Word Study
american state
Noun american state has 1 sense
- american state(n = noun.location) - one of the 50 states of the United States; has parts: congressional district
is a kind of province, state
is a part of america, the states, u.s., u.s.a., united states, united states of america, us, usa
has particulars: slave state, free state, al, alabama, camellia state, heart of dixie, ak, alaska, last frontier, arizona, az, grand canyon state, ar, arkansas, land of opportunity, ca, calif., california, golden state, centennial state, co, colorado, connecticut, constitution state, ct, nutmeg state, de, delaware, diamond state, first state, everglade state, fl, florida, sunshine state, empire state of the south, ga, georgia, peach state, aloha state, hawai'i, hawaii, hi, gem state, id, idaho, il, illinois, land of lincoln, prairie state, hoosier state, in, indiana, hawkeye state, ia, iowa, kansas, ks, sunflower state, bluegrass state, kentucky, ky, la, louisiana, pelican state, maine, me, pine tree state, free state, maryland, md, old line state, bay state, ma, massachusetts, old colony, great lakes state, mi, michigan, wolverine state, gopher state, minnesota, mn, north star state, magnolia state, mississippi, ms, missouri, mo, show me state, montana, mt, treasure state, cornhusker state, ne, nebraska, battle born state, nevada, nv, sagebrush state, silver state, granite state, new hampshire, nh, garden state, jersey, new jersey, nj, land of enchantment, new mexico, nm, empire state, new york, new york state, ny, nc, north carolina, old north state, tar heel state, nd, north dakota, peace garden state, buckeye state, oh, ohio, ok, oklahoma, sooner state, beaver state, or, oregon, keystone state, pa, pennsylvania, little rhody, ocean state, rhode island, ri, palmetto state, sc, south carolina, coyote state, mount rushmore state, sd, south dakota, tennessee, tn, volunteer state, lone-star state, texas, tx, beehive state, mormon state, ut, utah, green mountain state, vermont, vt, old dominion, old dominion state, va, virginia, evergreen state, wa, washington, mountain state, west virginia, wv, badger state, wi, wisconsin, equality state, wy, wyoming
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