Also see definition of "Elephant" in Word Study
Elephant [ebd]
not found in Scripture except indirectly in the original Greek word (elephantinos) translated "of ivory" in Rev. 18:12, and in the Hebrew word (shenhabim, meaning "elephant's tooth") rendered "ivory" in 1 Kings 10:22 and 2 Chr. 9:21.
ELEPHANT - el'-e-fant (Job 40:15 the King James Version margin, the American Revised Version, margin "hippopotamus," the Revised Version (British and American) "ivory"); 1 Ki 10:22 the King James Version margin; 2 Ch 9:21 the King James Version; 1 Macc 3:34; 6:28 ff; 8:6): Possibly in Job it is the extinct mammoth.See BEHEMOTH; IVORY.
Also see definition of "Elephant" in Word Study