Also see definition of "Goods" in Bible Study Dictionaries
Word Study
ability, ableness, account, acquaintance, acquest, adequacy, announcement, baggage, blue book, briefing, bulletin, bump, caliber, capability, capableness, capacity, cargo, catalog goods, chattels, cloth, commodities, communication, communique, competence, consignment, consumer goods, consumer items, data, datum, directory, dispatch, dower, dowry, drapery, effects, efficacy, efficiency, endowment, enlightenment, equipment, estate and effects, etoffe, evidence, fabric, facility, facts, factual information, faculty, familiarization, felt, fitness, flair, forte, freight, freightage, gen, general information, genius, gift, goods for sale, guidebook, handout, hard information, havings, hereditament, holdings, impedimenta, incidental information, incorporeal hereditament, info, information, instinct, instruction, intelligence, inventory, it, job lot, knowledge, lace, lading, light, line, line of goods, load, long suit, luggage, mail-order goods, makings, material, mention, merchandise, message, metier, napery, natural endowment, natural gift, not an illusion, notice, notification, pack, parts, payload, possessions, potential, power, powers, presentation, proficiency, promotional material, proof, properties, property, publication, publicity, qualification, rag, release, report, shipment, sidelight, sideline, silk, speciality, staples, statement, stock, stock-in-trade, strong flair, strong point, stuff, sufficiency, susceptibility, talent, talents, textile, textile fabric, texture, the article, the dope, the genuine article, the goods, the know, the scoop, the stuff, the very model, the very thing, tissu, tissue, transmission, vendibles, wares, weave, web, weft, what it takes, white book, white paper, woof, wool, wordROGET THESAURUS
N property, possession, suum cuique, meum et tuum, ownership, proprietorship, lordship, seignority, empire, interest, stake, estate, right, title, claim, demand, holding, tenure, vested interest, contingent interest, beneficial interest, equitable interest, use, trust, benefit, legal estate, equitable estate, seizin, seisin, absolute interest, paramount estate, freehold, fee tail, fee simple, estate in fee, estate in tail, estate tail, estate in tail male, estate in tail female, estate in tail general, limitation, term, lease, settlement, strict settlement, particular estate, estate for life, estate for years, estate pur autre vie, remainder, reversion, expectancy, possibility, dower, dowry, jointure, appanage, inheritance, heritage, patrimony, alimony, legacy, Falcidian law, paternal estate, thirds, assets, belongings, means, resources, circumstances, wealth, money, what one is worth, what one will cut up for, estate and effects, landed property, landed real estate property, realty, land, lands, tenements, hereditaments, corporeal hereditaments, incorporeal hereditaments, acres, ground, acquest, messuage, toft, territory, state, kingdom, principality, realm, empire, protectorate, sphere of influence, manor, honor, domain, demesne, farm, plantation, hacienda, allodium, fief, fieff, feoff, feud, zemindary, dependency, arado, merestead, ranch, free lease-holds, copy lease-holds, folkland, chattels real, fixtures, plant, heirloom, easement, right of common, right of user, personal property, personal estate, personal effects, personalty, chattels, goods, effects, movables, stock, stock in trade, things, traps, rattletraps, paraphernalia, equipage, parcels, appurtenances, impedimenta, luggage, baggage, bag and baggage, pelf, cargo, lading, rent roll, income, maul and wedges, patent, copyright, chose in action, credit, debt, one's own, landed, predial, manorial, allodial, free lease-hold, copy lease-hold, feudal, feodal, to one's credit, to one's account, to the good, to one and his heirs for ever, to one and the heirs of his body, to one and his heirs and assigns, to one and his executors administrators and assign.Merchandise
N merchandise, ware, commodity, effects, goods, article, stock, product, produce, staple commodity, stock in trade, cargo.
Also see definition of "Goods" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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