Word Study
ablactate |
ablactation |
ablaqueate |
ablaqueation |
ablastemic |
| ablated
| ablation
| ablatitious
| ablative
| ablative absolute
Verb ablate has 2 senses
- ablate(v = verb.change) - wear away through erosion or vaporization; is one way to wear, wear down, wear off, wear out, wear thin
- ablate(v = verb.change) - remove an organ or bodily structure; is one way to remove, take, take away, withdraw
Derived forms noun ablation2, adjective ablative2
Sample sentence:
Something ----s something
Derived form noun ablation1
Sample sentence:
Somebody ----s something
abate, abrade, abrase, absorb, assimilate, atomize, bark, bate, be eaten away, bleed white, break up, burn up, chafe, come apart, consume, consume away, corrode, crack up, crumble, crumble into dust, decay, decline, decompose, decrease, deliquesce, deplete, depreciate, die away, digest, diminish, disintegrate, disjoin, disorganize, dissipate, dissolve, dive, drain, drain of resources, dribble away, drop, drop off, dwindle, eat, eat up, ebb, erase, erode, exhaust, expend, fall, fall away, fall off, fall to pieces, file, finish, finish off, fission, fray, frazzle, fret, gall, gnaw, gnaw away, gobble, gobble up, grate, graze, grind, impoverish, ingest, languish, lessen, let up, melt away, molder, plummet, plunge, rasp, raze, rub away, rub off, rub out, run low, sag, scour, scrape, scrub, scuff, shrink, sink, skin, spend, split, squander, subside, suck dry, swallow, swallow up, tail off, tatter, use up, wane, waste, waste away, wear, wear away, wear down, wear off, wear out, wear ragged, weather
For further exploring for "ablate" in Webster Dictionary Online