Also see definition of "Compact" in Word Study
COMPACT; COMPACTED - kom-pakt', kom-pakt'-ed (chabhar, "to be joined"; sumbibazo, "to raise up together"): "Compact" appears as translation of chabhar in Ps 122:3, "Jerus .... a city that is compact together" (well built, its breaches restored, walls complete, and separate from all around it); and "compacted" (sumbibazo) occurs in the King James Version Eph 4:16, "fitly joined together and compacted," the Revised Version (British and American) "fitly framed and knit together." In the Revised Version (British and American) "compacted" is also the translation of sunistemi, "to set together" (2 Pet 3:5), "an earth compacted out of water and amidst (margin, through) water," which suggests the idea of water as the primary material (compare Gen 1:2).W. L. Walker
Also see definition of "Compact" in Word Study