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GRAPES [isbe]

GRAPES - graps.


GRAPES [bridgeway]

From very early times grapes were widely grown throughout the Middle East (Gen 9:20; 14:18). Grape growing was well established in Canaan long before the Israelites arrived (Num 13:20,24; Deut 6:11). The Israelites in turn carried on grape growing as one of their main agricultural activities (Judg 9:27; 14:5; 21:20; Song of Songs 1:14; 7:12; Amos 4:9; 5:11,17).


A vineyard was usually a rectangular area planted with rows of grape vines and surrounded by a hedge to keep out animals and thieves. Often it contained a tower where a person could keep watch over the workers (Song of Songs 2:15; Isa 5:1-2; Matt 20:1; 21:33). Workers usually pruned the vines in the spring, using specially made pruning hooks (Joel 3:10; John 15:2). They harvested the grapes in summer and, in keeping with Israelite harvesting practices, whatever they did not gather at the first picking they left for the poor (Lev 19:10; Deut 24:21; Obad 5).

People ate grapes fresh and sometimes dried them to make raisins (Num 6:3; 1 Sam 25:18), but most of the grapes they crushed to make wine. They did this by trampling the grapes in a wine press, which was a pit hollowed out of solid rock (Isa 5:2; 16:10; 63:2; Matt 21:33; Rev 14:19-20).

Vines and vineyards provided prophets and teachers with useful illustrations. Old Testament writers likened Israel to God’s vineyard. God took Israel from Egypt and planted it in a good land, doing everything possible for it so that it might bear fruit for him. But Israel failed to produce the fruit that God desired. God therefore ceased to look after it, with the result that enemies plundered and destroyed it (Ps 80:8-13; Isa 5:1-7).

Jesus on occasions used illustrations from the vineyard, mainly to contrast the Jews’ rejection of him with the Gentiles’ acceptance (Matt 20:1-15; 21:28-41). He also used the illustration of the grape vine, to show that if people truly are disciples, they will demonstrate it by the fruits that their union with him produces (John 15:1-11).


Processes of making wine were well known in the ancient world (Gen 9:20-21; Isa 25:6; Jer 48:11). People kept the fermented wine in earthenware pots or goatskin bags, though when goatskin bags became old and brittle they could not stand the pressure of new wine (Jer 13:12; 35:5; Mark 2:22).

Wine was a common drink of the Israelites, in both Old and New Testament times, and was one article of daily food that they offered to God in sacrifice (Exod 29:40; Lev 23:13; Deut 11:14; 18:4; Judg 19:19; Jer 40:10; Matt 11:19). They considered a good supply of wine, along with other articles of daily food, to be one of God’s blessings (Gen 14:18; 27:28; Deut 7:12-13; Prov 9:1-6; Isa 55:1).

People associated wine with merriment and joy (Ps 104:15; Eccles 9:7; Zech 10:7; John 2:1-10), though too much wine could lead to dullness of mind, unfitting behaviour and drunkenness (Prov 31:4-5; Isa 28:7; Hosea 4:11; Hab 2:15; 1 Peter 4:3; Rev 17:2). Israelite law therefore disallowed wine completely for certain people, such as priests and others who set themselves apart to God for special service (Lev 10:9; Num 6:3; Jer 35:8; Luke 1:15). The possibility of drunkenness brought strong warnings concerning the dangers of wine (Prov 20:1; 23:20; 23:29-35; Rom 13:13; 14:21; Eph 5:18). Drunkenness disqualified a person from a position of leadership among God’s people (Isa 28:1-3; 56:9-12; 1 Tim 3:8; Titus 2:3).

Wine had some medicinal value and was used to help heal wounds and illnesses (Prov 31:6; Luke 10:34; 1 Tim 5:23). When mixed with spices it could help deaden pain. But when such a mixture was offered to Jesus on the cross, he refused it (Mark 15:23). The wine (vinegar) that he drank shortly after was the common wine of the people, not drugged wine. Jesus’ purpose in asking for it was not to deaden his pain, but to moisten his mouth so that he could announce his final triumphant words loud enough for all to hear (Mark 15:36-37; John 19:28-30). (For the significance of wine in the Lord’s Supper see LORD’S SUPPER.)

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