Also see definition of "Farewell" in Word Study
FAREWELL - far-wel' (chairo), Fare ye, or thou, well: Originally a wish at parting for those faring forth (traveling):(1) As a parting wish at the close of a letter it represents the Greek err(h)oso, "Be strong," imperative of rhonnumi, "to make strong" (Acts 15:29; 23:30 the King James Version; see the Revised Version, margin; 2 Macc 11:21); once chairete (imperative of chairo), "Rejoice!" (2 Cor 13:11, the Revised Version, margin "Rejoice: be perfected").
(2) As equivalent to our saying "good-bye," it represents the Greek apotassomai, "to separate one's self," "to take leave," "to bid farewell" (Lk 9:61, "to bid farewell to them that are at my house"; Acts 18:21, "bade them farewell," the Revised Version (British and American) "taking his leave of them").
W. L. Walker
Also see definition of "Farewell" in Word Study