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Text -- Psalms 78:52 (NET)

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78:52 Yet he brought out his people like sheep; he led them through the wilderness like a flock.
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
JFB , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

JFB: Psa 78:52-54 - -- Or, brought them by periodical journeys (compare Exo 15:1).

Or, brought them by periodical journeys (compare Exo 15:1).

Calvin: Psa 78:52 - -- 52.And he made his people to go forth like sheep The Psalmist again celebrates God’s fatherly love towards the chosen people, whom, as we have else...

52.And he made his people to go forth like sheep The Psalmist again celebrates God’s fatherly love towards the chosen people, whom, as we have elsewhere remarked, he compares to a flock of sheep. They had no wisdom or power of their own to preserve and defend themselves; but God graciously condescended to perform towards them the office of a shepherd. It is a singular token of the love which he bore towards them, that he did not disdain to humble himself so far as to feed them as his own sheep. What could a multitude who had never been trained up to the art of war do against powerful and warlike enemies? So far from having learned the art of war, the people, as is well known, had been employed, when in Egypt, in mean and servile occupations, as if they had been condemned to toil under the earth in mines or in quarries.

TSK: Psa 78:52 - -- But : Psa 77:20, Psa 105:37; Neh 9:12; Isa 63:11-14 like a : Psa 95:7, Psa 100:3; Isa 40:11; Jer 23:2-4; Ezek. 34:11-31; Luk 15:4-6; John 10:11-42

But : Psa 77:20, Psa 105:37; Neh 9:12; Isa 63:11-14

like a : Psa 95:7, Psa 100:3; Isa 40:11; Jer 23:2-4; Ezek. 34:11-31; Luk 15:4-6; John 10:11-42

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Psa 78:52 - -- But made his own people to go forth like sheep ... - That is, he was a shepherd to them. He defended them; provided for them; led them - as a s...

But made his own people to go forth like sheep ... - That is, he was a shepherd to them. He defended them; provided for them; led them - as a shepherd does his flock. See the notes at Psa 23:1-2.

Gill: Psa 78:52 - -- But made his own people to go forth like sheep,.... The people of Israel, whom the Lord chose to be his peculiar people above all others; these he cau...

But made his own people to go forth like sheep,.... The people of Israel, whom the Lord chose to be his peculiar people above all others; these he caused to go forth out of Egypt, with a mighty hand and stretched out arm; like sheep, weak, timorous, unarmed, harmless, and inoffensive, not a dog daring to move his tongue at them: the power of God was wonderfully displayed in the delivery of his poor, helpless, and oppressed people, well may it be ascribed to him; for it was not their arm, but his, that brought them out:

and guided them in the wilderness like a flock; by the hands of Moses and Aaron, Psa 77:20, he also going before them as the Shepherd of the flock, in a pillar of cloud by day, and in a pillar of fire by night; he kept them together as a flock from scattering, straying, and being lost; and directed their way in the untrodden wilderness, through all the windings and turnings of it, and protected them from all dangers and enemies.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Psa 78:1-72 - --1 An exhortation both to learn and to preach, the law of God.9 The story of God's wrath against the incredulous and disobedient.67 The Israelites bein...

MHCC: Psa 78:40-55 - --Let not those that receive mercy from God, be thereby made bold to sin, for the mercies they receive will hasten its punishment; yet let not those who...

Matthew Henry: Psa 78:40-72 - -- The matter and scope of this paragraph are the same with the former, showing what great mercies God had bestowed upon Israel, how provoking they had...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 78:49-59 - -- When these plagues rose to the highest pitch, Israel became free, and removed, being led by its God, into the Land of Promise; but it continued stil...

Constable: Psa 73:1--89:52 - --I. Book 3: chs 73--89 A man or men named Asaph wrote 17 of the psalms in this book (Pss. 73-83). Other writers w...

Constable: Psa 78:1-72 - --Psalm 78 This didactic psalm teaches present and future generations to learn from the past, and it stres...

Constable: Psa 78:12-72 - --3. The record of God's goodness and Israel's unfaithfulness 78:12-72 78:12-20 In his historical review Asaph began with the plagues in Egypt (v. 12). ...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Hebrew title of this book is Tehilim ("praises" or "hymns"), for a leading feature in its contents is praise, though the word occurs in the title ...

JFB: Psalms (Outline) ALEPH. (Psa 119:1-8). This celebrated Psalm has several peculiarities. It is divided into twenty-two parts or stanzas, denoted by the twenty-two let...

TSK: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Psalms have been the general song of the universal Church; and in their praise, all the Fathers have been unanimously eloquent. Men of all nation...

TSK: Psalms 78 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Psa 78:1, An exhortation both to learn and to preach, the law of God; Psa 78:9, The story of God’s wrath against the incredulous and di...

Poole: Psalms (Book Introduction) OF PSALMS THE ARGUMENT The divine authority of this Book of PSALMS is so certain and evident, that it was never questioned in the church; which b...

Poole: Psalms 78 (Chapter Introduction) THE ARGUMENT The scope of this Psalm is plainly expressed Psa 78:6-8 , and is this, that the Israelites might learn to hope and trust in God, and s...

MHCC: Psalms (Book Introduction) David was the penman of most of the psalms, but some evidently were composed by other writers, and the writers of some are doubtful. But all were writ...

MHCC: Psalms 78 (Chapter Introduction) (Psa 78:1-8) Attention called for. (v. 9-39) The history of Israel. (v. 40-55) Their settlement in Canaan. (v. 56-72) The mercies of God to Israel ...

Matthew Henry: Psalms (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of Psalms We have now before us one of the choicest and most excellent parts of all the Old Te...

Matthew Henry: Psalms 78 (Chapter Introduction) This psalm is historical; it is a narrative of the great mercies God had bestowed upon Israel, the great sins wherewith they had provoked him, and ...

Constable: Psalms (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book in the Hebrew Bible is Tehillim, which means...

Constable: Psalms (Outline) Outline I. Book 1: chs. 1-41 II. Book 2: chs. 42-72 III. Book 3: chs. 73...

Constable: Psalms Psalms Bibliography Allen, Ronald B. "Evidence from Psalm 89." In A Case for Premillennialism: A New Consensus,...

Haydock: Psalms (Book Introduction) THE BOOK OF PSALMS. INTRODUCTION. The Psalms are called by the Hebrew, Tehillim; that is, hymns of praise. The author, of a great part of ...

Gill: Psalms (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALMS The title of this book may be rendered "the Book of Praises", or "Hymns"; the psalm which our Lord sung at the passover is c...

Gill: Psalms 78 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALM 78 Maschil of Asaph. Or for "Asaph" f; a doctrinal and "instructive" psalm, as the word "Maschil" signifies; see Psa 32:1, wh...

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