In Bible versions:
The Words of Agur: NASBUcal: NIV TEV
Ukal: NET
power, prevalency
perhaps Agur's student to whom Proverbs 30 was written (NIVfn)
perhaps Agur's student to whom Proverbs 30 was written (NIVfn)
Strongs #0401: lka 'Ukal or lka 'Ukkal
Ucal = "devoured"1) student or disciple of Agur
401 'Ukal oo-kawl'
or mUkkal {ook-kawl'}; apparently from 398; devoured; Ucal, a fancy name: KJV -- Ucal.see HEBREW for 0398
Ucal [nave]
UCAL, a man mentioned only in Prov. 30:1.Ucal [ebd]
the name of a person to whom Agur's words are addressed (Prov. 30:1).
UCAL [smith]
(I am strong). According to the received text of (Proverbs 30:1) Ithiel and Ucal must be regarded as proper names; and if so, they must be the names of disciples or sons of Agur the son of Jakeh, an unknown sage among the Hebrews. But there is great obscurity about the passage. Ewald considers both Ithiel and Ucal as symbolical names, employed by the poet to designate two classes of thinkers to whom he addresses himself.UCAL [isbe]
UCAL - u'-kal ('ukhal (see below)): This name occurs along with that of Ithiel (Prov 30:1), both being taken by older interpreters as those of ancient sages. Some have suggested (see Toy, Proverbs, 519 f) that Ucal might be the "Caleol" of 1 Ki 4:31 (Hebrew 5:11). Ucal was also explained as "I can," i.e. "I can maintain my obedience to God," just as Ithiel was taken to be "signs of God." Septuagint, Aquila, Theodotion do not take the words as proper names, and so BDB with others point this word as a vb., "(and) I am consumed" (wa'ekhel, for [~we'ukhal). The last three words of the verse are then translated "I have wearied myself, O God, I have wearied myself, O God, and am consumed."See ITHIEL.
David Francis Roberts