Word Study
stenotomus chrysops |
stenotus |
stenotus acaulis |
stent |
stenting |
| stentorian
| stentorin
| stentorious
| stentoronic
| stentorophonic
Noun Stentor has 3 senses
- stentor(n = noun.person) - a speaker with an unusually loud voice; is a kind of speaker, talker, utterer, verbaliser, verbalizer
- stentor(n = noun.person) - the mythical Greek warrior with an unusually loud voice who died after losing a shouting contest with Hermes; is a kind of mythical being
- stentor(n = noun.animal) - any of several trumpet-shaped ciliate protozoans that are members of the genus Stentor; is a kind of ciliate, ciliated protozoan, ciliophoran
Derived form adjective stentorian1
is a member of genus stentor
Stentor, n. [L. Stentor, Gr. .].
- A herald, in the Iliad, who had a very loud voice; hence, any person having a powerful voice. [1913 Webster]
- Any species of ciliated Infusoria belonging to the genus
Stentor and allied genera, common in fresh water. The stentors have a bell-shaped, or cornucopia-like, body with a circle of cilia around the spiral terminal disk. See Illust. under Heterotricha. [1913 Webster] - A howling monkey, or howler. [1913 Webster]
Stentor, n. (also stentor) a person with a powerful voice.
stentorian adj.
Gk Stentor, herald in the Trojan War (Homer, Iliad v. 785)
N loudness, power, loud noise, din, blare, clang, clangor, clatter, noise, bombilation, roar, uproar, racket, hubbub, bobbery, fracas, charivari, trumpet blast, flourish of trumpets, fanfare, tintamarre, peal, swell, blast, larum, boom, bang (explosion), resonance, vociferation, hullabaloo, lungs, Stentor, artillery, cannon, thunder, loud, sonorous, high-sounding, big-sounding, deep, full, powerful, noisy, blatant, clangorous, multisonous, thundering, deafening, trumpet-tongued, ear-splitting, ear-rending, ear-deafening, piercing, obstreperous, rackety, uproarious, enough to wake the dead, enough to wake seven sleepers, shrill &c 410 clamorous stentorian, stentorophonic, loudly, aloud, at the top of one's voice, at the top of one's lungs, lustily, in full cry, the air rings with, the deep dread-bolted thunder.Cry
N cry, voice, hubbub, bark, vociferation, outcry, hullabaloo, chorus, clamor, hue and cry, plaint, lungs, stentor, crying, clamant, clamorous, vociferous, stentorian, open-mouthed.
For further exploring for "Stentor" in Webster Dictionary Online