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Text -- Psalms 79:12 (NET)

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79:12 Pay back our neighbors in full! May they be insulted the same way they insulted you, O Lord!
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

JFB: Psa 79:12 - -- The lap or folds of the dress is used by Eastern people for receiving articles. The figure denotes retaliation (compare Isa 65:6-7). They reproached G...

The lap or folds of the dress is used by Eastern people for receiving articles. The figure denotes retaliation (compare Isa 65:6-7). They reproached God as well as His people.

Clarke: Psa 79:12 - -- Sevenfold into their bosom - That is, Let them get in this world what they deserve for the cruelties they have inflicted on us. Let them suffer in c...

Sevenfold into their bosom - That is, Let them get in this world what they deserve for the cruelties they have inflicted on us. Let them suffer in captivity, who now have us in bondage. Probably this is a prediction.

Calvin: Psa 79:12 - -- 12.And render to our neighbors sevenfold We have already said enough on the subject of vengeance; and here the faithful show still more clearly, that...

12.And render to our neighbors sevenfold We have already said enough on the subject of vengeance; and here the faithful show still more clearly, that they are not so much moved by the injuries done to themselves personally, as inflamed with a holy zeal when they see the sacred name of God blasphemed, and, as it were, torn in pieces by the wicked. If this affection reign in our hearts, it will easily moderate the ungovernableness of our flesh, and if the wisdom of the Spirit is added to it, our prayers will be in strict accordance with the just judgment of God.

TSK: Psa 79:12 - -- render : Gen 4:15; Lev 26:21, Lev 26:28; Isa 65:5-7; Jer 32:18; Luk 6:38 wherewith : See note on Psa 44:16, and see note on Psa 74:18-22.

render : Gen 4:15; Lev 26:21, Lev 26:28; Isa 65:5-7; Jer 32:18; Luk 6:38

wherewith : See note on Psa 44:16, and see note on Psa 74:18-22.

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Psa 79:12 - -- And render unto our neighbors - That is, the neighbors who had reproached them; the surrounding people who had seen these calamities come upon ...

And render unto our neighbors - That is, the neighbors who had reproached them; the surrounding people who had seen these calamities come upon them, and who had regarded these calamities as proof that their God was unable to protect them, or that they were suffering under his displeasure. See the notes at Psa 79:4. "Sevenfold."Seven times the amount of reproach which they have heaped upon us. The word seven is often used to denote many, as seven was one of the perfect numbers. The idea is that of complete or full vengeance. Compare Gen 4:15, Gen 4:24; Pro 6:31; Isa 30:26; Mat 18:21-22; Luk 17:4.

Into their bosom ... - Perhaps the allusion here is to the custom of carrying things in the bosom of the flowing dress as it was girded around the loins. "Let them be made to carry with them seven times the amount of reproach which they have endeavored to heap on us."

Poole: Psa 79:12 - -- Sevenfold i.e. either, 1. Abundantly, as this phrase notes, Isa 65:6,7 Jer 32:18 Luk 6:38 . Or, 2. Sensibly, so as it may come home to them, and fa...

Sevenfold i.e. either,

1. Abundantly, as this phrase notes, Isa 65:6,7 Jer 32:18 Luk 6:38 . Or,

2. Sensibly, so as it may come home to them, and fall heavily upon them in their own persons. Reproached thee, as impotent, or unfaithful, or unmerciful to his own people. So they intimate that this desire did not proceed from a revengeful mind, but from a due sense of God’ s favour.

Gill: Psa 79:12 - -- And render unto our neighbours seven fold into their bosom, Not seven fold for one, as the Targum paraphrases it, or a seven fold punishment for one ...

And render unto our neighbours seven fold into their bosom, Not seven fold for one, as the Targum paraphrases it, or a seven fold punishment for one sin; but that he would recompense their sins, or punish for them, and take vengeance on them, largely, abundantly, though not beyond measure, or exceeding the rules of justice; see Gen 4:15,

the reproach with which they have reproached thee, O Lord; by denying his being, or calling in question his perfections of power, truth, and goodness, to help his people; speaking ill of his providence, despising his word and ordinances, and even reproaching his people in reproaching him, Psa 89:50, and this is what a righteous recompence is desired for; see Lam 3:64.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Psa 79:12 Heb “their reproach with which they reproached you, O Lord.”

