Also see definition of "Dispatch" in Word Study
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Disobedience To God |
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| Dispersion Of Nations
| Dispersion, The
| Dispersion, The Jews Of The
DISPATCH - dis-pach': Occurs Tobit 7:8 in the sense of dispatch of business, "Let this business be dispatched" (the Revised Version (British and American) "finished"); 2 Macc 12:18, "before he had dispatched anything" (the Revised Version (British and American) "without accomplishing"); The Wisdom of Solomon 11:19 (20) in the sense of finishing, destroying, "dispatch them at once" (the Revised Version (British and American) "consume"); 2 Macc 9:4 "dispatch the journey" (katanuein), which may mean "finish it q Revised Version (British and American) spells "despatch."
Also see definition of "Dispatch" in Word Study