Also see definition of "Heavens" in Word Study
HEAVENS [isbe]
HEAVENS - hev'-'nz (shamayim; ouranoi): On the physical heavens see ASTRONOMY; WORLD. Above these, in popular conception, were the celestial heavens, the abode of God and of the hosts of angels (Ps 11:4; 103:19-21; Isa 66:1; Rev 4:2; 5:11; compare Dan 7:10), though it was recognized that Yahweh's presence was not confined to any region (1 Ki 8:27). Later Judaism reckoned seven heavens. The apostle Paul speaks of himself as caught up into "the third heaven," which he evidently identifies with Paradise (2 Cor 12:2).See HEAVENLY.
Also see definition of "Heavens" in Word Study