”
As the fashion of the temple was not framed according to the wisdom of man, but was an image of spiritual things, the prophet directed his eyes and all his affections to this object. Their madness is, therefore, truly detestable who wrest this place in favor of pictures and images, which, instead of deserving to be numbered among temple ornaments, are rather like dung and filth, defiling all the purity of holy things. We should now consider, whether the faithful are to be like-minded under the Christian or Gospel dispensation. 582 I own, indeed, that we are in very different circumstances from the ancient fathers; but so far as God still preserves his people under a certain external order, and draws them to him by earthly instructions, temples have still their beauty, which deservedly ought to draw the affections and desires of the faithful to them. The Word, sacraments, public prayers, and other helps of the same kind, cannot be neglected, without a wicked contempt of God, who manifests himself to us in these ordinances, as in a mirror or image.
TSK -> Psa 27:4
TSK: Psa 27:4 - -- One : Psa 26:8; Luk 10:42; Phi 3:13
seek : Psa 27:8; Jer 29:13; Dan 9:3; Mat 6:33, Mat 7:7, Mat 7:8; Luk 11:9, Luk 11:10, Luk 13:24, Luk 18:1; Heb 11:...
One : Psa 26:8; Luk 10:42; Phi 3:13
seek : Psa 27:8; Jer 29:13; Dan 9:3; Mat 6:33, Mat 7:7, Mat 7:8; Luk 11:9, Luk 11:10, Luk 13:24, Luk 18:1; Heb 11:6
dwell : Psa 23:6, Psa 26:6, Psa 65:4, Psa 84:4, Psa 84:10; 1Sa 1:11; Luk 2:37; 1Ti 5:5
behold : Psa 50:2, Psa 63:2, Psa 90:17; Zec 9:9; 2Co 3:18, 2Co 4:6
beauty : or, delight, Psa 63:2-5
inquire : 1Sa 22:10, 1Sa 30:8; 2Sa 21:1; 1Ch 10:13, 1Ch 10:14

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Barnes -> Psa 27:4
Barnes: Psa 27:4 - -- One thing have I desired of the Lord - One main object; one thing that I have especially desired; one thing which has been the object of my con...
One thing have I desired of the Lord - One main object; one thing that I have especially desired; one thing which has been the object of my constant wish. This ruling desire of his heart the psalmist has more than once adverted to in the previous psalms (compare Psa 23:6; Psa 26:8); and he frequently refers to it in the subsequent psalms.
That will I seek after - As the leading object of my life; as the thing which I most earnestly desire.
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord - See the notes at Psa 23:6.
All the days of my life - Constantly; to the end. Though engaged in other things, and though there were other objects of interest in the world, yet he felt that it would be supreme felicity on earth to dwell always in the temple of God, and to be employed in its sacred services, preparatory to an eternal residence in the temple above. To him the service of God upon earth was not burdensome, nor did he anticipate that he would ever become weary of praising his Maker. How can a man be prepared for an eternal heaven who finds the worship of God on earth irksome and tedious?
To behold the beauty of the Lord - Margin, "the delight."The word rendered "beauty"here -
And to inquire in his temple - Or tabernacle. The word used here would be applicable to either, considered as the "palace"or the residence of Yahweh. As the temple was not, however, built at this time, the word must here be understood to refer to the tabernacle. See the notes at Psa 5:7. The meaning of the passage is, that he would wish to seek instruction, or to obtain light on the great questions pertaining to God, and that he looked for this light in the place where God was worshipped, and by means of the views which that worship was adapted to convey to the mind. In a manner still more direct and full may we now hope to obtain just views of God by attendance on his worship. The Christian sanctuary - the place of public worship - is the place where, if anywhere on earth, we may hope to have our minds enlightened; our perplexities removed; our hearts comforted and sanctifed, by right views of God.
Poole -> Psa 27:4
Poole: Psa 27:4 - -- Though I am exercised with many troubles, there is but one thing that I am very solicitous for, or desirous of, and that is not victory and triumphs...
Though I am exercised with many troubles, there is but one thing that I am very solicitous for, or desirous of, and that is not victory and triumphs over all mine enemies, assured peace and settlement in my throne, the wealth, and pleasure, and glory of enlarging or ruling my empire: or if I have any desire to any of those things, it is chiefly that I may not be disturbed in or driven from the sanctuary and worship of God as I have been, but may have opportunity of constant attendance upon God; that there I may exercise and delight myself in the contemplation of thy amiable and glorious majesty, and of the infinite wisdom, holiness, justice, truth, grace, and mercy, and other perfections, which though hid in a great measure from the world, are clearly manifested in thy church and ordinances. To inquire ; or, diligently to seek ; either God’ s face and favour; or his mind and will, and my own duty; or
the Lord’ s beauty last mentioned, which is discovered more or less, as men are diligent ot negligent in seeking or inquiring into it.
In his temple i.e. in his tabernacle; which he here and elsewhere calls his
temple because it was the same thing for substance; and because his thoughts and affections did constantly and eagerly run out upon the temple; and since he was not permitted to build the thing, he would at least take occasion to solace himself with the name, and thereby to enter his protest of his earnest desire to build it, if God had seen it fit.