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Psa 79:1-13 - --1 The psalmist complains of the desolation of Jerusalem.8 He prays for deliverance;13 and promises thankfulness.

MHCC: Psa 79:6-13 - --Those who persist in ignorance of God, and neglect of prayer, are the ungodly. How unrighteous soever men were, the Lord was righteous in permitting t...

Matthew Henry: Psa 79:6-13 - -- The petitions here put up to God are very suitable to the present distresses of the church, and they have pleas to enforce them, interwoven with the...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 79:9-12 - -- The victory of the world is indeed not God's aim; therefore His own honour does not suffer that the world of which He has made use in order to chast...

Constable: Psa 73:1--89:52 - --I. Book 3: chs 73--89 A man or men named Asaph wrote 17 of the psalms in this book (Pss. 73-83). Other writers w...

Constable: Psa 79:1-13 - --Psalm 79 In this psalm Asaph lamented Jerusalem's destruction and pleaded with God to have mercy on His ...

Constable: Psa 79:5-12 - --2. A plea for deliverance 79:5-12 79:5-9 The psalmist wondered how long God would be angry with His people and allow them to suffer defeat and humilia...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Hebrew title of this book is Tehilim ("praises" or "hymns"), for a leading feature in its contents is praise, though the word occurs in the title ...

JFB: Psalms (Outline) ALEPH. (Psa 119:1-8). This celebrated Psalm has several peculiarities. It is divided into twenty-two parts or stanzas, denoted by the twenty-two let...

TSK: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Psalms have been the general song of the universal Church; and in their praise, all the Fathers have been unanimously eloquent. Men of all nation...

TSK: Psalms 79 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Psa 79:1, The psalmist complains of the desolation of Jerusalem; Psa 79:8, He prays for deliverance; Psa 79:13, and promises thankfulness...

Poole: Psalms (Book Introduction) OF PSALMS THE ARGUMENT The divine authority of this Book of PSALMS is so certain and evident, that it was never questioned in the church; which b...

Poole: Psalms 79 (Chapter Introduction) THE ARGUMENT This Psalm was doubtless composed upon the sad occasion of the destruction of Judea and Jerusalem, either by Antiochus, or rather by t...

MHCC: Psalms (Book Introduction) David was the penman of most of the psalms, but some evidently were composed by other writers, and the writers of some are doubtful. But all were writ...

MHCC: Psalms 79 (Chapter Introduction) (Psa 79:1-5) The deplorable condition of the people of God. (Psa 79:6-13) A petition for relief.

Matthew Henry: Psalms (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of Psalms We have now before us one of the choicest and most excellent parts of all the Old Te...

Matthew Henry: Psalms 79 (Chapter Introduction) This psalm, if penned with any particular event in view, is with most probability made to refer to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, and...

Constable: Psalms (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book in the Hebrew Bible is Tehillim, which means...

Constable: Psalms (Outline) Outline I. Book 1: chs. 1-41 II. Book 2: chs. 42-72 III. Book 3: chs. 73...

Constable: Psalms Psalms Bibliography Allen, Ronald B. "Evidence from Psalm 89." In A Case for Premillennialism: A New Consensus,...

Haydock: Psalms (Book Introduction) THE BOOK OF PSALMS. INTRODUCTION. The Psalms are called by the Hebrew, Tehillim; that is, hymns of praise. The author, of a great part of ...

Gill: Psalms (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALMS The title of this book may be rendered "the Book of Praises", or "Hymns"; the psalm which our Lord sung at the passover is c...

Gill: Psalms 79 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALM 79 A Psalm of Asaph. This psalm was not written by one Asaph, who is supposed to live after the destruction of Jerusalem by t...

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