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Text -- Titus 3:6 (NET)

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3:6 whom he poured out on us in full measure through Jesus Christ our Savior.
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Combined Bible , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Tit 3:6 - -- Which ( hou ). Genitive case by attraction from ho (grammatical gender) to the case of pneumatos hagiou . We do not have grammatical gender (only n...

Which ( hou ).

Genitive case by attraction from ho (grammatical gender) to the case of pneumatos hagiou . We do not have grammatical gender (only natural) in English. Hence here we should say "whom,"even if it does not go smoothly with execheen (he poured out, second aorist active indicative of ekcheō ). The reference is to the great Pentecost (Act 2:33) as foretold by Joel (Joe 2:28).

Robertson: Tit 3:6 - -- Richly ( plousiōs ). Then and to each one in his own experience. See note on Rom 10:12; 1Ti 6:17.

Richly ( plousiōs ).

Then and to each one in his own experience. See note on Rom 10:12; 1Ti 6:17.

Vincent: Tit 3:6 - -- Shed ( ἐξέχεεν ) Or poured forth . Only here in Pastorals. Most frequent in Revelation. The pouring out of the Spirit is an O.T. me...

Shed ( ἐξέχεεν )

Or poured forth . Only here in Pastorals. Most frequent in Revelation. The pouring out of the Spirit is an O.T. metaphor. See Joe 3:1, Joe 3:2, cit. in Act 2:17, Act 2:18; Zec 12:10. In Paul the verb occurs but once, of shedding blood, Rom 3:15, cit.

JFB: Tit 3:6 - -- The Holy Ghost.

The Holy Ghost.

JFB: Tit 3:6 - -- Greek, "poured out"; not only on the Church in general at Pentecost, but also "on us" individually. This pouring out of the Spirit comprehends the gra...

Greek, "poured out"; not only on the Church in general at Pentecost, but also "on us" individually. This pouring out of the Spirit comprehends the grace received before, in, and subsequently to, baptism.

JFB: Tit 3:6 - -- Greek, "richly" (Col 3:16).

Greek, "richly" (Col 3:16).

JFB: Tit 3:6 - -- The channel and Mediator of the gift of the Holy Ghost.

The channel and Mediator of the gift of the Holy Ghost.

JFB: Tit 3:6 - -- Immediately; as the Father is mediately "our Saviour." The Father is the author of our salvation and saves us by Jesus Christ.

Immediately; as the Father is mediately "our Saviour." The Father is the author of our salvation and saves us by Jesus Christ.

Clarke: Tit 3:6 - -- Which he shed on us abundantly - Οὑ εξεχεεν· Which he poured out on us, as the water was poured out on them in baptism, to which there...

Which he shed on us abundantly - Οὑ εξεχεεν· Which he poured out on us, as the water was poured out on them in baptism, to which there is here a manifest allusion; but as this was sometimes only sprinkled on the person, the heavenly gift was poured out, not in drops, but πλουσιως, richly, in great abundance

Clarke: Tit 3:6 - -- Through Jesus Christ - Baptism is nothing in itself; and there had been no outpouring of the Holy Spirit, had there been no saving and atoning Chris...

Through Jesus Christ - Baptism is nothing in itself; and there had been no outpouring of the Holy Spirit, had there been no saving and atoning Christ. Through him alone all good comes to the souls of men.

Calvin: Tit 3:6 - -- 6.Which he shed, (or, whom he shed.) In the Greek, the relative may apply either to the “washing” or to the “Spirit;” for both of the nouns...

6.Which he shed, (or, whom he shed.) In the Greek, the relative may apply either to the “washing” or to the “Spirit;” for both of the nouns— λουτρόν and Πνεῦμα — are neuter. It makes little difference as to the meaning; but the metaphor will be more elegant, if the relative be applied toλουτρόν the “washing” Nor is it inconsistent with this opinion, that all are baptized without any distinction; for, while he shews that the “washing” is “shed,” he speaks not of the sign, but rather of the thing signified, in which the truth of the sign exists.

When he, says, abundantly, he means that, the more any of us excels in the abundance of the gifts which he has received, so much the more is he under obligations to the mercy of God, which alone enriches us; for in ourselves we are altogether poor, and destitute of everything good. If it be objected that not all the children of God enjoy so great abundance, but, on the contrary, the grace of God drops sparingly on many; the answer is, that no one has received so small a measure that he may not be justly accounted rich; for the smallest drop of the Spirit (so to speak) resembles an ever-flowing fountain, which never dries up. It is therefore a sufficient reason for calling it “abundance,” that, how small soever the portion that has been given to us it is never exhausted.