Haydock -> Psa 27:4
Haydock: Psa 27:4 - -- Reward. He speaks prophetically, (ver. 5.) or of spiritual enemies. (Berthier) ---
"If they do not understand by kindness, make them understand by...
Reward. He speaks prophetically, (ver. 5.) or of spiritual enemies. (Berthier) ---
"If they do not understand by kindness, make them understand by torments." (St. Jerome) ---
He alludes to the calamities of the Babylonians, who had made such havoc, (Calmet) as well as to that of all who persecuted or rebelled against David. (Haydock) ---
His zeal prompts him to approve of their chastisement. (Worthington)
Gill -> Psa 27:4
Gill: Psa 27:4 - -- One thing have I desired of the Lord,.... Not to be returned to Saul's court; nor to his own house and family; nor to have an affluence of worldly ri...
One thing have I desired of the Lord,.... Not to be returned to Saul's court; nor to his own house and family; nor to have an affluence of worldly riches and honours; but to have constant abode it, the house of the Lord; an opportunity of attending continually on the public worship of God; which is excused and neglected by many, and is a weariness to others, but was by the psalmist preferred to everything else; he being now deprived of it, as it seems;
that will I seek after; by incessant prayer, until obtained; importunity and perseverance in prayer are the way to succeed, as appears from the parable of the widow and unjust judge;
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life: not in heaven, Christ's Father's house, where he dwells, and where the saints, will dwell to all eternity; though to be clothed upon with the house from heaven is very desirable; rather, in the church of the living God, which is the house of God, and pillar of truth, where true believers in Christ have a place and a name, and are pillars that will never go out; but here the place of divine worship seems to be meant, where the Lord granted his presence, and where to dwell the psalmist counted the greatest happiness on earth; he envied the very sparrows and swallows, that built their nests on the altars in it; and reckoned a day in it better than a thousand elsewhere; and to have the privilege of attending all opportunities in it, as long as he lived, is the singular request he here makes: the ends he had in view follow;
to behold the beauty of the Lord, or "the delight and pleasantness of the Lord" g; to see the priests in their robes, and doing their office, as typical of Christ the great High Priest; and the Levites and singers performing their work in melodious strains, prefiguring the churches in Gospel times, singing to the Lord with grace in their hearts, and the four and twenty elders, and one hundred and forty four thousand, with the Lamb on Mount Zion, singing the song of redeeming love; and all the tribes and people of Israel, assembled together to worship God, representing the church of Christ as a perfection of beauty, having the beauty of the Lord upon her, and made perfectly comely through his comeliness; as it is a most delightful sight to see a company of saints attending Gospel worship, meeting together to sing, and pray, and hear the word, and wait upon the Lord in all his appointments; to see them walking in the faith and fellowship of the Gospel, and according to the order of it; this is next to the desirable sight of the bride, the Lamb's wife, in the New Jerusalem state, having the glory of God upon her: moreover, it was a pleasant sight to a believer in those times to behold the sacrifices of slain beasts, which were figures of the better sacrifice of Christ, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world; to which may be added other things that were to be seen by priests; as the ark of the Lord, which had the two tables in it, typical of Christ, the fulfilling end of the law for righteousness; and the table of shewbread, which pointed out Christ the bread of life, and his perpetual intercession for his people; and the golden candlestick, a type of the church, holding forth the word of life to others; with many other things, which, with an eye of faith, the saints of those times could look upon with delight and pleasure: also the presence of the Lord may be intended by his beauty, than which nothing is more desirable to the people of God, even to behold his smiling countenance, to see his face, and enjoy his favour, and to have fellowship with him, and with one another; and particularly the beauty and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ may be designed, represented by the Shechinah, or glory, which filled both the tabernacle and the temple; who being the brightness of his Father's glory, and fairer than the children of men, and altogether lovely and full of grace, is a very desirable object to be beheld by faith;
and to inquire in his temple; to seek the face of the Lord, to consult him in matters of difficulty and moment; to search after the knowledge of divine things, and to ask for blessings of grace, for which he will be inquired of by his people, to bestow them on them.

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TSK Synopsis -> Psa 27:1-14
Maclaren -> Psa 27:4
Maclaren: Psa 27:4 - --God's Guests
One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.'--Psalm...
MHCC -> Psa 27:1-6
MHCC: Psa 27:1-6 - --The Lord, who is the believer's light, is the strength of his life; not only by whom, but in whom he lives and moves. In God let us strengthen ourselv...
Matthew Henry -> Psa 27:1-6
Matthew Henry: Psa 27:1-6 - -- We may observe here, I. With what a lively faith David triumphs in God, glories in his holy name, and in the interest he had in him. 1. The Lord is...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Psa 27:4-5
Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 27:4-5 - --
There is only one thing, that he desires, although he also has besides full satisfaction in Jahve in the midst of strangers and in trouble. The futu...
Constable -> Psa 27:1-14; Psa 27:4-6
Constable: Psa 27:1-14 - --Psalm 27
Many of the psalms begin with a lament and end in trust. This one begins with trust, then sinks...