Also see definition of "Poet" in Bible Study Dictionaries
Word Study
Noun Poet has 1 sense
- poet(n = noun.person) - a writer of poems (the term is usually reserved for writers of good poetry); has particulars: bard, elegist, odist, poetess, poet laureate, poet laureate, sonneteer, alcaeus, apollinaire, guillaume apollinaire, wilhelm apollinaris de kostrowitzki, arnold, matthew arnold, arp, hans arp, jean arp, auden, w. h. auden, wystan hugh auden, baudelaire, charles baudelaire, charles pierre baudelaire, benet, stephen vincent benet, blake, william blake, aleksandr aleksandrovich blok, alexander alexandrovich blok, blok, boccaccio, giovanni boccaccio, anne bradstreet, anne dudley bradstreet, bradstreet, bertolt brecht, brecht, brooke, rupert brooke, browning, elizabeth barrett browning, browning, robert browning, burns, robert burns, butler, samuel butler, byron, lord george gordon byron, sixth baron byron of rochdale, calderon, calderon de la barca, pedro calderon de la barca, carducci, giosue carducci, carew, thomas carew, catullus, gaius valerius catullus, chaucer, geoffrey chaucer, ciardi, john anthony ciardi, john ciardi, coleridge, samuel taylor coleridge, corneille, pierre corneille, cowper, william cowper, crane, harold hart crane, hart crane, cynewulf, cynwulf, dante, dante alighieri, de la mare, walter de la mare, walter john de la mare, dickinson, emily dickinson, donne, john donne, dryden, john dryden, eliot, t. s. eliot, thomas stearns eliot, edward fitzgerald, fitzgerald, frost, robert frost, robert lee frost, frederico garcia lorca, garcia lorca, lorca, gilbert, sir william gilbert, william gilbert, william s. gilbert, william schwenk gilbert, allen ginsberg, ginsberg, goethe, johann wolfgang von goethe, gongora, luis de gongora y argote, gray, thomas gray, herrick, robert herrick, hesiod, hoffmannsthal, hugo von hoffmannsthal, hogg, james hogg, homer, gerard manley hopkins, hopkins, horace, a. e. housman, alfred edward housman, housman, edward james hughes, hughes, ted hughes, hugo, victor-marie hugo, victor hugo, henrik ibsen, henrik johan ibsen, ibsen, jarrell, randall jarrell, jeffers, john robinson jeffers, robinson jeffers, jimenez, juan ramon jimenez, ben jonson, benjamin jonson, jonson, erik axel karlfeldt, karlfeldt, john keats, keats, francis scott key, key, friedrich gottlieb klopstock, klopstock, lindsay, nicholas vachel lindsay, vachel lindsay, li po, henry wadsworth longfellow, longfellow, lovelace, richard lovelace, amy lowell, lowell, lowell, robert lowell, robert traill spence lowell jr., lucretius, titus lucretius carus, archibald macleish, macleish, mallarme, stephane mallarme, mandelshtam, mandelstam, osip emilevich mandelstam, osip mandelstam, giambattista marini, giambattista marino, marini, marino, christopher marlowe, marlowe, jose julian marti, marti, martial, andrew marvell, marvell, john edward masefield, john masefield, masefield, edgar lee masters, masters, mayakovski, vladimir vladimirovich mayakovski, george meredith, meredith, john milton, milton, marianne craig moore, marianne moore, moore, moore, thomas moore, morris, william morris, alfred de musset, louis charles alfred de musset, musset, neftali ricardo reyes, neruda, pablo neruda, reyes, alfred noyes, noyes, omar khayyam, ovid, publius ovidius naso, francis turner palgrave, palgrave, francesco petrarca, petrarca, petrarch, pindar, plath, sylvia plath, edgar allan poe, poe, alexander pope, pope, ezra loomis pound, ezra pound, pound, aleksandr sergeyevich pushkin, alexander pushkin, pushkin, jean baptiste racine, jean racine, racine, james whitcomb riley, riley, rainer maria rilke, rilke, arthur rimbaud, jean nicholas arthur rimbaud, rimbaud, edwin arlington robinson, robinson, edmond rostand, rostand, alan seeger, seeger, anne sexton, sexton, bard of avon, shakespeare, shakspere, william shakespeare, william shakspere, percy bysshe shelley, shelley, shevchenko, taras grigoryevich shevchenko, sidney, sir philip sidney, shel silverstein, shelby silverstein, silverstein, dame edith louisa sitwell, dame edith sitwell, sitwell, robert southey, southey, sir stephen harold spender, spender, stephen spender, edmund spenser, spenser, stevens, wallace stevens, sir john suckling, suckling, algernon charles swinburne, swinburne, arthur symons, symons, edmund john millington synge, j. m. synge, john millington synge, synge, tasso, torquato tasso, allen tate, john orley allen tate, tate, sara teasdale, teasdale, alfred lord tennyson, alfred tennyson, first baron tennyson, tennyson, thespis, dylan marlais thomas, dylan thomas, thomas, john trumbull, trumbull, samuel rosenstock, tristan tzara, tzara, johann ludwig uhland, uhland, paul verlaine, verlaine, francois villon, villon, publius vergilius maro, vergil, virgil, andrei voznesenski, voznesenski, robert penn warren, warren, isaac watts, watts, phillis wheatley, wheatley, walt whitman, whitman, john greenleaf whittier, whittier, william carlos williams, williams, william wordsworth, wordsworth, sir thomas wyat, sir thomas wyatt, wyat, wyatt, elinor morton hoyt wylie, wylie, w. b. yeats, william butler yeats, yeats, yevgeni aleksandrovich yevtushenko, yevgeni yevtushenko, yevtushenko, edward young, young
is a kind of author, writer
Derived forms adjective poetic3, verb poetise1, verb poetize1
Poet, n. [F. poëte, L. poëta, fr. Gr. , fr. to make. Cf. Poem.].
