: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Haven | Havens, Fair | Havilah | Havoc | Havoth-jair | Havothjair | Havvah | Havvoth Jair | Hawk | Hay | Hazael
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(villages of Jair), certain villages on the east of Jordan, in Gilead or Bashan, which were taken by Jair the son of Manasseh, and called after his name. (Numbers 32:41; 3:14) In the records of Manasseh in (Joshua 13:30) and 1Chr 2:23 The Havoth-jair are reckoned with other districts as making up sixty "cities." Comp. (1 Kings 4:13) There is apparently some confusion in these different statements as to what the sixty cities really consisted of. No less doubtful is the number of the Havoth-Jair. In (1 Chronicles 2:22) they are specified as twenty-three, but in (Judges 10:4) as thirty.

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