Through Jesus Christ 261 It is he alone in whom we are adopted; and therefore, it is he alone, through whom we are made partakers of the Spirit, who is the earnest and witness of our adoption. Paul therefore teaches us by this word, that the Spirit of regeneration is bestowed on none but those who are the members of Christ.

Defender: Tit 3:6 - -- He has not only saved us from sin and death, but saved us to have eternal life more "abundantly" (Greek plousios). The same word is used elsewhere onl...

He has not only saved us from sin and death, but saved us to have eternal life more "abundantly" (Greek plousios). The same word is used elsewhere only in 2Pe 1:11, speaking of our coming entrance into Christ's eternal kingdom, and in Col 3:16 and 1Ti 6:17, where it is translated "richly": "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly," for "the living God ... giveth us richly all things to enjoy.""

TSK: Tit 3:6 - -- he shed : Pro 1:23; Isa 32:15, Isa 44:3; Eze 36:25; Joe 2:28; Joh 1:16, Joh 7:37; Act 2:33, Act 10:45; Rom 5:5 abundantly : Gr. richly, Eph 4:2, Eph 3...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Tit 3:6 - -- Which he shed on us - Greek, "Which he poured out on us"- ἐξέχην exechēn ; see the notes at Act 2:17. The same Greek word is u...

Which he shed on us - Greek, "Which he poured out on us"- ἐξέχην exechēn ; see the notes at Act 2:17. The same Greek word is used there as here. It occurs also in the same sense in Act 2:18, Act 2:33.

Abundantly - Margin, as in Greek, "richly."The meaning is, that the Holy Spirit had been imparted in copious measure in order to convert them from their former wickedness. There is no particular allusion here to the day of Pentecost, but the sense is, that the Holy Spirit had been imparted richly to all who were converted, at any time or place, from the error of their ways. What the apostle says here is true of all who become Christians, and can be applied to all who become believers in any age or land,

Through Jesus Christ our Saviour - See Notes, Act 2:33.

Poole: Tit 3:6 - -- Which Holy Spirit, as well for the renewing of us, as for the collation of more common or extraordinary gifts, God poured out upon us abundantly, t...

Which Holy Spirit, as well for the renewing of us, as for the collation of more common or extraordinary gifts, God poured out upon us

abundantly, through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ our Saviour

Haydock: Tit 3:6 - -- All presumption of human merits, which have not the grace of Jesus Christ for their principle, is here completely confounded; and the whole glory of o...

All presumption of human merits, which have not the grace of Jesus Christ for their principle, is here completely confounded; and the whole glory of our salvation is justly attributed to the mercy of God, through Jesus Christ. A new birth, new creature, new spirit. The effusion of the water upon the body in baptism, is a figure of the salutary effusion of the holy Spirit in the soul to renew it, and to make it a child of God.

Gill: Tit 3:6 - -- Which he shed on us abundantly,.... "Or richly"; either which love he shed abroad in the hearts of those whom he regenerated and renewed by his Spirit...

Which he shed on us abundantly,.... "Or richly"; either which love he shed abroad in the hearts of those whom he regenerated and renewed by his Spirit; or which water of regeneration, that is, grace, comparable to water, he plentifully shed, and caused to abound where sin had done; or rather whom, or which Holy Spirit, with his gifts and graces, such as faith, hope, and love, and every other, he poured forth in great abundance on them; see Isa 44:3

through Jesus Christ our Saviour; the love and kindness of God the Father our Saviour, comes through him; the mercy of God streams through him; the salvation itself is by, and through him; the grace communicated in regeneration and renovation is out of his fulness; the Spirit himself is given forth from him; and every supply of grace, by which the work is carried on, comes out of his hands; and everything wrought in us, that is well pleasing in the sight of God, is through him; and even the gift of God, eternal life itself.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Tit 3:6 Or “on us richly.”

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Tit 3:1-15 - --1 Titus is yet further directed by Paul, both concerning the things that he should teach and not teach.10 He is to reject obstinate heretics.12 He app...

