Also see definition of "Brawler" in Bible Study Dictionaries
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: B B- B. Ba Bb Bc Bd Be Bh Bi Bj Bk Bl Bm Bn Bo Bp Br Bs Bt Bu Bv Bw By
bravingly | bravo | bravura | braw | brawl | Brawler | brawling | brawlingly | brawn | brawned | brawner




Noun Brawler has 1 sense


     One that brawls; wrangler.  [1913 Webster]
Common brawler (Law), one who disturbs a neighborhood by brawling (and is therefore indictable at common law as a nuisance). Wharton.



agitator, battler, belligerent, belted knight, bickerer, bitter-ender, blade, bravo, bully, bullyboy, combatant, competitor, contender, contestant, defendant, diehard, disputant, dissentient, dissident, duelist, enforcer, extremist, fencer, feuder, fighter, fighting cock, foilsman, frondeur, gamecock, gladiator, goon, gorilla, hatchet man, hood, hoodlum, hooligan, insubordinate, insurgent, insurrectionary, insurrectionist, insurrecto, intransigent, irreconcilable, jouster, knight, last-ditcher, litigant, malcontent, maverick, militant, mutineer, naysayer, negativist, nonconformist, noncooperator, objector, obstructionist, obstructive, opposer, oppositionist, plaintiff, plug-ugly, protester, quarreler, rebel, resister, revolter, revolutionary, revolutionist, rioter, rival, rough, rowdy, ruffian, sabreur, scrapper, scuffler, squabbler, strong arm, strong-arm man, strong-armer, struggler, subversive, swashbuckler, sword, swordplayer, swordsman, thug, tilter, tough, traitor, tussler, wrangler




N opponent, antagonist, adversary, adverse party, opposition, enemy, the other side, assailant, oppositionist, obstructive, brawler, wrangler, brangler, disputant, filibuster, obstructionist, malcontent, Jacobin, Fenian, demagogue, reactionist, rival, competitor, bete noir.


N disobedience, insubordination, contumacy, infraction, infringement, violation, noncompliance, nonobservance, revolt, rebellion, mutiny, outbreak, rising, uprising, insurrection, emeute, riot, tumult, strike, barring out, defiance, mutinousness, mutineering, sedition, treason, high treason, petty treason, misprision of treason, premunire, lese majeste, violation of law, defection, secession, insurgent, mutineer, rebel, revolter, revolutionary, rioter, traitor, quisling, carbonaro, sansculottes, red republican, bonnet rouge, communist, Fenian, frondeur, seceder, secessionist, runagate, renegade, brawler, anarchist, demagogue, Spartacus, Masaniello, Wat Tyler, Jack Cade, ringleader, disobedient, uncomplying, uncompliant, unsubmissive, unruly, ungovernable, breachy, insubordinate, impatient of control, incorrigible, restiff, restive, refractory, contumacious, recusant, recalcitrant, resisting, lawless, mutinous, seditions, insurgent, riotous, unobeyed, unbidden, seditiosissimus quisque ignavus, unthread the rude eye of rebellion.


N blusterer, swaggerer, vaporer, roisterer, brawler, fanfaron, braggart, bully, terrorist, rough, bulldozer, hoodlum, hooligan, larrikin, roarer, Mohock, Mohawk, drawcansir, swashbuckler, Captain Bobadil, Sir Lucius O'Trigger, Thraso, Pistol, Parolles, Bombastes Furioso, Hector, Chrononhotonthologos, jingo, desperado, dare-devil, fire eater, fury, rowdy, slang-whanger, tough, puppy, prig, Sir Oracle, dogmatist, doctrinaire, jack-in-office, saucebox, malapert, jackanapes, minx, bantam-cock.

Also see definition of "Brawler" in Bible Study Dictionaries
For further exploring for "Brawler" in Webster Dictionary Online

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