One skilled in making poetry; one who has a particular genius for metrical composition; the author of a poem; an imaginative thinker or writer. [1913 Webster]
"The poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling,
Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven." [1913 Webster]
Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven." [1913 Webster]
"A poet is a maker, as the word signifies."
[1913 Webster]
Poet, n. (fem. poetess)
1 a writer of poems.
2 a person possessing high powers of imagination or expression etc.
1 a writer of poems.
2 a person possessing high powers of imagination or expression etc.
Poet Laureate (in the UK) a poet appointed to write poems for State occasions. Poets' Corner part of Westminster Abbey where several poets are buried or commemorated.
ME f. OF poete f. L poeta f. Gk poetes = poietes maker, poet (as POEM)
Meistersinger, Parnassian, advertising writer, annalist, arch-poet, art critic, author, authoress, ballad maker, balladist, balladmonger, bard, beat poet, belletrist, bibliographer, bucoliast, coauthor, collaborator, columnist, compiler, composer, copywriter, creative artist, creative writer, critic, dance critic, diarist, drama critic, dramatist, elegist, encyclopedist, epic poet, essayist, fancier, fantasist, fantast, fili, free lance, free-lance writer, ghost, ghostwriter, humorist, idyllist, imaginer, imagist, inditer, inventor, jongleur, laureate, librettist, literary artist, literary craftsman, literary critic, literary man, litterateur, logographer, lyricist, magazine writer, major poet, maker, man of letters, metrist, minnesinger, minor poet, minstrel, modernist, monographer, muse, music critic, mythicizer, mythifier, mythmaker, mythopoet, newspaperman, novelettist, novelist, occasional poet, odist, pamphleteer, pastoral poet, pastoralist, penwoman, poet laureate, poetaster, poetress, prose writer, reviewer, rhapsode, rhapsodist, rhymer, rhymester, satirist, scenario writer, scenarist, scop, scribe, scriptwriter, short-story writer, skald, sonneteer, storyteller, symbolist, technical writer, troubadour, trouveur, trovatore, vers libriste, vers-librist, versemaker, versifier, word painter, wordsmith, writerROGET THESAURUS
N booklet, writing, work, volume, tome, opuscule, tract, tractate, livret, brochure, libretto, handbook, codex, manual, pamphlet, enchiridion, circular, publication, chap book, part, issue, number livraison, album, portfolio, periodical, serial, magazine, ephemeris, annual, journal, paper, bill, sheet, broadsheet, leaf, leaflet, fly leaf, page, quire, ream, chapter, section, head, article, paragraph, passage, clause, endpapers, frontispiece, cover, binding, folio, quarto, octavo, duodecimo, sextodecimo, octodecimo, encyclopedia, encompilation, library, bibliotheca, press, definitive work, treatise, comprehensive treatise (dissertation), writer, author, litterateur, essayist, journalism, pen, scribbler, the scribbling race, literary hack, Grub-street writer, writer for the press, gentleman of the press, representative of the press, adjective jerker, diaskeaust, ghost, hack writer, ink slinger, publicist, reporter, penny a liner, editor, subeditor, playwright, poet, bookseller, publisher, bibliopole, bibliopolist, librarian, bookstore, bookshop, bookseller's shop, knowledge of books, bibliography, book learning, among the giant fossils of my past, craignez tout d'un auteur en courroux, for authors nobler palms remain, I lived to write and wrote to live, look in thy heart and write, there is no Past so long as Books shall live, the public mind is the creation of the Master-Writ, volumes that I prize above my dukedom.Poetry
N poetry, poetics, poesy, Muse, Calliope, tuneful Nine, Parnassus, Helicon, Pierides, Pierian spring, versification, rhyming, making verses, prosody, orthometry, poem, epic, epic poem, epopee, epopoea, ode, epode, idyl, lyric, eclogue, pastoral, bucolic, dithyramb, anacreontic, sonnet, roundelay, rondeau, rondo, madrigal, canzonet, cento, monody, elegy, amoebaeum, ghazal, palinode, dramatic poetry, lyric poetry, opera, posy, anthology, disjecta membra poetae song, ballad, lay, love song, drinking song, war song, sea song, lullaby, music, nursery rhymes, doggerel, Hudibrastic verse, prose run mad, macaronics, macaronic verse, leonine verse, runes, canto, stanza, distich, verse, line, couplet, triplet, quatrain, strophe, antistrophe, verse, rhyme, assonance, crambo, meter, measure, foot, numbers, strain, rhythm, accentuation, dactyl, spondee, trochee, anapest, hexameter, pentameter, Alexandrine, anacrusis, antispast, blank verse, ictus, elegiacs, elegiac verse, elegaic meter, elegaic poetry, poet, poet laureate, laureate, bard, lyrist, scald, skald, troubadour, trouvere, minstrel, minnesinger, meistersinger, improvisatore, versifier, sonneteer, rhymer, rhymist, rhymester, ballad monger, runer, poetaster, genus irritabile vatum, poetic, poetical, lyric, lyrical, tuneful, epic, dithyrambic, metrical, a catalectin, elegiac, iambic, trochaic, anapestic, amoebaeic, Melibean, skaldic, Ionic, Sapphic, Alcaic, Pindaric, a poem round and perfect as a star, Dichtung und Wahrheit, furor poeticus, his virtues formed the magic of his song, I do but sing because I must, I learnt life from the poets, licentia vatum, mutum est pictura poema, O for a muse of fire!, sweet food of sweetly uttered knowledge, the true poem is the poet's mind, Volk der Dichter und Denker, wisdom married to immortal verse.
Also see definition of "Poet" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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