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Enclitic, a. [L. encliticus, Gr. 'egkli`tikos, fr. 'egkli`nein to incline; 'en in + kli`nein to bend. See In, and Lean, v. i. ].
Affixed; subjoined; -- said of a word or particle which leans back upon the preceding word so as to become a part of it, and to lose its own independent accent, generally varying also the accent of the preceding word. [1913 Webster]
Enclitic, n.
A word which is joined to another so closely as to lose its proper accent, as the pronoun thee in prithee (pray thee). [1913 Webster]
Enclitic, adj. & n. Gram.
--adj. (of a word) pronounced with so little emphasis that it forms part of the preceding word.
--n. such a word, e.g. not in cannot.
--adj. (of a word) pronounced with so little emphasis that it forms part of the preceding word.
--n. such a word, e.g. not in cannot.
enclitically adv.
LL encliticus f. Gk egklitikos (as EN-(2), klino lean)
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