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Kenah | Kenani | Kenaniah | Kenath | Kenaz | Kenezite | Kenite, The | Kenites | Kenizzites | Kenosis | Kephar
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KENEZITE [smith]

or Ken?izzite (descendant of Kenaz), (Genesis 15:19) an Edomitish tribe. (Numbers 32:12; Joshua 14:6,14)


KENEZITE - ke'-nez-it (qenizzi; Kenezaios): the King James Version in Gen 15:19 and the Revised Version (British and American) uniformly, spell "Kenizzite." The Kenezites were the clan whose name-father was KENAZ (which see). Their land, along with that of their Canaanite tribes, was promised to Abram (Gen 15:19). To this clan belonged Jephunneh, the father of Caleb (Nu 32:12; Josh 14:6,14). It had evidently been absorbed by the tribe of Judah. If the Kenezites went down with Jacob into Egypt, they may have become identified with his family there.

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