Word Study
india-rubber fig |
india-rubber plant |
india-rubber tree |
indiadem |
indiaman |
| indian agent
| indian arrowroot
| indian banyan
| indian bean
| indian beech
Noun Indian has 3 senses
- indian(n = noun.person) american indian, red indian - a member of the race of people living in America when Europeans arrived; Array is a kind of amerindian, native american
- indian(n = noun.person) Array - a native or inhabitant of India; Array is a member of bharat, india, republic of india, indian race
- indian(n = noun.communication) american indian, american-indian language, amerind, amerindian language - any of the languages spoken by Amerindians; Array is a kind of natural language, tongue
has particulars: algonquian, algonquin, anasazi, athabascan, athabaskan, athapascan, athapaskan, maya, mayan, nahuatl, olmec, zapotec, zapotecan, buffalo indian, plains indian, chickasaw, coeur d'alene, creek, haida, hoka, hokan, iroquois, muskhogean, muskogean, penutian, pueblo, injun, red man, redskin, salish, shoshone, shoshoni, taracahitian, tlingit, wakashan, aleut, aleutian, eskimo, esquimau, inuit, paleo-american, paleo-amerind, paleo-indian, sannup, squaw
is a member of amerindian race, indian race
is a kind of asian, asiatic
has particulars: assamese, dravidian, gujarati, gujerati, kashmiri, oriya, panjabi, punjabi, mahratta, maratha, bohemian, gipsy, gypsy, roma, romani, romany, rommany, jawan
has particulars: algonquian, algonquian language, algonquin, atakapa, atakapan, attacapa, attacapan, athabascan, athabaskan, athapascan, athapaskan, athapaskan language, muskhogean, muskhogean language, muskogean, muskogean language, na-dene, mosan, caddo, caddoan, caddoan language, iroquoian, iroquoian language, iroquois, kechua, kechuan, quechua, quechuan, quechuan language, maracan language, maraco, tupi-guarani, tupi-guarani language, arawak, arawakan, carib, caribbean language, uto-aztecan, uto-aztecan language, maya, mayan, mayan language, siouan, siouan language, tanoan, tanoan language, hoka, hokan, penutian
Adjective Indian has 2 senses
- indian(a = adj.pert) Array - of or relating to or characteristic of India or the East Indies or their peoples or languages or cultures; "the Indian subcontinent"; "Indian saris" Derived form noun india1
- indian(a = adj.pert) amerind, amerindic, native american - of or pertaining to American Indians or their culture or languages; "Native American religions"; "Indian arrowheads"
Indian, a. [From India, and this fr. Indus, the name of a river in Asia, L. Indus, Gr. , OPers. Hindu, name of the land on the Indus, Skr. sindhu river, the Indus. Cf. Hindu.].
- Of or pertaining to India proper; also to the East Indies, or, sometimes, to the West Indies. [1913 Webster]
- Of or pertaining to the aborigines, or Indians, of America; as, Indian wars; the Indian tomahawk. [1913 Webster]
- Made of maize or Indian corn; as, Indian corn, Indian meal, Indian bread, and the like. [1913 Webster]
Indian, n.
- A native or inhabitant of India. [1913 Webster]
- One of the aboriginal inhabitants of America; -- so called originally from the supposed identity of America with India. [1913 Webster]
Indian, n. & adj.
1 a a native or national of India. b a person of Indian descent.
2 (in full American Indian) a member of the aboriginal peoples of America or their descendants.
3 any of the languages of the aboriginal peoples of America.
1 of or relating to India, or to the subcontinent comprising India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
2 of or relating to the aboriginal peoples of America.
1 a a native or national of India. b a person of Indian descent.
2 (in full American Indian) a member of the aboriginal peoples of America or their descendants.
3 any of the languages of the aboriginal peoples of America.
1 of or relating to India, or to the subcontinent comprising India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
2 of or relating to the aboriginal peoples of America.
Indian clubs a pair of bottle-shaped clubs swung to exercise the arms in gymnastics. Indian corn maize. Indian elephant the elephant, Elephas maximus, of India, which is smaller than the African elephant. Indian file = single file. Indian hemp see HEMP 1. Indian ink Brit.
1 a black pigment made orig. in China and Japan.
2 a dark ink made from this, used esp. in drawing and technical graphics. Indian Ocean the ocean between Africa to the west, and Australia to the east. Indian rope-trick the supposed Indian feat of climbing an upright unsupported length of rope.
Indian summer
1 a period of unusually dry warm weather sometimes occurring in late autumn.
2 a late period of life characterized by comparative calm.
1 a black pigment made orig. in China and Japan.
2 a dark ink made from this, used esp. in drawing and technical graphics. Indian Ocean the ocean between Africa to the west, and Australia to the east. Indian rope-trick the supposed Indian feat of climbing an upright unsupported length of rope.
Indian summer
1 a period of unusually dry warm weather sometimes occurring in late autumn.
2 a late period of life characterized by comparative calm.
ME f. India ult. f. Gk Indos the River Indus f. Pers. Hind: cf. HINDU
American Indian, Amerind, Antarctic, Arctic, Atlantic, Australian aborigine, Bushman, Caucasian, Malayan, Mister Charley, Mongolian, Negrillo, Negrito, Negro, Oriental, Pacific, Red Indian, WASP, black, black man, blackfellow, boy, brown man, burrhead, colored person, coon, darky, gook, honky, jigaboo, jungle bunny, nigger, niggra, ofay, paleface, pygmy, red man, redskin, slant-eye, spade, the Man, white, white man, whitey, yellow man
For further exploring for "Indian" in Webster Dictionary Online