Also see definition of "Sinner" in Word Study
SINNER [isbe]
SINNER - sin'-er (chaTTa; hamartolos, "devoted to sin," "erring one"): In the New Testament, in addition to its ordinary significance of one that sins (Lk 5:8; 13:2; Rom 5:8,19; 1 Tim 1:15; Heb 7:26), the term is applied to those who lived in disregard of ceremonial prescription (Mt 9:10,11; Mk 2:15 ff; Lk 5:30; Gal 2:15); to those stained with certain definite vices or crimes, as the publicans (Lk 15:2; 18:13; 19:7); to the heathen (Mt 26:45; Gal 2:15; compare Tobit 13:6; 1 Macc 1:34; 2 Macc 2:48,62); to the preeminently sinful (Mk 8:38; Jn 9:24,31; Gal 2:17; 1 Tim 1:9; Jude 1:15). It was the Jewish term for a woman of ill-fame (Lk 7:37; compare Mt 21:32, where it is stated that such had come even to John's baptism also). For the general Biblical conception of the term, see SIN.M. O. Evans
Also see definition of "Sinner" in Word Study