In Bible versions:
Prochorus: NET AVS NRSV NASB TEVProcorus: NIV
he that presides over the choirs
one of seven men chosen by the church at Jerusalem to look after the distribution of food
one of seven men chosen by the church at Jerusalem to look after the distribution of food
Strongs #4402: procorov Prochoros
Prochorus = "leader of the chorus"1) one of the seven deacons chosen by the church at Jerusalem
4402 Prochoros prokh'-or-os
from 4253 and 5525; before the dance; Prochorus, a Christian: KJV -- Prochorus.see GREEK for 4253
see GREEK for 5525
Prochorus [nave]
PROCHORUS, an early Christian deacon, Acts 6:5.PROCHORUS [smith]
(leader of the chorus), one of the seven deacons, being the third of the list, and named next after Stephen and Philip. (Acts 6:5)PROCHORUS [isbe]
PROCHORUS - prok'-o-rus (Prochoros) : One of "the seven" chosen by the Christian community in Jerusalem to superintend the dispensing of charity to the widows and other poor (Acts 6:5). The name is Greek, and he may have been a Hellenist. According to tradition he became bishop of Nicomedia and died a martyr at Antioch.