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Kitlish | Kitron | Kiyyun | Knead | Kneading | Kneading-Trough | Kneadingtroughs | Knee | Knife | Knock | Knop
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NAVE: Kneading-trough
EBD: Kneading-trough


Kneading-trough [nave]

Ex. 8:3; 12:34; Deut. 28:5, 17.

Kneading-trough [ebd]

the vessel in which the dough, after being mixed and leavened, was left to swell or ferment (Ex. 8:3; 12:34; Deut. 28:5, 7). The dough in the vessels at the time of the Exodus was still unleavened, because the people were compelled to withdraw in haste.

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