Lake Of Fire
LAKE OF FIRE - (limne tou puros): Found in Rev 19:20; 20:10,14(bis),15. Rev 21:8 has "the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone." The brimstone in connection with "the lake of fire" occurs also in Rev 19:20 and 10, the latter being a backward reference to the former passage. In Rev 20:14 the words, "This is the second death, even the lake of fire" are either a gloss originally intended to elucidate 20:15 through a reference to 20:6, or, if part of the text, formed originally the close of 20:15, whence they became displaced on account of the identity of the words once immediately preceding them in 20:15 with the words now preceding them in 20:14. The "lake of fire" can be called "the second death" only with reference to the lost among men (20:15), not with reference to death and Hades (20:14). In all the above references "the lake of fire" appears as a place of punishment, of perpetual torment, not of annihilation (20:10). The beast (19:20); the pseudo-prophet (19:20; 20:10); the devil (20:10); the wicked of varying description (20:15; 21:8), are cast into it. When the same is affirmed of death and Hades (20:14), it is doubtful whether this is meant as a mere figure for the cessation of these two evils personified, or has a more realistic background in the existence of two demon-powers so named (compare Isa 25:8; 1 Cor 15:26,54 ff; 2 Esdras 7:31). The Scriptural source for the conception of "the lake of fire" lies in Gen 19:24, where already the fire and the brimstone occur together, while the locality of the catastrophe described is the neighborhood of the Dead Sea. The association of the Dead Sea with this fearful judgment of God, together with the desolate appearance of the place, rendered it a striking figure for the scene of eschatological retribution. The two other Old Testament passages which have "fire and brimstone" (Ps 11:6; Ezek 38:22) are dependent on the Gen passage, with which they have the figure of "raining" in common. In Rev 21:8, "their part" seems to allude to Ps 11:6, "the portion of their cup." In Enoch 67:4 ff the Dead Sea appears as the place of punishment for evil spirits. Of late it has been proposed to derive "the lake of fire" from "the stream of fire" which destroys the enemies of Ahura in the Zoroastrian eschatology; so Bousset, Die Offenbarung Johannis, 1906, 433, 434. But the figures of a stream and a lake are different; compare 2 Esdras 13:9-11, where a stream of fire proceeds from the mouth of the Messiah for the destruction of His enemies. Besides, the Persian fire is, in part, a fire of purification, and not of destruction only (Bousset, 442), and even in the apocalyptic Book of Enoch, the fires of purification and of punishment are not confounded (compare Enoch 67:4 with 90:20). The Old Testament fully explains the entire conception.Geerhardus Vos
Lake of Fire [baker]
God's final retributive punishment. After Armageddon the beast and false prophet will be tossed into this "lake of burning sulfur, " joined by Satan at the millennium's end, and "tormented day and night for ever and ever" (Rev 19:20; 20:10). After the final judgment, Hades (the personification of God's adversaries) and the wicked are cast here (Rev 20:14-15). Jesus calls this "fiery furnace" gehenna [gevenna] or hell (Matt 13:42; 18:8-9; 25:41).The Old Testament explicitly portrays God's fiery judgment at history's consummation, but not hell (Isa 66:15-16, 24; Ezek 38:22). This concept is developed during the intertestamental period (1 Enoch 90:24-6; 103:8; 4 Macc 12:12; 4 Edras 7:38). Jesus extensively uses the imagery of "hell-fire" (Matt 5:22; 7:19; 13:40-42, 50; 18:8-9; 25:41; Mark 9:43, 48-49; Luke 16:24; John 15:6), derived from the Old Testament descriptions of God's retributive judgment, particularly Sodom's ruin (Gen 19:24; Lev 10:2; Num 16:35; Isa 34:10; Luke 17:29; Jude 7).
This lake of fire and associated imagery convey three important ideas. First, thrown into this lake, the wicked are permanently separated from God's love and good creation, and thus experience the "second death" (Rev 20:14; 21:8). Second, fire denotes God's searing holiness exacting retribution for evil deeds (Heb 10:30; Rev 14:9-11). Third, this "unquenchable fire" portrays hell as everlasting (Mark 9:43, 48; Rev 20:10).Timothy R. Phillips
See also Hell
LAKE OF FIRE [bridgeway]