Also see definition of "Abib" in Word Study
In Bible versions:
green fruit; ears of corn
a month in the spring time, about March or April
a month in the spring time, about March or April
Strongs #024: byba 'abiyb
1) fresh, young barley ears, barley2) month of ear-forming, of greening of crop, of growing green
Abib, month of exodus and passover (March or April)
24 'abiyb aw-beeb'
from an unused root (meaning to be tender); green, i.e. a young ear of grain; hence, the name of the month Abib or Nisan: KJV -- Abib, ear, green ears of corn (not maize).Abib [nave]
ABIB, called also Nisan.First month in the Jewish calendar, Ex. 12:2.
Passover instituted, and Israelites depart from Egypt in, Ex. 23:15; Deut. 16:1.
Tabernacle set up in, Ex. 40:2, 17.
Israelites arrive at the wilderness of Zin in, Num. 20:1.
Enter Canaan in, Josh. 4:19.
Jordan's overflow in, 1 Chr. 12:15.
Abib [ebd]
an ear of corn, the month of newly-ripened grain (Ex. 13:4; 23:15); the first of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, and the seventh of the civil year. It began about the time of the vernal equinox, on 21st March. It was called Nisan, after the Captivity (Neh. 2:1). On the fifteenth day of the month, harvest was begun by gathering a sheaf of barley, which was offered unto the Lord on the sixteenth (Lev. 23:4-11).
ABIB [smith]
(green fruits). [ABIB [isbe]
ABIB - a'-bib ('abhibh, young ear of barley or other grain, Ex 9:31; Lev 2:14): The first month of the Israelite year, called Nisan in Neh 2:1; Est 3:7, is Abib in Ex 13:4; 23:15; 34:18; compare Dt 16:1. Abib is not properly a name of a month, but part of a descriptive phrase, "the month of young ears of grain." This may indicate the Israelite way of determining the new year (Ex 12:2), the year beginning with the new moon nearest or next preceding this stage of the growth of the barley. The year thus indicated was practically the same with the old Babylonian year, and presumably came in with Abraham. The Pentateuchal laws do not introduce it, though they define it, perhaps to distinguish it from the Egyptian wandering year.See CALENDAR.
Willis J. Beecher
Also see definition of "Abib" in Word Study