Also see definition of "Philemon" in Word Study
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ARTS: Philemon
GREEK: 5371 filhmwn Philemon
NAVE: Philemon
EBD: Philemon


In Bible versions:

who kisses

a man in Colosse who was the owner of the slave Onesimus


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Strongs #5371: filhmwn Philemon

Philemon = "one who kisses"

1) a resident of Colosse, converted to Christianity by Paul, and the
recipient of the letter bearing his name

5371 Philemon fil-ay'-mone

from 5368; friendly; Philemon, a Christian: KJV -- Philemon.
see GREEK for 5368

Philemon [nave]

PHILEMON, a Christian in Colosse. Paul's letter to, Philem. 1-25.

Philemon [ebd]

an inhabitant of Colosse, and apparently a person of some note among the citizens (Col. 4:9; Philemon 1:2). He was brought to a knowledge of the gospel through the instrumentality of Paul (19), and held a prominent place in the Christian community for his piety and beneficence (4-7). He is called in the epistle a "fellow-labourer," and therefore probably held some office in the church at Colosse; at all events, the title denotes that he took part in the work of spreading a knowledge of the gospel.

PHILEMON [smith]

the name of the Christian to whom Paul addressed his epistle in behalf of Onesimus. He was a native probably of Colosse, or at all events lived in that city when the apostle wrote to him: first, because Onesimus was a Colossian, (Colossians 4:9) and secondly because Archippus was a Colossian, (Colossians 4:17) whom Paul associates with Philemon at the beginning of his letter. (Philemon 1:1,2) It is related that Philemon became bishop of Colosse, and died as a martyr under Nero. It is evident from the letter to him that Philemon was a man of property and influence, since he is represented as the head of a numerous household, and as exercising an expensive liberality toward his friends and the poor in general. He was indebted to the apostle Paul as the medium of his personal participation in the gospel. It is not certain under what circumstances they became known to each other. It is evident that on becoming a disciple he gave no common proof of the sincerity and power of his faith. His character as shadowed forth in the epistle to him, is one of the noblest which the sacred record makes known to us.


PHILEMON - fi-le'-mon, fi-le'-mun (Philemon): Among the converts of Paul, perhaps while at Ephesus, was one whom he calls a "fellow-worker," Philemon (Philem 1:1). He was probably a man of some means, was celebrated for his hospitality (Philem 1:5-7) and of considerable importance in the ecclesia at Colosse. It was at his house (Philem 1:2) that the Colossian Christians met as a center. It is more than probable that this was a group of the Colossian church rather than the entire ekklesia. His wife was named Apphia (Philem 1:2); and Archippus (Philem 1:2) was no doubt his son. From Col 4:17 we learn that Archippus held an office of some importance in Colosse, whether he was a presbyter (Abbott, ICC), or an evangelist, or perhaps the reader (Zahn), we cannot tell. He is called here (Philem 1:2) Paul's "fellow-soldier."

The relation between the apostle and Philemon was so close and intimate that Paul does not hesitate to press him, on the basis of it, to forgive his slave, Onesimus, for stealing and for running away.


Tradition makes Philemon the bishop of Colosse (Apostolical Constitutions, vii, 46), and the Greek Martyrology (Menae) for November 22 tells us that he together with his wife and son and Onesimus were martyred by stoning before Androcles, the governor, in the days of Nero. With this the Latin Martyrology agrees (compare Lightfoot, Ignatius, II, 535). This evidence, however, is unsatisfactory and cannot be trusted as giving unquestionable facts as to Philemon. The only sure information is that in the epistle bearing his name.

Charles Smith Lewis

PHILEMON [bridgeway]

Among the letters Paul wrote while imprisoned in Rome (see Acts 28:16,30) were two that went to the town of Colossae in Asia Minor. One was for the church in Colossae, the other for Philemon, the Christian in whose house the Colossian church met (Philem 2). In both letters Paul mentions that Epaphras, Mark, Luke, Aristarchus and Demas are with him in his imprisonment (Col 1:7-8; 4:10,12,14; Philem 23-24). In both letters he sends a message to Archippus, who was engaged in God’s work in Colossae (Col 4:17; Philem 2). In particular, Paul talks about Onesimus, a slave who had worked in the house of Philemon (Col 4:9; Philem 10).

Onesimus had fled from his master and, in search of a new life of freedom, had found his way to Rome. There he met Paul, repented of his wrongdoing and became a Christian. He knew that, being a Christian, he should return to his master to correct the wrong he had done. Paul knew Philemon well, and was in fact the person through whom Philemon had first believed the gospel (Philem 19). Paul therefore wrote to Philemon, and though his letter was only a brief personal note, it has been preserved as part of the sacred writings.

Contents of the letter

Paul greets Philemon with a note of thanks that Philemon’s faith has been such an encouragement to the Colossian church (1-7). He then asks Philemon to forgive Onesimus (8-14) and to welcome him back as a brother in Christ, as if he were welcoming Paul himself (15-20). He closes with a few personal notes and greetings from his friends (21-25).

Also see definition of "Philemon" in Word Study

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