Word Study
atomic bomb |
atomic clock |
atomic cocktail |
atomic energy |
atomic energy commission |
atomic explosion
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| atomic mass unit
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| atomic number 1
| atomic number 10
atomic explosion
Noun atomic explosion has 1 sense
- atomic explosion(n = noun.event) nuclear explosion - the explosion of an atomic bomb; Array is a kind of bomb blast
has parts: fireball
atomic explosion
N snap, rapping, decrepitation, crepitation, report, thud, burst, explosion, blast, boom, discharge, detonation, firing, salvo, volley, squib, cracker, firecracker, cherry bomb, M, gun, cap, cap gun, popgun, implosion, bomb burst, atomic explosion, nuclear explosion (arms), gunpowder, dynamite, gun cotton, nitroglycerine, nitrocellulose, plastic explosive, plastique, TNT, cordite, trinitrotoluene, picric acid, picrates, mercury fulminate (arms), whack, wham, pow, rapping, Int, kaboom!, whamo!, Heewhack!, pow!.
For further exploring for "atomic explosion" in Webster Dictionary Online