Also see definition of "Self-Condemnation" in Word Study
Self-condemnation [nave]
SELF-CONDEMNATION.2 Sam. 24:17; 1 Kin. 8:31, 32; Job 9:20; Prov. 5:12, 13; Matt. 23:31; Matt. 25:24 [Luke 19:21, 22.] Matt. 25:25-27; Mark 12:1-12 Matt. 21:33-41. John 8:9; Acts 22:24; Rom. 2:1 See: Self-crimination; Remorse; Repentance.
Instances of
Achan, Josh. 7:19-25.
David, 2 Sam. 12:5-7.
Ahab, 1 Kin. 20:39-42.
Also see definition of "Self-Condemnation" in Word Study