In Bible versions:
Sar-sekim: NASBSarsechim: NRSV TEV
Sarsekim: NET NIV
master of the wardrobe
a prince of Babylon who judged Jerusalem when it was captured
a prince of Babylon who judged Jerusalem when it was captured
Strongs #08310: Mykors Sarc@kiym
Sarsechim = "prince of the eunuchs"1) a ruler or general of Nebuchadnezzar at the taking of Jerusalem
8310 Sarckiym sar-seh-keem'
of foreign derivation; Sarsekim, a Babylonian general: KJV -- Sarsechim.Sarsechim [nave]
SARSECHIM, a prince of Babylon. Present at the taking of Jerusalem, Jer. 39:3.SARSECHIM [smith]
(prince of the eunuchs), one of the generals of Nebuchadnezzar?s army at the taking of Jerusalem. (Jeremiah 39:3) (B.C. 588.)SARSECHIM [isbe]
SARSECHIM - sar'-se-kim, sar-se-kim (sarckhim): A prince of Nebuchadnezzar, present at the taking of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar in the 11th year of Zedekiah (Jer 39:3). The versions with their various readings--"Nabousachar" "Nabousarach," "Sarsacheim"--point to a corrupt text. The best emendation is the reading "Nebhoshazibhon" ( = Nabusezib-anni, "Nebo delivers me"); this is based on the reading in Jer 39:13.