Combined Bible: Tit 3:6 - --Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour;

MHCC: Tit 3:1-7 - --Spiritual privileges do not make void or weaken, but confirm civil duties. Mere good words and good meanings are not enough without good works. They w...

Matthew Henry: Tit 3:1-8 - -- Here is the fourth thing in the matter of the epistle. The apostle had directed Titus in reference to the particular and special duties of several s...

Barclay: Tit 3:3-7 - --The dynamic of the Christian life is twofold. It comes first from the realization that converts to Christianity were once no better than their heathen...

Barclay: Tit 3:3-7 - --(iv) The grace and love of God are mediated to men within the Church, but behind it all is the power of the Holy Spirit. All the work of the Church,...

Constable: Tit 1:5--3:12 - --II. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETTING THE CHURCH IN ORDER 1:5--3:11 As in 1 Timothy, Paul plunged into the business of hi...

Constable: Tit 3:1-11 - --2. The behavior of all in the church 3:1-11 Paul broadened the focus of his instructions to clar...

Constable: Tit 3:1-8 - --Individual responsibility 3:1-8 "After a brief exhortation to Titus (2:15) to teach thes...

Constable: Tit 3:3-8 - --Rationale 3:3-8 3:3 To motivate his readers to obey these commands Paul encouraged them by reminding them of the way they used to be. They had already...

College: Tit 3:1-15 - --TITUS 3 IV. STANDARDS FOR CHRISTIAN BEHAVIOR (3:1-11) A. RESPECT FOR GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES (3:1) 1 Remind the people to be subject to rulers and a...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Titus (Book Introduction) The Epistle to Titus Probably 66 or 67 Apparently From Nicopolis

JFB: Titus (Book Introduction) GENUINENESS.--CLEMENT OF ROME quotes it [Epistle to the Corinthians, 2]; IRENÆUS [Against Heresies, 3.3.4] refers to it as Paul's; THEOPHILUS OF ANTI...


TSK: Titus 3 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Tit 3:1, Titus is yet further directed by Paul, both concerning the things that he should teach and not teach; Tit 3:10, He is to reject ...

Poole: Titus 3 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 3

MHCC: Titus (Book Introduction) This epistle chiefly contains directions to Titus concerning the elders of the Church, and the manner in which he should give instruction; and the lat...

MHCC: Titus 3 (Chapter Introduction) (Tit 3:1-7) Obedience to magistrates, and becoming behaviour towards all, are enforced from what believers were before conversion, and what they are m...

Matthew Henry: Titus (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Epistle of St. Paul to Titus This Epistle of Paul to Titus is much of the same nature with those to...

Matthew Henry: Titus 3 (Chapter Introduction) Of duties which concern Christians more in common, and the reasons of them (Tit 3:1-8). What Titus in teaching should avoid, and how he should deal...

Barclay: Titus (Book Introduction) A GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS OF PAUL The Letters Of Paul There is no more interesting body of documents in the New Testament than the letter...

Barclay: Titus 3 (Chapter Introduction) The Christian Citizen (Tit_3:1-2) The Double Dynamic (Tit_3:3-7) Cause And Effect (Tit_3:3-7 Continued) The Necessity Of Action And The Danger Of...

Constable: Titus (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background Paul may have visited Crete more than once. It seem...

Constable: Titus (Outline) Outline I. Salutation 1:1-4 II. Instructions for setting the church in order 1:5-3:11 ...

Constable: Titus Titus Bibliography Bailey, Mark L. "A Biblical Theology of Paul's Pastoral Epistles." in A Biblical Theology of...

Haydock: Titus (Book Introduction) THE EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO TITUS. INTRODUCTION. The design of this epistle is much the same as in the two former to Timothy. He...

Gill: Titus (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO TITUS Titus, to whom this epistle is inscribed, was a Greek, an uncircumcised Gentile, and so remained; nor did the apostle circumc...

Gill: Titus 3 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO TITUS 3 In this chapter the apostle exhorts Titus to press various duties incumbent on Christians, with arguments engaging to them;...

College: Titus (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION PLACE OF ORIGIN AND DATE At the time of writing Titus, Paul was in or on his way to Nicopolis where he planned to spend the winter (3:1...

College: Titus (Outline) OUTLINE I. SALUTATION - 1:1-4 II. APPOINTING ELDERS - 1:5-16 A. Qualification of Elders - 1:5-9 B. Elders' Duty to False Teachers - 1:10-...

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