Also see definition of "Sluggard" in Word Study
NET Glossary: a person who is habitually lazy
Sluggard [nave]
SLUGGARDSee: Laziness.
SLUGGARD - slug'-ard: Found only in the Old Testament, and there only in Proverbs. It is the rendering given the word 'atsel everywhere in the Revised Version (British and American), but in the King James Version only in Prov 6:6,9; 10:26; 13:4; 20:4; 26:16 (elsewhere the King James Version translates by "slothful"). The root meaning of ['atsel] is "to be sluggish," "stupid." The English word "slug" is said to be "allied to slack" (Webster).
Also see definition of "Sluggard" in Word Study