Also see definition of "Rye" in Word Study
Rye [ebd]
=Rie, (Heb. kussemeth), found in Ex. 9:32; Isa. 28:25, in all of which the margins of the Authorized and of the Revised Versions have "spelt." This Hebrew word also occurs in Ezek. 4:9, where the Authorized Version has "fitches' (q.v.) and the Revised Version "spelt." This, there can be no doubt, was the Triticum spelta, a species of hard, rough-grained wheat.
RYE [smith]
(Heb. cussemeth) occurs in (Exodus 9:32; Isaiah 28:25) in the latter the margin reads "spelt." In (Ezekiel 4:9) the text has "fitches" and the margin "rie." It is probable that by cussemeth "spelt" is intended. Spelt (Triticum spelta) is grown in some parts of the south of Germany; it differs but slightly from our common wheat (T. vulgare).
Also see definition of "Rye" in Word Study